#I'm kinda scared bc we apparently have A FUCK TON in common so
caeslxys · 7 years
tagged by: @emis!! Thank you this was so much fun I love this stuff
tagging: @fullmetal-the-last-alchemist @arohunk anddd anyone else that’d like to do it I guess!
- I don’t have any pictures of myself on here yet but I actually plan on posting some later so I’ll link them then! - OH and I have red hair and brown eyes bc thinking now those pics are black and white so there’s that 

personality: -Ahh I’ve been told I’m bubbly and nice and really really sarcastic so like my sense of humor can make me sound mean but You’d Be Fooled bc actually I am one of those people that Cannot Say No or Be Outwardly Mean To People Ever. -There are very very little ways to make me dislike you in anyway so if I have a problem w u it’s probably justified tbh 

 - drawing and writing!! Hopefully 
- I can both stay up till 6 am and sleep til 8 and be perfectly functioning of go to sleep at 6 pm and not wake up until 2 pm the following day and not know wtf is going on - Hand puns. Living w/o a right hand gives you hand jokes For Days and I am both hated and loved for it 

 - Writing and singing and stuff 
 - NAPS 
- Video games (generally stuff like ffxv or legend of Zelda!!) 

- I haven’t really done anything?? I am a Poor Nugget that has lived in the middle of nowhere for most of my life so not much to do 
- I did however get into an art school!! So I’m having a lot of fun w that! - Speaking of art school, I tried to form an animation club thing last year that worked for the most part if the people weren’t lazy and actually cared :// might try and start it back up bc we had some very good story concepts 

 -I don’t have a lot of irl friends tbh..,but the handful I do have I love w my whole heart–I also did a hit of a social media cleansing three or so years ago so ppl I talked to online back then I don’t talk to anymore so I’m out here trying to form more friendships tbh 
- I am entire salty single Pringle 

my life: 
- I am both somehow never asleep and never awake?? 
 - i have played softball from the tender age of since I was born. (There’s a picture of like 3 month old me holding a baby bat I swear) 
- i haven’t ever had a job both bc i live in Mississippi and there’s Nothing and bc my school days go from 7 to 5 so i have no time 
 - My friends and I try and go out to eat like once a week just to hang bc last year we had basically the same schedule and now none of us see each other in class so we’re trying our hardest 

random shit: 
- I injured my left knee playing softball three years ago but never got it treated so I’m just Suffering - my right arm is Fucked, basically. Bends weird and shit and also is constantly in pain but like it makes for good jokes and stories of overcoming my inability to hold a mass amount of objects at once - I made up my first character and drafted my first story when I was ten and I have been working on that same story and characters since (7 years!!! Going on 8 that’s crazy I love my kids!!) 
 - My fave characters are the ones who were WRITTEN to be these tortured souls like their back stories are awful their family was murdered they ran away they’ve been hated all their life but they take all of that hatred and bigotry and instead love people. Like. They learned from their darkness how to be light. Those are my fave characters
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