#I'd be entirely unsurprised if we got a “in whom I am well pleased” reference in Alecto
katakaluptastrophy · 5 months
It's Epiphany, which is definitely one of the areas where everyone's favourite lesbian child of Jod gets a worse deal than Jesus.
The Epiphany is when the (traditionally three but actually an unspecified number of) kings turn up to give toddler Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh, marking the point at which Jesus is revealed to the world as God.
But two other revelatory events are usually marked at Epiphany too: the wedding at Cana, where Jesus is pressured by his mum into transforming water into phenomenal quantities of wine, and Jesus' baptism in the river Jordan, where the sky opens up, the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, and the booming voice of God is heard proclaiming "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).
Poor Gideon does have three main points where her identity is revealed, but she doesn't get fancy yet ominous gifts, loads of booze, or interesting wildlife. Just a flirty cougar telling her to take off her aviators, “Hi, Not Fucking Dead, I’m Dad", and New Rho's whole attention Bajoran workers! moment.
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