#I'm a proud villain stan u-u
darkmagicmirror · 1 year
I've been thinking about @spicyviren 's post about Claudia preventing the sun from rising (and they made a more in-depth post today as well, which is also very good!), so last night I got curious and Googled mythology and eclipses because what if the eclipse actually happens and it's not just Viren's dream? And we know TDP likes mythological references. So...
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This is so fascinating because of the "I swallowed her" comment Aaravos makes in Janai's dream.
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A demon (or dragon, or-- (etc)) is eating the sun?
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(*Personally, I don't think Janai's dream is necessarily accurate for telling us what happened -- but Aditi getting "eaten" by someone especially a dragon wouldn't surprise me.)
And speaking of "swallowing"...
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And some of the other mythological explanations mentioned in the article I linked are also really interesting:
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(The highlighting was done by Google, so it's not necessarily more important.)
And canon material, especially the Ripples short specifically, reflects a few themes here:
Abandonment - the humans are essentially abandoned by the stars (and the sun is a star): "It cannot be, wept others. The stars would not betray us!" - after the "star" falls from the sky and changes the land.
Crisis/existential threat - "With its impact came a long and terrible night: The earth bled! The seas churned! The sun and moon hid for weeks behind the sky’s screaming storm!" (Also bolded for emphasis because the sun hiding? The fact the moon does too is interesting, but the sun specifically is called out later: "And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?" VERY interesting considering the sunrise mentions in S5.)
Eclipse as an act of creation - though much of the story talks about the calamity, there's also how "[the stars] had rejoiced to look down upon their newborn sea."
The Sun and Moon coupling and creating more stars - this is more of a stretch, but the Sun and Moon did get hidden together, and the Sea (of the Castout) serving as a mirror of the stars... like they're duplicating the stars, though only in image.
Mischievous acts - I personally think Aaravos is mischievous, so hmm.
One side note on the second-to-last point: if Viren learns the Star arcanum, which is very rarely understood, could that, too, be analogous to creating another star?
Anyway this all implies that perhaps a similar eclipse occurred before, when Aaravos had fallen and the Sea of the Castout was created? And we know how the Rise Again short story, which is about her pseudo-resurrection of her pet cat, correlated to S4 opening with Claudia having brought her father back to life, sort of in a repeating history sense. Aaravos's Patience story foreshadowed the fact that all he could do in S4 is wait and bide his time. Ripples could foreshadow S5 being that first "touch" that sets off greater change... and, like with the resurrection, perhaps history repeating itself, in a sense, with a potential upcoming eclipse?
And another interesting line: "The sky opened its maw and spat from its black jaws a tiny star."
It's not exactly black, but I know some people say the ridges here look like teeth...
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Also, even though Sol is referring to his blindness, these lines about the Sun "never [rising] again" and an "eternal night" fit into similar themes to the eclipse and the Ripples short.
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Also, just going back to the abandonment theme of the eclipse really quick--
The Midnight Star poem also talks about the stars abandoning humanity. "Elarion, unworthy whelp, / Wept as the stars turned black the sky, / They donned their masks / They turned their backs / And left Elarion to die."
(I have more to break down about that entire stanza in another post; I just want to point out the bolded parts for now.)
Now, most of these are references to the past... so what about now?
If I were to guess on how the same themes I compared to the Ripples story might apply to "current" series events...
Abandonment - Claudia feeling abandoned by Aaravos (as mentioned in the Lost Child short)? Or, alternately, Aaravos feeling abandoned (by either Claudia, after she had to flee from the battle, and/or Viren, after his rejection)?
Crisis/existential threat - IMO the biggest threat is Karim potentially joining up with Sol Regem right now. Though some would say Aaravos being close to being freed could be the threat/crisis here. But I'm an Aaravos apologist, so I am not part of that group LOL
Eclipse as an act of creation - Claudia regenerates her missing leg, perhaps?
The Sun and Moon coupling and creating more stars - Viren Star arcanum?
Mischievous acts - Aaravos again.
All of this to say-- I don't think the eclipse is just for show/because it looks cool, but if we consider the mythological beliefs surrounding eclipses, it ties in significantly to the story.
Also I leave you with a few last bits from the article that just remind me of TDP things:
"In many cultures, the darkening of the sun meant the gods were very, very angry with humanity, and about to inflict some punishment. Often, that meant that in order to appease them, you had to kill someone."
That reminds me of the stars seeming to punish humanity for daring to use magic... which is also when Aaravos gets cast down?
"The Greeks thought an eclipse meant that the gods were about to rain punishment down on a king, so in the days before an eclipse, they would choose prisoners or peasants to stand in as the king in the hopes that they’d get the eclipse punishment and the real king would be saved. Once the eclipse was over, the substitute king was executed."
This is so far off, but it reminds me of Harrow anyway? Mostly with the soulfang serpent idea of switching Harrow with someone else. Interesting.
"For the Inuits, the sun and moon weren’t a married couple but brother and sister. At the beginning of the world they quarreled, and the sun goddess Malina walked away from her brother, the moon god Anningan. Anningan continued to chase after her, and whenever he caught up to her, there was an eclipse."
Which reminds me of the line in Strangers, the short from Soren's perspective, where "Claudia had appeared and he’d done it again, a little boy chasing after his sister..."
A lot of it is probably coincidence, but it's still really interesting!
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
go fuck yourself u racist cunt maybe you should be abused so you know how damn pathetic n insulting you are to actual survivors im tired of white bitches stanning a racist abusive asshole bc hes hot go die and we’d be better off
i've been deleting shit like this for weeks and i'm fucking tired of it. i am completely over this bullshit. maybe you should try to have some fucking empathy for other people because you know what? you have no fucking clue what my life is like. you can dislike a character all you want but you have no right to come onto my blog and sent shit like this.
there is a reason i've said time and time again that i relate to billy. it wasn't my parents, but i spent five years in a highly abusive relationship that completely tore away who i was and broke me to pieces. i never once thought i could survive that shit but you know what? i fucking did and you know what i was like after that? i was angry. i hated the world, i hated my friends, i hated everyone around me that i could even possibly blame for what had happened to me. i took it out on people around me and it may not have been right, and i had to go through so much work to fix my behaviors and try to make up for what i did and said in that state of mind, but i am completely different now. i still get angry, i'll probably always find comfort in anger but i've learned how to channel it in a more healthy way. i am actual fucking proof that people have the capacity to change, that people like billy can recover. i'm sick and fucking tired of people erasing "non-perfect victims" just because they don't become meek and overly polite like media often presents. i was thrilled to see a character like billy, a character like me, finally represented in media and get heartbroken every single fucking day that he's constantly villainized when he was so clearly hurting.
and what is it with antis and assuming people are completely white? i am biracial and yes, i am mostly white passing and i have long since understood the privileges that come from that but i am too fucking proud of my family, my culture, my story to have stupid fucks like you completely erase it.
so fuck you. go find your entertainment somewhere else.
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ariadnasdiary · 2 years
30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom★
Mun Ari: I was tagged by @kindan-no-kanojo and @mino-diabolik thank you!! (Credit to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat)
1. How long have you been in this fandom?
I think around 2015-2016(?. 2015 is when I found DL anime, but it was until months later that I got interested with the decond seasom. I started here in tumblr in 2016 and until 2017 I stsrted my OC blog. So… 6-7 years? Oh my…that much? 😳
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
Kino my love <3. Since he made his appearance in 2017 and I read his route… puff! I'm in love~ lol. Up until now he has remind as my #1 husbando <3
3. Why do you like them?
For many reasons: we share some things from our past, so I can relate to him for that reason. Also, he's so funny (I love his sense of humor lol), how intelligent and witty he is (I love his role as the villain jijij), how childish and spoiled he can act, we share some hobbies and of course his appeareance and voice makes me weak! Also he's a cutie when he wants, I can't >////<
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
Hell yeah! @mino-diabolik @kindan-no-kanojo and @eli-loversblog we are all happy members of Kino's harem jijijij
5. How do you feel about it?
Happy and proud. Kino is such a misunderstood character and therefore his fan base is so tiny!! So whenever I find someone that loves Kino AND has an OC with him is like another tiny victory!!
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
No? So far I've encounter very few Kino fans, but none has been toxic or something similar 🤷🏻‍♀️.
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
As interact with Kino? Or with my OC? Or with both? The answer to all three is: absolutely yes! Kino deserves so much love and every new fan is great news! With Ari makes me feel super super happy for her to be loved and noticed! And with both as a couple makes my heart go 💗💗💗
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
I must admit that when I started I felt a little jealous with some (that are not longer active as far as I know) since they had more support and had the plus to be great artists so bring their ship's dream to reality.
Of course I got over it super fast and I focused on my own personal growth and so far I'm extremely happy to see more people liking and shipping Kino with their OCs!!
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
Eh? About what? My ship? If it's so then... neutral? I mean there were better times for the DL OC community, but understand that times changes and I'm busy with real life responsibilities, so I can't dedicate the time I use to give this blog. Of course is natural people left, others came and I stayed and to pass unnoticed is due to my lack of activity/interactions and such.
So is a 50/50. There are good days and bad ones.
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
Honestly? I miss the old days and I wish I could be more active. But there are so much new people and my some friends are now gone... that I feel anxious. I'm super shy when it comes to socialize and interact with new people + my reduced time online... that is very hard for me. So, I would love to interact more, but I'm shy >/////<
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
Of course! I try to send them asks from time to time and I always check them out whenever I enter here!
12. Are you friends with them?
I'd like to think that ;u; (I have interacted with their Muns and I talk to some more than others jejeje)
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
Good question... I'm not sure I know what it means 100%. I deduce you mean those who 'stan' a character as their fans(?.
I think everything in measure and balance is totally OK. You can ship yourself or an OC with them and be creative or have fun! HOWEVER! If your love becomes and obsession and it starts hurting or bothering others... then we have a problem. Is an issue when people believes they 'own' the character or are passive-aggressive with other fans. Excuses as 'I love them more than you do!' Or 'I'm the only one to understand them!' Or 'I'm their only and true girlfriend' is like: Get yourself a therapy~ you're desillusional 🤦🏻‍♀️
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
There is always that risk. It does annoys me since is a work/creation I made myself and it took me time, work and even money to create.
It did happened to me not long ago that a person took a commission I payed and edited it to put her OC. She made a TERRIBLE work editing it (you know with paint or even Instagram colors), but fortunately she "vanished".
I'm low-key afraid some might steal any of my fanfics and post them as theirs in other platforms though... but I'm not that relevant or famous to worry about that lol. And I haven't made any commissions lately and I haven't seen my commissions around or edited so... I guess I'm fine?
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
A friend was who told me about it and we both worked together to solve it (she was also a victim of that girl as she stole her OC almost everything [appearance, name, ship...] and in my case my commission). As I know what it feels like I try to tell the corresponding authors of the original piece if they are being victims of stealing so we can all work together to solve it.
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
I'll assume my blog/ship. The answer is public: at this point many know my blog and OC lol.
17. Do you lock a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
Nop. So far I haven't block anyone.
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
If I understand correectly this question.... I think you mean attitudes that I don't like in fans?
I'll answer as such: I don't like when people thinks they can own a character or many just because they have theirs ocs paired with them. If they are all bark no bite, then you can just ignore them... but if they are those people that actually harass others that pisses me off. I don't get involve in online confrontations (cause' is pathetic really), unless they are attacking friends of mine in a very mean way. I'm ready to thows hands!
ALSO the thieves or tracers also annoys me, becuase their arguments and actions are stupid. 'I found them online! So I shared it!', 'I'm doing them a favor by posting it in my profile!' or 'Who are you to tell me what to do? I post what I want!'. UGH! HATE THEM! If you don't know how to draw: DON'T POST OTHER'S WORK!
Overall, I just find annoying those people that are immature or mean in general so I just avoid them.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
I haven't encounter any of the sort directed to me specifically? But I've seen what haters are willing to do.
I hate when they simply critize the OC in question with their stupid opinions like: 'I don't like your OC because is not pretty', 'she's ugly', 'she's a Marie Sue', 'she's a cheap copy of *insert character*', 'you need to improve your skills', or the best one 'I don't like your OC, stop shring her!' etc. Like: SHUT UP! NO ONE ASKED YOU. IF YOU DON'T LIKE A SHIP SIMPLY UNFOLLOW OR BLOCK. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR DAMN OPINION.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
nop, thankfully. But if I encounter one, I'll simply block them~
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp? 
yep! Well... the official route is still incomplete lol. I'm missing some endings, but I haven't come up with something .-.
BUT I have created so many AUs that is impressive how many lives they have lived and fallen in love with :'D
22.  Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
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Seriously, every idea has so much potential! that's why I have written so many~!
Don't hesitate to add Ari to any of your AUs!!!
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
Sure! Sometims it's me who begs my Ari to be ship with others ocs [Mystic I'm looking at you!], but I haven't had luck(?
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
Not really(? Unless I have already forgotten or never noticed(?
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
@kindan-no-kanojo (have you seen Scarlett? She's an icon! Her character is 100/10!)
@mino-diabolik (she has endure and survive the pass of time and Mystic is loved by many! #goals)
@violet-sin (she's not longer in the fandom nor tumblr, but all her OCs are magnificent!! Also, I was witness of her artists skills improvement and now I love her style!!)
@vixen-ocs (not longer in DL, but her self-insert was super pretty! I loved her!)
@eli-loversblog (she wasn't around for very long, but I liked her OC. I wished we could have interacted more ;-;)
@the-sloth-woman (she took the inicial idea [DL verse] and created an impire of her own... that's some mad skills. Also her writting talent is amazing!)
@invampirehellorheaven (not sure if she's still around [in this blog and her OC I mean], but she was an interesting character to interact with :D)
@lets-bewitched (she's more active on Instagram and we are good friends! I like Seina a hell lot!)
@lunaangel1010universe (Amina is lovely! Plus all her art pieces are amazing! I love how her story has development and even the many AU she already has!)
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
Excited? When the fandom was more active and many ocs interacted with each other! It was so much fun!
Sad? When all this stopped :'(
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
The OCs war. The trinity of caos that existed in the fandom and all the people they scared due to this >:'v
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
My friends that support me in all my blogs:
@sugar-lollipop @the-sloth-woman @kindan-no-kanojo @mino-diabolik @lunaangel1010universe @lets-bewitched and more <3
29. Say something towards those that support and admire your cp~
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30. You've worked hard, keep up the good work! ★★★
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emily went absolutely feral in this episode and truly unleashed figs love for ayda in the most fig way possible and i'm just so proud of these girls who help each other understand the world better 😭 this finale got to me more than i thought it would and all of these traumatized kids have an unknown future but a big loving family as a support system and a place to process grief and confusion... i'm just.... everyone say thank u brennan for the coolest villain reveal and a story for the ages
(ok u sent this to me on friday night and i saw it on saturday and then completely forgot to answer and i apologize sincerely for my dumbass brain)
yes!!!! yes!!!!!! the figayda this episode was absolutely *chef’s kiss,* the saving her, the introducing her to Gorthalax, the flirting as she revivified Riz, the door between Elmville and Leviathin….i love it. i LOVE THEM. unknown future but big loving family is what it’s all ABOUT, BABY!!! stan fantasy high!!!!!
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