#I'm glad none of his shenanigans with firearms shot out my windows honestly
thatonebirdwrites · 22 days
Unintentional War that I didn't realize was happening
So I moved into this place about two years ago I think? Anyway, it's a poorer neighborhood with a lot of immigrants, poorer white folks, Black folks, and Hispanic folks -- basically very multicultural area. Not long after I moved in, I found my old pride flags and put one up in a window as a curtain. (I needed something for that window.) A few months after I moved in on a very snowy day, the next door neighbor to the South of me came over to offer to snowblow my driveway for twenty dollars. Now to set the stage, this guy's house looks like a literal dump. His front steps are caved in, his front door can't be opened, parts of siding is falling off, and who knows what the interior looks like. Also, I am disabled, and I only leave the house for medical appointments these days. So I get a good view of happenings in the neighborhood from my windows. So anyway, after he knocked, I came to the door in my wheelchair with a rainbow mask on and there's a pride flag in my window. He took one look at me, then at the pride flag and took several steps backward. Cursed and stalked off. I was very confused until I remembered what I was using for curtains. He never offered help again. But then signs appeared on his lawn. I didn't really notice what type of sign since I don't look his way much. Until I saw kids in his law tearing up a sign and dumping it in his trash. (How kind of them not to litter!) They timed it for when he was not home (smart kids!) So I kept a closer eye and discovered that the sign was a pro-Trump sign because he angrily put another out a week later. (Only for the kids to be at it again. Using his trash as the place to put the torn up sign.) This continued for a long time. Kids always timing it for when he's not home. It's not the same kids either. It's just whoever is passing by and sees it. Since I'm poor and can't afford real curtains (and blinds), I added another flag as curtains (demisexual). Seriously, pride flags make great curtains and are way cheaper than them where I am. Again I didn't think anything of it since for me it was just me being practical. Within a week of my new curtain-flag, he must have noticed because there was a forest of Pro-Trump signs in his yard. I was baffled by why he put out FIVE of them. Well, the kids didn't like that. So they tore them all up too. That's when I realized that maybe he thought this was some sort of war? Whoops. I had a few more pride flags given to me as gifts, and two more windows that needed curtains, so I put them up too (nonbinary and LGBTQIA flag that includes the brown and black stripes). Sure enough, pro-Trump signs appeared in his yard not long after (only for the kids passing by, timing it for again when he's gone, to tear them down). Then last week he shot off firearms in his lawn. We're in the middle of a CITY. It's illegal to shoot off firearms in city limits (If you are not at a licensed gun range). My friends urged me to call the cops on him since my house is very close to his and he could easily shoot through my window. I'm terrified of cops honestly, and I panic at phone calls. But never fear! The others who have valiantly torn down pro-Trump signs are here to save the day! They or someone like them called the cops. Now remember how I said his house looks like a dump? Cops must have brought in another agency because my younger sister sighted a condemned notice on his front door when she visited this past weekend. So for the past three days, he has torn out the rotted parts of his house. There's giant bags of trash in his yard that he puts a holey tarp over. The front part that was rotted out and literally falling apart was torn out. Quark (my cat) and I have been watching this drama from my bedroom window. The pro-trump signs in his yard got torn up again. I am thinking I should add more pride flags as curtains. What do y'all think?
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