#I'll add FF AO3 tags later
admiringtheskies · 5 months
krish's intro + tag list
pronouns: she/they
loml: @fixation-central (and they get a tag too: "#krish&adi get sappy on main")
it took like a year, but i've finally gotten annoyed enough at how disorganized my tumblr is to make tags for different content so that ppl can hopefully follow me for whichever fandoms/other shit they want, and block tags accordingly for the ones they don't
(but i'm also lazy, so i'm not going back to properly tag any of my previous posts except for ones abt my original work, like my fics/personal hcs i also do have literally the max number of posts in my queue right now which i can't be assed to go back and retag, so if you block some tags now you are still gonna see posts that should be in them until my current queue's all emptied... so probably for like a couple more weeks, sorry :/)
"#krish loves the incest dragon world" — A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon content
"#krish's ff: long live the queen": will edit this to add the ao3 link later bc i'm tired rn
"#krish loves the 🦇s" — mostly batfam stuff, but anything DCU will probably end up under here too
"#krish's ff: i have borne hellfire": a/b/o o!batman gen bruce&jason fic, will also edit/add the ao3 link later
"#krish loves magic and hates TERFS" — ...y'all know which fandom this is
"#krish loves the riordanverse" — percy jackson content + possibly some other riordanverse stuff occasionally
"#krish's magpie era" — any random pretty (non-fandom) thing i see that i wanna reblog, bc why not
"#krish likes memes"/"#krish likes history"/“#krish likes science”/"#krish gets on her soapbox" — u get it (sidenote: support 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸, btw)
“#gifts from the Krish Abyss” — i do have Original Ideas™️ in my brain sometimes… i can’t promise that they’re GOOD ideas, but they do Happen
if you are following me (for some fucking reason) and you have a suggestion for another/a more specific tag that would be nice to be able to filter out, just drop a suggestion in my askbox and i'll at least consider it
hope this helps, and y'all will enjoy my now slightly-better-curated bullshit :D
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
The Long Way ARound 17
Sorry for the delay, I completely forgot about this. I know a lot of people enjoyed the Sports Festival arc, hopefully you'll continue to enjoy what comes next.
Chapter Seventeen: Time to Move Forward
"Bye Mom," Izuku says as he puts on his shoes, "I'm leaving for school now." The Sports Festival was two days ago but Yuuei always gives students a few days after the event to rest up. Izuku sure had needed it; he'd slept almost fifteen hours the night after the Festival, exhausted physically and emotionally from the day's activities.
He tries not to be disappointed that there wasn't a call from Yuuei's Heroics department during that time but he supposes it had been a crazy gamble anyways. He's not giving up but... he knows his best shot has come and gone.
"Alright Izuku, be safe. You're quite the celebrity now." His mom says nervously as her fingers lightly touch on the bandage to his forehead where Todoroki had struck him. "You gave me quite a scare the other day. You know I fainted twice just watching you! I almost ran down to school when I saw you collapse during your fight with Katsuki."
"Yes, you already told me and don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm sure everyone's forgotten all about me by now." Izuku waves goodbye as he makes his way to school. It's normal and quiet until he gets to the train station.
"Look! It's the quirkless boy who fought in the Sports Festival!"
"That's not him! He's too skinny."
"Yes it is! Look, he's got the freckles and green hair!"
"He can't really be quirkless, can he? He couldn't have defeated Endeavor's boy like that."
Izuku is quickly swallowed up in a mob of people who are shouting questions at him and jostling him in the crowded station. He looks for an exit in the crowd but is unable to find one. He's going to miss his train at this rate.
"Please," Izuku squeaks, "I need to get to school."
"I heard you bribed your opponents to lose to you, is that true?"
"Have you been transferred into the hero course yet? That'd be wild, I'd love to see that!"
"My grandfather is quirkless; it would mean the world to him if you'd stop by and talk to him." Above the din, Izuku can hear the sound of his train getting ready to depart.
"Excuse me," Izuku says, pushing his way through, "I need to go, sorry!" He shouts back as he breaks free and makes it onto the train by the skin on his teeth. He sighs and leans up against the door as the train starts to move. Jeez what a mess, why would anyone want to- there's a persistent tugging on his pant leg. He looks down to see a young girl of about 5 or 6 in twin tails with tiny little wings poking out of her back.
"You're the hero from the Sports Festival," the girl smiles. "My name is Hinaki and I saw you on TV, I recognize your curly hair."
"Hi Hinaki-chan, I'm Midoriya Izuku and while I'm not a hero, I did compete in the Sports Festival." Izuku says, kneeling down to her level. She smiles brightly and digs in her little backpack for a small notebook with a butterfly on the cover.
"Could you sign my book? I thought you did very well, even fighting that scary guy. I want to look at it when I'm scared so I know to be brave too." Izuku blinks and swallows the tears that are threatening to overwhelm him. He should have expected some reaction to his performance but this... he never could have predicted this.
"Of-of course, I've got a pen right here," Izuku says as he takes the notebook and signs it. "There you go, I hope it helps you. Someone once told me being brave isn't always about winning; it's about being able to stand tall no matter what." Hinaki smiles at the messy signature.
"Thank you! I'll look at it every day!" She answers before dashing back into the crowd; Izuku watches her go with a wobbly smile as he stands up. His first autograph and he's not even a real hero. It's nice know that, no matter where he ends up, he can still make a difference. The moment is interrupted by more people pestering him with questions and comments of all sorts.
He's relieved when he finally reaches his stop. He's never had so much attention in his entire life and it's starting to drive him mad. By the time Izuku fights his way out of the train station, he's running late. His phone buzzes in his hand as he's checking the time.
MindController: Reporters are all around the school looking for you, be careful getting in
MightyBoy: What!? This is insane
Vampira: That's what u get for slamming 3 hero kids into the dirt
Izuku moans as he sprints towards school and he can already see the large crowd of people around the building. It's not like he didn't believe Shinsou but it's still an annoyance. Shouldn't they be bothering actual heroes?
Glowstick: I kno! U should put on a disguise, change clothes with Taketsu!
MightyBoy: WHAT!?
Vampira: No good, I'd bust out of his tiny shirt & pants
Izuku rubs at his head, stressed and flustered and the school day hadn't even begun. He's going to be late for sure. Maybe he can get one of the reporters to write him a note.
IcyHot: Just go around back, it's mostly clear there.
IcyHot: Btw, did you hear anything from the hero department?
MightyBoy: No, I'm afraid you're still stuck with me
Mind Controller: Damn and we almost got rid of you
Izuku really hopes that was sarcasm. Anyway, getting into Yuuei is less of an ordeal than he'd feared. Despite his supposed fame he's still a pretty plain looking kid so he's easily able to blend into a large crowd of students and slip in unnoticed. Izuku sighs with relief until he hears the warning bell go off.
MightyBoy: Going to be late, tell Sensei I'll be there soon
Izuku is so distracted trying to text and run at the same time that he accidently runs into someone. He falls to the ground and shakes his head, already offering up apologies.
"Oh my, our little Gen Ed upstart is getting handsy," an older woman's voice teases. Izuku looks up to find pro hero, Midnight towering over him. "Hey there, cutie," she smirks and Izuku jumps to his feet, face red with embarrassment.
"Hello, Midoriya Izuku, it is I, the principal!" Principal Nedzu says, popping out from behind Midnight. "I've heard a lot about you, young man."
"Oh, uh thanks, I think," Izuku stammers.
"So Midoriya," Midnight asks, "how does it feel to win?"
"Um, but I didn't win?" Izuku says, confused.
"I meant the hearts of Japan, silly," she chuckles before giving him a little wink, "and your teachers."
"I was supervising the third years' event as I always do but all I heard people talking about was the quirkless first year who won the silver medal," Principal Nedzu says as the final bell rings. "Don't worry about that, we'll escort you to class while we talk so you won't be marked down."
"I'm sorry but uh, did I do something wrong, sir?" Izuku asks nervously. Last week he was nobody and now he's being walked to class by the principal and a pro hero.
"Of course not!" The principal laughs. "I just had to meet you; your performance the other day was quite incredible. I can see why everyone was so excited. You have a keen eye for strategy and your martial arts are quite impressive. You train with Rikimaru Daiki, correct? I've heard he's a fine teacher and very selective with students, that alone tells me about your character."
"Wait uh how did you know about Rikimaru-shishou?" Izuku asks, feeling more confused by the second. He looks up at Midnight, "I'm sorry, I don't understand what's happening."
"Don't look at me kid, I'm just here 'cause we happen to be going to the same place." Huh? "Ah and here we are!" Izuku stares blankly at the door to class 1-A. Was this... no, it couldn't be. Izuku stares down at Principal Nedzu in disbelief.
"Apologies to spring this on you so suddenly, we haven't done a transfer in some time so it took a bit longer than expected. Chiura-san has been made aware of the change and your mother signed off on the paperwork this morning. I hope you have a good first day, Midoriya, we expect great things from you."
Izuku can't stop looking between the principal and the sign marking 1-A. No, this isn't possible; things like this didn't happen to him, he can't be... The door to 1-A slides open and Eraserhead is there, free of his bandages, with a bored look on his face.
"You're not off to a good start, being late to your first day of class," Eraserhead says, scratching at a scar on his cheek. "You might as well come in, it's a busy day and you've got a lot to catch up on." Izuku trails behind, feeling like he's in some sort of dream only to startle at the loud cheers coming from the class. "Here's your new classmate, you all know him so I don't need to do an introduction. Don't harass him."
"I can't believe you made it, that is so manly!" A redheaded boy shouts enthusiastically.
"Congrats Midoriya!" Uraraka beams. "This is amazing! I told you he could do it, I told you! I told you!" She says, reaching forward and tugging on Iida's sleeve.
"As class president, I welcome you to the class, Midoriya. I will be sure to orient you to the duties and expectations of 1-A students over lunch," Iida says.
"Midoriya, you're in the seat behind Bakugou. You should recognize him; he beat you in the final round." Eraserhead looks at Kacchan, "barely." Kacchan doesn't say anything and continues to glare angrily out the window. Izuku is looking around with a stunned expression when there's a familiar heat prickling at his eyes.
"Woah, new kid is crying, what do we do?" a blond haired boy says.
"I imagine this is quite the shock, ribbit, I don't think he was told before," a frog girl croaks.
"Thank you for having me," Izuku says, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "I'm going to do my best to keep up with everyone." It's probably not the best impression to make to his new classmates but how can he expect to be calm when his lifelong dream has just been thrust upon him?
"Alright, pull yourself together and sit down," Eraserhead says. "My name is Aizawa Shouta but you will refer to me as Sensei, got it?" Izuku nods and makes his way to the only empty seat in the room.
While Izuku is settling in, Midnight looks over at Aizawa. She raises an eyebrow but he brushes her off. The decision has been made and he's sticking by it.
"I want him," Eraserhead stated firmly in a faculty meeting the day after the Sports Festival. "I don't care how you do it but I want Midoriya Izuku in 1-A when classes resume."
"Really," Midnight said with a little laugh as she turned to her colleague. "You're normally so picky with students. It's amazing you'd actually go out of your way to select one, and someone who's quirkless no less."
"This isn't a joke, that boy has more potential than any other student out there. He has more than earned the right to train alongside the hero students," Eraser glared.
"Look Shouta," Present Mic said with a supplicating gesture. "I know you're probably sweet on him 'cause you also transferred from Gen Ed but there's no way he can really be a hero."
"Midoriya is intelligent and I must admit his performance was impressive," Blood King commented somewhat grudgingly. "But I agree with Yamada that he simply does not have the basic requirements of heroism."
"He did beat Todoroki-kun and Iida-kun," Cementoss added quietly. "And he gave Bakugou-kun a difficult time for a while. I believe that's an adequate demonstration of his abilities."
"Yeah, for a kid's Festival," Midnight interjected. "The villains out there in the real world aren't going to play nice. They're going to kill him dead and it will be our fault."
"We're not talking about the next All Might here," Eraser stressed. "We're talking about someone who is smart and tactical and would be a great asset to our ranks. If he's that good now, imagine what he can become with guidance."
"Alright, settle down," Principal Nedzu said and the bickering tapered off. "I concur with Aizawa-kun that Midoriya shows great promise for a small scale hero but I also hear Kayama-chan about the potential dangers he would face."
Nedzu paused and brought his paws together. "I'd like to hear from the 1-C homeroom teacher, no one here knows the boy better than him. Chiura-san, you've been working at the school for nearly 6 years and with heroes for much longer, what is your opinion on Midoriya Izuku's transfer to Heroics?"
"I think you would be fools not to take him," Chiura Hiro began sternly. "I've seen many students over the years but I've never seen someone as driven as Midoriya is. He has everything required of a great hero: skills, intelligence, compassion. He may not have a quirk but from the way I've seen him train, he's refused to let that get in the way."
"So you'd be willing to sentence him to death?" Midnight said, leaning forward. "Look, I have nothing but respect for you, Chiura-san, but I don't think it's right to throw a defenseless child into the kinds of situations we deal with on a daily basis."
"Let me tell you a little bit about Midoriya Izuku," Chiura said quietly. "He's not much to look at in the classroom. He's quiet, easily flustered and I've never met a young man who cries so freely." Chiura tilted his chin up with resolution. "But the true strength of his character, the reason I recommend him so strongly, is that Midoriya has this ability to bring out the best in people."
"If I may, he reminds me a bit of you, sir," Chiura elaborated, looking directly at All Might who has thus far been silent.
"There are plenty of heroes out there with strong quirks but the truly special ones inspire people and cause greater change in others. Midoriya turned three would-be slackers into hardworking students, helped socialize an anti-social boy and brought up the performance and morale of the entire class. Midoriya won't be your most powerful student, but he will be the one making the greatest changes. I believe he has the potential to reshape the industry."
"I've never seen Todoroki use his fire like he did at the Festival," Mic admitted with a shrug. "Midoriya was shouting something at him on the field but whatever it was, it got Endeavor's boy fired up in a way I haven't seen before." Mic blinked, "ha! Fired up! Get it?"
"I spoke to Todoroki after the Festival," Eraser added, ignoring Mic. "Despite receiving some of the worst injuries of the first years; he asked, practically demanded, that Midoriya take the open seat in 1-A. He said that no one deserved the spot more than Midoriya did."
"It's still an awful lot to place on a young boy's shoulders," Cementoss commented.
"It is, Heroics is a tremendous burden for all who join up," Chiura added. "Despite his condition, he has greater strength of heart than most people I've met. He's the kind of person who would carry his opponent off the field for medical treatment and would risk expulsion to make sure an injured friend wasn't alone. It's for that reason I give him my full recommendation."
"Alright, I think we've heard enough," Nedzu said, looking around the table. "Thank you Chiura-san, you've been very informative. We'll be making our final decision soon and we'll let you know what we decide."
"It was no trouble. Understand that I would not give this recommendation if I did not believe Midoriya had what it took to be a true hero." Chiura concluded with a nod before quietly excusing himself.
"Jeez, and he's one of the tougher GE teachers. I don't think I've heard him give a recommendation period not to mention a full one," Mic muttered under his breath.
"That should tell you that Midoriya belongs in 1-A," Eraser retorted.
"That's enough," Nedzu said, holding up his paws. "All the testimonies have been shared and all the evidence reviewed. We will begin our vote. Aizawa-kun has the most weight as it's his class but if too many of you disapprove then I can't in good conscience go ahead with the proposal. So, all in favor of Midoriya Izuku's transfer to 1-A effective immediately, please raise your hands."
"Now that we're done with that, we can move on," Aizawa-sensei begins. "Your hero informatics lecture is something special today. You'll be coming up with your hero names." The whole class cheers while Izuku looks around in terror. He literally just sat down in this class and he needs to choose a name already? The hero course certainly moves fast. Aizawa-sensei starts explaining about nominations and draft picks making Izuku feel so out of place.
Seriously, they couldn't have given him any notice.
"Here's a tally of this year's nominations," Sensei continues on, bringing up a projection on the screen. Kacchan and Todoroki had the most nominations by far with Tokoyami and Iida next and the rest were minimal.
"It's usually a bit more balanced but Midoriya's performance threw things off." Aizawa-sensei turns to face him, "Since you weren't enrolled in the hero course at the time, you were not eligible to receive nominations. Next week, while the others are at their internships, you'll be working with me to catch up."
"Y-yes Sensei," Izuku said looking at the board and trying not to feel self-conscious. He can't help but wonder if the reason he isn't listed is only because of his transfer. He beat Todoroki in the second round and the other boy still got over 2,000 nominations. He has to wonder if, even though he placed second overall, if anyone would have wanted to sponsor the quirkless kid.
"Excuse me," Iida announces, "you were saying about the internships?"
Aizawa-sensei continues to explain the role of the internships, the one he won't get to participate in, what they're for and why they need to choose hero names. Midnight saunters up to the front of the class and poses since apparently she'll be running this exercise. Sensei pulls a sleeping bag out from under his desk and... curls up in a corner and goes off to sleep. Izuku stares at him for a moment in concern. They sure do things differently here.
"Alright everyone," Midnight says as she hands out whiteboards. "Take some time to work on your hero names and be sure to think carefully on them. You could be stuck with them your entire career. Afterwards, you'll present them to the class. Be sure to give your quirk and proper name as well for the new boy." She smiles his way but Izuku is too busy staring down at the blank whiteboard in this hand.
What the hell is he supposed to write? This morning he thought his chances of transferring were in the negatives and now he's supposed to come up with a name that could define his future as a professional hero?
"Yo, Midoriya!" He turns towards dark haired boy seated next to him. "Welcome to the class, thank you so much for kicking Todoroki's ass for me," he grins. "By the way I'm Sero, nice to meetcha!"
"Ah well I wasn't really trying to hurt him," Izuku protests weakly as he looks over at Todoroki in the back row. His face is still a bit bruised but otherwise he looks fine; he nods at Izuku when he catches him looking. "But it's uh nice to meet you too."
"I'm Kirishima!" The redheaded boy shouts from across the room, "Dude, I gotta come over there and shake your hand. You are such an inspiration. We need to spar sometime; I totally want to go up against you." Kirishima says, walking over to Izuku's desk and clapping his shoulder.
"You're supposed to be coming up with your hero names, not chatting!" Midnight snaps impatiently.
"I already have my hero name and it's not everyday we get a new student," Kirishima retorts before turning back to Izuku. "I'm serious man, you were impressive as hell. Not just anyone can take down Todoroki and Iida, not to mention leading Bakugou around by the nose." Izuku sees Kacchan's shoulder tense up in front of him.
"K-Kacchan did really well in the finals, as always his technique is amazing and he really did a number on me. I'm going to need to work twice as hard if I want to get on his level." Izuku says peacefully, he'd like to avoid a fight on his first day if at all possible.
"Pfft," Izuku hears from across the room and sees the blond with the lightning bolt in his hair snorting into his hand, "Kacchan?"
"Seriously? That's what you call him?" Sero asks with a giant grin. "You got a death wish or something? I twitch my eyebrow and he threatens to kill me." Izuku sees Kacchan's shoulders begin to tremble with barely suppressed rage.
"Didn't Present Mic say you two went to middle school together?" The frog girl says from across the room. "You must have been close to have such a cute nickname, ribbit." She gives him a smile, "also I'm Asui but call me Tsuyu."
"Wait, does Kacchan have a cute name for you too?" The pink haired girl in front of As- Tsuyu says.
"Don't fucking call me that you goddamn extras!" Kacchan shouts, slamming his hands on his desk. "Fucking Deku is just such a goddamned loser that he keeps up with his stupid baby names."
"Deku?" Uraraka asks from across the room. "It's cute I like it, what does it mean?"
"It's an alternative reading of the kanji in my first name," Izuku says looking down at the blank whiteboard in front of him. "It means useless, basically."
"Aw, Kacchan that's not very nice," the lightning bolt guy says mockingly. "Jeez, I can't believe the two of you are actually friends."
"It's been a while. Kacchan and I live in the same neighborhood so we've known each other our whole lives." Izuku says, trying to remain neutral despite Kacchan seething so close to him. But he was done cowering, he was a hero student now. He'd earned his right to be here, to speak. "And he didn't really have friends so to speak, mostly people who were intimidated or impressed by his power and followed him around."
"Ouch," a girl with earphone jacks on her ears says, smiling into her palm. Kacchan turns around in his chair and gives Izuku a positively murderous look. Izuku stares back, he'd been hoping to avoid a fight but if Kacchan attacks then he'll will be ready.
"Bakugou, turn back around and everyone else get back to your assignment, gossip on your own time." Aizawa-sensei mutters from his corner, still curled up in his sleeping bag. Kacchan looks like he's going to protest before he aggressively spins around and begins scribbling furiously on his whiteboard.
Izuku is kind of jealous; he can't think of anything to write down on his. He'd been so focused on actually getting to this point that he'd never really planned for what would happen once he actually arrived. All the names he can think of are obvious derivatives of All Might which was not something he was going to announce to the class. Besides, he wants to be his own hero.
"Alright!" Midnight says all too soon. "I want to start seeing some names! Who's first?" So begins the procession of students who bring their whiteboards up and announce their code names. Some are better than others but soon, more and more people have presented and Izuku still has nothing. His first task as a hero and he can't come up with a single idea.
"King Explosion Murder!" Kacchan shouts as the class bursts into giggles.
"Why don't you try again?" Midnight says with exasperation. Kacchan sneers and stalks back over, throwing the whiteboard roughly on his desk. They make brief eye contact.
"The fuck are you looking at, Deku?" Kacchan demands, pulling out his chair so it slams into Izuku's desk. "Bad enough I gotta put up with you in the halls now I've got you watching me all the time in class. I told you to get the fuck away from me!" Izuku is about to comment that he can't exactly get away what with his desk being right there when a thought comes to him.
Izuku stares down at the white slate of his whiteboard and slowly writes out the word. He stares down at the name that has for so long been the bane of his existence. But he's not that person anymore. He placed second in the Sports Festival, beating three students with powerful quirks and holding own for awhile against Kacchan. He wasn't useless and that name didn't define him. Not unless he chose it to. Izuku walks to the front before he can second guess himself.
"Deku?" Uraraka says, "but I thought it was an-"
"It is or it was," Izuku says, turning his eyes over to Kacchan. He puts his chin out defiantly. "I've been called everything you can think of because I was quirkless but Deku, worthless, always seemed to hit the hardest." He breaks eye contact to look down at the sloppily written name.
"I'm so glad to be here but I can't forgot all the things I had to go through along the way. This name, it's mine whether I like it or not but I'm going to stop letting it control me and embrace it. By the time I graduate this course, I hope this name will come to mean perseverance or strength, not just to everyone but to me as well. I may be quirkless but I'm through being useless."
Izuku is blushes down to his toes as a few people cheer in response and he quickly rushes back to his seat, hiding his face behind the whiteboard. He can feel Kacchan's eyes on him but Izuku doesn't even bother to look his way. He's finally ready to let go. Deku can no longer hurt him, not when he's made it his own.
"Very inspiring, Midoriya," Midnight says. "All your names are going wonderfully. Keep 'em coming, we only have a few left!" The rest of the morning flies by and before he knows, the bell rings signaling the start of lunch. Izuku takes a deep breath and slides down in his chair. This day has been one thing after another; he just needs a few minutes to absorb everything.
"Welcome to the class," Todoroki says, coming up to him. "I was pleased to see you made it."
"Thanks, I did tell you I'd do my best," Izuku answers. It's hard to look at Todoroki's face with the remnants of Izuku's punches still visible and his slightly crooked nose a permanent reminder of Izuku's loss of control. "Listen, I um, I want to apologize again for-"
"It was a fight, I understand," Todoroki interrupts, holding up his hand. "Besides," he continues on in a quieter voice, "in a way I think I should be thanking you."
"Midoriya!" Uraraka says, bouncing over. "We have got to have lunch together, we have so much to catch up on!" She seems to just notice Todoroki, "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?"
"No, I believe we're done. Congratulations again, Midoriya," Todoroki says, turning to leave. For a second, Izuku sees Shinsou's sad and lonely back.
"Wait, why don't we all have lunch together?" He turns to Uraraka, "Is that okay? I mean I don't want to impose but I'd like to get to know everyone and I still feel I need to make up for what happened in our fight and-"
"Of course, the more the merrier!" Uraraka says, smiling brightly at Todoroki who just looks out of place.
"Just not too much merriment," Iida says as he walks over. "We need time to orient Midoriya to the individual policies of 1-A in order to acclimate him and make him a proper, functioning member of the class."
"Woah, let the guy breathe," Kirishima adds. "I'd like to join too if ya don't mind. I have got to learn more about the most badass kid in our class." Izuku can't even begin to respond to that what the door to 1-A slides open with a bang.
"How could you lie to me?" Patrick wails. "I thought we were friends, man! We had to hear from Chiura-sensei that you'd been transferred!" He flies over and Izuku is half pulled out of his chair as Patrick holds him close. "Are you too cool for us Gen Ed kids now that you're a hero student?"
"I didn't know! I swear!" Izuku defends. "The principal caught me on my way to 1-C and just took me here. I didn't know until they pushed me inside."
"Um, hi?" Uraraka says, probably debating if she needed to intervene.
"Hey!" Patrick says, turning around to face the others while still maintaining his one-armed hug. "Man, you guys are so lucky you get Midoriya; he's like one of my most favorite guys."
"Takamitsu, stop handling Midoriya like he's a piece of meat," Korudo says with an exaggerated sigh from outside 1-A's classroom. "Honestly, he moved classes not countries."
"But it's the end of an era," Patrick whines. "He's going to be so busy kicking ass and taking names that he won't have time for us anymore."
"That's not true!" Izuku says, struggling out of Patrick's hold. "It's like we agreed before the Sports Festival, we'll always be friends, no matter what. You guys," he turns to see Taketsu and Shinsou have joined Korudo in 1-A's doorframe. "You guys are the best, there's no way I could have gotten here without all of you."
"Well, all I can say is you better not slack off or I'll be taking that seat from you," Shinsou smirks.
"Wow so this is a hero classroom, it looks like ours basically." Taketsu says, wandering in and looking around.
"Sure come on in, make yourselves at home," Aizawa-sensei mutters sarcastically from the floor as he inches forward, still curled up in his sleeping bag. Taketsu squeaks and half jumps into Shinsou's arms.
"Are you Deku's friends?" Uraraka asks, she gasps and covers her mouth before turning to Izuku. "I'm sorry it just slipped out, is that okay? I know you picked that name but it's also kind of sensitive."
"Yeah, no, it's fine. It's better when you say it," Izuku says. "Honestly I'm going to need to get used to it since I chose it and all. And yes, they are. This is Patrick, Shinsou, Korudo and Taketsu is our assistant rep in 1-C." Izuku says as he introduces his friends to his, well, new friends. "How'd it go uh this morning, when Chiura-sensei told you about me I mean?"
"Everyone flipped as you can imagine," Korudo says. "I'm happy for you but I've got to say it will be weird not having you around every day." He reaches over and ruffles Izuku's hair, "How am I supposed to keep these knuckleheads in line without you?"
"More importantly, how are the heroes going to keep Midoriya in line?" Shinsou says with a mischievous glint.
"Oh come on, I'm not that bad," Izuku protests even as Kirishima and Uraraka and a few others lean forward in anticipation.
"This I gotta hear," Kirishima says with a grin. "So what can we expect from our newest student?"
"Tears, so many tears, I have met babies that cry less than Midoriya," Korudo nods sagely.
"That's not true!" Izuku adds but no one's paying him any mind.
"Hmm, he did start sobbing as soon as he walked in," Sero grins thoughtfully.
"Also he'll fight any one at any time," Patrick interjects. "For your own safety, don't ask to spar with him unless you're serious because he'll go to town on you. My bruises have bruises." Patrick complains as he rubbed his bottom.
"Ok, first off, you guys asked me to train you and second-"
"He's driven like you can't believe," Taketsu says, talking over him. "You'll get exhausted trying to keep up with him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't sleep at all."
"Also he's protective as hell," Shinsou continues. "Midoriya would light himself on fire if he thought it'd help someone out. Basically," he drawls out, "he's kind of an idiot."
"But he's our idiot," Patrick says enthusiastically, "and now he's yours too I guess. You gotta watch out for him for us, make sure he doesn't go overboard like that time he was so tired he took the wrong train and ended up in Shinjuko before he noticed."
"That was one time," Izuku says even as everyone starts laughing at his expense. But it's not like back in the day when Kacchan and his followers used to push him around. This is friendly teasing, friends just giving him a hard time. His heart feels ready to burst, look at how many people he has in his life.
"Oh I've got to hear more," Kirishima says. "Come on, let's snag a table at lunch and keep talking. I want to hear all the details, all the better to watch out for him." He says as he gives Patrick a friendly punch on the shoulder.
"We'll be here all day if you really want all the details." Patrick says, rubbing the spot Kirishima punched.
"I think we're going to need a bigger table," Taketsu says with a wry grin.
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