#I'll hopefully finish the fic snippet over the weekend :)
mellaithwen · 2 years
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We carried our past and cradled the storm
Since @fleurdebeton and @shortsighted-owl tagged me in last lines and @rewritetheending tagged me in fuck it friday I figured, well, fuck it :D here's the finished version of my draft from February aaand I'll tag @homerforsure @princessfbi @fcntasmas @littlespoonevan @nymika-arts @renecdote @buckactuallys and @buttercupbuck :)
Spoilers for 6x10 "In a Flash" A sketch of Buck and his Lichtenberg-figure scars in the aftermath of the lightning strike. (on ao3)
Buck can't help but stare at his scars in the mirror. The fractal pattern of fern-like vines that start at his shoulder and creep down along the front of his chest. Gnarly roots that clutch and cling, and crawl up along the side of his clavicle. Tendrils of burst capillaries that cradle his bicep and ensnare his chest, leaving a trail of red lesions that lead straight to his heart.
He swallows the lump in his throat, and shakes off the memories of the lightning strike before they can consume him once more. He stands up straight, raises an eyebrow for good measure—desperate to convey the image of someone who is completely fine despite the mottled bruises on his pale skin, and his inability to sleep longer than an hour before he's jerking awake from his latest nightmare...
He holds his phone aloft, snaps the photograph, and sends it to Eddie.
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firstsprinces · 8 months
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Hello! I am currently losing my mind over "The Tortured Poets Department (hello fellow swifties! I have zero swiftie friends in my life to ever talk to so I'm glad I can celebrate with y'all) like my thoughts are so jumbled between THAT AESTHETIC, all the new fic titles we're going to get from it, ALL POET HENRY CONTENT CREATED BY MY FELLOW WRITERS! And Taylor Swift just made history with her fourth AOTY Grammy!! (I'm also running on exhaustion so hopefully it'll rein my chaos in)
I almost forgot to thank @anincompletelist and @priincebutt for tagging me! LOVED your snippets this week and I hope I'll be able to fit in some much needed reading time to catch up!
This is more than six sentences because at this point you deserve all of the sentences for the Outlaw Alex/Aspiring Journalist Henry fic! Work will be slow this week so I will most likely have time off this week to keep writing. The first chapter is currently at 12K (this is the cut down version) and it's still not quite finished.
“And don’t forget to mention the bake sale. All the women from the church have been working their fingers to the bone for this upcoming weekend.” An elderly woman wearing a navy cloche hat with a matching fabric rose with a silver brooch in its center and a firm knot beside it to indicate her marital status, though this highly valued socialite seems to forget about her husband because she’s quite flirtatious. “You’ll be stopping by, dear boy, won’t you? I’m sure the all the single ladies from the church would love to see a strapping young man such as yourself supporting our community in times like these.” Henry Fox pauses his typing and curls his fingers in and then stretches them back out underneath his desk as he’s itching to crack his knuckles, but he doesn’t because he feels it’ll be rude to do while Mrs. Annette Bellshire is speaking to him. “I wouldn’t dare to miss it, Ma’am,” Henry replies to her, adding in a reassuring smile for extra measure while his eyes fight to check the clock that’s hanging in the upper corner of the behind her head. “You can call me, Annette,” she tells him with a quick wink as she brings her hand forward and reaches across the desk, her delicate and shaky fingers landing on his wrist, her touch cold through the sleeve of his shirt. Her large opal ring reflects what’s left of the dimming daylight, indicating that he most likely should be packing up his belongings and putting on his long coat and cap so he can leave for the night. Henry doesn’t answer, and not just because he’s starting to feel uncomfortable but out of respect for her husband and her marriage. He also doesn’t pull his hand away even though he probably should because an innocent passerby may see it as something far less from innocent. He’s sure it’d be quite the scandal for a married woman her age courting someone who’s young enough to be her son, and possibly even her grandson because Henry’s not exactly sure of her age and is basing his assumption off her wrinkly skin and veined hands. At the sound of a car horn, Mrs. Bellshire leans her body over to look out the window, her hand still touching Henry until she speaks again, “well, that would be Mr. Bellshire. Mustn’t keep him waiting.” She places her purse onto Henry’s desk before she stands up, smoothing her hands down the front of the skirt of her dress. Then she waves her hand at the window to let her husband know that she’ll be out shortly. “Do you mind escorting me out? I swear, the stones are starting to become uneven. I wouldn’t want to sprain my ankle before such an eventful weekend.” She says as she pulls her shawl tighter around her shoulders even though the cobblestones have nothing to do with her body temperature. He can’t help but turn his entire body around to look out the window, Mr. Bellshire is already standing beside the passenger’s side as he waits for his wife. Surely, Mrs. Bellshire doesn’t need Henry to walk her out and she’s only playing with the idea that it’ll look a certain way to her husband. It’s a game he doesn’t want to be part of, but he’s been raised to be polite, especially towards women.
I won't be tagging anyone as it's very late and there's no space in my brain right now to try and think of anything besides AH NEW TAYLOR SWIFT ALBUM and I NEED TO GO TO BED RIGHT AFTER HITTING POST.
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malleleothreesome · 8 months
ERICA?! MAL? LEO?! I’M NOT SURE WHAT TO CALL YOU BUT THAT FELLOW SNIPPET WAS SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS AND SCREW EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT WAS A SNIPPET BUT ITS STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD! AND I CANNOT IMAGINE THE REST OF THE FIC IN MY HEAD AND safe to say it is and will remain rent free for the next couple of days, months, years, and I’ll probably forget and reread it again when my two keychains of fellow and playful land come in and fangirl all over again over your fic from Stage sex to this snippet it’s like my favorite song that i want to have the experience of listening to for the first time again after replaying it so many times, that’s how i feel about your fellow writing. Your single-handedly feeding the fellowives thank you
Referencing this post
I've been having a real hard time writing lately... some of yall might have seen a poll where I asked if I should post a work now or after it was completely finished. Welp, I was about to post it, and then I realized through rereading it and also getting my fiancé to proofread it, it totally sucked bad. Like it needs a complete overhaul, and that was after I spent the whole weekend working on it and thinking that what I was writing was really great. There are a lot of great parts to it IMO, but it doesn't make sense as a cohesive story. I've been too ambitious lately with my writing endeavors. So, I had to take a break from that, and I feel like I haven't had any successes lately or anything worth posting (besides the snippet you're referring to!)
So, thanks to this ask, this weekend my goal is to keep working on that snippet and hopefully get it to a point where I can complete it and post it! And then, I'll start working on Stage Sex Part 2, since I know everyone is waiting for that with bated breath.
I am so happy to continue feeding the fellowives, I will keep this man alive until October when we hopefully get more official Fellow crumbs.
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
Howdy, Besties 🫡
I hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated!
I am taking a much needed vacation as of tomorrow morning until the end of the month. (I AM FREE AT LAST!!!!!) I probably won't write very much while I'm there.
I have a quick little Lestappen PWP in the works for you! I've finished writing it; it just needs to be edited. I think you are going to enjoy it. I think it will also make you scream... (in a good way), and I'm very excited to see your reaction. I'm a fucking meme if I've ever seen one. This will most likely be posted tomorrow night (Friday PST). Hopefully, this can hold you all over until I get back home 😈😂😎
I've started working on a longer plotty fic again! But it's going to be a different pairing this time around. I hope that's okay with you all. I know many of you are only here for Lestappen, and that's okay! I love Lestappen, and I'm not done writing for them by any means. I have lots of fic ideas and WIPS for them. They're my fav ship to write for. I have just owed @takenquicklys a Maxiel fic for a while now... 😂
I'll still be lurking around these streets while on vacation, bothering you all, and posting cursed content. I'm not planning on disappearing. I'm just not going to force myself to write (for once). If it happens, it happens, but I'm not planning on writing until I get home.
ANYWAY... my plotty Maxiel fic will probably take a few weeks to write, but in the meantime, here's a little snippet for you. I hope you'll enjoy it, even if you're only here for Lestappen! This fic is a little angstier than I normally write... but it will still have lots of Fabby Fluff.
Enjoy besties and have a great weekend!
When Daniel decided to leave Red Bull in 2018, Max was... confused. He wasn’t hurt, necessarily, but it was hard not to take it a little bit personally. Because nobody leaves Red Bull Racing to go to a mid-field team. 
It had to be at least a little bit personal. 
Their last season together got a little rough around the edges. After being teammates for so many years, they were bound to come together on track every now and then. It was nowhere near the battle of the silver arrows back in 2016, but every time they came together in 2018 seemed to be worse than the time before. 
They could usually move past it.
They would ignore each other for a day to cool off, and then they’d pretend like nothing ever happened.
It was good.
It was working.
But some incidents were harder to move past than others.
(Well done, Baku.) 
After Daniel left, things got better. They were able to just be friends again and not worry about being teammates. Max became the veteran of his team and saw new teammates come and go, and Daniel had great results for Renault. 
Everything was going great for both of them. 
But then McLaren happened. 
McLaren took a lot from both of them. 
For Daniel, it took away his pride. It took away his confidence. It turned this tall, cocky, king of the late-breaking man into a too-small, too-skinny, twitchy-on-the-break-pedal kind of guy. It was hard to watch at times. 
To make matters worse for him, everyone compared him to Lando. Which wasn’t fair because Lando had been with McLaren for years. Lando already knew how to get the most out of that shit-box of a car. Daniel still had to learn. 
For Max, it was hard to watch his best friend hit rock bottom. Especially because Max was having such a great year in comparison. He was leading the championship for the first time. He was winning every weekend, his race suit was always damp with champagne, and he was confident that he would become World Champion at the end of the year. 
2021 was the best and worst year of his life. 
He won the championship, but he lost his best friend. 
Fucking McLaren.
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merakiui · 1 year
AAAAAAHH THE SCARA FIC!!! it was so good!! the part where he's mean to us for attempting to receive help from teyvatcord rather than the internet ( ; ω ; ) and the fact u call it teyvatcord instead of discord is so cute!! honestly I feel like that small detail made me enjoy it 10x more because I'm a sucker for little canon eastereggs—and!! the harbingers and knights of favonius mention (scaras right, that name is lame!! like, who names their team 'knights of favonius') T_T sobsob <33 scara being mad at his teammates was so adorably funny hehe — that whole little segment was so funny and domestic , him mocking us and the little bickering between us <33 AND!! THE ENDING (@_@) don't even get me started orz.. he was surprisingly cute and somewhat nice T_T and his little ego-boost and cocky demeanor after finding out it was our first time!! (>_<) and, and!! him crying at the end aaaaa my heart orz
AND I SEE U ALREADY UPDATED UR LUNAR LOVE HOTEL M-LIST (≧▽≦)!! it's cute how u give us a little snippet and idea of what the next work will be about and who will be featured (excited for the idia piece!!) :3 I'm not really sure what u plan working on next (I think u mentioned dru? :o) but either way I am so excited and ready for anything u post (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ reading ur work always makes me happy; your blog is an addiction for me!! (>_<)
I hope u have a good rest of your weekend and make sure to rest up if you can!! :D u deserve any and all rest u can get after all the effort and work you put into feeding us so well ^_^
AHAHDHWHF (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ I LITERALLY JUST SENT AN ASK IN BUT I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVED SCARA COOKING FOR US (。T ω T。) he was so cute and such a little loser wanting to make sure we got three meals a day and keeping us comfortable (>﹏<) and the way we were teasing him about it aaaa!! the crumbs of scara's domesticity while being in his captivity LOLL
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I'm very flattered you liked the little easter eggs I sprinkled throughout. I like the sound of Teyvatcord; it's really cute, so I'm happy you could enjoy it as well! And the Knights of Favonius versus Harbingers for the tournament Scaramouche was complaining about... I had fun mentioning it! Hopefully his team can win in the tournament!!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ and subtly dropping Xiao into the story, too!! >:D aaaaa so many fun little allusions are packed in there!!
But I'm glad you liked the part where he's getting angry at his teammates (writing "can you stop spamming the chat for five seconds, Tartaglia? Damn!" had me cracking a silly smile because I could hear it in his voice so perfectly). I had so much fun writing that scene and his banter with Reader!! They have such a fun chemistry. >0< and his ego boost at learning you're a virgin!! He shouldn't let it feed his pride too much because he's also a virgin LOL. I had fun writing the sex scenes. Scara is so cute and lovable when he isn't being a bully. <3 originally, he was going to be very mean and it would be more so punishment sex than anything, but I liked the idea of Scara softening over the fact that it's your first time as well. Even he can be sentimental at times hehe!!
And cooking for you yes!!!! Beyond the death threats, he cares in very subtle ways and one of those is making sure you're always fed. It's perfect domestic malewife energy. Scara just wants you to be content when you're here as his kitten-captive-roommate???? All of those things... orz he's a loser, but he's a loser who cares and isn't that so sweet!!!! ^v^
I did indeed update the masterlist hehe!!! :D I'm happy to know you're looking forward to Idia's ficlet! As for what I am working on next, the upcoming chapter for DRU is halfway complete, so I might release it before finishing "The Most Dangerous Game" (a yan!Jade fic). After those fics, I'll either finish Dr. Riddle, the next Bittersweet Secret chapter, or begin writing yandere!Trey. I hope those fics can be something you can look forward to!!! (˚ᗜ˚*)
Thank you again for enjoying what I post!!! <3 I'm glad that it can make you happy!!!!! And I will be sure to get plenty of rest! Please also make sure to get enough rest and eat delicious foods and drink water and don't forget to take any medicines or vitamins you may need!!!
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darling-archeron · 10 months
Ho Ho Hello! I’m back with another snippet!😌
We’re only one week out until the posting window opens, but I’m probably going to begin posting it closer to the 23rd or 24th, when I finally get to head home bc work ends for the holidays. The gift is still coming along nicely, though right now it’s looking like it won’t be completely finished, so I’ll be posting chapters probably once or twice a week to allow for final edits (unless I manage to actually get it done in the next week! 🤞🏻)
Any holiday plans this year? Other than me going home I won’t be doing much, probably just a lot of reading and trying to hit my book goal for the year (I’m 11 short right now😳)
Also what if I told you meet me in the woods is Also on the playlist? 😂 I was choosing between the two for the last message and was so glad to see you also think that mmitw is a Rhys song!!!
That’s so exciting you have hozier tickets!!! I’ve been putting off getting them bc I’d be going alone (and I also need a paycheck first 😅) luckily I live in an area where I could theoretically go to one of three concerts without being too far out of the way, so there’s still plenty of single seats available, hopefully it stays that way🤞🏻
And I’m trying not to pressure myself over word count but it’s def a long fic and around 30k now😅 (which is around twice the length of my next longest fic😬)
And for the snippet:
Rhys was slouching on a chair, one leg thrown over an armrest, the other flat on the ground to keep him from sliding right out of the seat. He had a full glass of wine in his hand, but there were two discarded bottles laying flat on the plush rug, so he’d obviously been drinking for a while.
And, on the couch next to him, sat the most beautiful woman Feyre had ever seen in her life. She had golden hair and brown eyes that seemed to draw Feyre in, despite the fact that the woman couldn’t see her.
“You can fix things,” the woman said, and Rhys groaned like he’d heard it before and didn’t believe it.
“No I can’t,” he whined, bringing the goblet up to his lips.
Omg Santa, this snippet has me so excited!! Rhys being a drama queen?? Drunk Rhys?? I'm absolutely here for it. These snippets have me so excited!!
Not going to lie, hearing that we're only a week out from posting was like a bucket of cold water because I still have some major work to do for my giftee, but I'm also super excited for reveals! I feel like we're definitely going to have to exchange playlists because it seems like we have very similar tastes in music. :)
I'm also super short on my book goal, I'm currently trying to read Fourth Wing before my ebook is due back at the library but I don't know that I'll be able to finish it....I miss being 16 and being able to consume a 900 page book in like 3 days haha.
I don't have any crazy plans for the holidays either! Just some time with close family. It sounds like you have a cozy time ahead of you.
I really hope you're able to get Hozier tickets! It sounds like it's going to be a great show.
Absolutely don't pressure yourself over word count! I'm someone who does this all the time so I completely understand, but it also sounds like you're having fun writing it and I'm so glad!
I can't wait to find out who you are, Santa, you have me very curious!
Have a great weekend <3333
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genocidalfetus · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
I've been slowing down Vilem's fic as of late because of starting him over and replaying the game in version 2.0, but more chapters are on the way. Here's a snippet of the one I'll hopefully finish and have published by the weekend. The next one might take a bit as I need to replay 'Holdin' On' to get a feel for it, as the next chapter will be V finally meeting his other mainline. But for now, enjoy!
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