#I'm hurting for trans xreader stuff tbh
kaeyx · 8 months
i’m not a guy but ik you are so I’m trying to make this ask as gender neutral as possible
pmzai who acts like the stereotypical horny teenage boy, but 10x worse,, in his time in the pm he was not exposed to a lot of female or afab figures in general, so they seem almost like a holy grail to him. to him so much as touching boobs is only a fantasy, until he realized how into him you were. he’s so desperate to feel your body, to touch you, to feel you wrapped around his cock, it’s all he wants. he stares at the ceiling of shipping container as he lays in bed at night, not even jerking off but just thinking about how different and perfect your body is. pmzai is so perverted about it too,, and probably asks really intrusive questions without knowing how bad he sounds. it doesn’t matter if it’s guy, he just wants to touch some tits
-pmzai anon
Honestly I've been rotating this one around in my brain for a WHILE bc just. Yes. (written with a nb/transmasc reader in mind, implying they bind and are on hrt)
First off I would give him my tits after I got top surgery I bet I can convince the surgeon to let me pickle them and take them home.
He doesn't have time for any of that + I don't see as many women in the PM as there should be so yeah, his contact with afab bodies is pretty limited. When he hits teen age his body changes and he starts taking more notice of other people, especially the ones his age. You and Chuuya are prime candidates of course. Chuuya, so lean and lithe, pale and freckled and scarred with hair like fire, who's so effortlessly pretty it's unfair. He's seen Chuuya half naked before, when they swim in the canals or when he gets injured during a mission.
And you, who look... different. The first time Dazai sees you forgo your binder he can't help but stare, until you snap him out of it. It doesn't change anything really, except how he pictures you when he's alone in his container at night. Sometimes when it's especially cold he dreams of you and Chuuya, cuddled up to him and keeping him warm. And he dreams of feeling your soft breasts pressed against his back while you hug him, face pressed against his hair.
He doesn't think about your cock pressing into him anymore, he dreams of your cunt instead. Would it be soft? Tight? Dazai bets it would be divine, but the porn and the trashy romance books haven't helped him at all, he doesn't know what to expect.
And of course asks all sorts of incredibly inappropriate questions. First Mori because of course, and once he has a grasp of all the changes you're going through he goes to you for specifics. Where are you growing hair? Do you have a moustache yet? Is it true you have a dick now? He'd be fascinated by the dick part. Would almost force you to explain it to him and then fantasize about sucking you off, your chubby little cock fitting so perfectly in his mouth.
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