#I’ve heard it’s hard asf so I’m kinda nervous but ya know what we outchea anyway
hypaalicious · 2 years
So I did a small experiment in Twisted Wonderland
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Since I’m meticulously going through each character and getting to 1000 lessons, I wanted to see just how much EXP you can get for doing that many lessons. Just like spell leveling, EXP leveling is also fairly ambiguous (they don’t tell you how much it takes to get to the next level, or how much the bonus stars net each character in a History lesson; it’s just vibes 😂) and I was curious. 1000 lessons is a LOT, but without items it don’t seem like the bar moves very much.
So, I used Malleus as my test subject. I was very unlucky and never pulled a malleus card until recently, so I had a clean slate to start with. I used no items to make sure I get a base idea of how much EXP History of Magic lessons actually will get you.
Welp, after many weeks of grinding… Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes SR went from level 1 to level 50. Dassit. 😭
A THOUSAND lessons can’t even max the lowest baseline level cap of an SR, that’s garbage twst, y’all wrong for that!
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