capn-twitchery · 7 months
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need my brain to pick a side between "cannot talk about things in less than 500 words" and "don't ever post something too long bc people don't wanna read it" bc we CANNOT do both!!!!
(and preferably the first option bc i know the second one is a lie from the depths of the wrong ass anxiety bugs that dwell in everyone's brain)
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chaoticallysimping · 3 years
Crow!Sting x GN!Reader: Leaf piles
Summary: Y/n decides to make a fun day out of both theirs and Sting's day off and plans a bunch of cute Halloween time activities... Not that ya'll get to do all of them before getting derailed as usual lol.
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Halloween time Is my second favorite time of the year, and I'm working on a couple of Halloween fics to celebrate! I wrote this In the span of two hours I think? I had a ton of fun. Hope you enjoy!
“I don’t see the fun In this, Y/n.”
“Well obviously It’s not fun yet but It will be!” You giggled.
Both of you were raking up the beautiful autumn colored leaves into two conjoined large piles. You had been racking your brain to come up with cute little Halloween time activities, and you managed to jam a whole bunch of them Into one day.
You worried you might be overwhelming your boyfriend, but after he said he doesn’t really celebrate Halloween, you decided you wanted to show him how fun it can be.
Sting sighed softly at your enthusiasm. He loved you, but sometimes he worried about you. Especially when you suggested making leaf piles for fun.
“Okay… when does It start being fun? When we start putting them In bags?” He asked as you two finished and set your rakes down.
“We’re not gonna put them In bags! We’re gonna jump into them!”
Sting blinked, looking at the leaf piles then back at you. “I… I’m gonna go make some tea, because you’re clearly not feeling well.”
You grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. “Heyyyy, I mean It. It’s actually really fun! I used to look forward to leaf piles all year when I was a kid.”
He was again doubtful, but after seeing the excited glimmer In your eyes he decided to humor you. “Fine… Is there a specific way I’m supposed to jump?”
“You have to land In the pile, you can’t just jump on it. Watch!” You went running, then jumped up and landed In the pile of autumn colors. You laughed as you had nearly been engulfed entirely by the crisp foliage.
You stood up carefully and picked the leaves off of your clothes, letting them flutter back into your pile. “Like that. Now let’s try together!” You skipped back over to him and got ready to run again. “Ready?”
He took a stance to run too and nodded In response.
“Go!” You both ran and jumped Into your respective leaf piles.
By the time you sat up, Sting was already sitting up looking at you, his expression unreadable. You laughed and reached over, picking the leaves out of his hair. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“... Can we try that again?”
You grinned. “Of course!”
You both got up and got back Into position, when you were about to run this time, Sting grabbed you and went to throw you into the pile, but you held onto his sleeves so you took him down with you.
“You sneaky little…” you paused when you heard something delightful, the most beautiful noise…
You heard him laughing. Stone face Sting could laugh? I mean obviously, but you hadn’t heard It before.
“You can laugh?!” You blurted out.
He sat up and looked at you. Silently, he grabbed a handful of leaves and tried to put them In your hair. You squeaked In surprise and grabbed his wrists, trying to stop him. “Nooo! Stop It! Leave my hair aloooonnne!”
Sting paused, a grin breaking out on his face. “Don’t you mean… leaf your hair alone?”
“Excuse me?? Did you just make a dad joke??” You asked incredulously, but yipped In surprise as you fell backwards Into the leaves whilst trying to match his strength. Apparently he had been holding back to give you a chance up until this point.
“... Maybe.” he answered, grabbing your wrists with one hand and holding them out of his way. “There’s no point In fighting me, I’m stronger than you… You’d be a… Fool-iage to try.”
“You jerk, I don’t know what’s worse! The bullying or the bad jokes!”
“I know, I know… It’s unbe-leaf-able.”
“STING I SWEAR I WILL--” You were cut off by him dropping the leaves in your hair. You whined and pouted. “Meanie.”
He chuckled and leaned down, his face inches from yours. “I thought you wanted me to have fun…?” His lips quirked up into a small smirk as he gazed Into your eyes.
“I mean… yeah, but without bullying me preferably…”
“You started the ‘bullying’. You acted like you couldn’t believe I had a laugh.”
“I was genuinely shocked! … Okay, I guess I could see how you might take offense to that.”
“I didn’t take offense, I’m just saying you started It.”
“Truce?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him. You tilted your head up, briefly brushing your lips against his.
He hummed as he loosened his grip on your wrists. “Fine, truce.”
Sting leaned down, his lips meeting yours as he released your wrists. You felt his hand slip under the small of your back, guiding you back up into a sitting position with him without ever breaking the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck In response. You both got lost In It for a while, but not for too long.
Because you were on a mission now.
You slowly moved from having your arms around his neck to resting your hands on his shoulders, and without warning you shoved him backwards, climbing on top of him.
He gasped sharply, not expecting that. He looked up at you In surprise. “What was that fo--”
“Damn, I guess you really are Falling for me, aren’t you?” You smiled smugly as you climbed on top of him. “Get It?? Fall? I made a leaf pun! And with that, there are no more leaf puns to be had--”
Sting rolled his eyes, smirking. “Leaf me alone.”
But his actions betrayed his words because as he said that he pulled you down so he could kiss you again. Good thing too, because you were about to scream in annoyance that he one upped you.
You guys didn’t end up doing anything else you had planned that day, but at least you both had fun…
There’s always tomorrow!
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
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Skin to Skin (First Date)
Pairing: Loki x Avenger!Reader
Warning: Angst, little Gorey-ish details, Fluff
WC: 2,151
Summary: You're new to the team and end up messing it up with the God of mischief on your first day in. Knowing his reputation you're up for a fun time in the compound.
Note: First of all thank you so much guys for the warm acceptance you gave on our 1st part T....T y'all made my heart so so happy. I hope you'll enjoy this part and I'd love to know how you think. Its a bit long so yay enjoy.
2nd day of our wonderful HBC's Week of Love for the lovely @the-th-horniest-book-club 🥰
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You know what's the fun part of fighting the bad? It's that it doesn't choose a great time. It pops up as randomly as it can. So here you are on your second day trying to go around and meet people, when you got a message to suit up.
Small details are that you and your team are going to keep an eye on one of hydras abandoned bases because Friday had detected some activity there.
What you didn't know is the team you speak of is just you, the Falcon, Natasha and Loki. Yup, how fun will it be? You and the person that doesn't like you in one deadly work. You won't be surprised if somehow between the fighting you'll be stabbed by him. You shook your head to remove the thoughts running in it. You really should stop watching suspense shows. You sighed.
After almost three hours in the air you all finally made it in the location. You scratched your head when you saw that the area is surrounded by a lot of trees.
"Looks like we're up for a fun hide and seek game if there's really people here now." Nat said as she fixed all the weapons secured on her belt. Sam agreed. He activated three of his cute little drones to help out with securing the area for treats.
"We should go. All these small talks will not vanish our enemies." Loki said walking past the three of you. You pouted.
"I think that's mostly because of me. Sorry guys." You said as you finished fixing your knives on your belt and grabbing your metal staff. It's your main weapon because it keeps you from getting near anyone when it's not needed.
"No worries cookies, he's like that to everyone. He didn't really have a choice in being here. He's banished here to help." Sam said using the silly nickname they all choose to give you after you delivered tons of cookies to them.
You look at Loki's retreating back sadly.
You're able to get inside the rusty building without encountering anyone.
"This is a bit creepy. How did Friday detect anything here? There's no one in about 10 kilometers." Sam said as he checked the tech in his arm.
"Maybe it's a ghost?" You joked which earned you a strange look from them. "What? I watch movies." You rolled your eyes at them and continued going to another part of the building to check. It looks like you're in a laboratory slash surgery room. That gave you chills. You tried to not imagine how many bodies were cut and gutted in here.
"You have a very unique mind." Someone said which made you squeak. You turned around swinging your staff towards the voice but was halted by a sting hand. Loki held the end of your staff smirking at you.
"Crap…" you whispered. You didn't do anything again didn't you? "I-I'm sorry." You bit your lips as you relaxed, removing your staff from his hold.
"For someone that works with emotions you do suck at it." He said, smirking at you.
You scratched your nape as you stared up at his face, his very very beautiful face. Ugh!
"I know. Its been a challenge controlling my own. I was so used at controlling others." You said remembering your childhood. How you tried to mold your always bickering parents to play nice when you're around and to act as if they loved you. You know they hated it and they hated you but what can you say you were ten and scared. But they didn't care. All they know is you're an anomaly and that they rather not be around you. That's why as soon as your grandma offered they toosed you away like a hot potato.
You shook your head as your most dreaded memory came up. You frowned and turned to look at Loki again.
"Was that you!?" You asked. You're gritting your teeth as you feel the rage consume you. He just stared down at you smirking wickedly. You boinked away the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. "We're even now." You said gripping your staff.
"Yes we are." He proudly said as he went around checking if he could find anything useful and you did the same.
It really was a lab and they've experimented on people trying to make a brain dead person have functions again. That made your stomach turn especially when you saw the reports of how the patients reacted to that. Some were like dummies and some became vicious. And so many more that you end up closing the files you're reading and you just grabbed them.all to bring them back with you.
"Find anything else?" You asked Loki but he didn't answer so you went to look what he's doing in the room he went in. You found him staring at a cradle.
"There's a body here." He said. That alerted you. Especially when you saw him touch the cradle to open it using his power.
"Nooo Loki don't!" You shouted as the cover of it opened up releasing some kind of gas. Knowing the few things you've read if your guess is correct this is gonna be bad.
You ran to him to grab his arm to pull him away but he didnt move so when you saw the sharp claw like hands coming out the gas you didn't think much and just went in between Loki and the thing.
You gasped in pain as you felt the slicing on your back.
"Good norns! Y/N! You dumb, dumb mortal!" He shouted as he caught you in his arms when your legs gave out. He looked behind you and flicked his hands green mist went to take away the life from the girl from the cradle. You heard its body make noise as it fell down.
Still in Loki's embrace you tried to breathe deep but it ended up just you gasping painfully. The cuts must have been deeper than you thought.
"L-Loki…" you pleaded with him as you felt your breathing start getting shallow and you feel like you're drowning. You must have blood on your lungs by now. You tried to swallow the sobs that tried to get out of your lips and you just stared up at his face. He really have a nice face. It's unfair.
You must have lost your mind because when he caught you staring you smiled up at him which in return got you another frown.
"Stop admiring me. I know I look better than the normal midgard male population. You really must be dumb, why did you jump infront of me. I'm a God I won't be hurt by a mere scratch." He said as he helped you to lay down on the floor as he called out to Nat and Sam on his coms. He turned you on your side to check your injury and you heard him take in a breath.
"Is it bad?" You asked thinking of the worse based on his face.
"Don't get your brain all rilled up, Cookies. It'll be alright." You giggled when you heard him call you on your new nickname.
"S-so I'm cookies to y-you now too." You coughed but still smiling.
"Oh you need to shuush." He said but you can hear the smile in his tone. So your stupidity got you on his goodside.
"How can I s-shuush. This might be my last time to talk. What i-if some parasite is now in me and I'll start walking and biting people." You caughed again as you felt something soothing on your back.
"You need to change what you watch Y/N. That's not healthy anymore." He said, shaking his head. Your back is starting to feel nice now and your head is like it's floating. You giggled again as you touched his face. Even in your groggy brain you felt his emotions. Scared, amused and adoration. Is that all for you? You smiled at him again as your eyes were about to close.
"You should date me Loki." You said. His eyes went wide as he steadied you to pick you up.
"That's the soothing magic talking." He said as he started to walk.
You're about to walk past the table where you put down the files you found when you remember how important they are.
"Wait! Wait! Lemme grab those." You pointed to the tall stocks of folders.
He walked near it and you grabbed them and hugged them on your chest like your life depends on it.
You feel proud of yourself getting them or being carried by Loki. You're not sure which anymore and before he even finds your team you fell asleep.
You woke up in what you guessed as the med bay. You tried to get up and looked around to find no one. You brushed your hair with your hand as you tried to stand but got dizzy. You tried to grip the bed frame for support but you're too slow so you just let yourself fall. You're about to kiss the floor when two strong hands caught you and relief and annoyance flooded your brain.
"You must enjoy being in my arms." He teased as he helped you back on the bed.
"You got nice arms." You joked as you went back on your bed. You took a deep breath and seriously asked him "how did the rest of the mission go?"
"Well, the Widow was able to find some scavengers that tried to loot the structure they came back there before we left and they must have been the ones who triggered Friday's system. The monstrous thing that attacked you is dead officially and we didn't find another of it but we did find a mass grave behind the building." He explained as he sat down on the side of your bed.
You thanked him and relaxed knowing there's no more of that thing around.
"Do you like steak or do you prefer the simple ones?" Loki suddenly asked. You looked at him confused.
"What for?" You asked.
"You have offered me to date you. Have you forgotten?" He said, smirking at you. You felt your cheeks heat up. Crap you did. Mid thinking about tobe a zombie parasite walker time. You looked at him waiting for him to say he's joking but nothing . He just raised one gorgeous eyebrow as he waited.
"You're serious?" You covered your face with one hand as you tried to let what he's saying sink in.
"Very serious, you've felt my darkest emotions I've seen your darkest memories don't you think we're past the getting to know part Sam keep on babbling about?" He said as he slowly touched your elbow with a finger and you felt his sincerity and adoration. Your brain feels like it's about to explode. This majestic person really wants to go out with you. Omg!!!
You slowly nodded and he smiled.
"So stake or not?" He asked again.
"I like steak." You answered back. He smiled and left. Leaving you with so many emotions that you never felt before as your own. Joy, giddiness and something you can't name.
A week after you're out of being stuck on a medical bed you and Loki went to that date. You still can't believe it's happening. He even did all the preparations and stuff. He brought you to a gorgeous restaurant with beautiful music and the tastiest stake you ever had. It was so much fun. He's very funny in his own way. You're both enjoying a walk before going back to the compound when you felt Loki grab your gloved hand. You look up at him.
"What's wrong?" You asked. He just smiled and kissed your hand.
"I'm just very glad I gave myself a chance to know you more and not let what happened to us on our first meeting get to me. You're a very fascinating and beautiful lady Y/N. Thank you for being with me today." He said. You smiled warmly at him as you took off your gloves. You stashed them in the pocket of your coat and brought your hands up to his face but didn't completely touch him.
"May I?" You asked and you saw his face softened. You told him that you will never touch him without his permission.
"Yes…" he answered as he held both your hands and brought them close to his face. He closed his eyes and sighed at the feel of your skin. Feeling that strange feelings again that you can't name you're not sure if it's yours or Loki's emotion. You stepped closer to him and tiptoed to reach his waiting lips. You can't wait to understand that strange feeling but for now you're gonna enjoy how good it feels.
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Tag list
Skin to skin: @delightfulheartdream @victias @kaogasm @marvelgirl7 @alexakeyloveloki @newdaynewyearnewlife @multifandomlife22
Tom Hiddleston and Characters: @jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @CurlyRed2020
The ones with stikes, I cant tag you guys i dunno why T.T
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brakingpoint · 3 years
tagged by @allgaslynobrakes to do this lil tag game! (actually it's a big tag game so i'm putting it under a cut)
1. Why did you choose your url? wanted to start an f1 blog, was absolutely spiralling over drive to survive season 2 episode 10 aka the 35 minutes of television that cured all my mental illnesses. gaslypodium felt like a fitting encapsulation of my brand
2. Any side blogs? this is a sideblog! my main is @lonelyroommp3 and i also have a woefully undercurated ~aesthetic~ blog (there is no coherent aesthetic to it it's just nice pictures) @messiaens
3. How long have you been on tumblr? i've been on this blog since january but my main dates from november 2012 and prior to that i lurked a lot starting in like, 2011 when all my irls got into tumblr but i thought my parents wouldn't let me make an account lol. basically i have long term tumblr poisoning
4. Do you have a queue tag? nope i think i've only even used the queue function once... u get my posts when they hit my silly little brain my beloveds<3
5. Why did you start your blog on the first place? main blog was because i wanted to make friends with my favourite les mis blogs that i'd been sending anons to for several months ahahahaha... i made this blog because i was getting super into f1 but i knew that i was gonna be liveblogging a ton so doing it all on main would be absolutely infuriating to people on main who followed me for like, musical theatre or whatever so i thought i should bite the bullet and actually make a sideblog. this is the first time i've actually had a fandom specific sideblog btw!! normally i am just a multifandom mess
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? pierre looks pretty in it <3
7. Why did you choose your header ? i didn't have a good header for AGES and then dts season 3 dropped and that shot of pierre with the confetti on the monza podium just HIT me and i was like ah... i can make a blog theme out of this
8. What’s your post with the most notes ? i have no clue on this blog but on main i have a couple of 100k+ note posts knocking about. i think THE most popular was a post i made in like 2013 about people changing the pronouns on song covers i think that one made it to like 300k for some reason
9. How many mutuals do you have ? no idea! tbh i don't put a huge amount of stock in mutual follows anyway esp because i am very very bad at remembering to check my follower list and follow people back. so if i've never followed you back it's nothing personal and we can still be besties!!
10. How many followers do you have ? about 280 on here, just over 4000 on main 🥴
11. How many people do you follow ? about 650ish? a lot of them are inactive blogs from 2013 though lol
12. Have you ever made a shit post? everything i make is a shitpost don't worry
13. How often do you use tumblr a day? too much omg. i basically quit using every other social media (i lurk on insta but never post anymore) late last year so this is Thee hub for all my horrible little thoughts and posts
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? not on this blog bc honestly i try to keep my f1 posting relatively drama free but omg i have had some legendary beefs on main
15. How do you feel about the “you need to reblog” posts ? used to be really anxious about the bad luck type ones but now i'm getting a lot better at ignoring them guilt free. if it's one of those "i see you scrolling past this >:( your stance on social issues is solely determined by whether or not you reblog MY post >:(" type deals then honey i am already 5 miles down my dash away from it<3
16. Do you like tag games ? i love them!! i'm always really bad at tagging people though because i'm always like omg nooo we're not besties enough to tag yet they're gonna think i'm weeeeeird
17. Do you like ask games ? in theory but i always forget to keep answering them halfway through esp if they're ones where my reply takes any kind of effort sorry :((
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is mutual famous? i have no idea what this means i think i am out of touch with the youth
19. Do you have a mutual crush? does it count if im mutuals with my girlfriend
20. Tags ? no pressure tags & sorry if you've already done it!! @schwarzevulkan @limp-wrist-max @maxricciardo
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