#I'm excited for this one
morallyinept · 5 months
Going to be dropping the prologue and masterlist to my new Pedro Boy series this week...
Here's a sneak peek at the cover, just for you guys:
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If you missed my previous, and first Pedro Boy series, it's called Five Days and features Joel with a Mature F!Reader.
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simplykorra · 1 year
golden hour - chapter one
When it rolls to a stop in front of her, the window on the side is down and Beatrice can see the driver. “Morning!” The driver, an older lady, calls out.
Beatrice tips her hat. “Good morning.”
Suddenly, the side of the van pops open and an automatic door starts to roll back.
From there, a ramp folds out and gently touches the dirt.
The driver is already out of the van and climbing in the back - she’s fiddling with something but Beatrice can't get a good enough look inside because of the position of the sun just overhead.
“Alright, Ava. You’re ready to go.”
Beatrice pushes her hat down a bit, blocking the sun just in time to see her new co-worker, Ava, come out of the van.
It is one of the most surreal moments of her entire life.
Ava is not an old friend of Suzanne, or if she is, they were friends when Ava was a baby.
Because Ava can't be a day over twenty-four and could very well be the most beautiful girl that Beatrice has ever seen.
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caramel-caracal · 1 year
Cowboy Submas AU: Lentimas (Pages 1-3)
Dera decides to take Ingo to their hometown to see if they can uncover more of his foggy history-
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So here's the first three pages! I visualize this comic in my head and realize it's probably gonna be long- I'm going to be posting it in segments so I can share quicker!
This one's gonna be a fun ride I'm excited-
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pharawee · 8 months
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Live in Love has now revealed their full cast line-up, and by the looks of it there seems to be a gl pairing, Gina and Khing (Mimi Rhuethaiphat and Nina Phichayanin. There's also a sixth support character, Itim (played by Tee Vitsarut) but he and Haii's character (F) are promoted seperately so they're probably not paired up.
I'll just console myself with more pretty pictures of Haii:
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cutiepieautistic · 10 months
I have a REALLY good idea for a painting.
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bridgeportbritt · 6 months
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It's poll time! We have some time before the bb #2 is a reality in the story, but it has been born in game! So, let's guess the gender! (if you know already, back away!!! lol) Who will be correct?
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raccoonium · 1 year
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miradelletarot · 2 months
from your WIPs - what's your new Gale story idea? 😊
Oh it's a sad one (but I'm planning on it ending well I promise!)
The idea was honestly inspired by the movie Pretty Woman 😆
It's set in Waterdeep a couple years after the Absolute was defeated. Gale fell in love with Astarion, but Astarion couldn't be swayed from ascension. Seeing how it changed him, Gale abandoned all thoughts about the crown and returned home alone. Now, he's lonely and depressed, and mourns the loss of his lover.
Being Waterdeep's most eligible bachelor, Archmage, and prolific educator at Blackstaff Academy, he gets a lot of unwanted attention.
So, Gale being Gale, he opts for a drastic option: hiring an escort. He can sate his more private desires, and make it appear that he's bonded to someone in hopes that he'll get left alone. No emotional attachments... Just business.
...Or is it?
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butterbabyflapjack · 2 years
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Tangled Threads and Heartstrings, but Elden Ring flavored~
I dunno what to call it yet but it's happening.
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wheel-of-fish · 1 year
omggg announce the new phantom west end cast already! what is going on over there!
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chubbiekookie · 1 year
I got a Christmas present for yall in the works. It's already at 1.2k words and I literally just started so if things go my way, you're all going to have a pretty nice sized fic for Christmas! So stay on the lookout~
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Caput Mortuum: A useless substance left over from a chemical operation and the epitome of decline and decay, literally ‘dead head’ or ‘worthless remains’. A dark purple pigment.
The Order had won the war, but they’d really ballsed up the ruling bit afterwards. The trials were a mess, the reparations were never paid, and a Government operating on a shoestring when a country was trying to claw itself back together was - shock horror - very easy to manipulate. 
After a year of chaos, Lucius Malfoy was elected Minister for Magic by claiming he was reformed, able to speak plainly and not afraid of ‘getting his hands dirty.’ Ever since then, he’s been quietly bringing about the changes that Voldemort had only been able to dream about. 
Draco Malfoy is the powerless figurehead of his father’s new regime. Banned from doing nearly everything (except the occasional topless photo shoot to cover up the more unsavoury aspects of Lucius’ plans), he has lost all hope for a better world. But Hermione Granger has just been captured and brought back to The Manor. And instead of being afraid, she looks like this is exactly where she wants to be. After years of apathy, Draco realises that he wants to know why.
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nizzysam · 1 year
New WIP!
It's a sad, beaten-up Micah at Clemens Point coming back to camp after scouting went terribly wrong. It's early morning and only Arthur notices him in the distance and goes to check on him after seeing something in the trees.
I want to make this terribly sad. Because I once again need to project onto Micah. It will also be terribly sweet, hopefully. But in an outlaw sort of way.
First kiss maybe? Who knows.
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
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8/11/22 : current wc: 4.5k 
8/13/22 : current wc: 6k
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darkarfs · 2 years
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This honestluy looks like "podcasting with dad when he has you over the custody weekend."
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 days
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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