#I'll probably draw more of this fic since I'm rewatching the show and rereading the fic lol
minnow-doodle-doo · 3 years
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Miss Riza's arrival in Resembool has the potential to ruin everything.
This is from one of my favorite fanfics Homefront by @hlwim, where Riza is sent to look after the Elrics. I will never get over this fic :’)
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
Tagged by one and only @captainjowl <3 You keep tagging me in these, please and thank you.
Name: Nat. Natalie. Natalia. 
Century of your birth: 20th :)
Timezone: GMT+3 (Moscow Standard Time :)
Go-to coffee order: No coffee. No tea. Please, just give me some warm water. 
Do you have a pet? A 12 years old cat. <3 He slept on my bed the entire time I was typing this thing. He's my baby.
Do you have a personal motto? "When in doubt, don't." I try to follow it as closely as I can but sometimes the want is bigger than me & I regret it aftrr. Lately also trying to remember "Trust the process."
Last vacation: Mmmm… probably in April 2019. I went to Helsinki to watch Avengers: Endgame in English since it was cancelled in English in Russia. 
Next vacation: *nervous laughter of a native Russian* No idea for now. Maybe I'll visit Petergof with my granny in summer. Maybe I'll visit my friend in Volzhskiy (or maybe she'll come to me). All within the country or even near the city, I'm afraid. 
Dream vacation: LA. Six Flags. Beach. Warm ocean to swim in (dream on, Natalie.) / Canada / Something tropical. Good food. Buffet maybe. Warm water. Lots of nature (but no spiders.) / Greece with their native food & nature & beaches. <3 / Countryside or some comfortable cottage with a real fireplace, with a forest nearby and a lake you can swim in or just adore while sitting next by a fire, listening to the sounds of nature. The exact cosy atmosphere that inspires you and allows you to write/read a lot of fanfiction.
A short-term goal: Write at least something. Just something that I'm gonna be satisfied with and that will make me feel good. Pick up my frozen HP wip, maybe. Also, draw more and get better at it without it being too frustrating. 
A lifetime goal: Have a passive income that will allow me to never ever work in my life. Get healthy. Have my own apartment where I will love every corner design and cosyness wise.
Last show you watched: Sorry for your loss in February (I HAVE to mention this one. It's very underrated. More people need to watch it.) S6 of Peaky Blinders in March-April. 
Next on your to watch list: S2 of Russian Doll has just been released & I need to watch it. Moon Knight. This is going to hurt (2022). Maybe See (2019) with Momoa & Camargo, but I didn't like the first couple of episodes so IDK if I'll continue. Thought of rewatching Arcane as well.
Last thing you read: 
Books: The Project by Courtney Summers. 
Fics: Grim Protector. Wreck my plans, that's my man. Both are Harry/Sirius. Finished both at the same time, both had my heart, highly recommend. Don't remember which was the last one. 
Something you're excited to read: Currently reading Sadie by Courtney Summers, quite invested in the story and interested to know how it ends. Would looove to finish Dexter is delicious. Fics wise, I would love the continuation of Grim protector. And I want to reread my own Harry/Sirius wip to maybe write something (the idea gets me SO excited.)
Funniest thing on the internet today: I didn't see much on the internet today. Laughed at this, but cried just as much. Highly recommend their channel—educational and amusing at once. On the less serious and short note, this.
Something you’re struggling with right now: Losing weight. Having a good quality sleep, keep waking up at night, not sleeping, waking up not feeling rested. I keep having nightmares about my parents.
Something hopeful: The summer is coming which means: cheaper veggies and fruits, more sunny days, more walks outside with granny, less clothes I need to put on. Maybe even swimming and meeting a friend. More mature hopefully. This summer is gonna be much better than the previous one which was truly a never-ending nightmare. Also, hopefully, my granny will start sleeping better. 
I did this before bed so I'm too sleepy to tag anyone. If you read this and want to do the thingy, please do and tag me. 
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