#I'm just passionate Abt height difference ok
7ndipity · 5 months
hey !! i ♡ ur writing, its helping me get away from reality and the hard times it has brought last year 2023, so im hoping that both for u and me and whoever is reading this that 2024 is gonna be a good year, full of joy, blessings, and health, im also hoping for the boys, even tho they'll spend most of the year in the military, that this is gonna be a great year ...♡ idk if the shipping game is still going, but id like to join, if its possible haha....im kind of late but i was afraid at first (im very shy) then i remembered that i can use the anon option!
also u asked which member we'd ship u with, so i'd personally say yoongi! ik u write a lot of fics on him, so maybe its that, but also you seem like a very nice, calm and understanding person, also a very like "warm"? person and i think thats just the type of person yoongi would enjoy being with :) or with jimin too!
well abt me ..for the shipping game.
Im a 00 liner, she/her, im from a slavic country, i have long hair with bangs, dark blonde, brown eyes and some freckles, petite (?) like very short.. omg it seems like a school presentation im sorry, also, im an atheist/agnostic but im very open to religions and spirituality and i personally love talking about such matters, i love having deep talks also, i love reading and rewatching the same few film or animes (like evangelion im obsessed). i talk abt this things over and over.
also, im an introvert and im very insecure both abt my looks and the way i act, but i always try to be sincere abt my feelings even tho its hard since im kind of a people pleased but i!am!working!on!it!! im an optimist, things have gotten better before and they will get better again. im a calm person but sometimes i have silly moments so its either that i talk it out and like talk talk talk talk or idk i just laugh at everything....also, i really like physical affection BUT i dont like pda...like cute but not in public yk.
omg i wanted to make this short for u...im sorry, if ur not doing the shipping game anymore dont worry i might be late for it ig😭help...
also one last thing, im a yoongi stan because i love the kind of person he is, caring, calm, very mature also emotionally intelligent and is not afraid to show vulnerable parts of himself. Also he is very passionate that admirable and he a cutie yk it already like...also! hobi is my wrecker cause he is the sweetest never fails to make us smile :) ok...i said enough now you know abt me😵😦 anyways.....sorry i hope u have a good day🤍 happy new year again, i really wander how u keep it up with writing and daily life seems like a lot to me u always bless us with new amazing stories and ur very sweet and patient when answering, take care🤍🤍
Ok, first off thank you so much for your sweet message! I'm so glad this blog's been a place of comfort for you, and I definitely second your wish that this year be kind to us all!
I’m about to make you so happy, cause I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi, and also a little bit with Namjoon!
Yoongi and Joon love people that they can have genuine, deep conversations with, so I think they’d really appreciate your openness and sincerity, as well as your optimism. Plus, I think Joon would find you super cute(lowkey think he would be into height differences)
You mentioned a bit about your style in your second message, and I’ve said before that I think Hobi would really love a partner with similar fashion sense/ style to him, so i think he’d really be into your alt/skater style(and as a fellow Aquarius, you two would pair quite well together)! Plus, he and Yoongi have such warm, reassuring personalities, I feel like they would be so comforting for you!
Hope this was okay💜
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millimononym · 2 years
So something u might not know about me is that I'm very passionate about height difference and get unreasonably angry whenever it's drawn incorrectly (even tho I don't draw it correctly either lol). I also regularly look at the galactik football species cuz i think they r very cool and interesting and something i realized is that the shadow natives are apparently 3 METRES TALL. 300CM. DO YOU KNOW HOW TALL THAT IS?? And more importantly…do u know how funny i found it after i realized sinedd is in the same team as them?
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So here we have how the shadows are usually drawn in comparison to humans which isnt correct (according to the wiki Sinedd is 185cm or 6'1 which would make the shadow drawn here around 213cm or 7' which, don't get me wrong,is still really tall,taller than most humans on the planet but it is NOWHERE CLOSE to 3m). Now,i get why they did this,it would probably be hard to draw the actual height difference and maybe they decided it was 3m AFTER they already started drawing them like this
But then i got the idea to compare the actual heights and…omg
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LOOK AT HOW TINY SINEDD IS (also please ignore how crudely i drew him it's just for comparisons sake). He looks like a little kid😭. This is so funny to me. You know those shots during matches where the shadows are staring and walking menacingly towards the camera? Can u imagine how funny that would be with the actual height difference?(if i could edit,i would)
Also look at this from the perspective of the shadows for a moment, you have a new coach and you're looking for a new striker. Suddenly your coach Artegor brings in this little kid sized ball of spite and abandonment issues and goes "yea this is ur new striker,be nice" and you just have to go "yeah ok sure coach :)))" when on the inside you're probably going "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuuuck" cuz this little shit apparently just abandoned his old team and doesn't even know how to use the smog yet
I think it's even funnier from Sinedd's perspective,cuz while sinedd has obviously seen the shadows on tv,i doubt he's met one in person before since he grew up on akillian and no one wants to go to akillian if they didn't grow up there. So he just left his old team on a whim to go with this shady ass man to a new team who he's never met before,goes to their planet and meets them and he has to literally LOOK UP to meet their eyes, which i imagine is kind of intimidating and his new coach Artegor just goes "yea this is ur new team,be nice" and he has to go "yeah ok coach :)))👍" and he is just questioning his life choices on the inside.
Also,to put the shadows' height into perspective, they are 9'10. The tallest human ever was 8'11. The tallest current living man is 8'2 and the tallest living woman is 7'. So yeah the shadows are kinda intimidating,,
Also here's a doodle of Sinedd getting teased about his height because i like to imagine (at least from what we've seen in the series) that he and the shadows became friends (i mean,i imagine you'd have to be friendly if you constantly train and play together with someone)
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EDIT 25.6.2022: I just found this pic,its crusty asf because its old but it displays a more accurate height difference
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ink-splotch · 6 years
hey, i'm seeing hamilton uk in a month and i'm super curious abt how terera's burr is different! could you explain a bit?
Oh goodness! Hm let me see if I can gather my thoughts here. So far, up until London, all the Burrs I've seen have fallen on a spectrum that goes from 1 (I am cool and collected and sleek and prepared and On Purpose and Lying In Wait; this comes naturally to me and until I met goddamn Hamilton I was sure it was the way to success. But he keeps winning so maybe I need to change my game plan??? You want fire, America?? I will BE fire. I will Light The Frickin Sky-- oh shit I fucked up) to 10 (there is a FIRE inside my heart, my ambition and my drive BURNS ME ALIVE, and I keep all that passion shoved and contained and shackled deep down inside my soul except when I'm at the height of the song Wait For It, when the audience gets the first glimpse of Me and it puts them on the thudding edges of their seats, because I think control, patience, grit, and determination is the way to success, even if I have to fight with myself to embody those things. I will wait. I will strive. I will survive everything thrown at me and I Will Win, using this inner, burning core of myself to drive me forward-- but Hamilton is on fire just like me, he doesn't hide any of it, he just goes, and he just Wins. How does that work? It's not fair and I'm angry about it? Well fine let ME finally release all the chains I've bound myself with -- oh shit I fucked up) Most Burrs fall somewhere along that spectrum, 1 to 10, either on fire within and finally letting go at Room Where It Happens, or full of a more icy drive and instead lighting themselves on fire at that moment. But Burr is sleek, controlled, purposeful, powerful, suave, ambitious-- the question generally is whether that is his nature, or an affect he puts on, something calm and controllable and purposeful in a life that's had so much random tragic chaos in it.But Terera? He walked on stage and it was like... Ok so this Burr definitely got stuffed into lockers and had his lunch money stolen at college. Dude, YOU kill a man?Odom Jr's voice is like melted butter, and Terera's has got this whine? Whine isn't quite the right word, he has a great voice, but I'm blanking on the word I want. His voice has Character. He's an anxious, slightly frazzled nerd. His Burr is doing his best, he's fairly content, he's not burning up on the inside with fire or with ice. He doesn't fit on the spectrum. /And it works/. I didn't expect it to. When he said "Theodosia, she's mine," in Wait For It, the audience /laughed/. When Odom does that line you're like DAMN, DUDE, YOU BOLD, but the audience laughed at Terera's anxious, twitchy Burr. But then by the end of the song, he's got you. I went into Wait For It going 'hmmmm um mr. Burr I am not sure how you are going to pull off the second act, you'll need to be like mad, and scary, and stuff? uh, I dunno,' but by the end of the song it was like, 'nope, nvm, I'll wait for it, yes sir, it'll come.'He's got it, okay, it's just a different Burr. He doesn't start from a place of undying ambition and change his methods, the way Odom (and most other Burrs) do. Odom knows what he wants and he Will Get It, and he loses himself because he takes a leaf out of Hamilton's book and dooms them both. It's a fall. Odom's Burr and Hamilton are both tragic heroes. Terera's Burr is a tragedy to, but it's... different. When Burr falls somewhere on the 1-10 where-does-your-chill-live spectrum, he and Hamilton are two opposing poles of the narrative. It's a story of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object, and it's captivating, mythic, breathtaking. Terera's Burr isn't Hamilton's equal and opposite. He's his friend. His story isn't mythic; it's the coming of age story of a kid Hamilton's age or so, who grows into the man who can pull the trigger in one bright instant of poor, bitter choice. He gets corrupted by the narrative, he gets sucked in, and you Feel for him, okay? It's like... when I hit the end of the story, with Terera's Burr, it still felt inescapable that /someone/ was gonna shoot Hamilton. It was always going to come to this. But there was nothing preordained or unchangeable about who-- Burr feels like the wrong kid in the wrong place. It's a different sort of heartbreaking. It makes it a way more human story, sort of? It almost genre shifts, sort of? Like as much as you can when the only change is an actor. It becomes a story about people, normal people, all tossed together in a little country, and all the unkindnesses they wreak upon each other if unchecked. I really like the unstoppable force/immoveable object throughline of Hamilton, and I missed it not being there in London. But damn if I'm not gonna call Terera astonishing and powerful, and the story he helped make there a damn good one. I just didn't realize how transformative a different Burr would be nor how well he would fit into the existing words while making them all ring different. They /laughed/ at "Theodosia, she's mine."I think Room Where it Happens is one of the big turning points-- I mean, for Burr, it IS his turning point. But for the spectrum Burrs it's where they change their METHODS-- decide to let lose their inner fire; or to emulate Hamilton, if their inner drive is all ice and determination or whatever. But Terera's Burr changes his /goal/ there. He realizes what he /wants/ or maybe /that/ he wants. I dunno, it's just different. It rang really different, all of it. But it's GOOD. Oh oh and also, at the beginning of Washington on Your Side, it's great (the Jefferson for this cast is spot on, Jason Pennycooke), Burr starts singing "wouldn't it be nice" etc and Jefferson just does this like offended triple take like-- 'who are you?? Why are you approaching the cool kids table? Why is this four talking to a ten??? Oh but wait I /do/ really want to vent about Alexander tho let's harmonize.' And as you watch, you can see Burr watching Jefferson and Madison carefully, jumping in a word late on lyrics, trying to learn the ropes and Be the Plotter He Wants to See in The World. I dunno, there was just a lot of stuff like that that really rang true and made sense. He was so much a character. He had so much more of an arc. It felt so much more like he was in a coming of age story, and that just really changes the whole feel. Let me know what you think, when you see it!
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