#I'm giving myself a 4 for athleticism a 3 for throws and a 3 for field skills bc i feel im very quick to pick it up...
bsaka7 · 2 years
in positive vaguely women's sports news... the sign up for my summer frisbee league is open NEXT WEEK!
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tessenpai · 7 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans:Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 – Rawkuma
Page 1
Side text: Embodying the sound, the pinnacle of aesthetics
Chapter title: #130 Saotome Miran
Page 2
Miran [thoughts]: It all started with a small distortion
Side text: The essence of Miran's problem is...
Girl 1: Woaah--- Your big sis is so cute, Miran-chan--!!
Girl 2: She looks like a real princess!!
Miran: Hehe...
Girl 1: But Miran-chan, you look nothing like her!
Girl 3: That's so weird...
Page 3
Miran's mom: Listen here, Miran!!
Miran's mom: Are you playing with mom's makeup again? How many times have I told you not to!?
Miran: I want this. Buy me.
Miran's mom: Children don't need it!
Miran: I want, I want!
Miran's mom: Don't throw a tantrum!!
Page 4
Miran's mom: Miki, you had all perfect scores again!?
Miran's mom: That's amazing!
Miran's mom: I haven't even seen you study all that much at home...
Miki: I just pay very close attention in class--
Page 5
Miran's mom: Miran!! Why did you tear up and throw your tests in the trash!? I didn't even come to show them to me!
Miran: ...Cuz they are trash.
Miran: There's no point in showing you something like that.
Miran's mom: ...
Page 6
Girl 1: Miran's big sis appeared in the newspaper ---
Girl 2: She won the Grand Prize in the Essay Contest. That's amazing!
Miran [thoughts]: Mine wasn't selected.
Girl 1: She also has the leading role in the school play.
Miran [thoughts]: I'm Citizen C.
Miki: Miran--!
Miki: Let's go home together--!
Miran [thoughts]: Big Sis is
Miran [thoughts]: As pretty as a princess
Miran [thoughts]: She's smart, very athletic, the best at anything she does, and very popular in class.
Page 7
Boy 1: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related? This is hilarious---
Miki: What?
Miki: I came to pick up my precious little sister... And what is this?
Miki: I don't see what's so funny. Saying things like that is seriously lame.
Boy 1: Eh- Ah.
Boy 2: Sorry...
Miran [thoughts]: She is kind, strong, righteous and fair. She's cool.
Page 8
Miran's mom: Miki, congratulations on being a representative of your class on the relay race!
Miki: Thanks!
Miran's dad: And you are going to be the anchor? That's awesome--!
Miran's dad: I guess you are like me in terms of athleticism. Your mom is as uncoordinated as they come.
Miran's mom: Hey now!
Miki: What about your class, Miran? Who's going to be representative?
Miran: ...Don't know yet. We decide tomorrow...
Miki: You are also very fast, Miran. I'm sure you'll become a representative as well!
Miran: Last year you just were one step behind from becoming one, right?
Page 9
Miki: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad: Go get them, Miran!
Page 10
Teacher: Now will take place the competition to decide our representatives for the relay race.
Teacher: The six fastest students, please line up.
Miran [thoughts]: The first three will get to be representatives... Last year I was 4th.
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place one spot higher...
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Teacher: Get in position--
Teacher: Ready--
Page 11
Sfx: Dash
Page 12
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom[memory]: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad[memory]: Go get them, Miran!
Boy 1 [memory]: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2 [memory]: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related?
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place
Miran [thoughts]: One spot higher
Page 13
Miran: Ah...?
Page 14
Miran: ------Eh...?
Page 15
Miran's mom: I deeply apologize!!!
Girl's mom: Enough of apologies. Fortunately, her injuries are minor.
Girl's mom: --However
Girl's mom: I believe it would be best if you thought carefully about the way you are educating Miran-chan.
Girl's mom: This kind of thing is not normal.
Miran's mom: ...Miran...
Miran's mom: Why, why did you do that!!??
Miran: ...
Miran's mom: Do you even realize what you did!?
Page 16
Miran's mom: You got a friend hurt... She was one bad fall away from getting very badly injured.
Miran's mom: What were you thinking!!
Miran: I... wa- wanted to be
Miran: A representative
Miran: In the relay race...
Miran's mom: ...It's our fault for saying that to you. That was our wrong. I'm sorry.
Miran's mom: ...However, Miran
Miran's mom: Hurting someone else to forcefully grab something you want, it's a very cowardly and disgusting thing to do.
Page 17
Miran's mom: Never do that gain.
Miran's mom: Never. Understood?
Miki [imagination]: Miran! Congrats on becoming representative!! I'm so happy we will be running together!!
Miran's mom [imagination]: That's amazing, Miran! You worked so hard!
Miran's dad [imagination]: We will all go to cheer on you in the competition!!
Page 18
Miran: I'm sorry...
Page 19
Student 1: Miran-chan is truly the worst.
Student 2: Right? So scary.
Student 3: Her face is also scary.
Student 1: Her face reflects her heart.
Student 2: True.
Student 3: And yet her sister is so cute and extrordinary.
Page 20
Student: I feel sorry for her sister---
Shoes: *Scum* *The worst*
Shoes: *Die* *Ugly* *Trash*
Page 21
Miran's mom: Miran, are you not going to eat?
Miki: Miran, let's go to school toge-
Paper: I'm the most digusting scummy trash.
Page 22
Miran [thoughts]: Then, one morning several months later.
Miran [thoughts]: I just couldn't get myself out of bed.
Miran [thoughts]: I haven't been to school for a month now… I have truly become a pile of trash...
Miran: ...
Miran [thoughts]: Right. You gotta take out the trash.
Miran [thoughts]: You can't leave it at home.
Page 23
Kifune-sensei: ---Oh my. Could that be Miran-chan!?
Kifune-sensei: It really is Miran-chan!
Kifune-sensei: It's dangerous to lean forward that much! Come on, get quickly back inside!
Miran: ---...
Page 24
Miran [thoughts]: Who...?
Miran's mom: It has been so long, Kifune-sensei. Sorry for calling you on such short notice.
Kifune-sensei: It was no problem, I was free anyways so I was happy to come.
Miran's mom: Miran, are you okay to be up now?
Miran: nods
Miran's mom: This man here is a friend of your grandpa. His name is Kifune-sensei, and he is a composer.
Miran's mom: Although you met him many times before, when your grandpa was alive.
Kifune-sensei: You probably don't remember, you were too young.
Kifune-sensei: But your eyes haven't changed at all, Miran-chan, so I recognized you immediately.
Kifune-sensei: You've gotten so big. How old are you now?
Miran: ...I'm 10.
Kifune-sensei: I see!
Page 25
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan, are you interested in the koto?
Miran: ...? The koto..?
Miran's mom: Right, it's this. This instrument!
Miran's mom: This instrument is a "koto".
Miran's mom: The granny of a friend of mine just passed away, you see.
Miran's mom: She found this koto when she was orginizing her belongings.
Miran's mom: I thought it would be such a shame to let it go to waste, but I don't know anyone who can play the koto so...
Miran's mom: I called Kifune-sensei to ask him for a bit of advice.
Page 26
Kifune-sensei: I will be testing it out. Miran-chan, if you'd like, do you want to try and play it together?
Miran: Eh?
Miran's mom: Oh, then...
Kifune-sensei: Aah, sorry for taking such a liberty.
Kifune-sensei: I value fate very much. I wonder if it's fate that broght this koto to this house, and it brought me back to meet Miran-chan, who I haven't seen in such a long time.
Kifune-sensei: What do you think?
Miran: ----...
Page 27
Miran: nods...
Miran's mom: !
Kifune-sensei: Ooooh--- will you look at this! What an splendid dragon---
Miran's mom: Dragon?
Kifune-sensei: See, doesn't it look like a dragon? The koto?
Kifune-sensei: Each part, too. They are called "Dragon's tongue", "Dragon's horn", and so on. It's interesting, isn't it?
Page 28
Kifune-sensei: Now, what tone will you show me.
Kifune-sensei [sfx]: Pa--------n
Kifune-sensei: Oh! It resonates so well.
Miran [thoughts]: It sparkles...
Miran's mom: Mira-...
Page 29
Miran [sfx]: Pi---n...
Miran: ...
Miran [Sfx]: Pi----n Pi----n Pi----n
Kifune-sensei: He
Page 30
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan's sound is
Kifune-sensei: It's such beautiful and delicate sound.
Page 31
Kifune-sensei: It's a sound that I like a lot.
Page 32
Miran: U- Wah. Aaa--
Miran's mom: Miran-?
Kifune-sensei: Oh, oh my!? Wha- what happened!? I was praising you just now, though!?
Miran: Waaah aaaah. Waaahh. hic.
Miran: Waaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaa.
Page 33
Miki: What!? You're going to start playing the koto, Miran!?
Miran's dad: And under the tutelage of Kifune-sensei!?
Miran's mom: Yeah. Miran's condition has improved a lot, so she can begin any time now.
Miran's mom: We also decided to keep that koto at home so Miran can play it.
Miki: That's so nice, Miran!! I'm so happy!!
Miran: !
Miki: I hope you get well soon now!!
Page 34
Miran[thoughts]: Ever since then, I went frequently to Kifune-sensei's house to practice.
Miran[thoughts]: Playing the koto was complicated but, so fun. So fun.
Miran[thoughts]: So much fun.
Miran[thoughts]: It I had any time, I played it.
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: It's fine if I'm not cute. Even If I'm stupid, or trash. Even if I have no place at school.
Miran[thoughts]: The moment I remembered I had the koto, I became strong.
Miran[thoughts]: So
Miran[thoughts]: I said farewell to the past me.
Miran[thoughts]: Or so I thought
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: Until I reached High School, and met him.
Side text: Luka's curse weighs on Miran---...
---Kono Oto Tomare! continues in the next issue---
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