#I'll see them a couple of times per year and we'll say hi and thats fine for me. I do that the bear minimum because i know for my mother it
mrfoox ยท 2 years
The few times I suprise people or have them disagree badly its usually concerning family and relative logic
If no one knows anything of my family or that situation they'd probably think im a big fan of family bc im generally caring and loving but man....
In my opinion, if an person is an asshole or overall just very bad for your mental health and they are unwilling or unable to change... You don't owe them your time. Ive had people argue with me about it and that's fine everyone thinks differently but imo... 'sharing blood' doesn't mean you owe them your time and health etc
I'd rather invest time and love into the people who are good to me back, whether we share blood or not
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