#I'm back in the fnaf Fandom so I'm making it EVERYONE ELSE'S PROBLEM!
Megabee fnaf au!
alright so the setting is a security breach like megaplex themed around music from each decade. The autobots and decepticons are basically all different rivalries between each era that eventually evolved into two seperate factions.
Megatron is a 60's greaser style bot who acts as lead singer of his band. He towers over most adults at just under 8ft and he generally marketed to teens. He's designed with a blood red pompadore with gray streaks on either side. He sports a dark gray closed leather jacket with red detailing, black rocker jeans and gray combat boots plus a red belt and black fingerless gloves.
Bee is an 80s esque roller blader who stands at roughly 5ft nothing and teaches kids how to skate. Besides from the usual protective gear and of course skates (all yellow and black naturally💛) he rocks a black long sleeve leotard and tights under bright yellow balle shorts and a matching cropped sleeveless jacket with shoulder pads all tied together by yellow leg and arm warmers.
One night megsy is cutting through the plex and stumbles upon one if the "side attractions" He doesn't usually bother with. Inside there's a roller rink with some bot he doesn't know decked out in bright yellow 80s athlesure absolutely SHREDDING on a bass while rolling around. Needless to say he's intrigued. By the time bee's done megan is crushing HARD for this roller twink and is very interested into recruiting him for his band. He eagurely applauds finally catching bee's attention and making him freak out a little bit.
After awhile they form a bond and end up dating. Bee is incredibly flustered by this swave bastard who keeps calling him "graceful" and "captivating" and absolutely insists that he belongs on stage. Bee's not used to being called anything but annoying and twitchy by anyone but the kids so he utterly laps up a big shot like megatron calling him "regal." On megsy's side he's got it bad and is absolutely DETERMINED to swoon the pretty bee and win his heart. He means every word he says because he loves how bee handles the groups he works with and how regal he looks doing it, "like a queen bee commanding her hive." A quote that got him the nickname "queenbee" from the earth cons who all exclusively call him that or some variation of.
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cml-san · 2 years
I have finished the timeline for my FNAF Band AU...
Sort of.
I have specified the years when the events take place, I have an estimate of how far away from each other are the events that take place in the same year.
Heck, I had to google yearly school calendars from the USA to make sure I didn't screw up.
I had to go through all of the fnaf lore again just to make sure I didn't miss any important events.
I investigated the differences between an agent and a manager, what they are supposed to act according to the law, and how they actually work because no one gives a damn about laws.
Had to look up the inner workings of Record Labels.
And it's all going great.
I even have a use for Vanessa.
I have no clue whatsoever on how to include Gregory, the Glamrocks, Sun and Moon, DJ Music Man and Lefty.
I have no clue on how to translate Charlie's murder into the plot.
But, I managed to translate the bite of 83 into Evan suffering of vocal cord paralysis.
Buuuut then again, unfortunately I need to play the your mother died card to make sure the story takes place so, sorry mrs. Afton.
But the important thing here is:
That I have the years from 1963 to 2021 covered.
Although, nothing really interesting happens from 1963 to 1980. Could fill that void with how William and Henry met, OR give William trauma.
Or I could just make him an asshole because yeah.
Have I seen other people trying to make a webseries based on FNAF where no murder takes place, the animatronics are human teenagers entering a band competition and became a goddamn mess because it lost every little thing that connected the show to the actual game and it's actually the reason why I started writing this AU???
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Did I learn from the show's mistakes and wrote a storyline instead of going "hey viewer, you get to decide what's next, even if it absolutely trails off from the original plot!" so that it doesn't trail off from the original source material???
Am I aware of the fact that the FNAF fandom is going to make fun of it, correct me on the lore and overall be annoying???
Do I realize that everyone who knew what FNAFHS was, regardless of whether they are or aren't part of the FNAF fandom will turn me into a laughing stock if I somehow find a way of turning this into an animated web series???
Do I myself find FNAFHS cringy but recognize it has a special place in my heart because I loved it back then???
Of course.
Were some of the songs actually amazing???
Do I realize it was a jukebox series?
Am I going to post lil vids introducing the characters on Tik Tok anyway???
Just to clarify tho, the original idea was to find a way to fit in the Afton's in fnafhs, but when I was writing Michael's backstory I said "fuck it" and wrote a whole new series so yeah. This isn't a fnafhs remake or reboot, it's a whole different thing.
(do I secretly want people to ask me about my au? yes.)
Because you know, singing competitions are a common trope.
The AU has a name now All-Star AU or something, it's a placeholder, but who knows, maybe it will stick.
Solved the issues with everyone in Security Breach.
Lefty and Sammy? No, they have ceased to exist.
Εverything prior to the beginning of the story is complete.
The main conlicts have been stablished.
Currently focusing on writing the Τoy and OG animatronics.
But my biggest problem right now is:
I suck at character design.
I know I need to write the character first then focus on design buutttttt I'm not that good at drawing, specially since l've stopped drawing for a really long time.
Can't get in contact with the friend who supposedly wanted to help. And in terms of money: I've got no money.
So paying someone else is impossible.
Why do I need help? Just look at my Michael doodles
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I can't decide on a design for Michael because somehow they all look different and the same?
Welp, as I said. I'm just going to focus on writing the goddamn protagonists first.
And just to clarify once again; this is not a fnafhs au, remake, fix it, or reboot.
It's a FNAF AU.
(I literally have nothing else to say)
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joyofcreaticn-blog · 7 years
((So it seems like Scott's officially done with FNaF World - no update 3. Im a little disappointed, i was looking forward to a possible update. But of course it's Scott's game and Scott's decision and I'm not disappointed or mad at HIM. I guess I wasn't in the fandom when it was released so I don't understand the initial backlash against the game? I thought it was good. I have over 30 hours playing it! I just don't get why scott always says it was terrible... that's not how I see it. But idk.
(( I wasn’t in the fandom when FNaF World initially came out either but I did sorta observe all the news and reactions to it from afar. Personally, I don’t understand the backlash from some of the fandom (or fans of the game series) I think one part of the problem for some people is that the game isn’t scary and has nothing to do with the actual series but that still doesn’t excuse taking jabs at the guy that put actual work into this thing hoping people would like it and had already given the community so much with the other games.
I think Scott even used some of the hate thrown at him in the game as sort of a way of coping with it or pushing back at them a little. Like how often he it breaks the fourth wall and goes on saying nothing affects the lore, or that quote from Fredbear before with: “Voice acting? In a FNaF game? He’s gone too far this time!” or something like that which could arguably have been him projecting his feelings and doubts about Sister Location’s release (which I believe came out AFTER FNaF World) the list goes on and on especially now with the mobile version and the self deprecating remarks by Fredbear and his somewhat nihilistic views that everything is pointless. 
I think the reason Scott kept trying to go with the game is because it was making him feel better. (We ALL have different ways of coping with different things.) But in the end maybe he realized that it wasn’t about making a game anymore, it had become about him and in Scott’s eyes that was terrible. 
That being said, I love FNaf World, whether or not Scott or the fanbase think it’s terrible. I could also be looking into things a bit too deeply here but I do that a lot¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
But I sincerely hope through all this that Scott feels better soon and continues doing what he loves regardless of what everyone else thinks.
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