#I'm adding him to my collection of Broadway boyfriends
sondheim-girly · 4 months
Can we talk about how cute Brody Grant is? Like he’s extremely talented and extremely cute??? I might be in love???? Help??????
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inkmonster21 · 3 years
Kensy Bixby, popular, attractive, talented. The youngest child of two Broadway stars, she could have it all. She could have anyone she wanted. What on earth is she doing with a guy like Judd Birch?
Judd Birch x OC
1. 2. 3.
I jump, startled as Leah places her hand on my shoulder. "You alright? He didn't say some weird sadistic shit to you, did he?" "No, no. He... he's just..." "stuck the toothbrush we got off with on my leg." I wave Connie away, clearing my mind. "He's different." Leah nods, "Yeah. He burnt my pigtail when I was 3." Leah grabs the plates out of my arms taking them to the sink for Nick to wash.
Leah and I lay on the couch flipping through movie channels. "There's nothing on!" Leah cries in frustration. I cross my legs, repositioning myself under my blanket. "What are you in the mood for?" She ponders for a second before smiling, "Come with me!" We walk upstairs and down the hallways.
Leah knocks on Judd's door waiting patiently. It opens and he stands in view, in all his glory. He glared down at his sister, switching his eyes to me for a solid 5 seconds. "What do you want?"
Leah pushes past him entering his room, I follow suit. Leah opens a drawer in a dresser near the window, "We need a scary movie to watch."
Judd walks behind me as Leah searches through his collection. "And who said you could borrow from me?" I feel his presence behind me, he towers over my frame.
Leah grabs a disk from the stack showing it off, "Scream? Ha, nice" Judd hums from behind me. I say still as a statue. "This okay for you, Kensy?" I nod, picking the nonexistent lint from my shirt, "sure! I love scary movies."
Judd moves to the side only slightly, his face is now available on my right. "Sure you won't get scared? Seem like a pussy to me." I turn to him, confidence waves through me, "I'll be fine. You're more than welcome to come and check how much of a pussy I am after the movie." I grab the disk and walk out of his room.
Leah laughs as she puts the disk in, "he didn't even have a comeback!" She plops herself on the couch, starting the movie. 20 minutes in and the stairs creak, causing me to turn around expecting someone, but there is nothing there. Just my imagination.
"Ahh! No, run bitch run!" I scream covering my face as the slasher chases her. The movie ends to reveal the true killers being her friend and her boyfriend.
My phone rings startling us. I answer with a sigh, "hello mother." "Where are you? It's 7:46!" "Leah Birch's house. We were-" "not rehearsing I'm sure. Are you back on the weed again, Kensy? If I find out you're throwing your life away, you will not have one! Don't make me put your father on the phone." Leah stares off blankly as I am scolded. "No, mother. I promise I am trying my best." "Get home. Now! Go straight to the studio. I'll be waiting." She hangs up leaving me with tears brimming my eyes. I push myself off the couch, "I... I have to go, Leah." She silently follows me to the door, "I'm sorry, Kensy." I suck up my emotions, pushing a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." I wave as she closes the door behind me.
I walk to my car, each step feeling like another weight added to my shoulders. I grasp the handle of my car, getting ready to get in, but a voice halts my actions.
"I knew you were a pussy."
I look up to see Judd Birch on the passenger side of my car. "What?"
He rounds the hood stopping in front of me. He places his finger under my chin, raising my head to look into my eyes, "You are a pussy." He repeated like before.
Connie jumps on the hood of the car in anger, "shut up, sexy! We're angry and we need to be bitchy! AHHHH!"
I swat his hand away from my chin, "I am not." Judd looks down at his hand I swatted away, his eyes staring at the skin, studying it. Suddenly Judd grabs my shoulders pushing me against the car, making me scream out of shock. He cackles before letting me go, "pussy."
I push him backward making him stumble a couple of feet. "Shut up!" He smirks making his way towards me again. "Or what?" He stands so close, I can feel his breath on my cheek. I bite my cheek unable to move.
He tilts his head to the side, "huh? What are you going to do, little pussy?" "I know what you want to do." Before Judd can question my response, I jerk the back of his neck toward me crashing our lips together. He jumps to action quickly, forcing his tongue in my mouth, pushing me completely against my car so I can't move. He grips my hip so hard I'll have bruises within the hour. He pulls away, hand gripping my jaw, he pats my cheek twice before backing away into the garage.
I got in my car and drove away quickly. Connie twiddles her thumbs in the passenger seat, she looks at me with a coy smile. I huff, letting a smile grow on my face, "HOLY SHIT!" "I FUCKING KNOW, RIGHT?" I jump in my seat unable to control my excitement. "I kissed him! Me!" Connie wipes a tear away, "I'm so proud of you my horny baby!"
Judd POV:
I watch her drive away as if nothing happened. Maury stood at his side, shocked by the girl's actions, "ya know, honestly, I didn't see that coming."
"Then you're an idiot."
Maury scoffs, "so sweet to me. Why didn't you beef her in the backseat, brother? Good sweaty car. Could draw on the windows after." I roll my eyes light a match and set newspapers on fire. "She's interesting." "She's a fucking freak! Getting off in your bathroom with YOUR toothbrush? That's hoe shit! I LOVE THAT FOR YOU!" I smirk remembering the shutters of her breathing through the walls as she came. "That was hot."
I enter the house silently, I can hear my family discussing Kensy in the living room. "It's like she's a prisoner. I didn't know her parents were that bad." Leah says in a sorrowful voice.
Nick swings his feet, "well we can let her move in here. She could share my room." I roll my eyes, "you're such a pervert, retarded faggot. What's up with your friend?" Leah shakes her head, "her parents are... nuts! They have her on a diet plan, she rehearses 10 hours a day, she got yelled at for being here for too long!" I roll my eyes, "not my problem." I pass them and walk up the steps to my room. I open the closet allowing my raccoons to escape. I bring down a scrunchy I took from Kensy's car. They sniff it then look at me, waiting for a command. "Protect her."
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