#I'm glad people outside of gyaru use gyaru makeup.
gyaru-blog · 9 months
person on the internet - doing a gyaru makeup
the only gyaru makeup reference that uses =
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charee · 3 days
hey i love love ypur art and your ocs so much they’re all so cute and i followed ur project from your twitter days, and i follow their spotify playlists! i am their boggest fan haha.. can you tell a little bit more about the worldbuilding your characters lice in, cause i remember you talking about their world surrounding different music concepts?
again i love your ocs and i cannot wait to see how your project grows to be!!
OMG i’m glad you've followed me and my ocs this far ;;
i can't share a lot about them since i'm still working on them, but i’ll share what i have so far. keep in mind that the information might change
all of my characters are from sona, a music-based planet. there are a total of 7 subspecies of sonancians, and they're named after the music modes and are also based off of musical instruments
1) ionians of iona are the vocal-based sonancians. not only are they known for their singing, but they are also good at mimicking voices and other sounds, echolocation, and their keen listening (thanks to their big ears)
there are two types of ionians, and that’s:
land ionians,
- live in caverns, coves, beaches, rainforests- generally tropical/wet climates
- very social
- cannot survive in water
and sea-ionians
- live in bodies of water, like oceans, lakes, etc
- a bit less social
- used to be unable to survive outside of water, but now can in modern day
- are more likely to have “air asthma”; carries around water inhaler
they are considered “children of sirens” because they easily lure other types of sonancians with their beautiful voices- like the siren animal that’s native to iona
contrary to common myths about sirens, most of them don't lure people in bad faith. they are soothsayers that predict events depending on what sirens sing. they and ionians get bad rep due to other sonancians believing that they CAUSE bad happenings, when in reality the sirens just foresee the future
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dym (left) is a sea-ionian and a soprano. dia’s (right) a land-ionian and a contralto (and those are pretty rare!!)
random facts:
- ionians like shiny stuff like jewelry. this is because they believe that it can extend their lifespan
- they have a lot of medicines, but a common one that they're known for is the ones that help with healing voices
2) next up are dorians of doro! dorians are the dancers of sonancians, and are known for introducing makeup, masks, and sign language, as they use them to make their dances more interesting. dorians are within the top 3 strongest sonancians since their strength comes from dancing, but they are very protective about their beauty, so they try not to beat people up lol
i’m working on their culture at the moment, but if there was a way to describe it- their culture is full of celebrations/holidays, and festivales
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mai is one of the few types of dorian. not exactly sure what type yet, but just know she is idol + gyaru themed and does not wear masks, more of just makeup
random facts:
- dorians gift others face masks or any piece of their dancing outfit to show that they love them, platonically or romantically
- dorians are more likely to have dancing stims that are uncontrollable. it’s very acceptable to them but to other sonancians it might be odd unfortunately
- they do not eat meat!
3) phrygians of phrygia are the percussion-based type of sonancians! the membranophone type of phrygians especially are within the top 3 strongest sonancians. i don't have their culture down yet, but just know that they have a lot of pride in themselves for their strength, bravery, and stubbornness. they live in hotter climates, like deserts, and HATE being in cold ones. they also like spicy foods!
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rocky (left) is a membranophone type phrygian and kodus (right) is an idiophone type phrygian. both are cousins btw. fun fact, rocky, despite being fire-themed, does NOT like some spicy foods, and prefers salty/savory ones. they only eat extremely spicy stuff when they're stressed out though
random facts:
- some phrygians break their horns intentionally and wrap them with colored bandages. they are seen as delinquents
- they wear piercings and tattoos for competitions they've won in sports, groups they are apart of, and close ones they’ve lost
- idiophones have these long tails that are similar to rattlesnakes. it usually rattles in different speeds and rhythms depending on how they feel. rocky used to have this but i've changed it since they're not an idiophone
- membranophones shed their skin like lizards
4) lydians are string-based and are known to be the tallest type of sonancians- and also the most gentle. lydians are primarily known for their fast growing hair; they also use said hair as strings for their instruments. in modern times, some lydians use serums meant to stop hair growth because of how tedious it is to take care of long hair
random facts:
- has whiskers, like cats
- lives in the forest, inside trees
- some lydians have wings! they're kinda like bugs
- lydians do not have fingers, but they can still do stuff like strumming instruments. i don't know how to explain this logic
- can have multiple eyes and arms
- does not have ears or noses
- known for their fantastic agriculture and rare, tasty delicacies
- like dorians, they do not eat meat. their diet consists of mostly fruit, but they also have vegetables too
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soun (left) is half lydian (guitar type lydian but without the tall height lol). octavia (right) is a cello type lydian- one of the tallest type of lydian- and is 8’8
5) this one is personally one of my favorites. aeolians are woodwind sonancians that mostly live on the clouds of aeolys, but some can live in colder climates, too. they have thick wool, like sheep, to keep themselves warm. because of this, they do not want to be in hotter climates.
you're probably wondering- charee, if aeolians live on clouds, how do they travel from the ground to their homes if they don't have wings? well, aeolians can fly using their horns, made out of special “windwood”. they can also control the weather with those horns as well. think of it as like unicorns- but they don't make things appear or any magical stuff. there are fairytales and myths surrounding the theory of their horns being able to make magic happen though!
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fantayza’s some type of aeolian. i think an ocarina, or a panflute
random facts:
aeolians have fluffy eyelashes
in aeolys, time passes by faster
their eyes and horn glow depending on their mood
6.) this is also one of my favorites and probably the type of sonancian i would be if i were one
locrians are the brass type of sonancians, where their horns and nails are made out of brass and they make honking sounds. they are in the top 3 strongest sonancians from mining a lot, and are pretty stubborn, like phrygians. they are also known to craft things out of gems, stones, crystals etc, as locri is rich in those types of materials. cool thing about them is they live underground, and their home looks medieval themed
their bodies are very flexible. they can extend, twist and turn, and stretch themselves out, inspired by how tubas and stuff look. it almost feels like they don't have bones at all
ionians have a good relationship with locrians for their materials!
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this is an outdated design; gio is some type of locrian. i have no clue yet but i'm thinking bugle horn right now
7.) last but not least, mixolydians! mixolydians are electronic based, and are the newest subspecies of sonancian. most sonancians call them “sudden beings from the future” because of how futuristic their region is. mixolyde is full of technology and uniquely creative products. it attracts a lot of sonancians not native to mixolyde to come here, which is unfortunately causing saturation due to overtourism
mixolydians are powered by energy; they're constantly around light and don't necessarily sleep unless there isn't enough light. they're kinda like moths with lights. mixolydians cannot touch water, and produce tears and saliva because it can cause excruciating pain for them. if you're a mix of a mixolydian, the pain is minimal… but you do get hungry easily
speaking of appetite- mixolydians cannot eat regular food. they only eat digital foods converted from energy, so like photosynthesis. as far as the overtourism is concerned, that's the only big “issue” that drives people away. and to be honest, that's great news because… they need to stay away 🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️
random facts:
when they cry, they glitch
they can change colors on command. usually used to indicate moods or for camouflaging
their voices are naturally autotuned
their tails have stingers, and it can go from minimal pain to LOTS of pain, depending on their mood. don't anger them
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Z (pictured above) is a full mixolydian, and soun is half. as i mentioned before, soun gets the guitar part from lydians, so the other half of him is a sampler. overall, he's electric guitar themed! Z is just synthesizer themed
i hope that explains what i have so far! if you have any other questions about sonancians (or my ocs in general), just ask me :] i might not have the right answers or can't share too much info but i'll answer regardless hehe
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