#and captain america because stucky is there
vee-nyx · 1 day
y’all ever think about how bucky got drafted and acted like he enlisted so steve would think he was okay. or how bucky was tortured for weeks at azzano and acted like he wasn’t so steve would think he was okay. or how bucky was cryofrozen traumatically for decades and voluntarily chose to go back under so that steve would think he was okay. or how bucky blinked back into existence days before steve left his life forever and bucky acted happy for him so steve would think he’d be okay.
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lefthandarm-man · 22 days
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Steve Rogers // Captain America Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
the way he looks at bucky (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(bucky vers.)
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crossthread · 3 months
making myself physically ill over stucky like its 2016
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steveybucky · 4 months
Sometimes I think about the ending of Endgame and remember that it absolutely did NOT happen because Steve Rogers would never leave Bucky Barnes all alone in the world
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Pre serum Steve: This date is boring! Bucky: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store. Steve: Then why did you invite me? Bucky: I didn't, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "screw you Buck I'll do whatever I want!
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kaysteahouse · 1 year
Mcu Steve Rogers is so insanely queer it enrages me
"I'd figure I'd wait...for the right partner."
"Kinda hard to find someone with shared life experience."
"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."
Stf up and go kiss your best friend
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lnsfawwi · 1 month
Here's a thought:
kid Steve speaks better Gaelic than English. their pastor sometimes takes care of Steve when Sarah is working and he'd teach Steve English but, as one can imagine, the accent is not good. Steve is also partially deaf, he doesn't always control his volume well, so he speaks broken, heavily accented English, and that isn't a winning combo for friendships on top of his firecracker personality.
enters Bucky, the popular kid who somehow decides that Steve is his best friend in the world.
Bucky's grandparents immigrated from England, his dad is Romanian Jew. Bucky is not a very devoted Catholic, and the family still celebrates major Jewish holidays. they even hold a mini bar mitzvah for Bucky's 13 birthday.
the point is, Bucky has a fairly neutral accent that gets more Brooklyn by the day, he is also some kind of a polyglot. he speaks also Yiddish, he learns Italian from the neighbors, and French at school.
Bucky never makes fun of Steve's accent or gets frustrated when Steve can't quite get the pronunciation right. they read together, literally. Bucky would have one of his favorite novels, and he'd read the words out loud for Steve, when it's Steve's turn, he listens and helps him when Steve struggles.
Bucky is also the one to suggest they create a sign language of their own. just simple daily vocabulary like 'food', 'movies', 'home'. they add 'punk/jerk' and 'sorry' to their vocabulary after a short while.
and the thing is, losing Bucky is more than just missing a person in his life, it's that the most basic act of talking - not even about him - just talking, in his own native language, is a constant reminder of this loss. they don't have only their own sign language. in a way, English is their language too. losing Bucky is losing the languages, the tool of communication and connecting with other people and the world around him.
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lavenderpanic · 9 months
I am way too invested in Stucky and probably overreacting about the whole poll thing but I find it so gross that OFMD fans (just the ones who have been overly antagonistic, I'm sure most of you guys are just happy and supporting a ship that you like) have been mocking Stucky fans for shipping something that was never made canon because I think that's genuinely what makes Stucky such a beautiful ship. In the face of homophobia, the homophobia of Steve and Bucky's universe and of ours, thousands of people have found love and beauty and have created entire works of literature and enduring quotes and defined an era of media consumption in the face of the queerbaiting epidemic of the 2010's. I PROMISE YOU, you would not have your queer pirate show without the overwhelming love that fandom spaces showed for queer relationships in the 2010's, and particularly without the love that fans have for Steve and Bucky.
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montanabohemian · 6 months
i'm rewatching the winter soldier cuz it's on TV right now and i'm melting down over it as usual. so i used my terrible meme skillz to cope. please enjoy:
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gyokujyn · 3 months
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | April 4th » Prompts: Devotion for @catws-anniversary
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger
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hannaxjo · 2 years
About Fanfiction
You know when you come across a fanfiction that is just so wonderful in every way, and once it's over you genuinely don't know what to do. There's just this static going on your brain and it's just like- I - I don't - like a genuine loss of words. Because you have read something so beautiful and unique, and thoughtful, something that has actually changed parts of you and the way you view things.
This is why its ridiculous how much shit fanfiction gets, because this feeling, is so incredibly rare, and let me tell you, not once have I read a published book that has had this effect on me.
Sure, there is bad fanfiction, but guess what. There are also bad books. And just like there are amazing books, there are amazing fanfictions. And I got to read one of those for free.
The skill, not only in the writing but the way the characters are told, the story, the emotions, everything. The time and research that writer has put on this work, and I got to read it for free.
Through fanfiction we get to read and tell stories that the mainstream media is too bigoted to publish.
It is really fucking stupid to shit on fanfiction because "some of it is bad". Some of us don't get represented in the media as much, some of us at all, and some of us only in negative light.
So yeah, say thanks to fanfiction writers, leave kudos, leave comments. Fanfiction can be really fucking amazing.
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steveybucky · 3 months
Me after 3 glasses of wine: I just wish we had gotten more Steve being an artist. I want to see Steve doodling on napkins, Steve having someone snap their fingers in his face to get his attention because he gets so absorbed in his work. I want to see Steve flipping through an old sketchbook the museum recovered that’s mostly drawings of Bucky because they were such good friends
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steve probably spent a lot of time bedridden or in hospital, and playing cards have always been cheap. i bet he knows how to count cards, got invited to play cards with the other candidates at camp lehigh on their first night, sharked the game, and never got asked to play again.
Also offers up the possibility of Steve and Bucky playing as a team, during the war, with Bucky card-counting and secretly signalling, while Steve (the guy with the USO money) pulls the big dumb blonde act, ('oh look fellas, my bet came through! what're the odds!') with his big blue eyes all innocent, every time he strikes it rich.
Takes the Howlies ages to catch on (and they can still never work out how exactly Sarge is signalling!)
Steve's photographic memory would probably come in super useful for this too...
Also: imagine Bucky trying to keep bedridden Steve entertained by learning...😬...magic card tricks. Only half works because he's so appallingly bad at it that Steve ends up laughing himself into a coughing fit.
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embie-the-buttercup · 8 months
I'm sick and it might only be the fever but I just had a thought that we could've named Stucky Barnes&Noble instead.
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crossthread · 3 months
I think if they made SamxBucky canon it'd break me
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