#last legacy
lemoonthetwink · 3 days
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Some sketches I forgot to post here
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sobbingyun · 1 year
Just wanted an excuse to draw these two together :-3
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I want these two to interact so baddd 😢😢
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captain--miracle · 5 months
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Art trade with @3v3rl4stingbr4in !! Crossover fanart with two lovely nerds <3
Last Legacy and Felix are everything for me, so to draw him with Mhin was a pleasure
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
Today i’m sick and use what left of my strength to half shade my six oc canon art because….
I love my ships ! ( third edition)
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In order this time we haaaaaaave
-Marie x Sol | the kid at the back by @fantasia-kitt
-Noah x Elio | Keyframes by @blank-house
-Eleanore x Ais | Touchstarved by @redspringstudio
-Orelie x Van | Interwine by @crescencestudio
-Valentin x Tamarack | our life now and forever by @gb-patch
-Laurialet x Sage | Last legacy on Fictif
Yes Sage x Laurialet gets a second artwork but it’s because i miss last legacy very much…
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jobeeos · 3 months
I miss my wife, Tails
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luv-indigo · 2 months
more felix
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micarxena · 1 year
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credit goes to @arimesi for the sketch and the compo. Stole it from them and just balled with it because leaving it unfinished was a no no
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vafr0 · 4 months
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I made a sketch for this art a year ago. I finished it more or less six months ago, but I was still not satisfied with the result to the end. Now I think that I will not return to this art, so why not show it to you?
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karolinxx · 3 months
i would like to introduce to you...
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THIS AMAZING GAME! its a dark fantasy ANDDD romance game, so thats why im reaching out to you. (touchstarved game freaks../j)
It has four protagonists, if i would describe them in a couple of words we would have:
1.Oleander(no i did not make this up ts fans this is literally his name): ooeeh rich rich man 😜
2.Cirrus: ah yes im just a humble priest with nothing suspicious about me yeah no absolutely not
3.Keir: sorry for lowkey kidnapping you, anyway ure kinda cool u wanna work for me 😊
4.Francesco(i thought his name was espresso when i started playing): the indomitable human spirit always wins! *gets stabbed*
the game currently has one chapter out and four routes with the protagonists, i would say the average play time is about 1 hour and 30 minutes? it depends on the person playing... ANYWAY uhm, i would really apreciate if you guys showed this game some love, i love love love love LOVEEE it and more people should know about it.
you can get it on here on itch.io or on steam!
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saintastaeroth · 5 months
Never forget what Dorian took from us when they left all those fictif stories unfinished and used the arcana for assets in their own app. I will someday avenge you and get those endings Last Legacy, Monster Manor, and others 😭😭
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sunny-arts-blog · 4 months
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Art Trade! Art Trade!
I had a lotta fun drawing this Art Trade for my sweet friend @dreamtydraw of Felix and their lovely Selene~
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vaultureculture · 5 months
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Small commission for dear @dreamtydraw, of her lovely Selena with Felix!!
As a former last legacy fan, this was such an absolute joy to draw!! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed this man, this has made me want to replay LL haha…
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3v3rl4stingbr4in · 6 months
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So. Mhinlix...
If I have a nickel every single time I crossship Felix with a white-haired Non-binary, I would have two. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happens twice.
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samdravvs · 1 year
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Is this anything? Does this make sense???
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dreamtydraw · 16 days
Hiiii ! Your gal is trying to make plans and for that is in need of quick money so as for now I’m opening some cheap fullbody comission for 13€ per characters like those :
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The first two one are regular lineart and last one has pastel lineart
This is on addition of my already existing comission prices :
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And here some exemples of comissions I worked on :
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jobeeos · 5 months
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Nothing will ever stop me from drawing for dead fandoms
I miss my cat boy husband.
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