#I'll admit I have next to no attachment to Hussie.. as an author and as a character (considering just how messed up Homestuck and beyond go
fdragon-art · 9 months
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Day 29 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 15) - Andrew Hussey Doing Something Stupid (An Ectobiology Most Paradoxical)
At last! I have figured it out! My own paradox clone! ...now what am I supposed to do with them? Surely, I couldn't have been a product of my own narrative, thus making myself my own father? It is called "The Grandfather Paradox" after all, not "The Father Paradox". ...but my clone is literally in front of me, and nothing looks out of the ordinary, so they must be my paradox clone. So...what the fuck am I supposed to do with them?
I'm not one to trace resources or straight-up copy/paste, but there's a certain...strangeness to creating Homestuck fan-panels and the like. Homestuck itself is made up of countless copy/pastes of resources to make the whole process easier. One might say it counts as "fair use", though that doesn't make it any less strange or confusing.
In any case, once I had the idea, it really could only be rendered best using the fan-panel style...but I wasn't feeling particularly attached to literally emulating the style (except for taking this panel as a base). So it was mostly a matter of using some of the original resources as a base (tracing here, instead of literal copy/paste) and making adjustments based on other references (John's Junior Ectobiologist Suit, in this case).
It's a surprisingly cheap and easy process. It would certainly explain how Homestuck kept its blistering update schedule in the earlier months...though the later months had so much work put into pages on the regular, which is still an unfathomable pace.
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