#I'll have to revisit this when I'm not on a timecrunch
hathousehappenings · 6 months
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84. The Royalty Trap.
This is when they decided that the Duchess was going to have a plain old mean streak. This and "Take the Bunny and Run" is when she's at her most cruel, I think.
Having said that, there's this moment in the middle when she's helping Caterpillar get ready to be on television? I have no idea why she does it, it doesn't really seem like something she'd do. Unless maybe she and he go back a while. I know it was just a way to shoehorn in Caterpillar's storytime, but still. So I decided to illustrate it.
On a side note, I love "Department of Missing Royalty". It has my favorite long pan and camera work from the whole series. You can tell that it was all handheld and I just... I enjoy it too much.
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