#I'll be curious about if all the variables stay the same when/if the other characters get posted!!
portsandstars · 6 months
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Very spur of the moment predictions before RSS might drop more of these graphs :3
Thought process below!
Kuras: ok, I feel like kuras is the biggest heavy hitter stat wise. Given that he's literally an angel, my guess is that he is very very strong. He also is hundreds of years old and is experienced with healing and .. politics? Certainly knowledge about Eridia. That means that he gets high wisdom too. Moderate useless facts because I'm sure that he's picked up plenty of info during his years in the mortal realm, but he also doesn't care about a lot of things so it can't be higher. Self loathing to the max bc he either hates what he did to get him trapped on Earth, or hates that he got caught. Obviously things didn't go according to plan for him, so luck is moderate.
Vere: he's a bit harder bc he's chained, so that limits him. I debated putting his strength at a three, as he's pretty limited, but he's also a very impressive killer - possibly more so than a regular "human" killer- or else the Senobium wouldn't find him as useful. He's afraid of Kuras's true form, and so to me that says he's weaker. Despite all of his teasing and jokes, he knows a lot of things and has a good read on the world, so his wisdom should be pretty high imo. Useless facts are moderate because he has very narrow things that he enjoys learning about (sex, music, tea..). He loves himself but I also think bitterly rues the day that he was caught, so moderate self loathing. He strikes me as fairly lucky inherently- he just pushes things further and further because of his personality, which overwhelms his natural luck.
Ais: TBH I feel like vere and Ais are comparable strength, and Ais and Leander are comparable strength, so .. they all end up at 4?^^; as they're all weaker than Kuras but stronger than Mhin. For luck- it's honestly a gamble about whether Ais made a huge mistake and doomed his gang (unlucky) OR - Sacrificed them somehow, landed a deal with a God, and now has a lot of cult followers(more lucky). Wisdom- pretty low. Ais seems to have some intuition but seems more focused on fighting first and asking questions later. Self loathing is low-i feel like he's accepted himself and the choices he's made, though in the past he may have deeply regretted them. Facts- he finds it endearing when others tell him about facts, but doesn't care about them himself and even when others tell him, he enjoys how animated they get, rather than the actual facts.
Leander: without his magic, I'd place his strength at a three. But given that his magic allows him to withstand MC's curse (and make flowers !!woot) it brings his strength up to a four^^. I feel like he is SO LUCKY because 1) he was born into wealth and power, and got a good education 2) due to his scars and rebirth icons, may have survived death, which is prettty lucky if you ask me. Wisdom- he has a good sense of how people think and act, but not that much wisdom past that. Self loathing- I think Leander thinks he's hot shit LOL Useless facts - Leander strikes me as the type of person who's always remembering details other people tell him (and seeking out more info) so that he can form connections, get to know people and get more power. He's also formally educated and probably had rich people tutoring growing up. So, useless facts is pretty high!
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amiibo-king · 2 years
Last Legacy full weighted choices list
pokes the last legacy fandom with a stick. is this thing still alive
i wanted to share smth with yall. ive been rooting around in the last legacy assets once again, and i believe i have discovered the variable that determines which choices are weighted towards an ending (and which ending they are weighted towards)
and since at this point we're probably never going to be able to find out organically (rip nix hydra) i've created a complete list of weighted choices in all three last legacy routes, and which ending they are weighted towards, in order of appearance. under the cut for spoiler and length reasons. enjoy
NOTE that this is ONLY a list of choices that contribute to the ending (good/bad ending). choices that are weighted in other ways (such as choices that affect your relationship with side characters like rime, but that don't actually affect the ending) are not included here. if y'all are curious about that, let me know, i might make another list for those later if/when i have the time.
quick note: each choice has two variables associated with it, one that determines what effect it has on the ending (good or bad) if any, and one determining the weight that choice has. the weight of each weighted choice can be light, medium, or heavy. next to each listed choice i will include both the ending it contributes towards and it's weight.
for chapters that aren't listed, i couldn't find any weighted choices in those chapters.
edit/additional notes: the endings aren't actually listed as "good/bad" in the code; the variable that denotes effect is an integer called "choiceType" which can be 0, 1, or 2. however, this is the same system the arcana uses, and in the arcana, 0 means unweighted, 1 means upright, and 2 means reversed. this on it's own wouldn't be enough for me to assume that fictif has upright/reversed endings as well, except that in some files within last legacy the options are straight up called "upright" or "reversed" (and the ones labeled upright are marked as choiceType 1 while the ones labeled reversed are marked choiceType 2.) i chose to call them good/bad endings since upright/reversed are tarot terms that only really make sense for the arcana.
Felix's route
Felix 01:
"I think it's risky." (good ending - light weight) "It's just another tool." (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 02:
"Your book sounds creepy." (good ending - light weight) "Can I see it?" (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 03
"Let's study it." (good ending - medium weight) "Make it talk." (bad ending - medium weight)
Felix 05
"You've got this. (bad ending - light weight) "We'll do this together." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 06
"We can't go with you." (bad ending - light weight) "Can we talk this out?" (good ending - light weight)
Felix 07
"I kind of like your family." (good ending - light weight) "No more family dinners, please." (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 08
"What's really bothering you?" (good ending - medium weight) "Do you like Rime more than me?" (bad ending - medium weight)
Felix 09
"I'll never leave you." (bad ending - heavy weight) "We'll figure it out later." (good ending - heavy weight)
Felix 11
"We might need Escell." (bad ending - light weight) "Violence won't help." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 12
"I get it, but..." (bad ending - light weight) "I just don't understand." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 13
"What do we do?" (bad ending - light weight) "Stay behind me." (good ending - light weight)
"If that's the only way." (bad ending - medium weight) "But they're people!" (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa's route
Anisa 01
Confront Anisa for the truth. (good ending - medium weight) Play dumb. (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 02
"I'll never leave you." (bad ending - medium weight) "You're not your father." (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa 03
"Are you sure, though?" (good ending - light weight) "Yeah, screw that guy." (bad ending - light weight)
"We can trust Saaros." (good ending - medium weight) "If we have to trust someone..." (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 04
"Believe in me." (bad ending - medium weight) "Believe in yourself." (good ending - medium weight)
Come clean. (good ending - medium weight) Hide the truth. (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 05
"This is our best shot." (good ending - medium weight) "I'm still worried about Orion." (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 06
"They're selfish." (bad ending - medium weight) "We'll talk to them." (good ending - medium weight)
"True love exists." (bad ending - medium weight) "We still have time." (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa 07
"Your father." (bad ending - light weight) "The Lord of Shadows." (good ending - light weight)
"Because she's mine." (bad ending - medium weight) "Because she's strong." (good ending - medium weight)
"We'll finish the job." (bad ending - medium weight) "We'll banish him again." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage's route
Sage 01
"That's not true." (good ending - light weight) "Fine." (bad ending - light weight)
Sage 02
"Apologize to her." (good ending - light weight) "It's not your fault." (bad ending - light weight)
Sage 03
"Let's calm down." (good ending - light weight) "You've got this!" (bad ending - light weight)
"I get it." (bad ending - medium weight) "That was reckless." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 04
"What if the others find out?" (bad ending - light weight) "I know you can do better." (good ending - light weight)
Sage 05
Nod at him. (bad ending - light weight) Shake your head. (good ending - light weight)
Sage 06
"You're not alone." (good ending - medium weight) "I've got your back." (bad ending - medium weight)
Sage 07
"That won't happen." (bad ending - medium weight) "If I must." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 08
"I don't either." (bad ending - medium weight) "Give Elowen a chance." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 09
"Makes sense to me." (bad ending - light weight) "What makes you think so?" (good ending - light weight)
Sage 10
"Let him go, Sage." (good ending - heavy weight) "You did what you had to do." (bad ending - heavy weight)
Sage 12
I have to stop Gramme. (bad ending - light weight) I have to save Sage. (good ending - light weight)
Sage 13
"I'll fill you in." (bad ending - light weight) "Sage can fill you in." (good ending - light weight)
"I can't answer that for you." (good ending - heavy weight) "You won't fail." (bad ending - heavy weight)
Sage 14
"We'll win no matter what." (bad ending - medium weight) "We need a backup plan." (good ending - medium weight)
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