#I'm always interested to hear how people display their commissions
yutaan · 8 months
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A pet portrait of @carriecmoney's adorably fluffy kitty, Cookie (plus some butterfly friends)! The room the client intended to display this piece in had several butterfly artworks already, so the butterflies were requested to help tie all the artworks together. Such a lovely idea!
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starsprlte · 2 years
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✧♡• byf • ask • faq • main blog •✧♡✧• commissions • webcomic • yt •♡✧
click on the read more if you'd like to hear about what all goes on around here! (there will be more fun banners.)
AHH! WARN me before you click next time! geez!! freakin' scared me... welcome to my little cabin quarters aboard a ship that 'surfs' the web. i'm starsprLte, or just pay (if we're friends!)
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i'm a digital artist! i also experiment with crayons and paper crafts. i may even post kandi projects i've made, from time-to-time! currently, i'm working on a webcomic called DREAMCAST. digital art tag (2023 - present): "#vapour.png" old digital art tag (2018 - 2022): "#liquid.png" traditional art tag (2021 - present): "#traditional art" crafts tag (2021 - present): "#craftz"
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DREAMCAST is a webcomic that i've been writing since 2018, and started releasing pages for in 2019. it follows the story of ethan, a goat plushie, trying to save the plushies that mysteriously disappeared after a strange storm. it also features some... 'arg' elements, with hidden codes and secret pages to find! read DREAMCAST here! it's hosted on tumblr! it's got a way better 'about' section over there!
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speaking of! i'm really interested in, and passionate about, webcomic creation. i curate a list of tips that i've accumulated over the years, for people interested in making their own webcomic. the kinda stuff i wish i'd known when i was starting, you know? it's by no means a complete list, and probably won't be for a long time. i'm always happy to answer any questions you might have about webcomic creation! :+) click here to read it!
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aside from DREAMCAST, i have a whole plethora of original characters and story concepts that i hope to develop in the future! for all OC content, i use the tag "#seedpods". as for story-specific tags...
"#journalist's worst nightmare" - is about orion, his little sister iris, and their weird alien fratboy hikari! they go on cryptid hunts, trying to find ONE that'll consent to having a research paper written about them, to prove the existence of cryptids- and so orion has an impressive portfolio opener for college.
"#who killed finnegan finch?" - is about nina and finnegan. finnegan finch has died! now a ghost with only hazy memories of his life, he and nina are trying to figure out who killed him. in life, finnegan’s made a lot of enemies, so any one of them could’a done it! all he remembers is that nina is important to him... but how?
{the following stories are under construction, the content within their tags is outdated!} {because i haven't. worked on them. in a longtime}
"#retailiation" - is about toi, xavier, and kyra. three very different people, all working very different jobs. they get swallowed up by their places of work, and transported to a strange pocket dimension, where their true appearance is only revealed when they're display the emotion they try to hide the most.
"#kabloom" - is about wanderlust, roseate, analog, and iliad! everyone has a special power, with a pro... and a con. i have a lot of cleanup i need to do around this story (character redesigns...), so i can't exactly give a concise and snappy description of what it's about.
"pirates need toothbrushes" - is about crowell, a pirate from the past who fell through a wormhole to the modern day; denny, an eccentric and strange little dentist who collects teeth; and jan, a wannabe witch with a flying broom! everyone has an 'itembond', a specific item/category of item that they've used for so long, it's almost like an extension of oneself! this one's more slice of lifey, and mainly about what 3 different kinds of weirdo would get up to. there's a LOT more i could say about any one of these stories, but this post is so so so long already. this isn't even all of the story ideas i have, i just haven't posted the others on tumblr yet! ack!
again, all of these characters and descriptions are heavily subject to change whenever i sit down to actually start making them. the unyielding hands of time!
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this is the stuff that most of my followers are here for- yes i put my OCs above the fanart section LOL. the fan content i post here mainly includes: pokémon, minecraft, undertale/deltarune, disco elysium, OFF, ace attorney (rare one!), 17776 (rare one!) HOWEVER. this is NOT the only fan content i will post. i'll post shit for fandoms i'm not even in, and will never post for again! i'm a loose cannon! you'll never guess my next step! wa-ha-ha! beholden unto no one but myself!
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and that's about it. thanks for sticking around this far, happy blog browsing!
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elfan22 · 2 years
Broken Soul - Chapter Eight sneakpeek
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A/N: drugs, struggle, angst, confliction.
I hope y'all are enjoying these sneakpeeks hehe. Eventually I'm gonna open something for requests for fics, but you could always message me in the Ask.
The Mandalorian stands behind you silently, watching them observe their quarry. He can sense your tension, but there's nothing that he can do for you anymore... and there is no comfort that he could offer in good conscious... 
The younger man seems more interested in the Child than you, but the old man makes his way to stand inches from your face. You have to look up to meet his eyes as he towers over you, looking down at you as if you were some piece of meat in the street market. It feels as if flames are bursting from your gaze as your attempts to suppress your anger fail dismally.
"My employer has been looking for you for a long time. He will be content to hear that you're in captivity."
"You and your employer can go to hell," you spit.
He simply smiles with contempt in his gaze, as he wipes drops of spit from his cheek with the back of his hand. "It'll do you well to learn to watch your tongue during your stay." He turns to the Mandalorian, who is still standing in silence behind you. "Your reputation was not unwarranted."
The man turns to the desk behind him and pulls out a metal container that was tucked beneath it. He pushes a button and the container hisses open to display a large stack of beskar bars. Truly, an expensive sell. You're not surprised at the price - a Jedi and a Child with the potential of one is a hefty catch for one bounty hunter.
The younger man turns to leave the room and the Child's pod starts to follow him. The Child turns in his pod to look at you, crying as he leaves, and you start to struggle in your bonds, desperately wishing to be taken with him. He disappears into the other room with the doctor and your heart drops in your chest as he leaves your sight.
Mando is watching him go as well and he speaks to the Client. "What are your plans for it?"
"How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation. You have taken both commission and payment." The door where you had entered slides open and stormtroopers enter, making their way over to where you stand and each takes a hold of your arms to keep you still. "Is it not the Code of the Guild that these events are now forgotten?" 
The Mandalorian says nothing, just stares at the old man in front of him.
The Client faces you once again, raising a hand to hold your face still as he looks at you. A low growl escapes you at his touch and daggers shoot from your eyes. "I do have to applaud you, however. Capturing a Jedi is no small task."
"... Jedi?" Mando's helmet turns to you as you continue to struggle out of the man's grip. This is the first time he's heard the name of your people. It's familiar. The Client releases his hold on your face as you move to bite his hand with a snarl.
"Yes, a Jedi. They have become a rare species and my employer would like to make them extinct." He looks at the Mandalorian. "Do you have her weapon?"
Panic shoots through you at his question and you look at the bounty hunter with urgency. His visor is burning into you as he watches you, still processing the man's statement. "She had a blaster when I found her. I confiscated it." You hold back a sigh of relief at his lie.
The man nods with a tight-lipped smile, but it's obvious that was not the weapon he was referring to. "Good." He nods to the stormtroopers that are holding you tightly, and they start to drag you to the door where the Child was taken. You struggle in their grasp, growling at them as you fight.
"Get your hands off of me! Let go!" you scream in anger. You try to plant your feet into the ground as they walk, but their force makes your heels drag on the ground with little to no effect on your retaliation. You manage to turn to look at the Mandalorian one last time before the troopers have dragged you through the door as it slides closed, calling out his name panickedly.
He was watching you go, conflicting emotions plaguing his heart and his hands tightening into fists at his sides. They continue to yank you roughly through a hallway to a room with a large table. Panic flares in your chest when you see the restraints attached to it and you scream in anger as you let out your last bursts of energy to try to fight their grip. The sharp jab of a needle pierces your neck, and the room before you starts to go blurry. 
Shit, they drugged me. 
You shake your head, trying to clear it, as you manage to break one arm free from a trooper and knock him onto his back. You whip around to take care of the other trooper but your vision fades to black and your body falls to the floor with a thud. The last thing you see is the trooper leaning over you before you slip into unconsciousness.
Hehehe oh, no... she's drugged... Anyway, you can find the rest on my Wattpad and AO3
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