#I'm glad to truly be posting and stuff again like the good ole days
hgaymes6 · 2 years
Happy V-Day!
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Or happy "50% Off Chocolate" Eve to those that celebrate that instead!
This may not be my only personal Valentine's post, but I did want to share Lil Guy giving a Lil Love today.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Just One Kiss
Chapter Five
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: Once upon a Memphis time, you and Elvis were very close friends who turned lovers. After he went into the Army, you both drifted apart, leaving you heartbroken. Time passes, and you go on a Vegas business trip with your long-term boyfriend, Edward, and find out that your old lover is performing at The International Hotel. Old feelings surface once again, and you plan on making this a trip neither of you will soon forget.
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: Alcohol abuse. Cussing.
Author's Notes: First and foremost, I want to apologize for the last chapter. Somehow, the story posted during my writing and editing of the chapter. The response was great, though. Friends, you all are too kind. Thank you so much. It was a great birthday eve gift. It warms my heart, truly. If you like this chapter, like, comment, and repost!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
You and Pat spent the next few minutes catching up and talking about the good ole days as you both sat by the pool.
"Y/N, where did you go? Never told us goodbye or anything. You missed out on a lot. You missed our wedding." Pat wondered.
You look away at the water. You hear the words of the past echo through your head.
"I love you, Y/N. Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Baby, you the best. I love you so much."
You bite your lip and hold back those forbidden tears.
"I... *clears throat* I went to spend time with my Aunt Lily." You smile at her.
"Spend time? Dear, we haven't seen you in nine years. Is your aunt in Tennessee?" Pat says.
"No. No, she isn't. But I can't tell you because if I need to go back." You tell her.
"Y/N, it sounds like you ran away from something. What happened?" Pat persisted.
You take a deep breath and let her know enough about the situation.
"Well, Pat. You see, I was in love with... this guy. I thought he was a good guy. He wasn't, and I needed to leave Memphis."
"Did he hurt you? Who was he?" Pat ask. You hear worry in her voice.
"I can't. Just know. I was safer out of Memphis. Away from... him."
Pat takes your hand and holds it.
"Y/N, I'm just glad you're okay. We all worried about you. I remember Elvis..."
"Elvis, what?" You cut her off.
"Elvis seemed a mess when we didn't hear from you. You vanished. We heard later that you moved away, but we didn't know where. Then it got to the point that you weren't to do discussed around Elvis. It was like you deserted him or something."
Oh? You think. He was fucking Anita and I'm the deserter. What a joke.
"I... I apologize for leaving the way I did, but with the guy plus the situation, it was time for a change. It was the best thing." You say.
"I'm glad you're okay." Pat said, giving you another hug.
"Well, I'm glad yo bring old friends together to bond." Laura interrupts.
Like she really did something spectacular. You were beginning to loathe her. Was she really that dunce? What the hell did Elvis see in this child? Yes, she has a model body. Her face is radiant, and she sounds educated with her mouth shut. Plus, you can't stop thinking about what she said about Elvis' money last night. How superficial she is. You don't joke about that stuff unless you mean it.
"Patty, may I borrow Y/N for a spell?" Laura asked.
"Sure." Pat answered.
You both give one another the knowing look. It's a look the ladies gave one another way back when you were officially in the inner circle. The look said that you were on the same page of a situation and others were not allowed. Laura may be Elvis' girlfriend for now, but how long would that last?
Laura steals you away from Pat, and you two begin to chat.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you made it. It's good to make more friends and bond and to catch up with old friends." Laura says.
"I completely agree. Thank you for inviting me."
"Y/N, would you like to come and have dinner with Elvis and me?" Laura asked eagerly.
"Laura, I..."
"Oh, please bring your boyfriend. Edwin, right?" She interrupts you.
"It's Edward." You correct her.
"Edward, right. Bring him with you. Elvis and I would love to meet him. Oh!" She grabs hands together with the excitement of a child. She widens eyes with the hope that you'll agree to her plans. "Owe, we can double date! Please, say you'll come have dinner with us."
You take a deep breath and place a small smile on your face. "How can anyone deny such a precious little one."
"You'll come?"
"And you'll bring Edward?"
She grabs you into a hug and shifts you from side to side.
"We're gonna have so much fun tonight. You'll see." Laura speaks with good intentions and hopes of the evening to come.
"I can hardly wait." You say.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
You get yourself ready for the dinner show. Finishing the final touches on your face, you conjure up a story to get Eddie to come to the dinner show for your meal.
Eddie comes into the room excited from the events of the day.
"Y/N, what an exciting day I've had. I feel like I'm getting through to the partners, and this deal is going through. It will go through and be finalized by the end of the week. I know it." Eddie brims and bubbles with enthusiasm.
He turns and looks at you. A smile dons your faces. You're glad he's a great mood, which means he'll most likely agree to this last-minute dinner.
"Oh, Y/N, baby, forgive me." Eddie says, walking over to embrace you. "I should have come in and kissed my girl first, then tell her how my day went. I'm just excited. But how was brunch with your friends?"
"It was fun and informative." You say.
"Informative? How so?"
"Laura gave me some insight on the dinner show tonight. Telling me about the whose who and who will be there."
"Okay. Who's going to be there?"
"We're going to the dinner show tonight with my friends, Eddie."
"Okay. Well, let me get ready, and we can go."
"You're not disappointed, Eddie?" You asked him sincerely.
"No, baby. I still get to spend time with you."
He kisses your forehead before retreating into the bathroom. Your heart swoons at his words. His kindness. You're going to tell him you love him tonight. You don't care if Elvis is sitting there in front of you or not.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
You arrive downstairs just in time for the dinner show, arm in arm with Eddie.
"Hey Joe. Are we allowed in, or do you need to get one of the boys again?" You ask sarcasm, filling your voice.
"No, Ms. Y/N. That won't be necessary. Come on in." Joe said, moving the velvet rope to allow you both in.
Joe escorts you and Eddie to booth that's front and center and seats you.
"Ms. Y/N, they'll be here shortly. Is there anything you need in the meantime?" Joe asks.
"No, Mr. Joe. Thank you, though."
You hear a commotion, and you turn your heads toward the main door. You hear people cheering and shouting with excitement.
"Seems we won't have to wait long at all." You state.
"Who is that?" Eddie asks.
After a few moments, Elvis and Laura appear in front of you. Laura brims with excitement that her plans are at fruition. Elvis is looking as fine as ever. Black suit that's tailor-made to fit his manly physique completed with black boots. You and Eddie stand as Elvis and Laura approach you.
"Eddie, this is Elvis Presley and his girlfriend, Laura." You introduce him.
Eddie and Elvis shake hands, and he kisses Laura's hand before you all sit down. Still in shock, Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulders and whispers,
"I can't believe you know Elvis Presley."
"Eddie, calm yourself. It's not a big deal." You whisper back.
"Should we order drinks?" Elvis says.
"Yes, darling. Top shelf, please." Laura insists.
"Only the best, baby." Elvis says.
You raise your eyebrow. Who the hell is he trying to impress? Maybe Eddie, but not you. Never you. He doesn't have to impress his girlfriend. They've been together for far too long. Or maybe he's trying to show off his millions because you have Eddie next to you.
Elvis and you make eye contact across the table. You hold Eddie's hand, and he kisses your cheek. Elvis winces at you and places his arm around Laura's shoulders.
"Y/N, what would you like?" Elvis asks you.
"Water is fine." You comment.
Everyone at the table laughs.
"Baby, it's a party. Let loose." Eddie says.
"I partied hard last night. I don't think I should participate in alcoholic beverages this evening, but help yourself to whatever you like." You say.
Elvis flags down a waitress and orders for the table.
"Hi, sweetheart. Could you please send a bottle of your best champagne for the table and a glass of water with lemon?" Elvis asks.
"Absolutely, Mr. Presley. Coming right up, sir." The young waitress said.
As she walked away, Elvis struck up a conversation for the table.
"Eddie, what do you do for a living?" Elvis asks.
"I'm a finance accountant. This business trip with the main business partners will get me the promotion I've been working for. At least, I hope it will." Eddie says, downplaying himself in front of Elvis.
"Eddie, you're brilliant." You say, squeezing his hand for reassurance.
"I'm good, but from what I hear, Elvis is brilliant. I have one of your early studio albums from RCA. I believe it's somewhere at my house in California." Eddie says.
"Thank you." Elvis says, nodding his head.
The next moment, the best champagne in the house is brought to your table along with your glass of water with lemon.
"Eddie, you should come see him perform. He's incredible." Laura says, bragging in Elvis.
"And how do you know Y/N?" Eddie asks.
"Oh, Y/N and I go way back. To Memphis. A mutual friend of ours brought her to my house, and we connected over an album."
You glance away for a moment. Remembering the moment you met. Your next thought is that the water will not satisfy you as much as alcohol when Elvis starts his foolishness.
You take a sip from your water and try not to roll your eyes. How can Elvis be annoying and charming all at once?
"That's so sweet." Laura chimes in. "What album was it?"
"It was my first record with RCA. Y/N, darlin', whatever happened to that record I signed for you?" Elvis wondered.
In your mind: I broke the damn thing and threw the pieces in the trash. Cause that's where our relationship was. Now. It's rotting in the Memphis landfill!
What you say out out loud: "I'm sure it's still in Memphis."
"Memphis. Home." Elvis speaks of Memphis reminiscently. "Yeah. Y/N was there one day and just vanished the next. Where did you go, baby?" Elvis asks.
You see what Elvis is doing, and it angers you. He got his child bride to set this dinner up to see you again and to interrogate you about the past. You think quickly. Aunt Lily told you never to attack in anger physically or vocally.
"I was lost, and I needed to find myself." You submit.
"So, where did you go?" Laura noses in.
"No place in particular." You say, moving your finger around the lip of your glass. "Don't you like a mystery?"
"My love, you are quite the enigma." Eddie says, kissing your temple. "All I could tell you is that I met the beauty in California, and she changed my world."
"How romantic." Laura says, snuggling into Elvis.
"When are we eating? I'm starving." You say, looking for the waitress. "A girl can't live on water alone."
Elvis flags down your table waitress, and you all order your dinner. You order the cream of chicken grilled breast with the steamed broccoli, and Laura orders the steamed vegetables. Elvis and Eddie, being the manly men they are, order steaks with potatoes.
Despite the company of Elvis and Laura, dinner was delicious and, dare you say, fun. It was nice to be out with Eddie and some company.
You always stayed in. There's no need to go out. You had some wild times after you left Memphis. You stayed out late drinking and partying. You made so-called friends that you caroused with around Jacksonville. You had friends who were boys that showed you an extra great time, but they didn't compare to Eddie. Plus, a far cry away from the gentleman you believed Elvis to be.
If Eddie played his cards right, night would be the night you'd express your love for him.
"Dinner was delicious." Laura expressed.
"It was decent. Quite decent. Thank you for dinner." You say.
"It was so good, I hate to leave." Eddie says.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"I have to go, Y/N."
Eddie rises from the table and extends his hand to Elvis.
"It was nice to meet you, Elvis. I'll catch one of your shows while you're in town. And Laura." Eddie kisses her hand, and you see a tint of blush coat her cheeks. "You are a precious gem. It was a pleasure to meet you. Both of you. Thanks for dinner. We must do it again."
Eddie walks away from the table without a word to you. You walk away to talk to Eddie.
"Excuse me, Elvis. Laura. Eddie, wait!" You chase after him against your better judgment.
"Eddie, why are you leaving? You promised this night to me." You ask.
"Work, Y/N."
"Work. I swear. You haven't been able to be with me for a full day in weeks. Why bring me here if there's only work and no play?"
"Do you not understand how big this is for me?! This business trip is the big time. The big leagues! If the partners love me, this can lead to a promotion. This can set me up for life."
You give him a laugh at his statement.
"I thought it was about us? I thought you were worried about me caring about you, but it's the partners you want to love you the most. You said a proposal. I don't see that happening."
"Y/N, I..."
"Have to go. I know. I'll see you later. We'd hate to keep the partners waiting." You interrupt him. You cross your arms and turn away from him.
"Bye, Edward."
He wouldn't fight with you now. When you used his full name, he knew you were angry and done with the topic at hand. No more Eddie. Edward meant business.
He kisses your cheek and walks away. You would cry if you could, but you refuse to cry over any man.
"I need a drink." You say, making your way to the bar.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Fifteen minutes later.
You feel the alcohol take affect after the third glass, but you don't care a bit. You want to dance and sing.
"Oh, is it hot in here, or is it just me?" You ask.
You stumble away from the bar. You giggle and sway to the rhythm of the music. That feels great. Almost as good as Elvis'... no! No! That's not what you want. You despise that him, but Elvis isn't the one who has you angry. You're pissed off at Eddie. He wants to get married and can't spend one full night with you. How dare he bring you on this trip and make you empty promises.
You stagger towards the stage, and you feel a hand grab your shoulder.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You look over and notice it's Pat and Red.
"Patty, dear!" You slur, and you're vocally loud. You wrap your hands around her, placing her into a tight hug. "Patty, Patty, Patty! And Red! You big hunk!"
You kiss Red on the lips. Not passionately, but enough to get his attention.
"Y/N, you're drunk." Red says, wiping the lipstick off his mouth.
"I recent that! I'm not! I had three!" You hold up all five fingers on your right hand. "No. No. That not right. Is it? Aren't you hot in here, Patty, dear?" You ask.
Pat shakes her head. "Y/N, dear, you're drunk. You need to go back upstairs." She tells you, trying to guide you out the showroom.
"No, I want 'nother drink. I have to tell you something, Patty." You get close. "Red is a good guy. Keep him, kay? Don't let any bitch named Nita around him. Break your heart. I'm going dancing!"
You snatch away from Pat and head towards the stage, swaying a bit. You swipe a drink from another table and gulp it down. You place empty glass on a random table, then hop onto the stage and start to jiggle to the beat.
You find the microphone and say,
"Play Mame for me, boys."
The band knows the exact song you speak of and starts up the beat. You shimmy and sway to the rhythm and begin to sing.
When they had the earthquake in San Francisco back in nineteen six
They said that Mother Nature was back to her old tricks
That was the story that went around, but here's the real low down
Put the Blame on Mame, boys. Put the blame on Mame
One night, she started to shim and shake
That brought on the Frisco quake
So, put. The. Blame. ON MAME!
The crowd is in an uproar of applause. You're a little taken aback, but in your drunken state, you take a bow.
"Are you hot in here, or is it just me?" You speak into the mic, fanning yourself with your hand.
The audience combusts in laughter.
"Sincerely, y'all. I've been dying to get out this dress and haven't found a way yet."
Your strap is hanging off your shoulder. You pull it down further and expose your bra. The men in the crowd shout and whistle at you.
"Any sexy men here good with zippers?" You shout.
"Oh, baby! I can help you!" A random young guy shouts out and runs towards the stage. You gesture for him to come closer with your finger.
"Fuck off, kid. If you know what's good for you." Elvis says, grabbing the young man's arm.
The young man puts his hands up in defense and backs away slowly from you.
"Look who's here to ruin my party. Mr. Rock N Roll himself!" There goes your buzz.
"Get off the stage." Elvis says sternly.
"Fuck off, E."
Elvis takes you off the stage, and you fight him.
"Elvis, get your damn hands off!"
"Calm down! Are ya crazy?" He asks.
"Put me down or so help me god, I'll scream!" You threaten.
You fight him all the way out of the showroom. He doesn't put you down until you're in the elevator heading up to the second floor.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Acting like a stripper and shit?! Like you lost your damn sense?"
"Fuck you, Elvis!" You yell at him, you raise your hand to slap him. He grabs your wrist and holds it. "Let go of me!"
The elevator doors open, and you run off with Elvis following behind. You realize it's not your floor where you share your room with Eddie, and the only way back is to the elevator. Through Elvis.
Elvis has his key to room 202 and opens the door. He grabs you, and you struggle against him.
"Get your fucking hands off me, Elvis! Don't touch me!" You yell, not caring if you make a scene.
He forces you in the room and locks the door behind you. You struggle against one another. You fight to get to the door. To get away from Elvis. Elvis has both of your wrists gripped tight. You use all your might to free yourself from his hold.
"I don't care how mad you are with me! We're talking!"
"I HATE YOU, ELVIS! I HATE YOU!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
"No. You can't. I won't let you hate me! You're not allowed to hate me!" Elvis says, pushing you on the bed.
"I hate you. I hate you."
"Calm down, Y/N. I'm not letting go until you do!"
Tears wail in your eyes as he lays on top of you to calm you down. You scream, holler, and kick, but Elvis has you restrained. Stuck between him and the mattress with no where to go. No where to run, and you have to face the fact that you've been running away from him for a while. Nine years' worth of running.
You can't help but let all your pent-up anger and pain come out. You cry. For the first time in a long time you cry.
"Elvis, please let me go." You cry to him. A bit calmer than before.
"No, we're talking. We gotta talk, baby."
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @c-rosenn @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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bohemiansweede · 5 years
The Caregiver
The Caregiver
Pairing Roger Taylor Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
Thank You
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- Oh Thank you so much Y/N, Mrs Lewis is my last one for the day but I really have to...
- It's ok Linda, I cover up for you, honestly.. It is ok.
I was so nice to everyone that I often forgot about myself, tonight it was my turn to cook on the chelter and before that my laundry really had to get organised... And the dishes, omg... Well it seamed that I had to do that one another night..
- You are such a rock Y/N.. How can I ever thank you? Mrs Lewis is a sweet old lady, you just have to be there on time and shop after her list, otherwise no problem.. Oh.. Right.. Almost forgot.. The bus.. Make sure you time it in.. It runs just once in an hour
- Ok, got it.. Have a nice dinner now.. Don't think about me, I smiled little sarcastic and headed out towards the bus stop
Jeez.. Well... I had nothing against helping people, the opposite frankly, I loved it, but it was a loooong time since I gaved myself some me time... And by that I should probably mention that it was about time that I had a good lay too..
With a cringy noise and a sigh, the bus stopped right by my feet
I asked the driver just in case where the closest stop was to the grocery store
The list was not that long but she was very specific what she wanted, down to the exact pound of cheese the special sausage at the butcher, her favourite olive oil, etc etc
I went in at butchers first and took it of the list, next was the post-office, I sighed.. There were tons of people inside and I just needed a few stamps for the letters. Just the thought of the fucking bus me freaked out.. Perhaps I should take the groceries first..
I went out again, it was a good choise to take my coat because it was cold today, but I still wore the shorter skirt from the lunch with Linda and that I regretted now
I grabbed a basket in the store and started to fill it.. The note was slightly wrinkled and it was little hard to see.. Usually I didn't have any problems with my eyes but..
- Ohh.. I.. ohh.. sorry..
I fell forward on my knees and almost grabbed a strangers legs
- Are you alright miss?
He reached out his hand
I looked up and saw straight up in a pair of gentle blue eyes
- Typical me... Ms Clumpsy..
I picked up the list from the floor which now also was dirty and wet
- Shopping for Mrs Lewis?
Guess she was well known
I brushed my knees of and took the basket which he had picked up from the floor
- Thank you, ehh.. yes.. Yes I am
- You better not be late then
He smiled and winked at me
I just stood and stared after him like my feets were glued to the floor, he was the most attractive man that I ever seen, maybe in his late 40's, the hair had just begun to turn grey and he had wrinkles around his eyes when he... Fuck.. The bus...
I sped up and went from isle to isle and grabbed my things.. There.. Just the olive oil then..
Of course on the top shelf
- Hello again.. Let me get that one for you dear
- Ohh.. H.. Hi..
My heart skipped a beat
He was soooo handsome and.. Yes... Hot.. Could I say a man in my dad's age was hot?
- We have to stop meeting like this.. I'm Roger
I took his warm strong hand in mine, wonder if he was married.. kids
- Y/N
When the olive oil was in the basket I went to the cashier, I had pretty good time.. Until I froze...
- Shit...
I grabbed the stuff and ran out, the post office was still occupied with people and the bus would leave in 10...
- Fuck...
The little kind old lady would turn into a witch.. A monster or maybe worse...
A car pulled in next to me, and when the window went down I saw him...
- Looks like you need a ride love.., did you miss the bus?
How happy I was to see this man right yet again
He asked if I was new at this job, and I explained that it was not even my job, he said he was sure of that Mrs Lewis was going to be satisfied with me anyway and I didn't have to worry
- I wait in the car while you go in to her
- But.. The bus stop is...
- No, I don't want to hear it... I am right here ok?
I don't think Linda or anyone had delivered groceries that fast before, I even managed to borrow her phone to cancel the chelter dinner... I had totally different things in mind
- Y/N.. I.. I was wondering if you wanted a cup of coffee?
- Coffee?
I didn't want to laugh but he sounded so cute and little nervous
- Yeah.. I.. Well.. There is not much coffeeshops around here and and.. Ehh.. Well.. Damn... Thing is.. I can literally be your dad.. but..
I silenced him with my finger on his lips, he swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath
Then I could not hold it anymore, he was like gasoline on my body that had cached fire, I crashed my lips onto his and at once he opened his mouth and met my tongue, I moaned in his mouth and his fingers tangeled in my hair
- Ro.. Roger.. Let's go... home
- Mmmmm... I would love to.. But... You have let go of my shift gear hunnie...
We both laughed, the situation was kinda weird brutal.. comic.. sexy
His lips was still burning on mine, I couldn't stop looking at him now and then during the drive
He did a slight left turn up on a gravel road and I saw a huge mansion
- You live.. He.. here?
- Yea.. I do.. Every other week I am alone..
There was my answer, divorced.. kids
He stopped the car right outside the door and gaved my knee a gentle squeeze
- You don't change your mind dear?
- No... Not a chance...
He grabbed his bags and went straight the kitchen
I was totally amazed by the fireplace and how beautiful everything was.. Really tastefully decorated..
I suddenly felt his strong arms around me..
He kissed my hair and my neck and his warm breath made my skin prickle with tiny dots
- You are so beautiful hunnie.. so young.. Almost untouched..
- I am n..
- Ssscchhh... I want to discover you... It is MY first time with you..
He took my hand and I followed him upstairs into the bedroom
We stod across eachother and my heart was beating so hard that he must have heard it
He cupped my face with his big hands and kissed me, the kiss was more passionate yet hungry
I tried to unbutton his shirt but I just fumbled, he noticed what I was doing so he took over
- Let me take care of you now darling... It is your turn to relax
He did not know how right he had
As he enjoyed every moment, he took his time undressing me and exploring my body, he was so different, he was a gentleman he was older.. he knew what he was doing..
Every inch of me was covered by tiny tiny kisses and nibbles
- Roger.. I whimpered.. please..
- I know I know.. Soon...
I could not hold it anymore and he knew it, he kissed the sensitive skin above my breasts while he cupped them, I felt how hard he was towards my leg and he groaned a little when he finally circled my nipple with his tongue
- Ahhhh God ... Ohhh ..
It felt like electricity in my whole body, I grabbed his head and even if it felt so good what he was doing I needed more, I pushed his head down.. further down.. to my dripping core
He looked up at me and gaved me a mischievous smirk
That totally changed everything
He grabbed a pillow from next to me and tucked it under my butt, then he grabbed my thighs and pushed my legs wide apart
He took his palms under my ass so I opened up more for him, this man was an oral expert.. Shit... He sloppy kissed my pussy and dragged his flattened tounge up and down along my folds, I arched my back and tried to grab the sheets but he pinned me down
He then circled my clit so fast that my eyes rolled back in my head he sucked it in his mouth almost nibbled on it
- Ahhh shit Rog Fuck... Ahhhh damnit..
He continued to lick with a rapid pace and it was not long until my walls started to collapse
- Shit Omg I... Iam... Ahhhh Gooood... Ahhhh
I squirted on his tounge and he was quick to drink the full amount of me
- Mmm... You taste delicious mmm...
- Omg.. It was... Do you want me to...
- No... I said I wanted to take care of you...
He smirked and kissed his all the way up to my lips again..
- Now.. I didn't exactly plan this.. Are you...
He frowned a bit
- Yes, I am safe, I am on the pill..
- Glad you said that... Cause cannot fuckin wait any longer
I felt how his erected cock trailed near my entrance, after the tip was inside me it just took a few seconds for me to adjust to his size
- Omg hunnie, you feel so fuckin amazing.. Shit..
His head fell back and his pace increased, his hips snapped and I bucked my body up to meet his
- Ohhh Roger... Fuck.. Ahhh... Harder... Harder... Ohhh...
He took a grip on the bed frame and the other one he teared apart the sheets, sweat was dripping from his forehead down on my neck
I felt that he was close and I was not far behind myself
With almost pornographic sounds we came undone together, he emptied himself deep inside of me and my final contractions maked sure there was nothing left
- Ohh God.. You were amazing.. Truly amazing...
- Roger... Wow.. I... I have no words...
- Not so bad for an ol...
I smacked his upper arm
- Don't say it...
We laid tangled together for a bit, I could sense that he was thinking of something
- Are you sure you don't know who I am love?
I froze a little, what have I missed
- Should I... I mean... I am not from here...
He chuckled a little..
- Well... I don’t know if I should be honoured or nervous.. It was long time ago since nobody didn't know who I was
I was even more confused
Well... He was in late 40s.. Maybe he had put on some weight?... Hair.. Was it the hair? The glasses?
- I am hungry love, do you want something to eat?
- Sure.. OK...
He kissed me softly and he gaved me a bathrobe that I could borrow
I took a glimpse in the mirror.. I looked totally fucked, and I was.. but I happy too.. There could absolutely be something with this guy whoever he was.. Politics? No..
And kids? Fine.. As long as it is ok with the ex...
I bounced downstairs and heard him hum on something for himself in the kitchen
On the way there I passed a big wall... A wall full of gold disc's platinum records...
WOW... Really...
I palmed my forehead and did an eyeroll.. I had totally missed out that it was him
In the corner of my eye I saw that he was watching me and he walked in my direction
- I... I'm sorry... I didn't tell you
- And I'm sorry I didn't recognise you...
- Sssscchhh... You know what.. Mrs Lewis doesn't know either..
He kissed me softly
- So.. are you staying?
- I am not leaving.. Well.. Maybe just for posting a letter
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Enjoy more reading in my
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