#I'm also shy about talking about my fic unprompted
angelsfalling16 · 1 year
Have you ever met someone and you just seemed to click with them? You don't know anything about them, but you feel inexplicably drawn to them time and time again. You don't know what it is about them, but something makes you search for them around every corner and come up with excuses to bump into them.
There is none of that new awkwardness or anxiety about meeting someone new where you try to get to know them and figure out how to talk to them. It's just easy. You talk and laugh, and don't worry that your jokes/sarcasm will come off as offensive because they just get it.
This started off as a fic, but then the feelings became all too real.
It's not even a romantic feelings type thing, because I am a person who rarely feels that. It's more of a friend crush, and it is so hard to put into words exactly how I feel.
There's this guy at work, and at first, I wasn't interested in having anything to do with him. (Which was terrible because I hadn't even met him yet.) One of my students immediately liked him though, and every time we saw him in the hallway, the student insisted on getting him to walk with us, so we were kind of pushed together at first. But it wasn't long before it stopped feeling forced, and one of the first things I liked about him was how well and kindly he interacts with my students. (I work in a sped room and this is surprisingly hard to find.)
He is the only one who seems to really understand how I'm feeling in regards to everything that has been going on this year. He has been one of like 2 people to actually support me and try to do something about the issues. He will act as a sort of buffer and come into the classroom to help me anytime I really need him.
He's only at our school every other day, so this week it was only today and Tuesday, but some of those moments with him were the highlight of my week. It's the little things that really brighten my day like when he said that he told me that I should have gone to the staff party yesterday (I didn't go because I didn't feel comfortable after everything that has been going on recently, but if I had known he was going to be there, I probably would have.) Or when he told me about an opening at the school that he will be working at full time starting in mid-January and told me that I could go work there with him. Or when he told someone that I was pretty cool in a very unprompted way.
I don't know what it is about this guy; I just feel really close to him, and I am not someone who grows close to people easily. I'm really shy and usually don't tell anyone the truth about the way I'm feeling at work, but with him, I feel comfortable enough to be more myself. Also, I hate when people at work stand right next to me and don't give me enough personal space, but with him, I constantly find myself standing inches away from him without realizing either of us moving that close to the other and I don't mind it.
Anyway, I guess there wasn't really a point to this post except to share this feeling and talk about things I can't with anyone else. Oh, and to say that I'm sad I'll probably never see him again after January :/
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It's Friday, so that means AO3 comment responses. If you left a comment on AO3, please expect a response at some point today.
I know I'm not super talkative generally but just some general housekeeping:
I'm actually fairly shy about self-promo-ing my stuff.
That being said, I'm going to try and put together fresh promo posts (for tag purposes and correct cross-linking) for some of my finished stuff to get the queue going again.
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