#I'm actually damaged from this hell of a smp
hopalongfairywren · 7 months
I'm so fucking angry at him. The abuse itself is the main thing, but also the gall it takes to lie like that and present yourself as some kind of feminist, as some kind of ally. To make a whole series parodying the all to common experiences of harassment and misogyny women face. For him to build a fanbase of young people, mostly women who appreciated this. And for the damage he's caused. Again, not the main part of this whole situation, but big enough I felt the need to make a post. Fuck him for all the stress, grief, trauma, betrayal, guilt and shame he's now caused my friends and me. Fuck him. I love my friends here. To see them dealing with this upsets me greatly. Maybe it's the fact that I was always less involved in that circle of CCs or CCs in general versus actual DSMP lore. Maybe it's the fact that i've been drifting away from MCYT content in general outside of my own niche interests in one aspect of the DSMP. Either way, I'm hurt on behalf of my friends, on behalf of all of us who bonded and made art and friends and memories and are now having to deal with the painful realization that a part of that is forever sullied. Fuck him. I'm going to wait to see what happens before I make any decisions, but It hurts regardless. I really hope this at least marks a turning point in how this fandom- and it's ccs handle abuse. It's never confined to just one group, whether that be a friend group, SMP, hell even fandom. Things like the Bystander effect, and our culture inherently promoting things like keeping the peace or portraying abuse as one monolithic experience are systemic issues to be tackled by more than just tumblr posts.
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bluesinmarch · 2 years
So I was doing this riddle with my mum, and one of the questions was "US state with 4 letters" and guess what. It was fucking Utah.
I'm gonna go commit die. Fuck you Wilbur.
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denscani · 3 years
Hypothetically, how would dog teeth's plot feature into the current SMP events? The prison? Dream's obsession with Tommy?
DT!Dream's the kind of guy who's like "I'm not obsessed" while he's like basically carving up a book, holding a pencil way too hard, knuckles literally whited to all hell and hand shaking, and drawing a pic of him stick doodle cutting off Tommy's head or whatever.
Dream in canon is like... he seems like he finds it fun/funny in some way to get a reaction out of Tommy and he also definitely has some kind of complex going on with being locked/tortured in prison 🤝 him seeing Tommy as being the cause of all his problems/the servers problems and all of that.
Like I guess how a bully gets a little obsessed with getting a rise out of you because you've got the best reactions.
But DT!Dream is like essentially a dude who went "I have all this power and I can do something real fucking bad with it, because consequences can't touch me the same way as everyone else". Or maybe he genuinely believed he'd never get caught out. Either way, he's not happy he's been locked up, (since DT!Dream didn't plan that lmao), but he's not gonna show that outwardly.
I actually plan on writing a final closing part to Dog Teeth after the Tubbo part wraps up, where Dream and Tommy actually do get locked in the prison cell together. I'll try not to spoil that too much here cause I do plan on getting it out there eventually.
But uh.... Yeah so basically like Dream isn't happy he's locked up. Like at all. And he's very annoyed about it. And Sam's got a whole thing rigged up (like a collar connected to a chain that goes into the back wall and basically retracts or lets more chain out). So, when Tommy visits, he gives Tommy a little redstone remote thing that essentially can yank Dream's ass back against the wall like a dog or whatever (because dog metaphors are kinda my brand.)
There's also a button on the thing that is essentially an 'implant disruptor' that plays a super fucked up tone from the implant behind Dream's ear (which he'll basically hear as if it's 'inside' his head) that is essentially immobilizing/painful enough you can't function/go rigid/fall down, etc.
Like Sam definitely isn't sending Tommy in there with nothing. And Sam is way more cautious and wants to be able to drop Dream like a stone when he himself is in the cell or dropping the lava, etc.
With the security breach though (which im kind of just handwaving as anything, even just a creeper blowing up next to the prison and damaging it, since the Ranboo thing is harder to fit smoothly here), Sam takes a long while to fix everything and check everything out so there's that dilemma happening. And communication signals from redstone implants can't leave the cell, but Sam gave Tommy an older fashioned, hard signal handheld radio he can use if he needs anything. (Which Tommy uses quite liberally to try and get Sam to "let him the fuck out").
Anyways, some of the mechanics do go wrong/bad and malfunction as Sam fucks with the security measures and stuff on the outside, which, unknown to him, has repercussions for security measures inside the cell...
But yeah like down the road, if DT!Dream did get busted out of prison and he was free to do what he wanted, he'd probably show up to make the whole server's lives miserable.
Specifically Tommy and Ranboo for sure.
I can't say for sure what he'd do because there's almost no way he'd ever get out in this AU. But dhdbbddbbdbdbbd it wouldn't be good.
Like if Tommy was still living with Techno he'd probably wait around to see if there was ever an opening to do something and either kill him dead or just do the most, because again-- he's very much pissed off. And the being pissed off beyond belief continues to fuel his main obsession here.
Getting away with it, getting Tommy to listen to him and do whatever he said (essentially pulling the teeth out of the dog that kept biting him and getting Tommy to stop barking and being annoying) was the satisfying/rewarding part of what he was doing before. Having complete and total control-- Having all that power over one person was intoxicating to him and that was the obsession with Tommy (and Ranboo) that he had before.
And being reduced down to being trapped in a cell, chained to a wall and collared is just a constant reminder to him that he's no longer the one in control when Tommy enters that cell and he hates it.
He Hates it.
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kevin-ibw · 3 years
ive got a few things to say about the genshin impact au. first off, probably shouldn’t give delusions to the paranoid people in the dream smp? it’s just kinda not good lol and second off consider cryo polearm dream and pyro claymore technoblade. also anemo archer wilbur and hydro claymore jack- ive got a few more ideas but i don’t wanna like infodump in ur askbox lmfao
[1] Ah sorry, it wasn't my intention to make the ones that have delusions look bad, sorry!
I should have probably explained on how they got them in the first place,
Schlatt: Stumbled upon his delusion when he was unbanned from the server
Wilbur: It's not even his, it's Philza's
Punz: It was said already that the delusion was given to him by Tommy who pretty much found it hidden in rocks
Niki: Also stumbled upon it
In this AU, Having a delusion doesn't necessarily they're a bad person however, having one is very looked down upon by others for many reasons.
I have actually considered Dream being the Cryo archon instead but I decided to change it to best fit his backstory for the AU
Techno having a claymore is cool but I mostly see him with the sword because he needs to be quick with his attacks, Claymores are like axes in a way but they are way more heavy, they do great damage but they're slow and that would put Techno at a disadvantage
Anemo Bow user Wilbur seems pretty cool, I'm guessing since Phil is Anemo (not to mention an archon) it would mean his son should also have an anemo vision.
Hydro Wilbur was a suggestion from a friend because of his nice and calm nature, also because he screwed with a fish but we're ignoring that Sword was picked for him because it's typically leaders or main characters that wield swords
Hydro Claymore Jack is interesting since i don't know him all that much, my reasoning for Pyro is because it is a reference when it was said he went to hell. It's also a reference of Origin SMP
[3] I'm completely fine with you info dumping asks! It's honestly hard to talk about my AU with friends since not all of them are in both MCYT and Genshin
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