#I’ve unlocked so many ways to draw Tesoro in utter anguish and mutilation
spookyheaad · 7 months
Well well well, I return once more
And Tesoro/Stella thoughts are taking my brain hostage once again; so I have lots to share!
@goldenshowman it’s been a while my friend, more goodies to share!
So I got into the show/comic book Invincible while I was away and all I can say is you need to read that god damn comic/watch that show. I read it all in a month and then met the comic book artist at NYCC back in October and I basically threw my money at him (Artist is Ryan Ottley, for those who are curious).
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Point being is that I’ve taken massive inspiration from his art, it’s just so good, I wanna eat it; absorb it. The way he draws poses, teeth, expressions, and gore are unparalleled. It has so much life and dimension! I’ve been particularly caught up with how he draws teeth and how much it adds to his expressions, so I’m deciding to implement it into my own style! Been doing a lot of practice with it on Tesoro recently.
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Also got some new sketchbooks and markers and am dabbling more in traditional media again.
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Also got a little art notebook so I can occupy myself while at work!
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I also have a ton of cute Tesoro/Stella interactions that I’ve sketched out in the last day or two; their happiness makes me happy ☺️
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I believe this was from back in March, just a Tesoro doodle page (bottom left corner: he doesn’t like your music taste).
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Last two: dynamic posing! Not very fond of the left one, need to tweak it a bit, and the right one? All that needs to be said is that there is a special place in hell for that flamingo bastard.
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