#I'm 56 years old from Germany.
ju6hy5gt4eftght · 10 months
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kenkaodoll · 2 years
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tales 56 (JUMP SQ 22/08)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (July 2022) there are a total 56 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/686670613847375872/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-55-jump-sq-2207
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At the usual living room in Kamiya Dojo.
Yahiko handed Kaoru a ticket for the German’s Product Exhibition sponsored by Tsukayama Company.
“I'm not going to practice at the dojo for a while.”
“Oh, so finally it’s starting tomorrow.”
“The product exhibition, that it is.”
Kenshin also peeked at the ticket from her side.
“I'm looking forward to it! I'm sure we'll be able to eat some delicious German’s food. Ah… but it's not a place I can take Kenji. Hmmm, maybe it's a little too early to take a kid to a crowded place like that.”
Megumi looked at Kaoru’s disappointed face and suggested, 
“Oh, I can help babysit for you. Why don't both of you go out together as a married couple once in a while?”
“Eh? Is that okay?”
“Yes, that's fine. In return, bring me a souvenir.”
Thank you, Megumi-san. It's been a long time since Kenshin and I went out together. I wonder when was the last time we went out somewhere?”
“Before Kenji was born, that it was. We went to Suitengu Shrine on the *day of the dog to pray for easy childbirth.”
“Oh, by the way, we ate eel after the visit! It was delicious.”
“After Kenji was born, the three of us were together, and we may never have been alone.”
“We haven't been together in a long time. What should I wear? I’m still young, so a kimono with a pattern for girls would not be out of place*. I wonder if I can wear the imported lace ribbon that Yutaro-kun sent me the other day. What should I do, Megumi-san?”
“.... As soon as it was decided that the two of you were going out together, you started to get a little carried away.”
Megumi did not answer Kaoru's question, "What should I do?" and looked amazed.
“What about you Kenshin? What are you going to wear?”
“I'm only going to wear my usual clothes, that I am.”
Kenshin also held his laugh.
“It makes me happy as a worker to see you looking forward to it so much.”
Yahiko smiled.
“The organizer is Tsukayama Company, so of course Yutaro was there. There was also Tae-san with the cooks and the waitresses from Akabeko to help out... And Sae-san came all the way from Kyoto’s Shirobeko, right?”
“Also, Misao was asked to help out.”
“I wondered why she has been out so much lately. She has been helping out at the exhibition too right?”
“Last year, Sae promised Misao that he would dress her in Western-style clothing. In the process of fulfilling that promise, she agreed to help Tsubame and the others with their work.”
Yahiko explained the situation briefly.
Then the day of the exhibition came. The event was scheduled to run for several days starting today. Blessed with fine weather, it was a perfect day for the event. The crowd was quite large, with many people, young and old, who love new things, coming to see and buy rare and unique products.
This was not like a large-scale government event, but it was the beginning of a series of events in which Tsukayama Company rented a Western-style house to display and sell selected products from Germany and other parts of the world.
In those days imported goods were still rare.
If people didn't know what kind of things were out there, they couldn't even think of wanting them. Yutaro’s company couldn't sell a product that people didn’t know about. Therefore, although he would love to sell them, the first goal of this exhibition is to make people aware of the products.
Tsubame in a lavender dress and Midori in a peacock green dress greeted Kaoru and Kenshin at the gate.
“Oh, Tsubame, you are beautiful! You must be Midori-san, I've heard a lot about you from Yahiko. It's so lovely!”
Kaoru was so excited to see a beautiful girl in a dress in a Western-style house, it felt like an unreal space.
Then the two girls lead them to the entrance hall.
“Welcome to Tsukayama Company German Product Exhibition.”
Yutaro greeted Kaoru who was a little more dressed up than usual and Kenshin who dressed casually.
“Since you two are our special guests, I, the organizer, will personally escort you here. Please come this way.”
“I'm sure you have a lot of rare and unique items from Germany, don't you? I'm so glad to hear a direct explanation from Yutaro-kun, the man who prepared them. Right, Kenshin?”
“That’s right.”
Kaoru was smiling. Kenshin was also smiling calmly.
“This product exhibition is divided into three categories: clothing, food, and living”
“That's easy to understand, isn't it?”
“I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.”
“Then, let's start with the "Clothing" part.”
Yutaro led them to the first room.
On display were women's hats, parasols, bags, beautiful fabrics, and feathers and furs used to adorn clothing, all glittering and exquisitely priced items that one might be able to afford if one were willing to buy.
Next room was for men's shoes, bags, pocket watches, etc. The further they go into the back room, the more expensive the items become. The more expensive items were more for display than for purchase.
“They're all so beautiful. They sparkle and shine and dazzle.”
“It's a feast for the eyes, that is it.”
“The last room of the "Clothing," however, is a little different from the glittering one.”
Yutaro led the way to what he called the last room.
“Please come in.”
The room was facing the garden. On the window sill, brightly illuminated by the light of the sun, a single foot-pedal sewing machine was placed. There’s Sae sitting in front of it.
“Tae-sa...No, it's not. Sae-san?”
“Correct! Long time no see.”
“I heard from Yahiko you came to Tokyo to help with the needlework. But what brings you to this room?”
As Kaoru asked the question, Misao in a pink colored dress appeared from behind the window curtains.
She sat down next to the sewing machine where the stand was set aside.
“Well, well, ladies and gentlemen. Here we have a foreign-made one!”
She began her explanation in a *Kōdan style by tapping her fan.
Kaoru felt it was not quite right to use a Kōdan style even though she was dressed in Western-style clothes. Kaoru quietly listened to the rest of the story, thinking, "Maybe Misao likes Kōdan." 
Misao's clear voice drew a crowd of visitors to the exhibition.
“It is a sewing machine that came all the way across the ocean from Germany.”
“What a machine! This is a dream machine that sews very fast and evenly. Now, let me show you how fast it is.”
Yahiko appeared in the garden.
“This is a race to see which is faster, the sewing machine sewing one meter of this cloth together, or the boy running one hundred meters. Now then, boy, get into position!”
Yahiko nodded and went to the end of the garden.
“The distance from that end, where the boy is standing, to this end, where the finish line is stretched, is exactly a hundred meters. I measured it beforehand. And from this mark to this mark on this cloth, which I have taken out here, is one meter.”
While Misao was talking, the number of people in this room with the sewing machine was increasing rapidly.
“The boy's swiftness of foot or the imported machine! Which is faster or drearier? Everyone who is watching, please decide in your hearts which one you will cheer for.”
The people started to speak, "*Mishin?" and "The boy" to each other, and some even asked, "Do you want to bet?", "Oh, yes!".
When the room was warmed up, Misao hit the fan on the stand in front of her.
Then I, Makimachi  Misao, will be the one to conduct the event. Well~!"
Misao hit the fan with a loud tap. 
At that signal, Yahiko started running toward the finish mark, Sae stepped on the sewing machine!
“Come on, come on, come on, come on! Who will win? Who will lose?”
The visitors watched and held their breath.
Yahiko running with all his power!
Sae, too, giving her all on the sewing machine!
The winner is...!
Misao was screaming while hitting her fan energetically.
Yahiko cut the finish line and Sae finished sewing and raised her hand. almost at the same time.
“Almost, is it a tie? Let’s see!”
“Slightly! Sewing machine has won, sir!”
Clap clap clap clap!
The visitors burst into applause and cheers at Misao's decision and the excitement created by her fan.
“Yes, the best sewing machine in Japan!”
“In that case, you mean the best in the world?”
“It's different!”
Everyone was saying what they thought.
“Hmm… Kenshin, Yahiko said he was hired as 'bodyguard' right?”
“That's right.”
“But is this a 'bodyguard' job?”
Yutaro answered Kaoru's question calmly.
“Well, It doesn’t really matter,  as long as he works for his paycheck. Yahiko's running is enjoyed by the customers, that's all more than anything.”
“Well, I was certainly entertained...”
Kaoru still did not seem to be convinced.
“I have a question too, that I would like to ask you.”
Kenshin, too, looked puzzled and asked Yutaro.
“What is the significance of comparing running a hundred meters to sewing one meter? Running... Sewing... Ummm...”
“Surely, isn't it?”, Kaoru added.
“It's just a show to show how fast the sewing machine is, so I don't compare it to anything.”
Kenshin felt as if he had been let down by Yutaro's surprisingly crude plan.
“Yahiko said that Yutaro-kun was working his employees hard, and this is what he meant.”
“Oh, he said that in the dojo? I'm going to strangle him later.”
Kenshin and Kaoru looked at each other and both of them smiled. Yutaro, who usually looked a little bit bigger than a normal boy, now looked like a little brat.
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Notes *)Mishin: Machine *)Day of the Dog, Dogs have long been considered a symbol of an easy childbirth in Japan. Suitengu shrine is the most famous shrine to visit to pray for safe and easy childbirth. Usually the mother and family visit it during the five month of pregnancy. *)In Japan there’s a custom for married women to wear Kimono with muted colors and simple pattern, but Kaoru still loves to wear beautiful kimono with vibrant colors. *)Kōdan: Traditional oral Japanese storytelling, the speaker sits in seiza (formal position) and speaks while tapping their fan.
.…..to be continue in chapter 57……  https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/691926622107992064/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-57-jump-sq-2209
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with the English also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that sounds not making sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want give corrections. TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file. TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters in his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the tales here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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mrs-storm-andrews · 3 years
1, 7, 8, 15, 30, 40, 55, 56, 61, 62, 85, 95 I hope there are some here you didn't already do. ^^;
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? // Out of these? Definitely coffee mugs, since I drink almost everything from mugs - even wine.
7. earbuds or headphones? // Earbuds, because headphones interfere with my glasses and make my ears hurt quite badly.
8. movies or tv shows? // Both. It highly depends on my mood and on my current ability to focus.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? // Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane. I wasn't expecting to like it, so it hit me even harder when I surprisingly did. Highly recommended if you're into 19th century realism.
30. places that you find sacred? // None. Of course, I do respect that certain places are sacred tp certain groups of people, but to me personally there are no sacred places.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? // In 7th grade (20 years ago!!) we were put under police protection every Friday after school, because for some reasons there was a feud going in our town between pupils from grammar school and pupils from Realschule (some kind of middle school), so the police had to protect grammar school kids like me from being beaten up by Realschul kids. So weird. That was only for a very short stretch of time, though.
55. favorite fairy tale? // Not sure if that really counts as a fairy tale, but I'm very fond of the Struwwelpeter, which is a German children's book from the 1840s. It's rather brutal and gruesome, but still has been a part of childhood in Germany until recently (I guess our hyper-woke society has cancelled it by now). I absolutely loved this book as a child.
56. favorite tradition? // Advent calendars! Christmas time itself is such a cozy time, but advent calenders make it even better. They still make just as excited as I they did 25 years ago.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? // "You claimed that a person of almost twenty-four years of age was too old to jig about in public. But I will never be too old to be just as happy as I want, up to my tiptoes, no matter where I am." from Arnaía kastad i havet by Märtä Tikkanen. When I read this line I was twenty-four myself and I just felt it. I still do.
62. seven characters you relate to? // Jess Mariano for being a bookish hoodlum; George Kirrin for being quite tomboyish as a kid; Pacey Witter for loving someone from afar; Draco Malfoy for biting off more than he could swallow; Anna Karenina for being a Borderline personality; Spencer Reid for being the only one in the team going for a PhD; Theon Greyjoy for losing a sense of who he actually used to be.
85. fairy tales or mythology? // Fairy tales. Although mythology definitely is an interesting topic, I've never got a real hang on it.
95. favorite app on your phone? // Probably WhatsApp, since my family and most of my friends aren't living nearby, so WhatsApp is an important way for me to communicate and socialise.
weird asks that say a lot
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bongaboi · 3 years
Italy: EURO 2020 Champions
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Gianluigi Donnarumma denied Bukayo Saka and Jadon Sancho, while Marcus Rashford hit the post as Italy edged a penalty shoot-out dripping in tension to overcome England in the UEFA EURO 2020 final.
England had a dream start to their first ever EURO showpiece, Luke Shaw thumping in a fine goal inside two minutes to light up Wembley. Yet Italy slowly found their feet and midway through the second half Leonardo Bonucci found the net. On to extra time, and then penalties, where both goalkeepers saved two; history, though, belongs to Donnarumma the victor.
Match in brief
"It is important we make a good start," Roberto Mancini had said on the eve of Italy's fourth EURO final. What ensued was anything but. With less than two minutes on the clock, Harry Kane spread a pass out wide to surprise starter Kieran Trippier, and his delightful cross was met by a crisp left-footed half-volley from the stealthy Shaw. England rejoiced.
If the atmosphere was electric before, it was enough to power half of north London once the goal went in. The Azzurri were shocked but showed their mettle as they regrouped, gained a foothold and started stringing passes together. Only the final pass, the final shot let them down – not always by much, with the excellent Federico Chiesa whistling a shot just wide before the break.
The pressure was ratcheted up after half-time and eventually it told. Domenico Berardi's corner caused all manner of problems, and though Jordan Pickford pushed Marco Verratti's header onto the post, Bonucci was there to prod in. Italy came again and again. But England held on. Into extra time we went, and then penalties, which seesawed back and forth.
Pickford denied Andrea Belotti and Jorginho; Rashford struck the post and Sancho, also introduced on 120 minutes, was denied by Donnarumma. Saka, the youngest man on the pitch, could have taken it to sudden death, but Donnarumma guessed right and, once and for all, England's unofficial anthem Sweet Caroline was silenced.
For a generation of Italy fans, the good times really have never seemed so good.
Star of the Match: Leonardo Bonucci (Italy)
Star of the Match: Leonardo Bonucci
"Such a strong defensive performance from the 34-year-old. Great distribution out from the back and the all-important equaliser."
Packie Bonner, UEFA Technical Observer
Check out every Heineken Star of the Match at UEFA EURO 2020.
Paolo Menicucci, Italy reporter
Facing England at Wembley was not enough; Italy also conceded an early goal to make their task even more difficult. A normal team could have lost the game there and then. But this is not a normal team. The Azzurri never lost focus and courage, and eventually equalised through Bonucci. They took control of the midfield and their penalty shoot-out win was just reward for their performance and great character.
Simon Hart‏, England reporter
Luke Shaw (R) celebrates his early goal
Luke Shaw (R) celebrates his early goal
UEFA via Getty Images
England made the perfect start, yet that feels a long time ago after the way Italy took control in the second period. There were echoes of the Russia 2018 semi-final loss to Croatia: an early lead but then domination by the opposition. Even the equaliser came at roughly the same time. For Southgate, a more painful echo too was the hurt of another EURO shoot-out defeat at Wembley. Yet his team have travelled further than any England side for 55 years and given their supporters so many reasons for optimism once tonight's hangover has cleared.
Roberto Mancini, Italy coach: "The guys were amazing. I have no words for them; this is a wonderful squad. This game was always going to be difficult, and after their early goal even more so, but we dominated from then on. You have to have a little luck on penalties and I'm a little sorry for England because they also played a great tournament."
Donnarumma: 'It's an incredible dream'
Gianluigi Donnarumma, Italy goalkeeper: "We have done something extraordinary. We are delighted. We didn't give them an inch. You all know where we started. We are a fantastic team and we deserve this."
Gareth Southgate, England coach: "We are hugely disappointed. I think the players have been an absolute credit; they have given everything they possibly could. Tonight was exactly the same; they have run themselves into the ground."
Harry Kane, England captain: "The boys couldn't have given more. Penalties are the worst feeling in the world when you lose. It's been a fantastic tournament – we should be proud, hold our heads up high. It's going to hurt now, it's going to hurt for a while."
The moment Italy lifted EURO trophy
Key stats
Italy are the fourth side to win multiple EURO titles after Germany (3), Spain (3) and France (2). The 53-year gap between their titles is the longest in EURO history.
Italy are the first side to win two penalty shoot-outs at a single EURO finals tournament.
Bonucci (34 years and 71 days) is the oldest player to score in a EURO final.
Shaw's opener was clocked at 1:56, the fastest goal in a EURO final and fifth quickest in tournament history.
This was the seventh EURO final to go to extra time (after 1960, 1968, 1976, 1996, 2000 and 2016) and the second to go to a shoot-out (1976).
Jorginho adds to his 2020/21 silverware
Jorginho adds to his 2020/21 silverware
Getty Images
Chelsea's Jorghino is only the tenth player to feature on the winning side in the European Cup and EURO in the same year.
Italy are 34 matches unbeaten, dating back to September 2018.
Italy had not conceded the first goal in any of their previous 18 outings before the final.
The Azzurri have conceded more than once in just one of their last 21 EURO finals matches.
Bonucci made his 18th EURO finals appearance, an Italian record. Giorgio Chiellini joined Gianluigi Buffon on 17.
Harry Kane made his 11th EURO finals appearance, matching the England record of Gary Neville.
Getty Images
Italy: Donnarumma; Di Lorenzo, Bonucci, Chiellini, Emerson (Florenzi 118); Barella (Cristante 54), Jorginho, Verratti (Locatelli 96); Chiesa (Bernardeschi 86), Immobile (Berardi 55), Insigne (Belotti 91)
England: Pickford; Walker (Sancho 120), Stones, Maguire; Trippier (Saka 70), Rice (Henderson 74; Rashford 120), Phillips, Shaw; Mount (Grealish 99), Sterling; Kane
What's next?
Italy could end 2021 with two trophies as they are also through to October's UEFA Nations League Finals on home turf. They face Spain in the semi-finals, and a repeat of their last-four win at UEFA EURO 2020 would set up a decider against either Belgium or France. First, though, the Azzurri and England both have three 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers in September.
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Science Fiction Story
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This is Science Fiction,....
I made it up,.....
It's pure fantasy,......
I'm not Nutz, just out there, Lol
Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at President John F. Kennedy in 1963 in Dallas Texas. The second and third shots he fired struck the President; the third shot he fired killed the President, and three 6.5×52mm brass cartridges were found next to the rifle.
The First shot fired just vanished, never found, investigators never found anything that was hit by the first shot fired.
So where did the bullet go?
Maybe a Worm Hole?
A wormhole is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations. A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime.
Here's my Science Fiction story to explain what happened, in the tradition of The Twilight Zone,............. enjoy.
Patient walks into the hospital for a stomach pain and doctors order an x-ray to find the problem.
The x-ray shows an image that looks like a bullet on the left side of the mans stomach which is determined to be a decades old wound because there's no sign of scar tissue or outside body damage suggesting anything penetrated the skin.
Patient does not remember ever getting shot in his life, and wonders how the bullet got inside his stomach.
An operation to take the bullet out shows it's a 6.5x52mm cartridge bullet, and police investigators collected ballistic evidence to see if there was any related weapon that fired the bullet.
Ballistic evidence on the national database show that the bullet matched the rifling groves of the 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 38 infantry carbine that was used to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
The date of this hospital report is 2019, the patient is 64 years old, making him 8 years old at the time the bullet entered his body.
Patient was in Germany on the day President Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas, over 5000 miles away.
How could an 8 year old boy in Germany 5000 miles away from Texas be shot by Lee Harvey Oswald's Rifle?
How could that bullet remain inside that 8 year old without the boy knowing anything about it, and then 56 years later start having stomach pains from the bullet shifting after all that time.
Doctors examining the patient stated there is no outer scar tissue suggesting a entry wound, and there is no cellular disruption inside the patent as would be present, as cellular disruption would occur inside the body showing the path of the bullet that would never heal back in the same cellular formation.
Like the bullet just appeared inside the patient miraculously without going through the skin but just appearing there.
Lee Harvey Oswald fired the first bullet in Dallas Texas at the split second a small Worm Hole opened up and connected the pathway of the bullet to an 8 year old boys stomach insides.....................
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