#I’ve royally fucked up my sleep schedule this week so I’m feeling extra insane sorry
pinchinschlimbah · 7 months
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So I came across this interview clipping a while back and it's been drilling holes in my brain ever since. Let's talk about it. Someone who the Boosh guys were friendly with (I censored it because I don't want R****** B****'s ugly face on my page lol) asked in a fairly jokey way "so like....are y'all gay for each other?" and on a public platform, Julian decided to answer with an earnest "yes."
And not only that! The answer is not just "yes", it's "yes and we think about it constantly." It's "yes and we believe that tension is the thing that's central to what makes our dynamic so good." It's "yes and we would explore it further if we felt we could but we're scared it'll make things weird." It's "yes and any time you've seen us exploring it on screen or stage, it is indeed a reflection of our actual feelings towards each other that we're too scared to try out in real life."
The moment I read this I decided that Noelian is canon. To me at least...you may have a different definition. For me, I don't know or care whether they've ever fucked, but this and countless other things they've said and done have shown me without a shadow of a doubt that the feelings and intentions of both love and lust were absolutely there and they acted on them in what ways they felt they could in the context of their lives and careers at that time, and that's real enough for me. On a related note can we talk about the intro to this performance where Julian explains that the song was written "during a blue time" near the start of their career together and Noel interrupts him to say "We'd made love, the chemistry had gone wrong" and then Julian gets somewhat flustered...........hmmmmm 👀
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