#I'm a vehement descriptivist
joey-the-boy · 7 months
It's actually "me and *whom*" ☝️🤓
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Is it weird to be a descriptivist in every other area of language but a (moderate) prescriptivist in regards to orthography?
In specific, in Portugal there was a spelling reform concocted in the 1990 and put into place in 2011, and to this day I vehemently refuse to write according to the reform because it: a) made pronunciation harder to predict from spelling; b) ADDED homographs, including in a pair of very common words in "pára" (meaning "stop", which lost the diacritic) and "para" (meaning "to, towards, forward"); and c) made random capitalisation and punctuation changes that make no sense, all in the hope that it would bring the European spelling closer to the Brazilian one.
Like, am I in the wrong here? I know at the end of the day, if kids grow up learning one way of writing, they'll be accustomed to it, but I'm not wrong in thinking this is dumb, right? Yeah, people get used to it, but they could also get used to something much better!
i think it's pretty normal to have pet peeves, especially concerning things that we're accustomed to. i harbor plenty myself - the more important thing is not to be a dick about it to people.
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