#I'll probably reblog this post just once more for different timezones
2K Quotes & 2Mil Views 2 Week Celebration!
I've decided to run this celebration by birthday candle rules, and by that I mean y'all are getting two different sharing challenges and a QnA to grow on.
THE CELEBRATION IS UNDERWAY! Askbox is open for QnA until January 21st-ish and I'll be reblogging shit like mad. Go wild, my friends.
Now, if you saw my previous post about this, you probably know that I've got finals approaching (also holiday plans), so I've decided to postpone my engagement with the celebration until January 7th-ish. Technically, that means the 7th will be the "official" start of the challenges and such, but nothing is stopping you from starting "early" or "late" if that's your vibe. After the "official" start, it'll be 2 straight weeks of me violently reblogging challenge posts and answering QnA questions. The ask box, however, will only be open during that 2-week period, and after that it'll be back to our regularly scheduled non-submission period for inbox clearing.
So, without further ado, here's the plan:
IQG Inspo Challenge!
Inspiration has always been at the heart of the IQG. Originally, I made it to help prompt some funny scenes between OCs of mine and my friends, and, now that it's gotten more popular, I've always loved seeing what comics, fanfics, videos, and other artistic endeavours it's inspired in other people.
To participate in the IQG Inspo Challenge, try to find a new quote you like in the generator every day for 2 weeks and make something creative out of it. Make it big or small, make it in any medium, "miss" however many days you like: as long as you enjoy it, you're carrying the spirit of the challenge.
If you share your IQG Inspo creations, tag them #IQG Inspo! I'll be browsing the tag on tumblr and reblogging what I can during the challenge (and even if your post doesn't get reblogged, it'll still be cool to see a gallery of all the neat stuff people have made).
If you want to share it but don't want me to reblog it, that's alright. Simply tag your post #do not quote.
Program and Play Challenge!
To join the Program and Play challenge, all you have to do is share a project you've programmed under the tag #Program and Play. It doesn't matter if it's a WIP or had long since been finished, it doesn't matter if you're new to programming or a professional in the field. As long as it's an original project you've programmed and enjoyed, it's perfect for the challenge.
Now, you might be asking "what does this have to do with the IQG" and the answer is not much, really. Programming is just something I really enjoy and I want to encourage others interested in it by boosting their projects up. I'll be browsing this challenge's tag and reblogging what I can (as with the IQG Inspo challenge, anything you don't want me to reblog can be tagged #do not quote).
If you're new to programming and don't know where to start, then there's lots of programming sites out there with support for beginners such as Scratch, Neocities, and, of course, Perchance. The best way to learn programming is just to dive into it. Don't be afraid to ask questions, google answers, and try new things (worst comes to worst, Stack Overflow hasn't failed me yet).
Remember, very few people enter hobbies with a talent for them. It's those who spend time learning and exploring skills that are the most masterful of them.
And, last but not least, QnA!
As I said, the askbox opens on January 7th and closes after two weeks (January 21st) with anon questions active. You might notice I didn't put any specific timezones on this. That's because it's gonna be a bit wibbly wobbly as far as timing goes, but I'll be giving y'all an announcement post once I open it, and a last minute call an hour or so before I close it.
During this period, the askbox will only by open for questions and non-management related things. Any bug reports or submissions sent at this time will not be acknowledged since I'm still clearing out the current 1,964 items in the inbox.
In honor of Tumblr's long history of ridiculous asks, I'm not gonna put any limits onto the questions y'all can ask unless I have to. You can ask about the code, you can ask about me, you can ask about completely unrelated bullshit that you find funny, I don't really mind. However, know that this is all up to my own discretion. I might not take your question seriously. I might not answer it at all. It's (probably) nothing personal (unless you actively tried to send hate speech or something of the like).
I think it's important for people to feel heard and recieve explanations for why certain decisions are made, so I will answer most questions about the chat deletion if you ask them, but they will be tagged under #IQG chat so people who want to stick to the more cheery bits of the QnA can filter it out. I would prefer if IQG chat discussion is kept to the original post about it, but I understand that a lot of the chatters didn't have a tumblr, so this will likely be the only way many of you can voice your concerns. Keep in mind that all of the things I've said about the questions up until now still applies. I will still be answering them at my own discrection. You have all been very respectful so far and I appreciate that, but, to anyone who might consider sending in harrassment or something of the like over this, know that it won't bring the chat back.
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skyplayssplatoonmoved ยท 2 years
NOTICE: Skyplayssplatoon...is moving?
[I Have Moved To @skyplayssplatoon3 !!]
Howdy there! Kind of a different but important post:
I don't want to get too detailed about it, but I've come to the decision that I'd like to start over on a brand new blog! The main reason being a lot of coding/tagging issues that unfortunately have come with Tumblr updates, and partially some personal issues that I'd prefer to leave behind me for Splatoon 3.
I apologize if this is a bit sudden of a post, but I have been considering it for a long time, and have decided this is what I want to do!
Rest assured, this blog is NOT being deleted! I will leave it up as an archive for all the beautiful art I've reblogged and the lovely memories!
But I will no longer be posting here, nor reblogging anything here.
I understand I will have to rebuild my followers all over again especially to get back to helping people gets some visibility, but truth be told, I assume at least 1/3 of the followers here have also been people who've long since abandoned Tumblr. I hope to rebuild a new active audience so I can share folks art around just like before, but I know it may take some time!
The new blog will basically be the same, just with a simpler, different layout that functions properly, proper tags that work, and a fresh clean slate for new posts!
If you're interested in continuing on with me for my Splatoon 3 Adventures, you can simply find me at:
Thank you for all the wonderful memories, the support of myself as well as each other, and indulging me in all my silly posts, rants and thoughts! I'm ready to lay this blog to rest and start fresh for a fresh new game! I hope you'll be able to join me!
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