#I'm also pretty sure that I'm the last person to connect a decice to the new connection
rainey-staerie-daize ยท 1 year
Of course, when we have a child living here who would actually fucking benefit from an unplugged summer, that's when Mom gets us new wifi the fastest she ever has.
For reference, I'm not sure the youngest (who is seven) has ever seen a router in person ever. And I've personally spent quite a few months unplugged myself when unfortunate things have happened, like my phone falling in the toilet in high school, so I'm quite salty that my siblings aren't being raised the same way. We didn't have wifi when we moved into this house; we would've survived without it for longer.
But the universe hates us older "kids," so, y'know, we have wifi now. Like, our own. It's a terabyte, and it's named Rainbow Bright. Skye suggested MyWirelessDude Jr., after our dad's old wifi, but that was ignored. Which is a shame because I thought that would've been neat.
The first movie that was streamed was Mitchells versus the Machines, which I think is very appropriate. Did my brother (the one who needs to unplug) absorb any lesson from it? I can almost guarantee that's a no. At least Mom now has an app where she can pause the connection for specific devices now!
She's likely gonna be too lenient with that, just like everything else, but one can dream.
I'm just left wondering two things: whether or not our device names show up on that app and if she can see specific websites we visit. Because, y'know, I'm a grown person... And my VR headset is named "A Quest to Get My Swamp Back."
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