pensbridgertons · 1 year
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i love you so much, mama. i can't believe this is goodbye. last two times we said goodbye, i thought it was forever. yet here we are. so who knows?
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cutecherrygirl · 10 months
Hey guys! So im really exited for this cuz I've seen this movie hundreds of times and I fell in love with it and I just cant help but imagine Hyunjin and Jisung in this so enjoy! Ill try making this as poetic abd beautiful as possible! I even made a cover 🤭🤭. I wanted to do it on wattpad but idk if anyone would read it tbh so Ill do it here but if y'all want I can write it on wattpad too❤️, and this will be in many many parts ❤️
This will mostly be in Jisungs POV but it might change through the story cuz yeah.
Also Jisung is Elio and Hyunjin is Oliver
This is how I imagine them in this story:
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Warnings: boyxbox
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Pt. 1
Alma de mi vida
if not later, When?
Jisung POV
"Later!" The word, the voice, the attitude.
I'd never heard anyone use "Later" to say goodbye before. It sounded harsh, curt, and dismissive, spoken with veiled indifference of people who may not care to see or hear from you again.
It is the first thing I remember about him, and I can hear ut still today. Later!
I shut my eyes, say the word, and I'm back in Italy (yes this will be in Italy, sorry 😭), so many years ago, walking down the tree-lined driveway, watching him steo out of the cab , billowy blue shirt, wide open collar, sunglasses, straw hat , skin everywhere. Suddenly he's shaking my hand, handing me his backpack, removing his suitcase from the trunk of the cab, asking if my father is home.
It might have started right there and then: the shirt, the rolled - up sleeves, the rounded balls of his heels slipping in and out of his flip flops, eager to test the hot gravel path that led to our house, every stride already asking, Which way to the beach?
This summer's houseguest. Another bore.
Then, almost without thinking, and with his back already turned to the car, he waves the back of his free hand and utters a careless Later! To another passenger in the car who was probably splut the fare from the station. No name added, no jest to smooth out the ruffled leave-taking, nothing. His one-word send-off: brisk, bold, and blunted -- take your pick, he couldn't be bothered Which.
You watch, I thought, this is how he'll say goodbye to us when the time comes. With a gruff,slapdash Later!
Meanwhile, we'd have to put up with him for six long weeks. I was thoroughly intimidated. The unapproachable sort.
I could grow to like him, though. From sharp jaw to rounded heel. Then, within days, I would learn to hate him.
This, the very person whose photo on the application form months earlier had leapt out with promises of instant affinities.
Taking in summer guests was my parents' way of helping young academics revise a manuscript before publication. For six weeks each summer I'd have to vacate my bedroom and move one room longed to my grandfather. Durning the winter months, when we were away in the city, it became a part time toolshed, storage room, and attic where rummor had it my grandfather, my namesake, still ground his teeth in his enteral sleep. Summer residents didn't have to pay anything, were given the full run of the house, and could basically do anything the pleased. Provided they spent an hour or so a day helping my father with his correspondence and assorted paperwork. They became part of the family, and after about fifteen years of doing this, we had gotten used to a shower of postcards and gift packages not only around Christmas time but all year long from people who were now totally devoted to our family abd would go out of their way when they were in Europe to drop B. for a day or two with their family and take nostalgic tour of their old digs.
At meals there were frequently two or three other guests, sometimes neighbours or relatives, sometimes colleagues, lawyers, doctors, the rich abd famous who'd drop by to see my father on their way to their own summer houses. Sometimes we'd even open our dining room to the occasional tourist couple who'd heard of the old villa and simply wanted to come by and take a peek and were totally enchanted when asked to eat with us and tell us about themselves, while Halmoni, informed at the last minute, dishes out her usual fare. My father, who was reserved and shy in private, loved nothing better than to have some precocious rising expert in a filed keep the conversation going in few languages while the hot summer sun, after a few glasses of rosatello , ushered in the unavoidable afternoon torpot. We named the task dinner drudgery -- and, after a while, so did most of our six-week guests.
Maybe it started soon after his arrival durning one of those grinding lunches when he sat next to me and it finally dawned on me that, despite a light tan acquired durning brief stay in Sicily earlier that summer, the color on the palms of his hands was the same as the pale, soft skin of his soles, if his throat,of the bottom of his forearms, which hadn't really been exposed too much sun. Almost a light pink, as glistening and smooth as the underside of a lizard's belly. Private, chaste, unflaged, like a blush on an athlete's face or an instance of dawn on a story night. It told me things about him I never knew to ask.
It may have started durning those endless hours after lunch when everybody lounged about in bathing suits inside and outside the house, bodies sprawled everywhere, killing time before someone finally suggested we head down to the rocks for a swim. Relatives, cousins, neighbours, friends, friends of friends, colleagues, or just about anyone who cared to knock at our gate and ask if they could use our tennis court -- everyone was welcomed to lounge and swim and eat and, if they stayed long enough, use the guesthouse.
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fanficwritinggirl · 3 years
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It had been a long day of classes. Which wasn't unusual seeing as you were in your final year at Hogwarts and your owls were fast approaching. You and Hermione had been spending hours in the library whenever you could in order to prepare and you just felt as though your brain couldn't take in any more information than it already had. But you knew that you could do it. You knew that you had revised as much as you could in order to pass and do well. Passing your owls was one of the most important things in your life at the moment. Well besides your boyfriend Ron. After denying your feelings for each other for years when the battle of Hogwarts happened you both finally admitted your feelings and you have been together ever since. You both needed each other. With everything that happened. The losses both of you had you leaned on each other to get through it. That stuff would either make or break a relationship and for you two it made you relationship. Which yes the previous friendship between you two helped but at the end of the day you two were a strong couple and that was all that mattered.
You sigh as you close the heavy book for potions class and rub your temples groaning. Hermione looks at you equally as tired and gives you a small smile. "I think I've done enough for tonight. I'm going to go up to bed. You coming" she asks you. With a yawn so shake your head. "I'm just going to do an extra half hour and I'll be up" you inform her and she nods her head before picking up her bag. "Also can you tell Ron that I'm here in case he asks' ' you ask her and she nods her head. "Yeah I will. Now don't over do yourself. It'll do more harm than good" she mothers you and you laugh. "Goodnight Hermione" you say. She smiles before walking off.
About 10 minutes later you can feel yourself nodding off to sleep. It was definitely time for you to go to bed. It was quiet in the library. There wasn't anyone there which wasn't unusual for that time in the night. Most of the last years would have done their studying earlier in the evening so that they could have the night off. But for you it was any of the available time that you had.
Sighing you pick up the book, putting it back onto its shelf and grabbing your bag. As you're walking through the library towards the entrance you can't help but feel a presence. You thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you so you just continued on your way. But when you start to hear other footsteps you stop for a second. Which was something that you later would regret. You turn around slowly and all you remember is a dark figure slamming you to the floor and you black out.
Ron's POV
I was sitting in front of the fire in the common room waiting for Y/N. It had been an hour since Hermione had come up and curfew was fast approaching. It wasn't like her to be this late. I mean she is always on time. Maybe she just got lost in studying which wasn't unusual for her.
"You still up, mate" Harry asks me. I turn to see him at the bottom of the stairs. I nod my head at him.
"Yeah, I'm waiting for Y/N. She should be up soon ''I told him. Harry nods his head at me. "Okay well don't be up too long ok '' he says before turning and walking back up the stairs. I look at my watch and groan. Okay I'm going to get her. I know she would be pissy at me if I let her stay any longer. Standing up I walk out of the common room and down to the library.
Walking into the library I see that it is mostly dark. There were only a handful of lights still on. Walking towards all of the litten areas not seeing her at any of them. Panic starts to rise in me when I can't find her. A feeling of dread goes into my gut. I know that she could be anywhere. I mean I could have just missed her. Maybe she just went a different route back. But for some reason no matter how many times that i think that i cant persuade myself that that's what she would do. She took the same route back to the common rooms all of the time back from the library. It was the quickest way and at this time at night she would be exhausted as to why she would take any other route.
It was only when I got near the entrance that I heard crying. Running towards the noise I am shocked to see Y/N lying there. Bloodied. Beaten up. I ran towards her, taking her in my arms. Seeing her face all bruised and swollen, I cried. Help is the only thing that I can shout as I hold onto her.
Waking up my whole body ached. Every single part. I feel a hand on mine holding it tightly. I open my eyes and see Ron with tears in his eyes. He gives me a small smile. "Hey" he quietly says. Holding back tears. I look at him confused. "What happened?" I asked him. He cries putting his head on my hand sobbing uncontrollably. What was going on? "Ron. Love what happened ''I ask him, panicking. He continues to sob when I hear the curtain open and there stands my parents, Dumbledore, Madam Pomfey and McGonagall. My mum walks in taking my other hand tears going down her face. Madam Pomfey comes in closing the curtain behind her before looking at me sadly. "What's going on?" I ask frantically. My mum strokes my hair and I look at her in the eyes looking for answers. She looks me in the eyes and sighs.
"Honey. You were attacked last night" she says slowly. I was shocked. "What do you mean mum. I don't remember anything" I cry, not accepting what happened. She cries while swallowing before speaking again. "Honey you were also raped" she reveals and everything stops.
After that all i remember was them asking me if i wanted to go through with rape testing. To see if they could get anything to help identify who did this to me as I had to recollect what happened. I remember saying yes and going through with it. It was all a blur. I don't remember most of it. But after that I just curled back up into bed. There but not really there. I could see people talking to me but I didn't hear what they were saying. It was just a ringing in my ears. That was all that I could hear. I just kept looking at Ron as he slept. He was always touching my hand to comfort me. I know that he blames himself somehow. But there was nothing that could have prevented it.
2 days later, me and Ron are just staring at each other. We were not saying anything, just staring at each other. It was comforting knowing that he was there. "I'm sorry" he apologizes again. I sigh, shaking my head. I place my hand on his cheek stroking it. "It's not your fault, love. There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that anyone could have done to prevent what happened. He did what he did to me. And I'm going to have to live the rest of my life knowing that he did this to me. There is nothing we can do now. Just move forward the best that I can ''I tell him. He nods his head with tears going down his face. I lean forward placing a kiss on his lips and we hold onto each other.
A week later I had my bags packed and ready to go. It was decided that it would be best for me to spend a few weeks away from Hogwarts in order to get some help for what happened to me. I agreed as long as it didn't affect my education. I didn't want this bastard to have the satisfaction of doing that also. Saying goodbye to Ron and the rest of my friends was hard but they all knew that even though I was strong now. If i didn't get help then this would come back to bite me once again. And I knew that myself as well. With many kisses and hugs from Ron as we stood ready for me to teleport home he promised me that he will be standing there waiting for me when i get back.
And he held that promise. Because he was the first face that I saw as I stepped through a few weeks later. I wasn't going to let what my rapist did to me affect the rest of my life. I'm not going to allow myself to be defined as the girl who was raped. I'm not a victim. I'm a survivor.
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junicai · 3 years
Surprise LIVE!
NCT : 안녕 여러본~~ [180316]
| warnings | none
-> aria spends some time in the practice room, with an unexpected guest.
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A: hi hi everyone! how are you? 
aria is sitting with her back against a white wall, her legs out in front of her as she rests the camera against the mirrors. it looks like she is in a practice room, given the oversized hoodie she is wearing, along with the lack of makeup.
A: it’s not too late for anyone, right? i don’t want to keep anyone awake 😡 if it’s late for you go to bed! you can watch again in the morning
@/lenjoo10: unnie, did you sleep well? have you eaten? 
A: yes! i’m waiting for yuta to finish in the other room, because apparently i’m not allowed walk home after it gets dark
she gestures with her arm towards the door, making a playfully scowling face.
A: he’s taking forever, so i decided i’d come talk to you guys! you’ll keep me company while i wait, right? 
@/luylhaech: of course! make sure you eat when you get home 🤬
A: 😅 yes yes i will, geez. sometimes i think you all are worse than the boys 
the comments flood with objections, saying that they just want her to stay healthy and safe. 
A: oh god ok i’m sorry! i’m sorry i’m sorry, thank you for taking care of me everyone 🥰
she bowed her head slightly to the camera, holding up her hands in an attempt to stop the onslaught of comments.
A: aah ah no you’re all typing too fast! i can’t read them all, hold on a moment. 
@/jaemia183: riri do you have any movie recommendations?
A: for movies? i'm not sure. yesterday i made mark watch howl's moving castle with me again, if that's something.
A: he acted annoyed but i know he loves that movie as much as i do
A: that movie is one of those movies i watched when i was a kid ~ i remember downloading it onto my mother's laptop so i could watch it on planes and long trips
A: 😅 i'm pretty sure i wasn't meant to do that, but i've seen it so often i can probably quote it now
aria ran a hand through her hair, fiddling with the strands that fell over her shoulders
@/thetenthwish: where are the others? 
A: hm, the others? well i know yuta is in the opposite room right now, but he’s working so i can’t get him for you... and a lot of the other boys have already gone home because they have a- thing tomorrow.
aria’s eyes opened wide at her slip of the tongue before she frantically tried to cover it up. her arms waved about and the mic on the phone picked up her legs kicking slightly on the hardwood floor.
@/peachbliss: everyone say goodbye to aria its been nice knowing u
@/doiejei: is that the sound of the sm dungeon door clanging shut?
A: shushhh you’re all going to get me in trouble 😳 can we keep this a secret? for me? 
the comments rush past with affirmatives, and aria relaxed slightly back against the wall.  
A: ah i might owe you my life. taeyongie oppa would kill me - if you're watching this, oppa! nczennie will keep my secret for me, they promised 🥺
aria’s phone buzzes against the wall where she had put it down after reading through some comments. a small ping sounded, indicating a message had been sent to her inbox
A: oh? that might be yuta, i should check that ~
aria leant down to pick up her phone, clicking into the home screen and swiping up the messaging app. her face morphed into surprise before she quickly schooled her expression into something less alarming.
A: ah, i’m sorry everyone, i think yuta is going to be later than he expected and he told me to apologize to you all 😕
@/yukki24: has left the livestream
@/nczeci: has left the livestream
A: but! someone new is going to come pick me up, so i can stay and chat for a bit longer hehe
A: have you met him before? no i don’t think so, not on a vlive yet... only once or twice i’d say. are you excited? 
A: hm, shall we play a guessing game to figure out who it is?
@/junno2567: nooo just tell us :(
A: ahh but where’s the fun in that! ok ok, ill give you all a hint and see if that helps ~ he’s very tall 🥰
@/gothavan: johnny?? 
@/jaemintea2: is it winwin?
A: no, its not an 127 oppa... 
@/jeangimia: is it a new manager or someone? 
@/guraheza: omg please just tell usssss
aria opened her mouth as if to speak, but was silenced by a short knock on the door of the practice room. her head turned to the door off-screen, and she smiled at the person as they entered. 
A: here he is everyone!
lucas popped his head into the frame.
L: heyo~ 
@/haneimi: OMG HI
@/aquarisuh: LUCASSSS 
aria watched the messages on vlive fill up with greetings for lucas, smiling as she turned slightly to watch lucas’ eyes dart quickly over them all, as if he was trying to read each individual message before it got pushed up by more incoming.
A: ta-da ~ lucas was the one coming to get me! i don’t think anyone guessed him, so its still a surprise
L: no one guessed me? 😖
@/taeminniee: NO WE’RE SORRY 
A: are you slandering my hint-giving skills 
L: i don’t think you’re very good at giving hints riri, if they couldn’t guess who i was at all 
L: is riri cute? ive always called you riri... is that cute? 
A: hm,,, maybe. two years? 
L: yeah about that
A: i met him during training - he was sitting outside my practice room and not his own
L: no no i don’t think they need to hear this story, actually i think we need to go now the others are waiting
aria was laughing now, hands pushing away lucas’s arms that had come to wrap around her in an attempt to pull her off screen
A: and and he was waiting for a good, half hour before i arrived and told him that his practice was happening down the hall in the next room 
lucas groaned and put his head in his hands 
A: I could hear him getting scolded through the walls over my music 😂
L: stop it stop it that’s enoughhhhh 
aria poked playfully at lucas’ side, who curls up to protect himself. 
@/honijoo: aria stop being mean to him :( he looks upset
A: its okay nczennie, im not being mean ! he has so many stories to tell about me that i know he will 😡 so im trying to even the playing field before he embarrasses me enough that i cant show my face 😔
this time, lucas’ phone buzzed from his pocket. he pulled it out to check the new notification, before nodding slightly. 
L: riri, i think we have to go now 
A: already? how long has it been- oh GOD its been nearly an hour ok bye czennie! hopefully we don’t get in too much trouble byee byee!
[vlive ended]
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