#I'm also gonna show bloopers but she did so well
nefja · 1 year
The cherry blossom trees are blooming 🌸
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rapha-reads · 26 days
IWTV rewatch
(spoilers for the whole show and the books)
Season 2 episode 1 [What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned] - part 2/4
- *solemn music*, thanks subtitles, and Louis' breathing getting all ragged. Aaaaaaah, DREAMSTAT MY BELOVED.
[Dreamstat] "Bonjour, mon amour", sorry, laughing again, but this time because of the bloopers and Jacob going "don't smile at me like that". I can't watch this scene normally any longer.
- [Dreamstat] "Is it the same question?"
[Louis] "Go away."
[Dreamstat] "Or do you miss me? I miss you. Despite our recent unpleasantness... Still missing each other."
[Louis] "Claudia!"
[Dreamstat] "Hm. Four years of grim wayfaring and still no sight of the benevolent vampire. So, how does denial manifest itself tonight? Sniffing German brandy?"
Oof, Louis automatically and immediately turning to Claudia when his consciousness-as-Lestat appears, Claudia still playing the part of the bandaid for a shitty relationship, except this time the shitty relationship is between Louis and his own mind. Claudia deserves betteeeeeer.
And the way Louis is so cruel with himself... Hallucinating your presumed dead-by-your-own-hands husband to not only punish yourself for your (and your daughter....) shortcomings but also say outloud the things you cannot, will not say outloud is a new kind of self-flagellation, methinks.
Also, timestamp! Four years since they arrived in Europe. So somewhere between 1944 and 1945, right before the end of the war. I think we'll get more precise time indicators later.
- [Louis] "You're not here, I'm just fucked in the head."
[Dreamstat] "Quite fucked. Was she worth it?"
[Louis] "Yes."
[Dreamstat] "You say it like you believe it."
[Louis] "I do, I do."
[Dreamstat] "I do, I do. I do."
[Louis] "Stop!"
Oooooooooooooh. Can't lie to yourself, Louis. Especially if you're literally manifesting your consciousness outside of you. Hard to get your mind to shut up and carry on the pretense when it's prancing around you.
Ha, I keep imagining what Claudia must be thinking hearing Louis arguing with himself like that. Poor dear must have really been fed up with her companion.
The way Louis shuts his own mind by imagining Lestat choking on his open throat is... Violent. Wait, what ? Did. Did Louis just imagine a bat flying out of Dreamstat's open throat? What???? Lou baby, um, are you alright??? Obviously not but I still gotta ask.
- [Dreamstat] "Oh. Purgatory is a lovely room for music. I have a new piece, Concerto for Gashed Throat and Orchestra."
[Louis] "I'm sorry."
[Dreamstat] "Don't say it again. You ruin it with remorse. It was a perfect betrayal. You gave me a death of distinction."
[Claudia] "Trucks!"
[Dreamstat] "But in answer to your question. Yes. I'm gonna bloody kill you."
[Louis] "If you were alive you'd have done it already."
[Dreamstat] "Hmm. Oh, love. I'm merely waiting until you're happy . So hurry up, mon cher."
*pterodactyl screech* Oh, this is so fascinating! Not just Louis' guilt and grief and how he misses Lestat so much, but also the way he does know him so well, every line spoken by Dreamstat is both Louis and something Lestat could say, yet it's also very clear this is Louis' mind because Lestat, as us watchers know with hindsight, would actually never consider taking revenge on his husband and their daughter... And it's also how Claudia's keeping watch, not interrupting Louis' psychosis session unless there's danger approaching, still playing the part that she was made for, Louis' companion, Louis' caretaker, Louis' shield in front of his self-destructive tendencies... And then it's Dreamstat tearing into Louis' throat, an actual visual representation of mental self-harm. I am fascinated and mesmerised.
- [Louis] "He came by invitation. My distraction from a monochromatic landscape. The gray of an obliterated road, the gray-brown of a charred and bullet-ridden city." - I just love the writing, that's it.
- Louis' face as the Soviet soldiers are shooting up the coffins is hilarious.
And also, welcome to Romania I guess. Garlic and crucifixes and staking corpses. Folklore never dies.
Aaaah, Romanian! Do you guys know that Romanian is a romance language like Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese? So if your native tongue is one of those, there's a good chance you might recognise some words or the sonority of Romanian when you hear it. Mainly French, Italian and Spanish tho, 'cause I have no idea what Portuguese is doing, sorry friends. Anyway, end of linguistic rant.
- Louis and Claudia telepathically arguing while meeting Emilia and Morgan is hilarious. They're family your Honor. Emilia is fun, Morgan already annoys me with his higher-than-thou attitude. Yo, asshole, broken English whomst? Go on, speak Romanian, let's see if you can do better! She's speaking your language, the least you could do is respect her instead of belittling her for minor errors that don't even matter because she's perfectly comprehensible!
... Sorry. Monolingual people needlessly correcting multilingual people is a pet peeve of mine. Ahem.
- [Louis] "Go ahead, Mary. Go and meet the other children. I bet they know everything about this place." - yo, Lou, even though it's a smart way to gather intel, maaaybe you can remember that Claudia's actually 40 and avoid laughing at her when she's forced to recon with what she hates the most, her perceived age and status? Thanks.
- [Louis] "Wait, that's wrong. She didn't say that in front of Claudia." - listen baby, I take everything you tell us with a grain of salt because we all know, the odyssey of recollection is flawed and messy. Do your edits, ain't gonna change much.
I do love how Louis is enthusiastic about correcting his own memories, tho.
- Oh,the following conversation is interesting; take extra notice of how both Armand AND Daniel look at Louis during that passage:
[Louis] "Yes. Yes! That's how it went. We should get every detail right."
[Daniel] "In total agreement."
[Armand] "Perhaps this would be a time to take a break, Louis."
*Armand looks at Louis with slight trepidation; Louis looks at Armand with anger; Daniel looks at Louis with concern and suspicion*
[Daniel] "You know, Real Rashid, I'm pretty good at my job, 'a bright young reporter with a point of view' [!!!!!!]. Interviewed a fallen Catholic archbishop, four Enron vice presidents, and if they've got something to hide, they always start with some kind of disguise. Not literally, not some dumb Halloween costume [turns to Armand and looks at him with disdain], gloves, contact lenses. They tell jokes, they're charming. And then at some crisis point, when I get close, it drops away and I see a flash of the truth."
Round of applause for Real Rashid doing his job so well he's even mastering pretending he's interested in what Daniel's saying. And round of applause for Daniel taking shots at Armand so skillfully. Love how zen Armand looks even as Daniel's basically calling him a liar and a master manipulator, do you think inside he's crying and shaking?
[Louis] "Armand didn't want me to do the interview, Daniel."
[Armand] "Still don't."
We wonder why!! Daniel's right, and Louis knows he's right, look how conflicted he appears as both Real Rashid and Armand leave the room. He knows he can't trust his memories, but he wants to tell his story as authentically as possible, and it's killing him to realise how much he's lost, forgotten or twisted over the years. The enthusiasm he had five minutes ago is gone, the liveliness in his voice at the beginning is gone, we're back to perfectly flat and controlled Dubai!Louis' voice.
- Ha, Louis' using Grace photo to pass as his wife, now there's a kind of irony I don't have the brains to decipher right now.
- Oh, boy, Morgan is insufferable. The perfect picture of the British coloniser. "This is an old country, with old things in it" - maybe you should listen to Emilia and stop looking down on her...
"Something out there, with soul disturb'ed. Disturb'ed?" *Louis nods* SEE, that's how you do it. Louis knows multilingualism, his husband was French, even his own family being Creole NOLA juggled with languages like there's no border between them. Emilia speaks perfect English because she's perfectly understandable. Sorry, I'm hung up on that tiny little thing because I'm from a multilingual household and I've lived more years in countries whose languages were my second, third, fourth or even fifth tongues than in actual France, so anything regarding languages and how some people barely even talk their own mother tongue but have no qualms correcting you when you speak multiple languages feels very personal. Had a bad experience at my previous job last December because of this kind of people so yeah, fuck Morgan actually.
- Europe: getting to the end of the worst war ever. Claudia: meeting a revenant and being thrown into trees. Emilia: fluently translating English to Romanian like the perfect queen she is (I'm very attached to her). Morgan: being insufferable. Louis: *aight, time to relax and get drunk on vodka, this is the perfect spot and time for that*. Lou darling I love you but you really got to check your priorities and sense of reality. "Baboons in Romania", seriously, love?
- [Louis] "Mortals are scared of vampires, in a part of the world known for vampires, ain't a surprise or evidence of an actual vampire!" - he's got a point.
[Claudia] "There's one of us out there! But if he can't take you ballroom dancing and tell you you're pretty, hell with him, is that it?" - she's got a point...
[Louis] "Hello, grudge!"
[Claudia] "No! Mh-mm! I forgave you for messing up my plan, I did not forgive you for bringing him with you."
[Louis] "In a landfill with five years of garbage on top."
[Claudia] "In here! You carry him in here. You slow us down."
To be fair to Louis, he did tell her when they were planning the murder that if he lets Lestat back in and he lets himself be dragged back into Lestat, there ain't no way he can find his way back out after. At least he was honest about that.
[Louis] "What you gonna ask him, if he could talk?"
[Claudia] "Change the subject when the truth blinds you."
[Louis] "Who made you? And then what? Who made the one that made you? I mean, what are we looking for here, Adam and Eve of the damned? God? Are we looking for God, Claudia? Yeah, get in the hole."
So their names [spoiler alert] are Akasha and Enkil and I just realised their initials are also A and E, I'm slow (and raised atheist), and they're actually not good news at all and Lestat already knows them, but the lore is complicated and honestly you're better off not knowing them. Also if we want to get really theological you could say that the vampires have a sort of Creator God and his name is Amel but that's even more complicated, and I have no idea how much of this part of the books Rolin Jones will adapt. Anyway. It's funny because in later books canon Louis continues not giving a fuck about where vampires come from and how. It's Lestat that almost destroys the world once or twice seeking these answers. Like father like daughter I guess, Claudia really is a De Lioncourt.
- [Claudia] "I've known exactly four vampires in my life, and you've all been the worst. Lestat, Antoinette, the motherfucker and you. I'm looking for one, just one, that ain't a goddamn bastard!" - Claudia deserves BETTER! Also I'm sorry my queen but it's not gonna get better after that.
season 1 masterpost
part 1 | part 3 | part 4
episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7 | episode 8
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frecklystars · 1 year
Post credits Barbie movie scenes I want to bring up because it's on my mind and I can't sleep:
Haha yeah quick question. What the FUCK was up with Ken wrestling a bear? A bear is not in this film. Someone dressed in that bear costume and pretended that Ryan Gosling was kicking its ass. Did they want to make that specifically for the blooper reel?
My jaw DROPPED seeing that. Ken wrestled that bear like it was nothing... he looks so hot with his red shirt tucked into those white pants. Even hotter in this scene, out of breath, disheveled from flipping the bear over. Jesus. His camper van outfit is one of my favorites and seeing him fist fight a bear in that was. insane. What are they putting into Kenergy to make Ken and Allan have such powerful punches? like damn dude 🥵🥵
Also real quick I gotta bring up him playing the keyboard and singing his little song. "Boys just wanna have fun." I am crying over him forever and ever and ever he brings me so much joy
I can't wait to hear him shout "MY DIVINE GIRL" again. Spew poetry about Barbie's heart being connected to his like a rainbow or however the hell he phrased it. Ryan really just loves to say whatever the hell is on his mind and I'm so here for it.
Can't wait to see that extra crying clip. I'm never going to look at leather couches the same way again. Can't wait to see him laughing about it to the other Kens and saying "AND YOUR BODIES WILL LAUGH!" my god Ryan why do you phrase things like that. I love you. I love you. Words just come out of your mouth when you're playing a character and I'm on my knees proposing, a ring in my hands. The scene where Ryan can't keep a straight face while shouting "KEN?!?!?!" and then he says "SHIT!" absolutely kills me. I can't wait to see it!!!!!! And that other scene where he's talking to Margot and Greta and he's making them laugh when he says "what if when Barbie says hi to me I just keep saying 'yes! yes! yes! yes!" that's so cute, that's an improvised line by Ryan 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he makes Ken SO SMITTEN and it's so sweet
I know I'm gonna cry again when they show Greta Gerwig's announcement before the movie starts. "I hope you enjoy the movie... whether it's your first time, or maybe you're seeing it again...?" She was so shy and nervous. Miss ma'am "seeing it again" is an understatement for me baby I have contributed to that well-deserved billion dollars!!!!!! Seeing it again and again and again and again!!!!!! I have memorized every line!!! Every sound effect!!!! I have the I'm Just Ken choreography DOWN and I may or may not perform it in my room with the music on full blast!!!!!
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damn-behzinga · 5 years
Will's Friend Otis pt 2
Will Lenney Centric
part 1
summary- a look through social media as Will deals with his mental health
warnings- swearing, ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION, my terrible writing, toxic "fans"
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Instagram ● @/willneisalpha
[A video of Will on the XO podcast from almost a year ago. He says, "Yeah my flat doesn't allow dog's." And then it shows a more recent clip of him saying, "So I got a dog recently."]
willneisalpha So we gonna brush over this? Also he got Otis really suddenly like no warning or hints? wtf
georgeisdaddy ikr I was sh00k for like 20000 hours
5d • 3 likes • Reply
alexisgaylolzor Does it matter though?
5d • 12 likes • Reply
● @/willsbigwilly
[A series of photos of Will and Otis posted only a few days after the original one. The photo is of Will holding Otis like a baby that was originally posted on his story. It's the same one except zoomed in on Otis' collar. The last photo has a massive circle round part of the tag.]
willsbigwilly does the collar say 'ESA' on it? that means emotional support animal? is Will alright?
jasmine I hope he's okay :( the idea of him needing an ESA makes me upset
3 hours • 21 likes • Reply
It had already been a tense day for Will, with his newest post causing an array of suspicion from his fans, he was on the verge of a panic attack.
He had debated whether to delete the post but that would raise more suspicion. He couldn't do that.
Otis had one hundred percent attention on his owner and, yet, Will didn't calm down.
Will also had several meetings today which meant he had to venture outside and face the busy streets. Despite all her best efforts, Gee couldn't stop Will from leaving the house. These meetings were important, Will could not miss them.
So, although she wasn't surprised that he had one, Gee was horrified to see pictures and videos of Will having a panic attack online.
Fans were already speculating that Will was hiding something, so this really made them worry. Gee noticed some 'fans' were becoming impatient and angry, demanding to know what was going on. Angry tweets and posts were flooding in to not only Will, but Gee and their entire friend group. Otis' "ESA" collar now caused more drama and confusion.
Will spiraled when he got home. Becoming quiet and ignoring everyone. He tried to stay of social media but his Twitter hadn't been this active since his last video blew up.
American Idiot @/losermajorwannabe
just saw @/willne having a panic attack????? what the fuck? not a big fan but jeez man leave it for your home 👀
[Video Attachment: The video is zoomed in on Will crying as some random person helps him alongside Otis. The person behind the camera is snickering meaning the camera shakes bit it's still clearly Will.]
replying to @/losermajorwannabe
Sub 2 WillNE @/memetimez
How about you stop being so fucking disrespectful and take down this post? If Will wanted to talk about it he would've? ???
replying to @/losermajorwannabe
Lucy Stans Dan @/lucylastname
He could've told us? Is that why he suddenly got Otis? Is that why he's been acting off? SO! MANY! QUESTIONS!
"Hey Will we still up for filming today?" Alex's chirpy voice beamed loudly as he walked into Will's bedroom with Otis bounding in behind him.
Will rolled over to look at Alex and felt an ice cold dread travel down his spine. "Sorry, mate, I'm just not feeling it today?" His voice came out in a questioning tone.
"Wanna talk about it?" Alex asked and Otis jumped on the bed and wondered over to Will to nudge him up.
Will sighed as Alex sat at the edge of his bed.
"I dunno why! I've tried getting up, made my bed, cleaned up shit that was left out everywhere, fed Otis. And- for some fucking reason- everything feels wrong and I'm so tired and the idea of staying locked in my room forever seems so appealing!" It was true. Will did everything as normal, even posted some photos on social media but, for whatever reason, Will felt wrong. Tears ran out of Will's eyes as he explained. "I have tried to do shit today, I promise!"
Alex quickly reached foreward and engulfed his friend in a hug.
Alex rested a hand on the back of Will's head pulled him into his neck. As if he was protecting him, maybe looking after him. "Is this about what happened the other day? Because I can assure you that was not your fault."
"It's not that- it's probably adding to it but it's mainly my stupid head and my stupid, shitty thoughts!" Will went to claw at his forehead.
Alex quickly grabbed Will's hand and pulled it down. "None of that mate, c'mon. You've been doing so well." He whispered as Otis licked Will's cheek.
Will sobbed out a "I'm sorry!" as Alex stroked through Will's knotty hair.
"No need to say sorry!" Alex muttered. "How about you have a shower and I'll make a plan on we'll get through this." Will nodded and Alex helped him up and walked him to the shower.
"Do you mind leaving the door unlocked?" Will shot Alex a look.
"What you gonna do?" Will chuckled. "Nonse on me?"
"Oh fuck off!" Alex groaned. "Just in case you need Otis or me or something!" Will suddenly tensed.
"I'm not a baby!" He growled.
Alex raised his hands in defence. "Never said you were, mate! It's just in case!"
Will felt his cheeks warm up and he glanced away, snatching the towel that hang from Alex's hands.
Alex waited until he heard the water start running before he looked at the tweets. Disgust flooded through him. How dare these people, these 'fans' that Will like this? He realised Will had two options at this point.
"You can either tell them or ignore it!" Alex said as Will thew on a hoodie.
"I can't tell them mate!" Will exclaimed. "They will freak out and I don't want that!"
"It's either that or they get pissed off that your keeping secrets." Gee leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed. "It doesn't have to be a big thing? Just a tweet or something?"
"They're gonna pity me." Will groaned head in hands. "How can I deal with that?"
"They're gonna support you no matter what." Alex sighed, squatting down and placing his hands on Will's knees.
"I'm so scared." Will whimpered, curling in on himself. Gee almost cried, he looked so small. She rested a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay to be scared." She whispered, scared to break or hurt him. "But you'll feel so much better once you tell them."
Will nodded and looked up at them. "I'll make a video." He mumbled, slowly unfolding himself. "Not now. When I feel a tad better."
"Of course." Alex smiled.
They sat in silence for a bit, the only noise being quiet sniffles coming from Will.
"I might," Will's voice was croaky as he spoke. "I might go stay with my parents for a bit? I dunno, might just get away for a bit."
Alex and Gee nodded.
"Of course, love." Alex smiled softly. "Whatever you need to get better."
"Can I have a few minutes please?" Will mumbled, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Of course. We'll be outside." Gee smiled and walked out the room alongside Alex.
Will let out a soft sigh and stood up, reaching for his phone. His shaking hands clicked on his mum's contact and put his phone to his ear.
"Hello dear, you alright?"
"Mum?" Will croaked out before the flood gates opened.
"Oh honey, what's up?"
"I want to come home!" Will cried.
"It's okay, honey, you're okay. Can you tell me why?"
"Everything is so hard! I want to get away!" Will's sobs were becoming more erratic. "I want to go home!"
"Breathe for a second, okay?"
"It's so hard."
"I know dear. Can you breathe in for four seconds? Hold for six. Out for eight. Can you do that?"
"Y- yes."
"You're doing brilliant, sweetheart.. Are you feeling any better?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Alright, darling, how about you come home tomorrow? We'll have a nice day together? And you can go back to your flat whenever you want."
"Okay. I love you." Will said quietly.
"I love you too."
That night Gee helped Will pack, making him pack a week's worth of clothes alongside a pillow because "It's a little reminder of home!". Will also had a mini mental breakdown when he realised that he hadn't pre-filmed videos. 'Mini mental breakdown' was Will setting his equipment up whilst tears streamed down his face and repeated "I'm a fuck up, should've thought about this." over and over again. Gee had to tell Will that he had already made two videos and that she could put together bloopers for him. She then told him to get Otis' energy out to distract him. This meant Will would run around the flat with Otis and throwing toys for Otis to fetch. Gee finished packing for Will and then stared at his empty room. She wiped away her tears before they could fall. She was going to miss him, she couldn't imagine how his closer friends were feeling.
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