#I'll probably end up posting Tamber headcanons. who knows
autism-swagger · 1 year
hi hi do you have any tamber or core 4 headcanons?
You bet I do!
Core 4 headcanons:
Game nights are crazy. Monopoly is banned, card games are heavily restricted, and someone (Tara) usually ends up in tears.
They cook meals on a schedule! Mondays/Wednesdays are Chad's nights to cook, Tuesdays/Thursdays are Mindy's, (neither of them live there. Sam just makes them cook because they're over so often) Fridays/Saturdays are Sam's, and Sundays are for leftovers and occasionally Kirby or Gale. Tara isn't allowed to cook. Ever.
Tara, Chad, n Mindy pretended to be wolves at recess in elementary school. They would always make Sam be the deer.
They all have absolutely atrocious music taste, so their car rides are often completely devoid of music.
Chad n Mindy's moms have pictures of Sam n Tara around their house, like they're part of the family. (This includes embarrassing pictures from their childhoods)
All of them have chronic pain because of scarring.
Chad definitely does that thing where he'll open your bedroom door to say something, and then just leave it wide open. The others all hate it, but he's thinks it's hilarious.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
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Tara will randomly jump on all of them. It doesn't matter where they are or what they're doing, Tara will take a running leap at them and expect them to drop everything to hold him. (They always do)
They all play instruments (Mindy plays drums, Chad plays guitar, Tara plays piano and bass, and Sam can sing), and Mindy wants so badly to start a band. The others shut them down every time, but she never stops bringing it up.
All of them carry around spare inhalers.
Tara will do that annoying younger sibling thing where she'll approach one of them, insult them, and then scurry off laughing while getting chased.
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They have movie nights, but they typically end up spending most of the night debating what movie to watch. Eventually they just start drawing straws for who gets to pick. Mindy picks horror movies, Chad picks romcoms, Sam picks action movies (her all time favorite movie is Die Hard), and Tara always picks some indie movie with a title none of them can pronounce.
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