tessenpai · 17 days
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35 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 17 days
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11 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 22 days
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 132 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: Kono Oto Tomare! - Raw Chapter 132 - KL (klz9.com)
Page 1
Imari [memory]: Of course we are frustrated!!!
Imari [memory]: Everybody's holding in some emotion or another!! Have you ever thought about that!?
Side text: The words no one had said to Miran, until now.
Chapter Title: #132 A story: Ours.
Imari [memory]: What you are lacking, is imagination!
Miran [thoughts]: Wha-
Page 2
Miran [internal breakdown]: I made her cry. I hurt her. I did it. What do I do? I haven't gotten a single solo, have I!!? Do you think we don't feel anything about that! You haven't realized that, have you!? What do I do? I made her cry. I hurt her. I hurt her. What do I do? I did it. A performance is not something you do alone. Of course we are frustrated! I made her cry. I hurt her. I made her cry. I hurt her. It's imagination!
Miran[sfx]: Ba-dump.
Page 3
Miran[sfx]: Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.
Miran's mom [memory]: Hurting others to get what you want is a cowardly and awful thing to do.
Miran's mom [memory]: Never do this again. Never!
Miran [thoughts]: Again, I... I-
Imari: hic
Miran: Ah
Page 4
Imari [sfx]: hic
Imari [memory]: Are you this self-centered?
Miran: ...
Luka: !
Page 5
Miran [sfx]: Wipe, wipe.
Imari: Wha-
Imari: Whaaaaaaaaaat----??
Miran [sfx]: Wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe.
Imari: Wai- That's enough, already. Your necktie is gonna get dirty--
Page 6
Imari: ----
Imari: I'm going to wipe my face, give me a minute.
Miran: Ah, wai...
Tougo: I'll go after Imari. You should cool your head a bit too, Miran.
Page 7
Kio: The person who knows Imari-san the best is probably Tougo-kun. It should be fine.
Kio: Those two are childhood friends, apparently.
Miran: ...
Luka: Hey, Miran. When those two come back...
Luka: Why don't we all take it easy and talk, just once?
Miran: ----....
Imari: ---So
Page 8
Imari: Why did you insist on doing this outside?
Luka: The weather is so nice, I just thought it would give us some sense of freedom.
Kio: We could've sat on that bench over there.
Luka: But this feels more informal, doesn't it?
Imari: Well, I don't really care. Whatever.
Luka: Fu
Luka: I've always thought that music is a way to communicate even if you don't understand the language or don't know another person.
Luka: I figured I didn't need to ask more than I had to about everyone else either. I don't like to pry, you see.
Page 9
Luka: ...But just now, Imari... She let us listen to the voice of her heart, even though she probably never meant for us to ever hear it.
Luka: And even though it was shocking, it made me really happy.
Luka: "Aaah, so that is what we are lacking!", it opened my eyes.
Luka: If you'd like, I would love to hear more about you.
Page 10
Imari: What do you even want me to tell you...
Luka: Anything is fine! Your upbringing, the things you like, the things you hate, even something you are not happy about. It doesn't matter as long as you feel comfortable talking about it.
Luka: If we got to know more about each other, I bet our performance would also change.
Imari: If you say that... Then you should go first about telling us about yourself.
Luka: ! I see! You are absolutely right!
Page 11
Luka: Well then. My parents adopted me when I was one year old, and then---
Imari: Waitwaitwait.
Imari: Eh? Wha-? Ehh!!? Is that something you feel comfortable sharing with us!?
Luka: What? Yeah, of course.
Luka: Meeting my adoptive parents is the luckiest and most joyful thing that ever happened to me.
Luka: It is my greatest pride.
Imari: The- Then it's fine, I guess...
Page 12
Luka: My parents are very big music lovers.
Luka: So ever since I was little I've been exposed to all kinds of music. Thanks to that, I met the koto.
Tougo: How exactly did you meet the koto?
Luka: What?
Tougo: I'm curious. What drove you to begin playing the koto? Did you listen to someone's performance, or something like that?
Luka: Oh... umm... It's nothing like tha...
Imari: What is it? Don't be coy now, say it!
Luka: You... you won't laugh?
Imari: What?
Luka: You gotta promise you absolutely won't laugh. Promise!!
Imari: I won't laugh, what is it!?
Page 13
Luka: Hmm...
Luka: When I heard the koto was an instrument resembling a dragon... I just thought "That's the coolest thing ever!!!!" and wanted to play it...
Kio: ...Eh? That's all..?
Luka: ...Yes...
Imari: Ahahahahahahahah!!!! Are you for real!? And here I was expecting some noble reason!!
Luka: You- you said you wouldn't laugh!! That's just how children get hooked on things!!
Imari: You are even studying abroad for it, so I'd say it worked alright.
Tougo: Did your parents ever oppose the idea of you studying abroad?
Page 14
Luka: They were super supportive.
Luka: It's just that when it was decided that I would be studying abroad my dad was diagnosed with an uncommon illness...
Imari: What?
Luka: Ah, he had surgery to treat it, so he's alright now!
Imari: Dude, you've been bad for my heart ever since you started talking!!
Luka: Sorry.
Luka: In any case, with my father's condition, I decided not to study abroad and stay in my hometown. And they fervently opposed to that.
Luka: I wanted to be by my father's side... But then he said, "I refuse to be the reason my child is dragged down!"... He just wouldn't hear it. I got into a huge fight with my parents for the first time.
Page 15
Luka: We worried a lot. We talked it through, a lot. Both of them consider my future to be the most important thing. And so, here I am today.
Tougo: You have great parents.
Luka: Right!?
Tougo: Are they coming to listen to us at Nationals?
Luka: Yeah. It will depend on how my father feels then, but that's the plan.
Luka: ...I would love to give them a great performance.
Page 16
Miran [memory]: It's because you are here! It's your fault!
Imari: What about you, Kio? You are just as much of a mystery to me as Luka.
Kio: Me?
Kio: I'm just a normal guy. Your average "Failure" born into a prestigious family.
Imari: Failure?
Kio: I hate it when people tell me what to do. The more someone tells me to do something, the more I want to do the opposite.
Imari: You are such a pain in the ass...
Kio: Haha Isn't that the truth?
Page 17
Kio: My relationship with my house is terrible because of that.
Kio: …It's the kind of house where your path is already decided even before you're born, and where you grow surrounded by pride and traditions.
Kio: And so, I rebelled against my house. I was pretty naughty at times. I was almost excommunicated on several occasions.
Imari: What in the world did you do?
Kio: Do you want me to tell you?
Imari: On second thought, no...
Luka: The way you speak is so polite that it's hard for me to picture you being naughty, Kio.
Kio: Ah--... I'm a bit of a jerk when I speak plainly.
Luka: I see!
Luka: But if it's like that, why did you decide to still inherit your house and take over it?
Page 18
Kio: Ahhh. Because I thought I would be able to destroy the "Akane Group" once and for all. Clap
Imari/Luka: What...???
Kio: Please, do not share what I just said with anyone.
Kio: I have not been officially appointed as the next heir yet. I will get debarred for real this time if they find out.
Imari: I didn't sign up to hear such a terrifying story!
Luka: When you say destroy, do you mean to dismantle it?
Kio: Hmmm... If it comes down to that, I may do it.
Kio: When I say I want to destroy it, I mean "The way things are done in the Group".
Page 19
Kio: For my parents, everything should be inside a pattern. That's the way they were taught, and that is the way they teach.
Kio: New ways are absolutely forbidden.
Kio: They believe that's what "Preserving and passing on tradition" means.
Kio: They are not mistaken in thinking that. If that's what the person who entrusted it to them wished, then that's how it should be.
Kio: However
Kio: If I were to entrust something precious to me to someone else.
Kio: I don't want that person to whom I entrust my work to be "just another entity who will pass it on to the next one."
Page 20
Kio: The life of that person.
Kio: Their thoughts and feelings.
Kio: I want them to pass on the proof of their lives.
Kio: That's how I want "Passing on tradition" to be.
Imari: What the heck? You have given this a lot of thought, haven't you?
Kio: Haha Did your opinion of me get a little better?
Page 21
Kio: Well, I may say all that but
Kio: After the entrance ceremony, when we introduced ourselves... When it was Miran-san's turn my sarcastic side came spitting out at her. I'm sorry.
Kio: "Got in through connections", I said?
Kio: That was very cruel.
Kio: I know that. I regret saying it.
Kio: Miran-san, you are completely free and unbound by anything.
Kio: I was envious of you.
Page 22
Tougo: Well, hearing your stories made me realize I'm the most normal out of all of us here.
Tougo: I was born into a normal family, and can't think of any remarkable thing to say about me---
Imari: No. What the heck are you even saying?
Imari: This dude over here!!! He is my stalker!!! Ever since we were children up till now!!!
??: Eh!!?
Imari: He lived in the house next door.
Imari: He's been following me around since we were three years old.
Imari: Whatever I did, he would follow my lead!!
Page 23
Imari: From beginning to play the koto, entering competitions, even applying to this school. He aaaalways follows me in what I do!!!!
Kio: We- well, it could be a coincidence...
Tougo: No, I'm following Imari. Because I love her.
Kio: You can't be serious...
Kio: I'm sorry, Tougo-kun, but I'm very creeped out right now
Tougo: That's fine, I don't care what anyone other than Imari thinks.
Imari: I was always creeped out!
Imari: It's not only that. The scariest part of this guy is that he had no musical sense to begin with! But because he wanted to be next to me, he practiced like an absolute idiot, won a prize at a competition, and got into Ichiei..! Isn't that freaking insane!?
Page 24
Luka: Tougo, I didn't know you were such a passionate man!! You must be head over heels for Imari!!
Imari: That is not what I said!!
Tougo: I am in love with you, though.
Imari: Shut. Up.
Kio: So you were that kind person, Tougo-kun... Why haven't we seen you act like this before?
Tougo: Because I promised Imari.
Imari's rules: Don't stick to me. Don't stare at me. Don't talk to me unless it's necessary.
Tougo: She said, follow the rules or die.
Kio: Woaaah...
Kio: We've been working together for a little over a year, so I thought I knew you reasonably well, but…
Kio: You really never know. People...
Luka: That is true! It's so interesting.
Page 25
Luka: I wish I had asked about you from the beginning. Such a pity I didn't.
Imari: What are you saying? It's not like I would talk about these things with a complete stranger.
Kio: Exactly. It is now that we can talk about them.
Luka: !
Luka: I see!
Luka: What about you, Imari? Your mom is a koto teacher, isn't she?
Imari: That's right.
Imari: Ah, but not from a prestigious family, like Kio's. Just a normal koto class teacher.
Imari: I've been playing the koto as far as I can remember. When I was five, I entered a small competition for the first time, and won it.
Imari: From then on, I started participating in prefectural and regional contests.
Page 26
Imari: Because of the amount of awards I was winning, they began to call me a prodigy child.
Tougo: She even appeared on TV.
Luka: Amazing!
Imari: But when I got to my third year of primary school, I entered a national competition for the first time
Imari: And there, I lost to Luka's beloved Hozuki Satowa.
Luka: !!
Imari: At the time, I felt like I was at the top of my game. I didn't bother to listen to Hozuki Satowa's performance, or the other kids' for that matter.
Imari's mom(?) [memory]: Imari, aren't you coming to the venue?
Imari[memory]: I'm not interested.
Announcer [memory]: Winner: Entry number 5. Hozuki Satowa.
Page 27
Imari: After that, I heard that she was to be the next head of a very famous koto school. "I'm sure her family used their power to win her the competition", I thought. I felt like an idiot for trying so hard, if things were like that. I started skip off in practice.
Imari: But after that, we both participated in another competition, and I got to hear her performance for the first time.
Imari: And then, I realized just how small my world was.
Page 28
Imari: The fact that when you hear someone perform, you can hear all of what that person has accumulated until then.
Imari: That's what I learned that day.
Imari: From then on, I started to take the koto seriously again, but everyone around me also got better and better, to the point I never got first place again.
Imari: To tell you the truth, there were a few times I thought about quitting. Still.
Imari: I just end up realizing "There is nothing else for me but this".
Page 29
Imari: And that's how it's been until now. Super lame, isn't it?
Luka: That's not true!
Luka: You are super cool.
Imari: ...
Imari: Speaking of, that's why I blew up saying pretty conceited things to you. I also---
Page 30
Miran [memory]: What you need to do is prop me up like all the rest.
Miran [memory]: When I'm the main star of the song...
Miran [memory]: You always get in my way...!
Page 31
Miran [memory]: Know that I would never give you the slightest consideration!
Miran [memory]: Being called a rival of yours makes me sick in the stomach!!!
Miran [memory]: It's because you're here.
Miran [memory]: Shut up, shut up, shut up!!
Miran [memory]: I'll do the solo!
Page 32
Miran: I'm so sorry.
Page 33
Miran: For all the hurtful things
Miran: That I've done because of my selfishness
Miran: For all the things I've said
Miran: I'm very sorry.
Page 34
Luka: Hey, Miran...
Luka: Now
Luka: Why don't you let us hear your story?
Luka: It's okay if you take your time.
Page 35
Kifune-sensei[thoughts]: ---Finally.
Kifune-sensei[thoughts]: Their worlds are now beggining to connect.
Side text: Taking it to the next level----....
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue next month!---
53 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 1 month
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 131 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-131.html
Page 1
Side text: Ichiei's performance, begins with silence
Chapter Title: #131 My Story
Page 2
*No Text*
Page 3
*No text*
Page 4
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Page 5
*No text*
Page 6
Hiro & Takezou [thoughts]: ----...Ah
Satowa[thoughts]: This...
Page 7
Collective thought: Damn
Page 8
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan!
Miran: !
Miran: Kifune-sensei!
Kifune-sensei: Welcome to Ichiei. Is your luggage in the dorm already?
Miran: Yes
Kifune-sensei: Then let me show you around the school.
Miran: Thank you very much.
Kifune: The entry exams were difficult, weren't they? You did a great job.
[Memory starts]
Miran: Eh? Ichiei High School?
Kifune-sensei: Yeah. If you'd like, why don't you give it a chance? To the Japanese Music Department, I mean.
Miran: Ichiei, he said... Even I know about it... It's a music school.
Miran's mom: Ahh, but...
Page 9
Miran's mom: In the Japanese Music Department, all the children play koto, isn't that right? And they are all extremely good at it, aren't they..?
Kifune-sensei: Not only the koto. How to put it-
Kifune-sensei: The most proficient children from all over the country converge there.
Miran's mom: And you believe that Miran...
Kifune-sensei: --And so.
Kifune-sensei: I believe that Miran's abilities are now on par to that level.
Page 10
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan has avoided playing in ensembles and listening to kids her own age play until now, hasn't she?
Kifune-sensei: Of course, it's not like that is a bad thing.
Kifune-sensei: --However.
Kifune-sensei: Here's a path that I believe will expand your world, is what I'm trying to say.
Kifune-sensei: And I'd like to guide you through it while I'm at it.
Miran [thoughts]: The path that Sensei has thought so hard about, for my sake...
Miran [thoughts]: It's scary, but...
Miran [thoughts]: If it's the current me, then----...!!
Miran: I... Mom...!
Miran's mom: !
Page 11
Miran's mom: ...
Miran's mom: ---Yes. You can go if you want, Miran.
Kifune-sensei: Fu. I'm glad.
Kifune-sensei: Ah, but the fact that you are my particular student makes it that I can't give you any special treatment. From now on you will have to study very hard!
Miran: Yes!
[Memory ends]
Kifune-sensei: From here on, there are the practice rooms.
Kifune-sensei: If you ask for permission, you can use them whenever you want.
Page 12
Miran [thoughts]: Amazing... I get to play koto in such a wonderful place.
Miran [thoughts]: This is the place where I belonged all along.
Page 13
Miran[thoughts]: Eh...?
Kifune-sensei: Oh my, this sound...
Miran [thoughts]: Wo- woaah.
Miran [thoughts]: Incredible. What a beautiful sound...
Miran [thoughts]: The clarity and sound are by far the best I've ever heard.
Miran [thoughts]: Is it a teacher? A Senpai? Could I get to produce this kind of sound myself?
Kifune-sensei: Aah, as I thought.
Page 14
*No text*
Page 15
*No text*
Page 16
Luka: Kifune-sensei!
Kifune-sensei: Luka-kun, you've gotten to use the practice room right away, I see. And well? How do you like it?
Luka: I love it!
Miran [thoughts]: Wha-
Miran[thoughts]: What is this guy...? An angel...? No, maybe a prince...?
Kifune-sensei: Ah, Miran-chan. This is Luka Chevalier-kun.
Kifune-sensei: He is a scholarship student from France.
Kifune-sensei: Like you, he is also a new student and a first year in the Japanese Music Department.
Page 17
Miran [thoughts]: Scholarship... First-year...?
Luka: Nice to meet you! I'm Luka Chevalier. Umm... And you are---
Miran: Eh- ah... I'm... Sa- Saotome Miran.
Luka: Miran! That's such a beautiful name.
Miki [memory]: Miran!
Miran: ...Your- your Japanese is really good...
Miran [thoughts]: What am I even saying..?
Luka: Really!? Thank you!
Luka: The sound of Japanese is so beautiful, that after listening to it every day I was able to speak it.
Page 18
Miran: ...
Miran: ...That's amazing...
Miran [thoughts]: ...this is
Miran [thoughts]: Someone the same age as me...?
Imari: Hanahata Imari. I placed 2nd in the Koto National Contest in the Middle School category.
Tougo: Takamura Tougo. I won that same contest and came in 2nd the next year.
Kio: Houshou Kio. I am the seventh generation of the Akane Association Yamada Style Koto School. *
*If Satowa comes from the Hozuki Clan, Kio comes from the Akane Association. These families own Koto Schools.
Luka: I'm Luka Chevalier! When I was 10 I went on a trip to Japan. I met with the Koto for the first time, and fell in love with it!
Miran [thoughts]: When he was 10... same as me...
Luka: I am very happy I get to learn the koto in Japan!
Page 19
Imari: Didn't you win the Grand Prize at the International Music Competition last year?
Luka: You know about that? I'm so happy! Thank you!
Miran [thoughts]: International... Music Competition...
Miran [thoughts]: Grand Prize...
Luka: Is Miran's turn next.
Miran: Eh? Ah-
Miran: I- I'm Saotome Miran.
Miran: ...
Miran: ...
Miran [thoughts]: --Ah... What do I do?
Miran [thoughts]: I've done nothing.
Page 20
Kio: Could it be that Kifune-sensei's apprentice that I've been hearing about... Is it you?
Miran: Eh- ah- Yes.
Kio: Haha So you got in through connections.
Miran[thoughts]: ---Eh...? Wha...
Kifune-sensei: Before there are any misunderstandings, let me make something clear.
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun is indeed my apprentice but she went through the entrance exams and passed them accordingly.
Kifune-sensei: And just because she is my apprentice doesn't mean she will be receiving any special treatment.
Page 21
Kio: I know that. I was just joking, I'm sorry.
Miran [sfx]: Ba-dump...
Luka: Kifune-sensei rarely takes apprentices. That's incredible, Miran!
Luka: I'm very much looking forward to hearing your sound!!
Miran: Kuh...
Miran [thoughts]: ---...What is this
Miran[thoughts]: What
Page 22
Miran [thoughts]: This place is not different from where I was before---
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun!
Kifune-sensei: Are you alright?
Miran[sfx]: ba-dump ba-dump
Miran[thoughts]: I- I'm fine, sorry.
Miran: That's right. I'm ok.
Miran[thoughts]: I'm ok.
Miran[thoughts]: Sensei recognized my ability. The school recognized it. I'm ok.
Miran[thoughts]: I didn't get in through connections. I'll prove it to them.
Page 23
Miran[thoughts]: Woah, everyone is so good.
Miran[thoughts]: That should be obvious. Only people of the highest level play here.
Miran[thoughts]: Ensembles are difficult. I feel like I'm always one step behind.
Miran[thoughts]: I have to practice more. More. More.
Kifune-sensei: The solo part will be played by Luka-kun.
Luka: Yes!
Miran[thoughts]: Once again, I got the easiest part...
Miran[thoughts]: It's as if
Page 24
Miran[thoughts]: It's as if this is what it would be like if big sis had encountered the koto instead of me
Miran[thoughts]: Stop. Don't think that.
Miran[thoughts]: It's ok. I just have to prove it. I just have to practice more than anyone else and become the best.
Miran[thoughts]: I definitely won't lose. For sure. Without a doubt.
Miran[thoughts]: He is the solo once again. Damn it. Next time, then.
Miran[thoughts]: I lost again. Next time. Next time. Next time.
Miran[thoughts]: I did it! Finally, I won the solo part.
Miran[thoughts]: He's got a cool face, and he doesn't even look like he's frustrated at all.
Miran[thoughts]: Is like he doesn't notice me at all.
Miran[thoughts]: And still, he plays brightly during the performance.
Miran[thoughts]: He wants to overtake the leading role. Don't make fun of me.
Luka: I can't believe it!! The real one!! My Goddess!! Satowa!!
Page 25
Miran[thoughts]: And then the person he admires showed up.
Miran[thoughts]: And that person who has the Prince's admiration seems to be someone who is preciously protected.
Miran: Again
Miran[thoughts]: A woman who seems to be blessed with everything
Miran[thoughts]: Why?
Miran[thoughts]: Why do you get to have everything?
Page 26
Miran[thoughts]: Why did it have to be the koto?
Miran[thoughts]: There are so many other paths.
Miran[thoughts]: And yet
Kifune-sensei[memory]: The solo part won't be played by Miran-kun, but by Luka-kun.
Miran[thoughts]: For me, there's only the koto.
Miran: That's right... For me, there's nothing but the koto...
Page 27
Miran[thoughts]: I have to get it back.
Kio: Is Miran-san still shutted-in?
Tougo: It has been a week already.
Kio: Isn't this really bad? If things continue like this, she won't be able to participat-
Luka: !!
Kio(?): Miran-san!
Luka: Phew... Miran...!
Page 28
Luka: I'm so glad you came back! Everyone was worried about you---
Imari: Hey, hold on.
Imari: That's the tuning for the solo part. You are playing the 3rd koto part...
Miran: I will play the solo.
Imari: ---What...?
Miran: I've come up with a new way to play it. Even Kifune-sensei will approve when he--
Imari: Are you messing with me? Just for how long are you not going to look around you?
Imari: They take the solo away from you one time, and you start cursing and throwing insults at Luka.
Miran: Shut up!! It's not only "one time"---
Imari: I haven't gotten to play a solo. Not even once!!
Page 29
Imari: And it's not only me, it's the same for Tougo and Kio!
Imari: You didn't even realize that, did you? You are always thinking "If I compare myself to Luka", so you aren't even interested in the rest of us, huh!?
Imari: The three of us have been playing the koto from as far as we can remember. Playing every single day, participating in tournaments and earning achievements.
Imari: And yet, you and Luka, who started playing later, get to play the solo parts?
Imari: Do you think we don't care about that!? Just what did you take us for!!??
Page 30
Imari: It's so freaking frustrating, isn't that obvious!!
Imari: On top of that, you just treat us like we are just some background characters and don't care about us at all! And still!
Page 31
Imari: And still, an ensemble is not only one person!
Imari: You and Luka are good. It frustrates me, but I get it. We are trying to do our best with the parts given to us!!
Imari: Luka was assigned the solo part in your place. Did you think I was just going to be happy for him like a moron?
Imari: As if!!
Imari: Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about all of this!
Imari: You are not the only one suffering and in distress!!
Imari: Did that not even occur to you!?
Page 32
Imari[sfx]: Pant pant
Imari: Ugh...
Miran: Ah...
Luka: Imari.
Kio: Imari-san...
Miran: Um... I...
Imari: ...What you are missing
Imari: Is not skill, is not talent, and is not practice!
Page 33
Imari: It's imagination!
Side text: The weight of those important words.... resounds within Miran.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue in the next issue---
36 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 2 months
I actually teared up. Michael Jackson in Koto brought me to my knees
354K notes · View notes
tessenpai · 2 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans:Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 – Rawkuma
Page 1
Side text: Embodying the sound, the pinnacle of aesthetics
Chapter title: #130 Saotome Miran
Page 2
Miran [thoughts]: It all started with a small distortion
Side text: The essence of Miran's problem is...
Girl 1: Woaah--- Your big sis is so cute, Miran-chan--!!
Girl 2: She looks like a real princess!!
Miran: Hehe...
Girl 1: But Miran-chan, you look nothing like her!
Girl 3: That's so weird...
Page 3
Miran's mom: Listen here, Miran!!
Miran's mom: Are you playing with mom's makeup again? How many times have I told you not to!?
Miran: I want this. Buy me.
Miran's mom: Children don't need it!
Miran: I want, I want!
Miran's mom: Don't throw a tantrum!!
Page 4
Miran's mom: Miki, you had all perfect scores again!?
Miran's mom: That's amazing!
Miran's mom: I haven't even seen you study all that much at home...
Miki: I just pay very close attention in class--
Page 5
Miran's mom: Miran!! Why did you tear up and throw your tests in the trash!? I didn't even come to show them to me!
Miran: ...Cuz they are trash.
Miran: There's no point in showing you something like that.
Miran's mom: ...
Page 6
Girl 1: Miran's big sis appeared in the newspaper ---
Girl 2: She won the Grand Prize in the Essay Contest. That's amazing!
Miran [thoughts]: Mine wasn't selected.
Girl 1: She also has the leading role in the school play.
Miran [thoughts]: I'm Citizen C.
Miki: Miran--!
Miki: Let's go home together--!
Miran [thoughts]: Big Sis is
Miran [thoughts]: As pretty as a princess
Miran [thoughts]: She's smart, very athletic, the best at anything she does, and very popular in class.
Page 7
Boy 1: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related? This is hilarious---
Miki: What?
Miki: I came to pick up my precious little sister... And what is this?
Miki: I don't see what's so funny. Saying things like that is seriously lame.
Boy 1: Eh- Ah.
Boy 2: Sorry...
Miran [thoughts]: She is kind, strong, righteous and fair. She's cool.
Page 8
Miran's mom: Miki, congratulations on being a representative of your class on the relay race!
Miki: Thanks!
Miran's dad: And you are going to be the anchor? That's awesome--!
Miran's dad: I guess you are like me in terms of athleticism. Your mom is as uncoordinated as they come.
Miran's mom: Hey now!
Miki: What about your class, Miran? Who's going to be representative?
Miran: ...Don't know yet. We decide tomorrow...
Miki: You are also very fast, Miran. I'm sure you'll become a representative as well!
Miran: Last year you just were one step behind from becoming one, right?
Page 9
Miki: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad: Go get them, Miran!
Page 10
Teacher: Now will take place the competition to decide our representatives for the relay race.
Teacher: The six fastest students, please line up.
Miran [thoughts]: The first three will get to be representatives... Last year I was 4th.
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place one spot higher...
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Teacher: Get in position--
Teacher: Ready--
Page 11
Sfx: Dash
Page 12
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom[memory]: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad[memory]: Go get them, Miran!
Boy 1 [memory]: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2 [memory]: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related?
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place
Miran [thoughts]: One spot higher
Page 13
Miran: Ah...?
Page 14
Miran: ------Eh...?
Page 15
Miran's mom: I deeply apologize!!!
Girl's mom: Enough of apologies. Fortunately, her injuries are minor.
Girl's mom: --However
Girl's mom: I believe it would be best if you thought carefully about the way you are educating Miran-chan.
Girl's mom: This kind of thing is not normal.
Miran's mom: ...Miran...
Miran's mom: Why, why did you do that!!??
Miran: ...
Miran's mom: Do you even realize what you did!?
Page 16
Miran's mom: You got a friend hurt... She was one bad fall away from getting very badly injured.
Miran's mom: What were you thinking!!
Miran: I... wa- wanted to be
Miran: A representative
Miran: In the relay race...
Miran's mom: ...It's our fault for saying that to you. That was our wrong. I'm sorry.
Miran's mom: ...However, Miran
Miran's mom: Hurting someone else to forcefully grab something you want, it's a very cowardly and disgusting thing to do.
Page 17
Miran's mom: Never do that gain.
Miran's mom: Never. Understood?
Miki [imagination]: Miran! Congrats on becoming representative!! I'm so happy we will be running together!!
Miran's mom [imagination]: That's amazing, Miran! You worked so hard!
Miran's dad [imagination]: We will all go to cheer on you in the competition!!
Page 18
Miran: I'm sorry...
Page 19
Student 1: Miran-chan is truly the worst.
Student 2: Right? So scary.
Student 3: Her face is also scary.
Student 1: Her face reflects her heart.
Student 2: True.
Student 3: And yet her sister is so cute and extrordinary.
Page 20
Student: I feel sorry for her sister---
Shoes: *Scum* *The worst*
Shoes: *Die* *Ugly* *Trash*
Page 21
Miran's mom: Miran, are you not going to eat?
Miki: Miran, let's go to school toge-
Paper: I'm the most digusting scummy trash.
Page 22
Miran [thoughts]: Then, one morning several months later.
Miran [thoughts]: I just couldn't get myself out of bed.
Miran [thoughts]: I haven't been to school for a month now… I have truly become a pile of trash...
Miran: ...
Miran [thoughts]: Right. You gotta take out the trash.
Miran [thoughts]: You can't leave it at home.
Page 23
Kifune-sensei: ---Oh my. Could that be Miran-chan!?
Kifune-sensei: It really is Miran-chan!
Kifune-sensei: It's dangerous to lean forward that much! Come on, get quickly back inside!
Miran: ---...
Page 24
Miran [thoughts]: Who...?
Miran's mom: It has been so long, Kifune-sensei. Sorry for calling you on such short notice.
Kifune-sensei: It was no problem, I was free anyways so I was happy to come.
Miran's mom: Miran, are you okay to be up now?
Miran: nods
Miran's mom: This man here is a friend of your grandpa. His name is Kifune-sensei, and he is a composer.
Miran's mom: Although you met him many times before, when your grandpa was alive.
Kifune-sensei: You probably don't remember, you were too young.
Kifune-sensei: But your eyes haven't changed at all, Miran-chan, so I recognized you immediately.
Kifune-sensei: You've gotten so big. How old are you now?
Miran: ...I'm 10.
Kifune-sensei: I see!
Page 25
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan, are you interested in the koto?
Miran: ...? The koto..?
Miran's mom: Right, it's this. This instrument!
Miran's mom: This instrument is a "koto".
Miran's mom: The granny of a friend of mine just passed away, you see.
Miran's mom: She found this koto when she was orginizing her belongings.
Miran's mom: I thought it would be such a shame to let it go to waste, but I don't know anyone who can play the koto so...
Miran's mom: I called Kifune-sensei to ask him for a bit of advice.
Page 26
Kifune-sensei: I will be testing it out. Miran-chan, if you'd like, do you want to try and play it together?
Miran: Eh?
Miran's mom: Oh, then...
Kifune-sensei: Aah, sorry for taking such a liberty.
Kifune-sensei: I value fate very much. I wonder if it's fate that broght this koto to this house, and it brought me back to meet Miran-chan, who I haven't seen in such a long time.
Kifune-sensei: What do you think?
Miran: ----...
Page 27
Miran: nods...
Miran's mom: !
Kifune-sensei: Ooooh--- will you look at this! What an splendid dragon---
Miran's mom: Dragon?
Kifune-sensei: See, doesn't it look like a dragon? The koto?
Kifune-sensei: Each part, too. They are called "Dragon's tongue", "Dragon's horn", and so on. It's interesting, isn't it?
Page 28
Kifune-sensei: Now, what tone will you show me.
Kifune-sensei [sfx]: Pa--------n
Kifune-sensei: Oh! It resonates so well.
Miran [thoughts]: It sparkles...
Miran's mom: Mira-...
Page 29
Miran [sfx]: Pi---n...
Miran: ...
Miran [Sfx]: Pi----n Pi----n Pi----n
Kifune-sensei: He
Page 30
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan's sound is
Kifune-sensei: It's such beautiful and delicate sound.
Page 31
Kifune-sensei: It's a sound that I like a lot.
Page 32
Miran: U- Wah. Aaa--
Miran's mom: Miran-?
Kifune-sensei: Oh, oh my!? Wha- what happened!? I was praising you just now, though!?
Miran: Waaah aaaah. Waaahh. hic.
Miran: Waaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaa.
Page 33
Miki: What!? You're going to start playing the koto, Miran!?
Miran's dad: And under the tutelage of Kifune-sensei!?
Miran's mom: Yeah. Miran's condition has improved a lot, so she can begin any time now.
Miran's mom: We also decided to keep that koto at home so Miran can play it.
Miki: That's so nice, Miran!! I'm so happy!!
Miran: !
Miki: I hope you get well soon now!!
Page 34
Miran[thoughts]: Ever since then, I went frequently to Kifune-sensei's house to practice.
Miran[thoughts]: Playing the koto was complicated but, so fun. So fun.
Miran[thoughts]: So much fun.
Miran[thoughts]: It I had any time, I played it.
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: It's fine if I'm not cute. Even If I'm stupid, or trash. Even if I have no place at school.
Miran[thoughts]: The moment I remembered I had the koto, I became strong.
Miran[thoughts]: So
Miran[thoughts]: I said farewell to the past me.
Miran[thoughts]: Or so I thought
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: Until I reached High School, and met him.
Side text: Luka's curse weighs on Miran---...
---Kono Oto Tomare! continues in the next issue---
43 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 2 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Valentines Day Extra [ENG]
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178 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 4 months
Just to clarify, next chapter will be released in FEBRUARY.
Happy New Year 2024, everyone!
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 129 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: Kono Oto Tomare! - Chapter 129 - Page 1 / Raw | Sen Manga
Page 1
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first, then I don't want it.
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first, it's worthless.
Side text: The reason for the existence of elites...
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first
Page 2
Miran [thoughts]: Then I'm just trash.
Page 3
Side text: Prove your worth
Chapter title: #129 The Price of Evolution
Page 4
Isaki: Oh--- This is packed!
Isaki: I wonder if there's somewhere where the four of us can sit.
Tetsuki: ...
Tetsuki: Isaki-san, I was wondering... Wouldn't it be best if Chika and his dad didn't cross paths just yet...? Just before the performance...
Isaki: Hm? Aaah...
Isaki: Isn't it fine? If they see each other, they see each other.
Page 5
Isaki: Chika is not that weak anymore, is he?
Isaki: Ah! We can sit there.
Isaki: Brother, sit in the middle.
Chika's father: I would prefer an aisle seat...
Isaki: Nah, I'm not having you running away after you've come this far.
Chika's father: I'm not going to run away.
Isaki: What are you even saying? You've always run away from Chika. Are you not aware of that?
Chika's father: ...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Isaki-san is the strongest of us all...
Page 6
Chika: Ah.
Sentarou: Oh.
Sentarou: He- hey.
Chika: Heey. Good job, yesterday.
Sentarou: Thanks.
Sentarou: Our performance was so good you must be scared to death, right?!
Chika: Wut?
Chika: Like hell we would be scare...
Page 7
Chika: ---But your performance
Chika: Really was very amazingly good!
Takezou: Kudo-kun cried and all.
Chika: What!? Why would I cry, you idiot!!!
Mittsu: Nah, he did cry.
Sane: Sobbing.
Kota: Had snot coming out and all.
Chika: We weren't even sitting with you guys!!!
Page 8
Chika: Don't just make stuff up!
Takezou: It's a fact you did cry, though
Chika: Damn Glasses...
Sentarou: Haha You have good taste.
Sentarou: Just so you know, yesterday's performance got us four new members to our club.
Chika: What? You serious?
Sentarou: Yeah, I'm telling you. They came with us today and---
Shiba: Wai- Hold on!!
Shiba: What do you mean four?! The ones joining are these two. Only them!
Akki: We were just super moved, that's all!
Page 9
Sentarou: It's fine, no need to be so stuck up.
Shiba: We aren't!! And our plan for today was to do some sightseeing of Sapporo!
Sentarou: You get to use your time more meaningfully now.
Shiba: That's tyranny!!
Akari: fu
Natsu: So noisy.
Sentarou: Ooops, you guys, sit quickly.
Page 10
Announcer: Program 1st----
Page 11
*No text*
Page 12
Mittsu: O- oooh...
Sane: A bunch of people are coming in all at once now.
Kota: It's because Ichiei comes next.
Hiro: It makes me nervous to hear them. Isn't their performance going to be even better than the one we heard before?
Takezou: Probably...
Chika: But I don't know how anything could be better than that. Can you even go above it?
Natsu: There's the possibility that that was their peak and now they've gotten worse.
Chika: I don't want that!
Satowa: ...It's possible.... that it has become a completely different performance
Chika: Eh?
Page 13
*No text*
Page 14
*No text*
Page 15
Chika: That's a different position than las ti--....
Page 16 & 17
Announcer: Program number 4. Prefecture of Nagano. Ichiei High School.
Announcer: Composed by Kifune Youji, "Tomfoolery".
Announcer: To reach a higher level in our music, us in the Ichiei High School's Japanese Music Department
Announcer: Students come from all over the country and, in recent years, even from overseas
Announcer: Practice hard every day in a friendly competition in a boarding school environment.
Page 18
Announcer: Our members find here rivals and comrades in arms.
Announcers: At times, they become respected mentors.
Announcer: With each interaction, we enhance each other.
Announcer: Please enjoy
Announcer: Our eartnest play of sounds.
Page 19
*No text*
Page 20
Kifune-sensei: The solo won't be played by Miran-kun, but by Luka-kun.
Page 21
Miran: Huh?
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun, instead you'll be tasked with Luka-kun's third koto. I'm swapping your positions.
Kifune-sensei: A completely new interpretation of "Tomfoolery"
Miran: gh ....Wait- Wait a second, Sensei... A new interpretation... I can do it...!
Miran: You don't have to change our parts. I can play it another way, I can change the expression in it...!! I can do it!!
Page 22
Miran: Whatever sound you desire, Sensei, I will perform it perfectly! So....!!
Kifune-sensei: ...Miran-kun.
Kifune-sensei: I want to leave the third koto to you.
Kifune-sensei: Because you will learn many things by playing it.
Miran: ...I don't wanna.
Miran: No. Dont' want to.
Page 23
Miran: "Tomfoolery's" solo is mine!! It's mine...
Luka: Mira...
Miran: You... It's because you're here!! It's your fault that-
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun.
Page 24
Kifune-sensei: This is something that I decided myself. It had nothing to do with Luka. Apologize to him.
Miran: Eh. Ah...
Luka: Miran!
Luka: Sensei...!
Kifune-sensei: Sorry, Luka-kun. That was uncalled for.
Luka: I don't really care about that...
Luka: ---...You did that for Miran's own good...
Luka: Didn't you?
Page 25
Kifune-sensei: I believe it's for the benefit of all of you.
Kifune-sensei: Although, of course, the rest is in your hands.
Imari: To be honest, this doesn't have anything to do with us, does it?
Imari: This is all that girl's problem. It is a bit problematic for Luka, though.
Luka: Do you really think that?
Imari: What?
Luka: That it has nothing to do with you.
Page 26
Luka: Why do you believe Sensei wanted us to hear Tokise's performance? You should give that some thought.
Imari: ...Huh. What was that?
Tougo: ...Well, Sensei's intentions... I understand what Luka means.
Kio: Right.
Kio: Our individual levels are high but our teamwork is nonexistent.
Page 27
Imari: And so what!? We can cover that with technique!!
Kio: Well, that's true enough but
Kio: We might not be able to win the next Nationals by sheer brute force
Imari: !!
Kio: Imari-san, you're Miran-san's roommate, how about you give her some support?
Imari: What!? Why me!?
Kio: I really don't want to lose next Nationals.
Kio: Up until now, it was a given that Ichiei would end up 1st, so I don't even want to think of that ending with us.
Kio: Imari-san, you don't want to lose either, right?
Page 28
Sign: Saotome Miran - Hanahata Imari
Imari: Don't get so depressed just because your part was changed. You don't even have the time to be depressed!
Imari: You have to put that energy into learning and practicing a whole new part!
Page 29
Imari: You and Luka have to be able to play for us to be able to play the song together and---
Miran: ...up.
Miran: Shut up, shut UP, SHUT UP.
Miran: Grh... What's with your attitude?! I wouldn't even know who you are if it wasn't for the ensemble.
Kifune-sensei [memory]: The solo won't be played by Miran-kun, but by Luka-kun.
Miran [thoughts]: ...I was removed....
Page 30
Mira [thoughts]: I have been removed. I was removed....!!!
Miran [thoughts]: My solo!!!
Miran [thoughts]: Even though it was the first time I won!!!
Miran [thoughts]: I didn't meet Sensei's expectations!!
Miran [thoughts]: I disappointed him!!!
Kifune-sensei [memory]: Luka-kun.
Miran [thoughts]: Always.
Miran [thoughts]: Always. Always
Miran [thoughts]: ALWAYS. ALWAYS.
Page 31
Miran [thoughts]: Always.
Miran [thoughts]: The world is those kinds of people's side.
Side text: A humiliating past...
---Kono Oto Tomare! will be on a break next month!---
52 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 4 months
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 129 Scans and Rough TL
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: Kono Oto Tomare! - Chapter 129 - Page 1 / Raw | Sen Manga
Page 1
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first, then I don't want it.
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first, it's worthless.
Side text: The reason for the existence of elites...
Miran [thoughts]: If I'm not first
Page 2
Miran [thoughts]: Then I'm just trash.
Page 3
Side text: Prove your worth
Chapter title: #129 The Price of Evolution
Page 4
Isaki: Oh--- This is packed!
Isaki: I wonder if there's somewhere where the four of us can sit.
Tetsuki: ...
Tetsuki: Isaki-san, I was wondering... Wouldn't it be best if Chika and his dad didn't cross paths just yet...? Just before the performance...
Isaki: Hm? Aaah...
Isaki: Isn't it fine? If they see each other, they see each other.
Page 5
Isaki: Chika is not that weak anymore, is he?
Isaki: Ah! We can sit there.
Isaki: Brother, sit in the middle.
Chika's father: I would prefer an aisle seat...
Isaki: Nah, I'm not having you running away after you've come this far.
Chika's father: I'm not going to run away.
Isaki: What are you even saying? You've always run away from Chika. Are you not aware of that?
Chika's father: ...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Isaki-san is the strongest of us all...
Page 6
Chika: Ah.
Sentarou: Oh.
Sentarou: He- hey.
Chika: Heey. Good job, yesterday.
Sentarou: Thanks.
Sentarou: Our performance was so good you must be scared to death, right?!
Chika: Wut?
Chika: Like hell we would be scare...
Page 7
Chika: ---But your performance
Chika: Really was very amazingly good!
Takezou: Kudo-kun cried and all.
Chika: What!? Why would I cry, you idiot!!!
Mittsu: Nah, he did cry.
Sane: Sobbing.
Kota: Had snot coming out and all.
Chika: We weren't even sitting with you guys!!!
Page 8
Chika: Don't just make stuff up!
Takezou: It's a fact you did cry, though
Chika: Damn Glasses...
Sentarou: Haha You have good taste.
Sentarou: Just so you know, yesterday's performance got us four new members to our club.
Chika: What? You serious?
Sentarou: Yeah, I'm telling you. They came with us today and---
Shiba: Wai- Hold on!!
Shiba: What do you mean four?! The ones joining are these two. Only them!
Akki: We were just super moved, that's all!
Page 9
Sentarou: It's fine, no need to be so stuck up.
Shiba: We aren't!! And our plan for today was to do some sightseeing of Sapporo!
Sentarou: You get to use your time more meaningfully now.
Shiba: That's tyranny!!
Akari: fu
Natsu: So noisy.
Sentarou: Ooops, you guys, sit quickly.
Page 10
Announcer: Program 1st----
Page 11
*No text*
Page 12
Mittsu: O- oooh...
Sane: A bunch of people are coming in all at once now.
Kota: It's because Ichiei comes next.
Hiro: It makes me nervous to hear them. Isn't their performance going to be even better than the one we heard before?
Takezou: Probably...
Chika: But I don't know how anything could be better than that. Can you even go above it?
Natsu: There's the possibility that that was their peak and now they've gotten worse.
Chika: I don't want that!
Satowa: ...It's possible.... that it has become a completely different performance
Chika: Eh?
Page 13
*No text*
Page 14
*No text*
Page 15
Chika: That's a different position than las ti--....
Page 16 & 17
Announcer: Program number 4. Prefecture of Nagano. Ichiei High School.
Announcer: Composed by Kifune Youji, "Tomfoolery".
Announcer: To reach a higher level in our music, us in the Ichiei High School's Japanese Music Department
Announcer: Students come from all over the country and, in recent years, even from overseas
Announcer: Practice hard every day in a friendly competition in a boarding school environment.
Page 18
Announcer: Our members find here rivals and comrades in arms.
Announcers: At times, they become respected mentors.
Announcer: With each interaction, we enhance each other.
Announcer: Please enjoy
Announcer: Our eartnest play of sounds.
Page 19
*No text*
Page 20
Kifune-sensei: The solo won't be played by Miran-kun, but by Luka-kun.
Page 21
Miran: Huh?
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun, instead you'll be tasked with Luka-kun's third koto. I'm swapping your positions.
Kifune-sensei: A completely new interpretation of "Tomfoolery"
Miran: gh ....Wait- Wait a second, Sensei... A new interpretation... I can do it...!
Miran: You don't have to change our parts. I can play it another way, I can change the expression in it...!! I can do it!!
Page 22
Miran: Whatever sound you desire, Sensei, I will perform it perfectly! So....!!
Kifune-sensei: ...Miran-kun.
Kifune-sensei: I want to leave the third koto to you.
Kifune-sensei: Because you will learn many things by playing it.
Miran: ...I don't wanna.
Miran: No. Dont' want to.
Page 23
Miran: "Tomfoolery's" solo is mine!! It's mine...
Luka: Mira...
Miran: You... It's because you're here!! It's your fault that-
Kifune-sensei: Miran-kun.
Page 24
Kifune-sensei: This is something that I decided myself. It had nothing to do with Luka. Apologize to him.
Miran: Eh. Ah...
Luka: Miran!
Luka: Sensei...!
Kifune-sensei: Sorry, Luka-kun. That was uncalled for.
Luka: I don't really care about that...
Luka: ---...You did that for Miran's own good...
Luka: Didn't you?
Page 25
Kifune-sensei: I believe it's for the benefit of all of you.
Kifune-sensei: Although, of course, the rest is in your hands.
Imari: To be honest, this doesn't have anything to do with us, does it?
Imari: This is all that girl's problem. It is a bit problematic for Luka, though.
Luka: Do you really think that?
Imari: What?
Luka: That it has nothing to do with you.
Page 26
Luka: Why do you believe Sensei wanted us to hear Tokise's performance? You should give that some thought.
Imari: ...Huh. What was that?
Tougo: ...Well, Sensei's intentions... I understand what Luka means.
Kio: Right.
Kio: Our individual levels are high but our teamwork is nonexistent.
Page 27
Imari: And so what!? We can cover that with technique!!
Kio: Well, that's true enough but
Kio: We might not be able to win the next Nationals by sheer brute force
Imari: !!
Kio: Imari-san, you're Miran-san's roommate, how about you give her some support?
Imari: What!? Why me!?
Kio: I really don't want to lose next Nationals.
Kio: Up until now, it was a given that Ichiei would end up 1st, so I don't even want to think of that ending with us.
Kio: Imari-san, you don't want to lose either, right?
Page 28
Sign: Saotome Miran - Hanahata Imari
Imari: Don't get so depressed just because your part was changed. You don't even have the time to be depressed!
Imari: You have to put that energy into learning and practicing a whole new part!
Page 29
Imari: You and Luka have to be able to play for us to be able to play the song together and---
Miran: ...up.
Miran: Shut up, shut UP, SHUT UP.
Miran: Grh... What's with your attitude?! I wouldn't even know who you are if it wasn't for the ensemble.
Kifune-sensei [memory]: The solo won't be played by Miran-kun, but by Luka-kun.
Miran [thoughts]: ...I was removed....
Page 30
Mira [thoughts]: I have been removed. I was removed....!!!
Miran [thoughts]: My solo!!!
Miran [thoughts]: Even though it was the first time I won!!!
Miran [thoughts]: I didn't meet Sensei's expectations!!
Miran [thoughts]: I disappointed him!!!
Kifune-sensei [memory]: Luka-kun.
Miran [thoughts]: Always.
Miran [thoughts]: Always. Always
Miran [thoughts]: ALWAYS. ALWAYS.
Page 31
Miran [thoughts]: Always.
Miran [thoughts]: The world is those kinds of people's side.
Side text: A humiliating past...
---Kono Oto Tomare! will be on a break next month!---
52 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 6 months
Scans are now available in the original post! I recommend the use of an adblocker to avoid NSFW content.
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 128.5 Scans and Rough TL
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: (I recommend the use of an adblocker to avoid NSFW content) https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-129.html
Page 1
Isaki [thoughts]: On my 27th winter
Isaki [thoughts]: My father passed away.
Side text: The story of how Chika and Isaki met...
Gen [memories]: If something were to happen to me...
Gen [memories]: Please take care of Chika.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---To me
Chika: Whatever. I don't care.
Page 2
Chika: I don't give a shit what you think of me. Not anymore.
Side text: When his grandfather died, his heart did as well---...
Isaki [thoughts]: He left only one request.
Chapter title: #ex [first light]
Page 3
Isaki [thoughts]: ....Whaaa---... No no, you can't be serious... This? You left this to me??
Gen [memories]: His eyes have been full of kindness lately.
Isaki [thoughts]: Where??
Isaki [thoughts]: Those are not the eyes of a child. Normally, it would've been impossible.
Isaki [thoughts]: Something like this... I've never even raised a child before, this is way out of my league---...
Isaki: !!
Isaki: Eh? Wai- Where are you goi--
Chika's father: Leave him!!
Isaki: Still...
Page 4
Gen [thoughts]: I leave it to you.
Isaki [thoughts]: Really, you ask too much...
Isaki [thoughts]: Wow.
Isaki: Excuse me, could borrow an umbrella?
Employee: Go ahead.
Isaki [thoughts]: He couldn't have gone too far yet but... Where should I even look for him?
Isaki [thoughts]: In a place that looks unsafe?
Page 5
Isaki [thoughts]: What should I do if he got in a fight again?
Isaki [thoughts]: There he is...
Isaki [thoughts]: For now, let's just call out to him. He will probably reject me but... Wait, if I get rejected, is there anything I can do after that? We've just met, so... The most practical thing for me to do would be to go back and call my brother.
Page 6
*No text*
Page 7
Isaki: ....Oh. Um...
Isaki: ...
Isaki: ...Do you know who I am? I'm your father's younger sister.
Isaki: Dad... Did Grandpa ever tell you about me?
Chika: ...
Isaki: About my brother... I think he's just a little bit preoccupied right now, so… maybe you should talk to him when he's a bit calmer and...
Chika: It's fine.
Chika: I really couldn't care less about that.
Page 8
Isaki: What? But...
Isaki [thoughts]: He was crying so hard just now...
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Ah.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...I see...
Isaki: You... Truly loved Grandpa.
Page 9
Isaki: I think the time Grandpa spent with you was really fun and joyful to him.
Isaki: I think you made him happy.
Isaki: For being with him until the end... Thank you.
Chika: !!
Page 10
Chika: u... ugh.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Aaah.
Isaki [thoughts]: Can't do.
Isaki [thoughts]: I definitely
Isaki: Chika
Page 11
Isaki: Come live with me
Isaki [thoughts]: I can't leave this child alone.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---That was
Page 12
Isaki [thoughts]: The beginning for Chika and me.
Isaki: We haaave arrived! This is my humble abode--!
Isaki: The bathroom is over here--- And over there---
Isaki: Who would've thought you could do that...
Chika: What?
Isaki [thoughts]: He is surprisingly well-behaved.
Isaki: Here, this is my room---...
Sfx: Clack...
Page 13
Isaki: If you enter, I will beat you up ☆
Chika: ...
Isaki: Next up is the living room.
Isaki: And finally-- Your room!!
Sfx: Ta-daaaan
Chika: ...
Isaki: You got nothing to say about it...?
Chika: I'm fine just with a place to sleep in.
Isaki [thoughts]: I was just kidding... I planned on partitioning the living room to create a room for him but...
Isaki: ..............Whatever, I guess.
Page 14
Chika [Sfx]: Look around
Isaki: Hm? Are you looking for something?
Chika: ...I was just thinking that there aren't any kotos around here.
Isaki: Aah.
Isaki: I used to play it a little a long time ago. Now, not at all.
Isaki: My job is related to events so I sometimes get exposed to it from time to time.
Chika: Hmmmm.
Isaki: What, did you want to play the koto?
Chika: Nah, I can't play.
Isaki: Is that right? My fathe... Grandpa told me on the phone before
Isaki: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 15
Isaki [thoughts]: ----Ah.
Chika: ...Hmmm.
Isaki [thoughts]: His eyes light up as soon as Grandpa is mentioned
Isaki [thoughts]: That's probably his true self...
Sfx: Ruuumble
Isaki: ...Did you hear that?
Chika: ...Well, yeah.
Isaki: That's because I'm hungry. It's almost six, let's have dinner.
Isaki: What do you want to eat? We can go eat out or order delivery---
Chika: I don't need anything.
Page 16
Isaki: ...What?
Chika: Food, I mean... I'll be fine even with little food.
Isaki: What are you even saying??
Chika: It's enough if you just lend me a place to sleep.
Chika: I don't plan on coming for anything except to sleep.
Chika: Today I will also go somewhere else until night hits.
Chika: About my clothes... I would be thankful if you let me leave them here.
Isaki: I will make it.
Chika: ------Eh?
Isaki: Today, Isaki-sama, for your well-being, from the bottom of her heart, will cook for you. So eat. Until there isn't a single crumb left.
Page 17
Isaki: Right now, the only things I have in the fridge are water, alcohol, and snacks. I gotta do some shopping.
Chika: Eh? Wai-
Isaki: Ah, are you coming with me?
Chika: If there's anything you need, we can buy it.
Chika: ...Well, no ...There's really nothing.
Isaki: That so? Well, just stay at home then.
Chika: !
Chika: ...
Isaki: What, you coming then? Is there something you want?
Chika: ...There's nothing, really...
Page 18
Isaki [thoughts]: Yeaaaaaah, I don't get it.
Isaki [thoughts]: He is following me, but he is so far away.
Isaki [thoughts]: Well, you know? Of course, right? From a junior high school student's point of view, a woman around 30 years old is considered an old woman, right?. I'm sure it's embarrassing to walk around with one, right?
Isaki [thoughts]: I totally bought too much.
Isaki [thoughts]: Whatever--- It's just a 5-minute walk...
Sfx: Grap.
Page 19
Isaki [thoughts]: Oh?
Isaki [thoughts]: Ooooh...?
Isaki: Wai- At least let me carry one of those.
Chika: ...
Isaki: Hey!
Chika [Sfx]: Power walking
Isaki: Wha-!?
Isaki: Wait right there! Hey!!
Isaki: Don't ignore me!!
Isaki: Listen here!! I get that you don't want to walk with me but
Isaki: That kind of thing is still hurtful, you know!? I'm grateful you are carrying the bags, though!!
Page 20
Chika: Ah, no.
Chika: That's not... it.
Isaki: Come again?
Chika: ...Did you see how it ended up? Gramps house, I mean.
Chika: It'd better for you not to be seen around me.
Page 21
Isaki: Are you underestimating adults?
Isaki: Gramps house? Yeah, I took a good look at it with these two eyes. It was the worst among the worst.
Isaki: I think the people who did that are really shitty kids. And you're a fool for hanging out with them.
Page 22
Isaki: When I first heard about the incident, to be honest, I was super pissed with you.
Isaki: I thought it was too much trouble, I wanted nothing to do with it.
Isaki: But once I actually met you, you were only a child crying for the death of his grandpa.
Isaki: You have reflected and regretted. But you are still someone who hasn't learned how to look forward, at all.
Isaki: Don't you dare try to put yourself in front of me to try and protect me.
Page 23
Isaki: There's no way I will run from some brats who try to belittle my nephew.
Isaki: I will use my power as an adult to turn the tables on them-
Isaki: So you can rest at ease, and walk beside me. And every day, you can come home normally!!
Isaki: Do you understand!?
Page 24
Isaki: Come on, let's go.
Chika: Carrying it like this is embarrassing....
Isaki; Oh, is that so? Let go, then, and let me carry these heaaaavy bags all on my own.
Chika: Ugh...
Chika: ...
Page 25
Isaki [thoughts]: That night
Isaki [thoughts]: For the first time in several years I cooked
Isaki [thoughts]: A fucking disgusting A slightly different curry
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika did exactly as I told him.
Isaki [thoughts]: And didn't leave a single crumb.
Page 26
Isaki [thoughts]: He is more honest than I thought.
Isaki [thoughts]: And he is extremely clumsy.
Isaki [memory]: ----Eh? You don't want to go to high school and want to start working directly instead? Is there a work you are interested in?
Chika[memory]: There's nothing like that but, normally I would have to pay rent, and earn my living. I wanna pay for it.
Isaki[memory]: What, now?
Isaki[memory]: Your father will be paying for all your expenses, isn't that obvious?
Isaki[memory]: You don't want to depend on your father?
Chika[memory]: Ugh...
Isaki[memory]: Well, is not like I don't understand where you are coming from, but.
Page 27
Isaki [memory]: If there's anything you can use, use it.
Isaki[memory]: If you can rely on something or someone, do it.
Isaki[memory]: There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Isaki[memory]: For once, forget about things like money and whatnot. Just think about what you want for yourself.
Isaki[memory]: But if after that, you still want to work, then I will support you.
Chika [thoughts]: ...What I want for myself...
Chika [thoughts]: ..............
Chika [thoughts]: I have no clue--... I don't have a hobby or any kind of special talent. Nothing.
Page 28
Chika [thoughts]: ...Truly. I really have nothing.
Chika [thoughts]: Nothing...
Gen [memory]: Chika!
Isaki [thoughts]: I'm home---
Chika [Sfx]: Stare
Isaki: Eh? What is it? You are scaring me.
Isaki: What, did you break something?
Chika: I didn't break anything.
Isaki: What is it, then?
Page 29
Chika: .....
Chika: Ther-
Chika: There's something I... Want.
Isaki: ! What is it?
Chika: ----------
Chika: Pi- picture...
Chika: I want a picture.
Chika: ....Of Gramps.
Chika: I
Chika: Don't have even one... so.
Page 30
Chika: If it's not doable, that's fine.
Isaki: Eh- no-! It's totally doable!!! Pictures, huh! I will bring them over!
Isaki: These are albums.
Chika: Are these all Gramps'?
Isaki: Well, there are also other family members in them.
Isaki: You can grab whichever picture you like.
Chika: ...Thanks
Chika [thoughts]: Oooh...
Page 31
Chika [thoughts]: Around this age, I can already tell it's Gramps.
Chika[memory]: Koto club? What's that, a club where you play koto?
Gen [memory]: Yeah. I was the founder of the Tokise Koto Club!
Page 32
Chika: ---...This.
Isaki: Hm? Ahhh, that's a picture of when the Koto Club was first founded.
Chika: ...Does this club
Chika: Still exist?
Isaki: If I remember correctly, it's still there, but----
Gen [memory]: Do you want to give it a try?
Gen [memory]: Haha, you are pretty good.
Gen [memory]: You actually seem pretty talented.
Isaki [memory]: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 33
Isaki: -----...
Isaki: Did you find what you want to do?
Page 34
Chika: I wonder if it's too late for me to aim to go to high school.
Isaki: Well, that depends on how much effort you put on i---
Isaki: Wait a second!! You have to submit an application form for the entrance exam! When is the deadline!? It's already December!!
Isaki: Will we make it on time?
Chika: I will go ask Tetsuki!!
Isaki: Eh? Who is Tetsuki!?
Chika: It's ok! I will make it on time!! If I tell Tetsuki, it will be fine, for sure!!
Isaki: Ok, but who is Tetsuki!!??
Chika: Uh... I
Chika: Will go to Tokise and
Chika: I will join the Koto Club Gramps created!!!
Page 35
Isaki [thoughts]: Thank you, Dad. For leaving a light for Chika.
Isaki: That's great!!
Isaki: Well then, from now on, it's full-time studying!
Chika: Starting tomorrow I will ask Tetsuki to help me study, so I will pass for sure!
Isaki: What the hell is a Tetsuki!!!???
Side text: I hope this sound reaches the heavens----...
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika won't lose sight of that light, and this time I will be right beside him.
Isaki [thoughts]: Please, look after us.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue in the next issue---
83 notes · View notes
tessenpai · 6 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 128.5 Scans and Rough TL
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: (I recommend the use of an adblocker to avoid NSFW content) https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-129.html
Page 1
Isaki [thoughts]: On my 27th winter
Isaki [thoughts]: My father passed away.
Side text: The story of how Chika and Isaki met...
Gen [memories]: If something were to happen to me...
Gen [memories]: Please take care of Chika.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---To me
Chika: Whatever. I don't care.
Page 2
Chika: I don't give a shit what you think of me. Not anymore.
Side text: When his grandfather died, his heart did as well---...
Isaki [thoughts]: He left only one request.
Chapter title: #ex [first light]
Page 3
Isaki [thoughts]: ....Whaaa---... No no, you can't be serious... This? You left this to me??
Gen [memories]: His eyes have been full of kindness lately.
Isaki [thoughts]: Where??
Isaki [thoughts]: Those are not the eyes of a child. Normally, it would've been impossible.
Isaki [thoughts]: Something like this... I've never even raised a child before, this is way out of my league---...
Isaki: !!
Isaki: Eh? Wai- Where are you goi--
Chika's father: Leave him!!
Isaki: Still...
Page 4
Gen [thoughts]: I leave it to you.
Isaki [thoughts]: Really, you ask too much...
Isaki [thoughts]: Wow.
Isaki: Excuse me, could borrow an umbrella?
Employee: Go ahead.
Isaki [thoughts]: He couldn't have gone too far yet but... Where should I even look for him?
Isaki [thoughts]: In a place that looks unsafe?
Page 5
Isaki [thoughts]: What should I do if he got in a fight again?
Isaki [thoughts]: There he is...
Isaki [thoughts]: For now, let's just call out to him. He will probably reject me but... Wait, if I get rejected, is there anything I can do after that? We've just met, so... The most practical thing for me to do would be to go back and call my brother.
Page 6
*No text*
Page 7
Isaki: ....Oh. Um...
Isaki: ...
Isaki: ...Do you know who I am? I'm your father's younger sister.
Isaki: Dad... Did Grandpa ever tell you about me?
Chika: ...
Isaki: About my brother... I think he's just a little bit preoccupied right now, so… maybe you should talk to him when he's a bit calmer and...
Chika: It's fine.
Chika: I really couldn't care less about that.
Page 8
Isaki: What? But...
Isaki [thoughts]: He was crying so hard just now...
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Ah.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...I see...
Isaki: You... Truly loved Grandpa.
Page 9
Isaki: I think the time Grandpa spent with you was really fun and joyful to him.
Isaki: I think you made him happy.
Isaki: For being with him until the end... Thank you.
Chika: !!
Page 10
Chika: u... ugh.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Aaah.
Isaki [thoughts]: Can't do.
Isaki [thoughts]: I definitely
Isaki: Chika
Page 11
Isaki: Come live with me
Isaki [thoughts]: I can't leave this child alone.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---That was
Page 12
Isaki [thoughts]: The beginning for Chika and me.
Isaki: We haaave arrived! This is my humble abode--!
Isaki: The bathroom is over here--- And over there---
Isaki: Who would've thought you could do that...
Chika: What?
Isaki [thoughts]: He is surprisingly well-behaved.
Isaki: Here, this is my room---...
Sfx: Clack...
Page 13
Isaki: If you enter, I will beat you up ☆
Chika: ...
Isaki: Next up is the living room.
Isaki: And finally-- Your room!!
Sfx: Ta-daaaan
Chika: ...
Isaki: You got nothing to say about it...?
Chika: I'm fine just with a place to sleep in.
Isaki [thoughts]: I was just kidding... I planned on partitioning the living room to create a room for him but...
Isaki: ..............Whatever, I guess.
Page 14
Chika [Sfx]: Look around
Isaki: Hm? Are you looking for something?
Chika: ...I was just thinking that there aren't any kotos around here.
Isaki: Aah.
Isaki: I used to play it a little a long time ago. Now, not at all.
Isaki: My job is related to events so I sometimes get exposed to it from time to time.
Chika: Hmmmm.
Isaki: What, did you want to play the koto?
Chika: Nah, I can't play.
Isaki: Is that right? My fathe... Grandpa told me on the phone before
Isaki: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 15
Isaki [thoughts]: ----Ah.
Chika: ...Hmmm.
Isaki [thoughts]: His eyes light up as soon as Grandpa is mentioned
Isaki [thoughts]: That's probably his true self...
Sfx: Ruuumble
Isaki: ...Did you hear that?
Chika: ...Well, yeah.
Isaki: That's because I'm hungry. It's almost six, let's have dinner.
Isaki: What do you want to eat? We can go eat out or order delivery---
Chika: I don't need anything.
Page 16
Isaki: ...What?
Chika: Food, I mean... I'll be fine even with little food.
Isaki: What are you even saying??
Chika: It's enough if you just lend me a place to sleep.
Chika: I don't plan on coming for anything except to sleep.
Chika: Today I will also go somewhere else until night hits.
Chika: About my clothes... I would be thankful if you let me leave them here.
Isaki: I will make it.
Chika: ------Eh?
Isaki: Today, Isaki-sama, for your well-being, from the bottom of her heart, will cook for you. So eat. Until there isn't a single crumb left.
Page 17
Isaki: Right now, the only things I have in the fridge are water, alcohol, and snacks. I gotta do some shopping.
Chika: Eh? Wai-
Isaki: Ah, are you coming with me?
Chika: If there's anything you need, we can buy it.
Chika: ...Well, no ...There's really nothing.
Isaki: That so? Well, just stay at home then.
Chika: !
Chika: ...
Isaki: What, you coming then? Is there something you want?
Chika: ...There's nothing, really...
Page 18
Isaki [thoughts]: Yeaaaaaah, I don't get it.
Isaki [thoughts]: He is following me, but he is so far away.
Isaki [thoughts]: Well, you know? Of course, right? From a junior high school student's point of view, a woman around 30 years old is considered an old woman, right?. I'm sure it's embarrassing to walk around with one, right?
Isaki [thoughts]: I totally bought too much.
Isaki [thoughts]: Whatever--- It's just a 5-minute walk...
Sfx: Grap.
Page 19
Isaki [thoughts]: Oh?
Isaki [thoughts]: Ooooh...?
Isaki: Wai- At least let me carry one of those.
Chika: ...
Isaki: Hey!
Chika [Sfx]: Power walking
Isaki: Wha-!?
Isaki: Wait right there! Hey!!
Isaki: Don't ignore me!!
Isaki: Listen here!! I get that you don't want to walk with me but
Isaki: That kind of thing is still hurtful, you know!? I'm grateful you are carrying the bags, though!!
Page 20
Chika: Ah, no.
Chika: That's not... it.
Isaki: Come again?
Chika: ...Did you see how it ended up? Gramps house, I mean.
Chika: It'd better for you not to be seen around me.
Page 21
Isaki: Are you underestimating adults?
Isaki: Gramps house? Yeah, I took a good look at it with these two eyes. It was the worst among the worst.
Isaki: I think the people who did that are really shitty kids. And you're a fool for hanging out with them.
Page 22
Isaki: When I first heard about the incident, to be honest, I was super pissed with you.
Isaki: I thought it was too much trouble, I wanted nothing to do with it.
Isaki: But once I actually met you, you were only a child crying for the death of his grandpa.
Isaki: You have reflected and regretted. But you are still someone who hasn't learned how to look forward, at all.
Isaki: Don't you dare try to put yourself in front of me to try and protect me.
Page 23
Isaki: There's no way I will run from some brats who try to belittle my nephew.
Isaki: I will use my power as an adult to turn the tables on them-
Isaki: So you can rest at ease, and walk beside me. And every day, you can come home normally!!
Isaki: Do you understand!?
Page 24
Isaki: Come on, let's go.
Chika: Carrying it like this is embarrassing....
Isaki; Oh, is that so? Let go, then, and let me carry these heaaaavy bags all on my own.
Chika: Ugh...
Chika: ...
Page 25
Isaki [thoughts]: That night
Isaki [thoughts]: For the first time in several years I cooked
Isaki [thoughts]: A fucking disgusting A slightly different curry
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika did exactly as I told him.
Isaki [thoughts]: And didn't leave a single crumb.
Page 26
Isaki [thoughts]: He is more honest than I thought.
Isaki [thoughts]: And he is extremely clumsy.
Isaki [memory]: ----Eh? You don't want to go to high school and want to start working directly instead? Is there a work you are interested in?
Chika[memory]: There's nothing like that but, normally I would have to pay rent, and earn my living. I wanna pay for it.
Isaki[memory]: What, now?
Isaki[memory]: Your father will be paying for all your expenses, isn't that obvious?
Isaki[memory]: You don't want to depend on your father?
Chika[memory]: Ugh...
Isaki[memory]: Well, is not like I don't understand where you are coming from, but.
Page 27
Isaki [memory]: If there's anything you can use, use it.
Isaki[memory]: If you can rely on something or someone, do it.
Isaki[memory]: There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Isaki[memory]: For once, forget about things like money and whatnot. Just think about what you want for yourself.
Isaki[memory]: But if after that, you still want to work, then I will support you.
Chika [thoughts]: ...What I want for myself...
Chika [thoughts]: ..............
Chika [thoughts]: I have no clue--... I don't have a hobby or any kind of special talent. Nothing.
Page 28
Chika [thoughts]: ...Truly. I really have nothing.
Chika [thoughts]: Nothing...
Gen [memory]: Chika!
Isaki [thoughts]: I'm home---
Chika [Sfx]: Stare
Isaki: Eh? What is it? You are scaring me.
Isaki: What, did you break something?
Chika: I didn't break anything.
Isaki: What is it, then?
Page 29
Chika: .....
Chika: Ther-
Chika: There's something I... Want.
Isaki: ! What is it?
Chika: ----------
Chika: Pi- picture...
Chika: I want a picture.
Chika: ....Of Gramps.
Chika: I
Chika: Don't have even one... so.
Page 30
Chika: If it's not doable, that's fine.
Isaki: Eh- no-! It's totally doable!!! Pictures, huh! I will bring them over!
Isaki: These are albums.
Chika: Are these all Gramps'?
Isaki: Well, there are also other family members in them.
Isaki: You can grab whichever picture you like.
Chika: ...Thanks
Chika [thoughts]: Oooh...
Page 31
Chika [thoughts]: Around this age, I can already tell it's Gramps.
Chika[memory]: Koto club? What's that, a club where you play koto?
Gen [memory]: Yeah. I was the founder of the Tokise Koto Club!
Page 32
Chika: ---...This.
Isaki: Hm? Ahhh, that's a picture of when the Koto Club was first founded.
Chika: ...Does this club
Chika: Still exist?
Isaki: If I remember correctly, it's still there, but----
Gen [memory]: Do you want to give it a try?
Gen [memory]: Haha, you are pretty good.
Gen [memory]: You actually seem pretty talented.
Isaki [memory]: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 33
Isaki: -----...
Isaki: Did you find what you want to do?
Page 34
Chika: I wonder if it's too late for me to aim to go to high school.
Isaki: Well, that depends on how much effort you put on i---
Isaki: Wait a second!! You have to submit an application form for the entrance exam! When is the deadline!? It's already December!!
Isaki: Will we make it on time?
Chika: I will go ask Tetsuki!!
Isaki: Eh? Who is Tetsuki!?
Chika: It's ok! I will make it on time!! If I tell Tetsuki, it will be fine, for sure!!
Isaki: Ok, but who is Tetsuki!!??
Chika: Uh... I
Chika: Will go to Tokise and
Chika: I will join the Koto Club Gramps created!!!
Page 35
Isaki [thoughts]: Thank you, Dad. For leaving a light for Chika.
Isaki: That's great!!
Isaki: Well then, from now on, it's full-time studying!
Chika: Starting tomorrow I will ask Tetsuki to help me study, so I will pass for sure!
Isaki: What the hell is a Tetsuki!!!???
Side text: I hope this sound reaches the heavens----...
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika won't lose sight of that light, and this time I will be right beside him.
Isaki [thoughts]: Please, look after us.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue in the next issue---
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tessenpai · 7 months
Scans are now available!! I recommend using an AdBlocker to avoid NSFW content😅
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 128 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-128.html
Page 1
Sign: Judge's Waiting Room.
Side Text: It's Tokise's turn. The competition's second day begins...
Chapter Title: #128 Dull Footsteps
Judge Tatsumi: !
Judge Tatsumi: Agata-sensei, Kurokawa-sensei. Good morning. You are both early, I see.
Page 2
Judge Agata: No, we just arrived ourselves.
Judge Tatsumi: Did you get enough rest yesterday?
Judge Agata: Well, yes.
Judge Tatsumi: I was so excited I didn't sleep a wink!
Judge Tatsumi: To think high school clubs would display such high level!
Judge Tatsumi: And today Ichiei, the best in the nation, will play. I truly can not wait.
Judge Kurokawa: Certainly, they have won for 5 consecutive years.
Judge Tatsumi: Exactly! That is amazing---
Judge Kurokawa: Then again, Ichiei's members are all children who aim to become professionals, so it's to be expected that they are at a completely different level.
Judge Tatsumi: You may be right about that but... Yesterday's Meiryo and Chibana's performances were perfect
Judge Tatsumi: I can't imagine what could possibly surpass that.
Page 3
Judge Tatsumi: ---Also, there is one school that has picked my interest.
Judge Kurokawa: !
Judge Kurokawa: Aah, you mean that problematic school...
Judge Kurokawa: They are out of the question, I would say.
Judge Kurowaka: How could they cause such a commotion and not get suspended?
Judge Tatsumi: They did explain to us that the students weren't really at fault for the incident.
Judge Kurokawa: Where there is smoke, there is fire. It's detrimental to the other students as well.
Judge Kurokawa: At least we, the judges, should give a proper and fair evaluation---
Judge Agata: Are you not planning to judge them solely based on their performance?
Judge Kurokawa: Eh...?
Page 4
Judge Agata: Excuse me but, it sounded to me like you are planning on lowering your rating over areas irrelevant to the performance, so…
Judge Kurokawa: ...I'm sorry you see it that way. To begin with, I don't believe you can separate the performance from the performer.
Judge Kurokawa: For instruments and music... Attitude. Courtesy, Respect... I believe those things are included in the performance.
Judge Kurokawa: And I will most definitely consider them in my judgment.
Judge Kurokawa: --Well, I don't know if you would understand this, Agata-sensei, since you are a musician who always does new things, like collaborating with other genres and using unusual performance methods without respecting the traditions.
Page 5
Judge Agata: I have never disrespected tradition.
Judge Arata: I am trying to explore all of its possibilities while cherishing it.
Judge Tatsumi: Now, now.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: Man... These two are a pain in the ass as per usual...
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: ---Then again, the school in question... I feel sorry for the Tokise kids.
Judge Tatsumi[thoughts]: Even in the unlikely event that they make it to the top
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I can clearly see the bashing we would receive from other schools and their parents.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I want to avoid that kind of hassle.
Page 6
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be conscience-stricken if I lowered my ranking because of that.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: At the end of the day
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: It will be fine as long as Tokise's performance is not that good.
Judge Nanba: Good morning---
Judge Tatsumi: Nanba-sensei, Iwagaki-san, good morning.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: --My... to think I could be so calculating and cowardly.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I think I have become one boring adult.
Page 7
Isaki [thoughts]: I was a bit late to leave. I wonder if I can still ambush Takaoka-kun.
Isaki [thoughts]: Also, I wonder if Uzuki will be waiting for me
Isaki [thoughts]: If not… well, that's the path he chose for himself.
???: Isaki.
Page 8
Isaki: Eh?
Tetsuki: ...
Tetsuki: ...Whatever, I've already gotten used to it. This pattern.
Tetsuki: Alright, fine. I will get in.
Page 9
Isaki: ...Takaoka-kun, sorry.
Tetsuki: Eh?
Isaki: For every time I've taken you forcibly on a drive, I have not once felt an ounce of regret about it. If anything I enjoyed seeing how much you hated it.
Tetsuki: What?
Isaki: But today
Isaki: I regret it from the bottom of my heart. I'm very sorry.
Tetsuki: What's with that, suddenly? I'm scared now.
Isaki: Well, first off, get in.
Tetsuki: I reaally don't want to...
Isaki: Just do it
Tetsuki: Whaa---...
Page 10
*No text*
TL/N: Welcome to spooky season.
Page 11
Tetsuki: ----... Uh... umm...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Don't... tell me
Tetsuki [sfx]: Turns
Isaki: Yup, as expected you are quick on the uptake.
Isaki: -----
Page 12
Isaki: That's Chika's father.
Chika(?): No joke, the air is so crisp and clear the moment you arrive at the venue!
Mittsu(?): It feels like something is about to happen
Satowa(?): Aren't there more people than yesterday?
Chika(?): Ah, you are right.
Suzuka: Well, it's Ichiei's, the Nation's number one, turn. Also--
Page 13
Student 1: Aren't those the Tokise people?
Student 2: Woah, they are.
Student 3: They do kinda stick out like a sore thumb...
Student 4: They really came...
Sane: Ri... right...
Suspicious men: Did you take it?
Chika: !
Satowa: Kudou?
Tsukaji: Hello, you guys!
Tsukaji: How are you feeling?
Page 14
Chika: Old man!
Tsukaji: Did you get proper sleep yesterday?
Chika: Ye- yeah
Suspicious guy 1: Who's that dude. Get outta the way---
Komaki: Whaaat---
Komaki: Are these Peeping Toms what I'm seeing here? Oh gosh, scaaryy-
Tsurugi: Security, over here--!
Suspicious guy 1: Shut up. What the hell!
Suspicious guy 2: Hey, let's just go.
Tsurugi: What? You shut up!!
Tsurugi: Are you ok?
Suzuka: I'm sorry. Thank you very much.
Student 1: Even voyeurs.
Student 2: Well, isn't this their own fault?
Page 15
Student 3: Isn't it because Tokise has come that people with no civility have gathered here?
Student 4: This is really bothersome.
Tsukaji: Ugh---
Chika: Old ma...
Sane: It's all good, Tsukaji-san.
Sane: I don't mean to brag here, but we are used to playing in hostile fields
Page 16
Mittsu: You really are bragging---
Satowa: Well, we have certainly got used to it.
Satowa: To people (audibly) talking behind our backs and being looked at with disdain.
Takezou [thoughts]: They really do have thick skin... Should I be happy about that...?
Hiro: Hozuki-chan is growing so fast.
Takezou [thoughts]: Ah but, what about the first years---
Atsumu: I used to get bullied! The fact that you guys are with me now makes me feel so at ease!
Natsu: I don't care about other people.
Takezou [thoughts]: Aah, so strong.
Sane: Wahaha we know, Momoya.
Page 17
Sane: Well, that's how it is. So you don't have to---
Tsukaji: I'm so touched...
Sane: Whaat--...?
Tetsuki [thoughts]: ...Isaki-san.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Yes.
Page 18
Tetsuki [thoughts]: What is this ride from hell?
Isaki [thoughts]: Sorry. I'm really sorry...
Isaki [thoughts]: My brother didn't even contact me, he just suddenly appeared...!!
[flashback begins]
Chika's Father: ---Isaki
Isaki: Eh?
Isaki: Wai- what!? Bro- brother!?
Isaki: Wha- no way. Why are you here!? Don't tell me you came to listen to the performance!?
Page 19
Chika's Father: ...
Isaki: Ah, no.
Isaki: Sorry, I totally thought you were not coming. You gave me a start.
Chika's Father: I'm going back.
Isaki: What!?
Isaki: Now, wait a second. Why are you so bent out of shape over this? Didn't it take a lot of determination to come here!?
Isaki: And didn't you come all the way to where I'm staying hoping I could give you some room with Chika!?
Page 20
Chika's Father: ...I haven't really thought about something like that.
Chika's Father: I don't want to see him.
Isaki: ...Then why did you come all they way to this place.
Chika's Father: ...
Chika's Father: ... ....
Isaki [sfx]: Pissed
Isaki: Whatever, I gotta go pick those two up. For the time being, just get in the car, Brother!!
[end flashback]
Isaki[thoughts]: Maybe I was too reckless---
Page 21
Isaki [thoguths]: No, but if I let him like that, I'm sure Brother would've gone back...
Isaki [thoughts]: Even so, this atmosphere is so heavy---
Tetsuki: Um.
Tetsuki: Is today perhaps... your day off from work?
Isaki [thougths]: Takaoka-kun...
Chika's Father: No...
Tetsuki: Ah, that means you took a vacation day to come here, then.
Chika's Father [sfx]: Glare...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Woah
Isaki: Hold on!! You drop that rude attitude towards Takaoka-kun right now, you stupid brother.
Chika's Father: !
Page 22
Isaki: He has always been beside Chika supporting him, and the reason he is able to smile now is because of Takaoka-kun!
Isaki: Instead of glaring at him shouldn't you be thanking him?
Chika's Father: ...I ...See.
Chika's Father: ... ... Sorry...
Tetsuki: Ah, not at all...
Isaki[thoughts]: A man who won't say"Thank you"...
Page 23
Chika's Father: ...Are you also his... friend?
Tetsuki & Isaki: !!
Uzuki: ...No. I'm...
Uzuki: The person who vandalized Chika's Granpa's place and then framed Chika as the culprit.
Tetsuki & Isaki [thoguths]: Geh....!!!!
Page 24
Chika's Father: Wha...
Uzuki: Also, recently, to make Chika look bad, I edited a video where he was helping out a kid from being harassed, posted it on social media, and it became trending.
Tetsuki: He- Hey, Uzuki Are you serious...
Chika's Father: ..Wha
Chika's Father: What... Are you saying...?
Chika's Father: You mean that incident, it wasn't the guys he hung out with---
Isaki: I don't know how many times I've told you, Chika had nothing to do with it.
Chika's Father: But... The fact that he was the cause of it is true, isn't it!?
Isaki: ...Trying to become happy... He grabbed onto Dad's hand, that's all.
Chika's Father: Hu...
Page 25
Uzuki: Fu ...If you had really looked at Chika.
Uzuki: You would have easily known that.
Isaki: Uzuki-kuuun?? You are right, but that is not something you should be saying, is it?
Isaki: You have no right to reproach my brother.
Page 26
Uzuki: ... I'm sorry...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: ...What is this ride from hell... (Second time)
Isaki [thoghts]: I promise I will invite you to eat expensive meat.
Chika's Father: You are a disgrace!!
Chika's Father: In your 3rd year of middle school, and you can't tell the difference between what is right and what is wrong to do!?
Isaki: Wait, Brother! Stop it, we are in front of Dad.
Chika's Father: You stay out of it!
Chika's Father: What's with those eyes. If you have an excuse, then say it
Chika: ...Nah, not really.
Page 27
Chika's Father: What did you say?
Chika: Whatever, I don't care.
Chika [memory]: Dad
Chika [memory]: Dad
Chika[distorted]: D a d...
Page 28
Chika: I don't give a shit about what you think about me anymore.
Chika [memory]: I'm sorry for being born.
[end flashback]
Page 29
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: Even if there is a person right next to me who framed my son for a crime.
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: Even if that person spits sarcasm at me.
Page 30
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: The right to be angry about such a thing.
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: I don't have it.
Sane: I'm glad we can sit together.
Kota: Riight?---
Page 31
Takezou's Mom: Takezou! Takezou!
Takezou: Ah
Chika: Your mom and dad?
Takezou: Yeah...
Chika: Wahaha You look just like your mom!!
Page 32
Assistant: Ichiei High School, you have 10 minutes before leaving.
Kifune-sensei: Yes, thank you. Ok, guys, let's get ready to leave---...
Page 33
Kifune-sensei: Mi...
Luka: Miran, it's time.
Page 34
Akira: If I remember correctly, Ichiei was playing 4th, right?
Suzuka: Yes.
Akira: Um... Did you notice? Ichiei's parts. Before, they---...
Suzuka: Aah, yes.
Solo - Luka Chevalier
1st Koto - Hoshou Sao
2nd Koto: Hanahata Imari
3rd Koto: Saotome Miran
17-Stringed Koto: Takamura Togo
Suzuka: Apparently, they have no intention of giving up first place this year either.
Side Text: The new interpretation of [Tomfoolery] that Luka and Miran's exchange has sparked is---...
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue on the next issue!---
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tessenpai · 7 months
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Chikawa week, day 1: Flower
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tessenpai · 7 months
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Chikawa week, day 1: Flower
Fanart by @ ultravioletjen5 on Twitter/X
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tessenpai · 7 months
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Chikawa Week, day 2: Past.
Fanart by @ ultraviolentjen5 on Twitter/X
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tessenpai · 7 months
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Chikawa Week, day 2: Past.
Fanart by @ ilutu_hime on Twitter/X
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tessenpai · 7 months
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Chikawa week, day 3: Communication.
Fanart by @ ultravioletjen5 on Twitter/X
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