#I'm deep in the corpo mud atm don't mind me
elvenbeard · 1 year
Suddenly fucked myself up badly thinking about Hellman's Relic 2.0 trials and like... at a place as fucked as Arasaka, where they apparently had an abundance of dead "host" bodies to experiment with (who wants to bet with me: ex-employees fallen out of favor and enemies taken out by Counterintel and similar departments, amongst others?), wondering if potentially they *always* or at least more than once used copies of Johnny's engram to implant into these "hosts"? Having him wake up and die in those bodies that weren't his over and over again as some form of messed up eternal punishment for him meddling in their affairs so long without getting caught. But then he did, and Saburo was like, "you've been nothing but trouble, I'm gonna use you now to secure my own immortality in the long run, so that your sorry life finally has a real purpose".
Like, they "collected" netrunners' engrams with Soulkiller to make use of in a very practical sense, but what's Johnny Silverhand's engram *really* be good for (sorry Johnny)? Apart from making an example of him as a glorified human guinea pig, the most awful thing you could probably do to someone hating Arasaka as much as he did.
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