#I'm also indecisive af and a bit of a perfectionist so theres that
gezellig-writes · 2 years
Part 2/??? 😂 Jacob for the ask game!
(Will answer mine when I claw some brainpower back!! 💖)
do I like them
How could I not? One of Bella's best moments was when she called him her personal son. He's one of my favorite parts of this series and his character assassination at the hands of Meyer will always be a tragedy
5 good qualities
His heart- he has so much capacity for love and gives so much of himself to others
He's caring and thoughtful with his time and especially the gifts he gives to his friends and family
He's loyal, maybe to a fault
He's perceptive- its shown more in the books than the movies, but he's easily able to tell when Bella doesn't want to talk about something (or someone) and doesn't push her further
He's literally described by Bella as her personal sun
3 bad qualities
The whole Bella kiss scene before the newborn battle in Eclipse. Just not a fan all around
He's also the type of person who doesn't know when to stop talking. Like its nice, but you don't always need his 24/7 running commentary and it can be a bit much when he and Quil get going
He's not good at talking about or dealing with his own feelings and sometimes that comes back to bite him
favorite episode/etc
The entire sequence when they restore the bikes. Jake dives headlong into it and is so giving with his time and energy and definitely knows how good it all is for Bella
 I can't make a single choice, so you're getting several, that share equal value in my heart
Blackwater- for obvious reasons
Selfpartnered!Jake- This is mostly HC territory, but I really like the idea of him being single and working through his trauma, and learning to love and accept himself
Jake x Bella- This was my jam when I came back into twilight (aka The Movement of the Earth), and I was Team Jacob back when I first read the series. There’s also something so easy about their relationship like they’re two halves of a whole
I will always have a soft spot for Jake/Quil/Embry and their friendship. There's a ton of history between them, and a lot to work with, and their overall dynamic is quite fun
I don't think I have one?
Jacob/Edward. I don't get it and I don't think I ever will
best quote
There is a lot to pick from, but I like this one from New Moon:
He sighed a heavy sigh. Then he reached over his toolbox to a paper grocery sack. He pulled out two cans of soda, cracking one open, and handing it to me. He opened the second and held it ceremoniously.
"Here's to responsibility," he toasted. "Twice a week."
"And recklessness every day in between," I emphasized.
He grinned and touched his can to mine
Not much, but I feel like it encapsulates some of his best parts
He learned about cars from his Aunt Jane, Nana Doris, and Grandfather Hank (Sarah was the rebel artist in a family of mechanics), who own a garage in La Push. After Sarah's death, it became a bit of an obsession, but also a way to work through grief he had a difficult time processing.
The garage behind the house is his personal sanctuary, but Jacob has just as many fond memories of hours spent with his aunt and grandparents, old country music playing in the background as they taught him how to take apart cars and bikes and put them back together.
give me a character ask
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