#I'll probably like the second ant man movie because that one was hilarious
miniwolfsbane · 2 years
My 68 Husbando's part 5
After months 2 years of putting this aside, it's back! Can't remember if I left off anywhere, but I'll edit accordingly...later!
Reed Richards-Fantastic Four 2005 movie, Fantastic Four: Worlds Greatest Heroes
Jan Michael Vincent-Rick and Morty (Sigh. Hangs head in shame I mean, what is Jan short for?? January? Jansen?)
Ant Man (animated and live action.)
aaand Phobe's boyfriend Mike-Friends. Slightly Chandler Bing, if only because he was freaking hilarious.
Low key Black Lightning. Again, the dad character.
Peter Quill-GOTG Cartoon (halfway live-action, but he's too immature for me.)
On that note, totally crushing on Owen in Jurassic World. So manly!!
Spock, Sulu-New and old Star Trek (but for old, it's more like "Yes, I can see where Spock was handsome.") Not outright drooling. For sulu, DEFINITLY DROOLING.
Daggar?? Twins-Tangled Gawd, yes! They're gingers, but they're just so big and overwhelming and bulky. Built like brick chicken houses.
Speaking of Are You Being Served Quotes, Mr. Spooner singing in the last episode made 8-11 year old me feel…things. Same for Ricky singing in I Love Lucy. No wonder I grew up having a thing for musicians.
Wolf guy in BNA. It's the voice.
Tadashi from BH6, even though I didn't really love that movie.
Low key Robbie from Dinosaurs when I was a kid (or high key? I just remember some weird kinda big brother or romantic adoration for him). Still, my favorite, probably because he doesn't fit the nerd stereotype in family sitcoms. A little too Rockstar for it, with a little skater dude without the valley boy accent. He's just chill and stuff. Can't explain it.
I don't like Doctor Strange normally for reasons I won't get into here, but I admit, him in Avengers Assemble is a total Fox.
Super low-key Brendan Fraiser's character in Blast From The Past. I lost all resolve when he kissed the Girls knee. Really not my type, but who doesn't love a hopeless romantic type guy.
Max Goof when I was five, undoubtedly.
The JLU version of The Flash
Basically almost any young adult male on Young Justice, except Beast Boy. He's more my woobie.
Raoul from Phantom of the Opera. 19-year-old me was hardcore drooling for this guy!! Simping! Dyyying inside!
I came to appreciate Gerard Butler more when I got older, but he wasn't on Raoul's level.
Can't remember if I mention him yet, but Master Piandao on ATLA.
If, and ONLY IF I were a pony, I'd flirt with Braeburn, no cap. (I can't explain it either, but I guess it's the accent, I've always liked cowbows, and it's his countenance.)
I thought Nick Carter from BSB was hot for like five seconds.
On that note, though I never crushed on them as a tween/teenager, I now see Kevin and AJ's attractiveness as an adult. (But I'm also not one for tats. So cute they have families now.)
To Be Continued...
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In the year 2k19 I will watch every single marvel movie in chronological order. Why? No seriously, why would I do this? I don't have an answer.
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