#I'm gonna go nuts writing for kaveh now
tearsofcalamity · 4 months
hi hi its wriofucker69 again taking a break from the wrio fucking to say a few things! first, oh my god thank you so much for explaining the fuckin bachelors thing to me I'd had that question for so long. you see in my country a 4 year (bachelors) education is the minimum so i just didn't understand!! also lots of ppl like to dunk on business majors but I've taken like a couple economics/marketing classes myself and. jesus fucking christ. respect honestly i almost dropped out.
if you're wondering im in communications + cultural studies, it's a bit of a mix and match kinda department. I've got a short story assignment for one class and a fuckin video essay for another one. nothing here makes sense
btw i updated hsr so i just. have to Actually get around to it now. hopefully soon!!
btw your recent kaveh.... delicious, thank you for the food. smth about that pretty boy makes me wanna be soo so gentle to him yet teasing at the same time. overstimulating him by fucking him while mouthing at his wings then wiping his tears away all soft & gentle and telling him what a good boy he is and how pretty he looks...... AHH!
glad to hear my explanation kinda helped!! yeah we don't have mandatory bachelor's here, I guess high school would be the closest we have to mandatory 4-year "upper" education but it's a lot different from our university system :,) thank you for the faith in us business/econ majors LOL it's true that some of the courses and concepts seem a bit basic (the biggest one I see referenced is profit = revenue - costs which like Yeah Obviously but that's like the first concept in your first intro to business class LOL) but a lot of people don't get that it can be a total hassle omfg
AND OMG... I CANT IMAGINE BEING IN COMMUNICATIONS PROPS TO YOU!!! I took a few communications classes for general ed and I was having a very difficult time so omfg good on you, cultural studies sounds super fun though!! I wish you luck with all your assignments ;w;
YIPPEEEEE FOR HSR!!! boothill isn't out yet (it's currently robin, an intergalactic singer + topaz/numby rerun!) but I definitely recommend getting him... he'll be great for a returning player I think! of course there's also another good character rerunning with him so do whatever you fancy :3 they're pretty generous with returning players!
THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE ON THE KAVEH STUFF AS WELL!! I fear he is deeply underrated by the fandom... as a kaveh enjoyer who isn't really into hkvh/kvthm (no disrespect though!! I'm just personally not big into the ships :,) I am afraid I very seldom get content of Just Him so I write him whenever I can
I soooo get it when you say wanting to be gentle yet also teasing, like... I wanna be kinda mean to him and fuck him until he's crying and overstimulated and begging but also at the same time he's my sweet angel prince who I want to lather with affection and love and gentle kisses and treat him like a delicate precious gem... I don't think I could ever like outright degrade him I'd have to throw in praise too like "my pretty slut" but honestly it's more worth to see how he squirms and moans when you call him a pretty boy or your good boy...!!!!! and you just know he's gorgeous when he cries he's totally a crier during sex!!! aauughjyghghghghfjghghjg I need him so bad oml
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