i-dare-say · 5 months
The pain of finishing one of the best fanfictions you've ever read and not being able to talk about it with anyone because 1) no one you know has read that fanfiction 2) NO ONE YOU KNOW HAS READ THE SOURCE MATERIAL EITHER
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
I finished the chapter and surprise! I did cry! I was on my way to give you a comment but I decided that first I will congratulate you for this amazing story! Is crazy to me that this story is more than 300k words, girl, it doesn't feel like it! Al least to me! Cause that probably caused you a lot of headaches lol.
First of all, again, this is not the end but I need to congratulate you for finishing this arc. I will say, there was this fear on my reading the chapters cause I'm always questioning if you are going to delete it or not (this was before I knew that you finished the story) so to finally being here reading this chapter that is the closure to that acr makes me speechless.
I enjoyed the chapter really bad, the last part killed me (I don't want to give spoilers cause people need to read it like NOW!), I was all tears and the way you connected the next arc, I'm impressed. Once I told you that I was really excited to see the mystic falls gang and I can't wait for it! Especially with this last chapter. Don't think I'm ready for the angst tought lol.
Again, CONGRATULATIONS! You managed to prove me how an incredible and passionate author you are and I cannot be more proud to have you as my favorite fic writer ever! Thank u so much! And since I'm cover in tears and it's not even the finally yet I'm thinking I might die when that days comes. I need the next chapter but I won't be mad if we wait our usual 15 days cause girl, I NEED TO RECOVER FROM THIS! Thank u for causing me all these beautiful feelings, thank u for all these tears I'm currently having while writing this, and thank u for this story. Can believe there's only 9 chapters left! 😭
It's amazing how you can make me experience all this with this fic. I will always be grateful that I found The Wolf and that I found you. It's that literal, you don't have an idea of ​​how I'm feeling right now, probably because I don't know how to express myself well. But I haven't stopped crying and crying since I read the chapter, this story means more to me than I ever imagined possible and I don't know, this certainly feels like the season finale of a show and it's killing me! I knew we weren't going to have this fic for forever, but lord, realizing that this is a thing is breaking me! 😭😭😭
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I've already told you this, but ❤️❤️❤️! I do not know what to say! You're just so incredibly kind and always so supportive! This is truly an exchange, because the kind of sweet messages you've sent me throughout this entire story and the lovely aestheric you made truly make my day, so the fact that my fic will offer you some gratification is really all that I could hope for. :)
I always feel sorry that a chapter makes someone cry, but at the same time that's such an amazing compliment! It means the stuff I wrote has truly touched you and I can hardly believe that. I have felt that way so many times about so many fics, and I'm constantly fangirling over the stories that I love, so when someone does the same to mine it's almost surreal. My first instinct is always to say STOP IT I DON'T DESERVE THIS! But I'm trying to be kinder on myself and just feel happy and flattered with that kind of response, so THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️
And lol I know a lot of people were constantly afraid I would delete it, and I can't blame them. 😂 That is the name I have made for myself and I have to own up to it. Tbh, I had many moments when I almost ALMOST gave up. But the support I was getting and going back to read old comments in older chapters made me relax and keep going. Hopefully, things will get better until the end. I'm very excited for the Mystic Falls arc. There will be angst, of course, but there will also be many things I think people were really waiting to see. Not to mention Klaus and Caroline have a lot to figure out. lol And they will!
Again, thank you so so much for this really sweet message! And what are you talking about, you express yourself perfectly! ❤️ But do not worry, you can switch to Spanish any time! :)
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