#I'm just giving things that have helped me as an artist and I hope these'll help you too one day
xyl4-4444 · 1 year
Do you have any art advice?
Sorry for the VERY belated reply but..
Yes of course I have some (general) advice, that have helped me as an artist.
Buckle up, because it's going to be a long post.
Start a Sketchbook. If it's your first ever try at dipping your fingers into these, you can turn an average notebook into one to overcome your fear of ruining a 30zł costing sketchbook in the future. If you're afraid of ruining your first page of your sketchbook, then just draw what the year is. Trust me when I say this, this has been my go-to when filling up the first page EVER SINCE I STARTED IT BACK IN 2019. Once you'll have 10+ sketchbooks finished, you can look back at your first and current sketchbook and see how your skills have changed over time.
Sign up to Pinterest and start making boards for thing like: Art inspo, references,etc. I created mine back in mid-2020 and I've gotta say, this has been one of my sources of inspo ever since. Of course, Pinterest is not just an art inspo-exclusive site, as there are things like cooking tutorials, room decor ideas, Hell.. even MEMES are here..
Don't be afraid to try out other blending modes other than Multiply, Add or Overlay. These three aforementioned blending modes are surely neat and all, but there are more blending modes out there (thought the full amount of those depends on the art program you're using, I use FireAlpaca btw). There are such layer modes like: Difference, Hard Light, Darken, Screen, Exclusion, Luminosity to name a few. So go out, experiment with them in your art, mix-and-match then and see what you'll get.
Use references. Look, I know that the "JuSt PrAcTiCe" advice is NOT ENOUGH to help an artist, and I get that (That's why I've listed my first tip as "Go grab a sketchbook"), however there's a little catch... Let's say... you wanna draw something for example... Hands - the most tedious part of the human body that a lot of artists are struggling to draw correctly. You try to draw it on paper.. and suddenly - You've just realized, that the hand you drew, didn't come out as you expected. So what do you do in this situation? Well you go search up 'hand references' of course. You can do that with other things like: backgrounds, computers, skateboards, weird deep-sea animals like Giant Isopods etc... ...or you just want to try out a different art style References are a good tool, if you don't know how some things work in an artistic sense, that's all I'm saying.
Use you art program's features to AN ADVANTAGE. Especially the filters tab. I use FireAlpaca to make art. It's a free art program, so I don't have to pay over 100zł montly, unlike Photoshop or.. Clip Studio Paint. However it doesn't have that many features or filters like Photoshop does, and that's okay. Because despite this, you can make great art with it. Wanna make a picture you've just pasted from the web to have some nice halftones? Well you can covert the layer into an 8-bit one, enable halftones and adjust to your liking. Wanna have some interesting colors in your art? Use Gradiation map or Tone Curve and fuck around. Want your art to have a softer look? Use a 'Soft Light' mode, go to 'Gaussian Blur' and later go to 'Levels' and adjust the to your liking. Wanna make a drawing have a pixel-ish look? you can use the 'Mosaic' filter for that. The list goes on.
Last but not least... Have Fun. Art has no rules. You can make fanarts of your favourite series 24/7, make numerous paintings of landscapes on canvas, draw your OCs, doodle on Ms Paint of all things.. or just scribble things in your sketchbook. In the end you're making art, and what matters the most is that you're having fun with it. So go out while you're drawing (as long as you're not harming anybody)
Yeah, that's all
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