#I'm nearly caught up!...but then I'll continue my eps 1-4 rewatch
dribs-and-drabbles ยท 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 8
I had started a re-watch of eps 1-4 - I got half way through ep 1 over breakfast this morning - but I came home tonight to a message from @kayatoasted which implied that I should finish catching up with the eps before I do my re-watch. So, here goes!
Let's see how Non can fuck his life up even more!
I like Tee's shirt, it's not one I've seen before and I want to see it again.
I wonder why we haven't seen any of the repercussions for the tutor because of the leaked video...
Am I supposed to recognise that man who walked out of the Tee's Uncle's place when Khun Keng sat down?
He was not being subtle at all. No wonder they went after him...but running him down is a bit of an extreme reaction to someone just looking a bit shifty in their food stall.
Ok so Khun Keng is dead.
Wow this is really hard to watch. Poor Non. Not only is he second/youngest child but he has to live up to his older brother who's doing well, and Non just keeps fucking up. And both parents should take equal responsibility not just blame the other.
I'm wondering if we're going to be seeing Non without his medication...
'JRPP' posted the video (What if it was Non? What if Non has split personalities? But then how would he have gotten the video from Jin? ๐Ÿค”)
So Tee kind of has a conscience...he's an ass to Non but doesn't want him killed.
Non has snapped, obviously, but I wonder how much of that is to do with him not taking his medication. I'm leaning more towards it being for a mental illness and this is all really exacerbating it. I love unhinged Non though.
It is funny how Jin and tee have reversed roles... And that framing was delicious - Jin trapped in the situation.
Another BANGER of a t-shirt for Non - 'We all get lost sometimes' - that's both metaphorical and physical isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‚
And oooo is that the knife he's putting his that bag?
I loved the contrast between the first episode - when they arrive at the house they sound pleasantly surprised it's not that far/long but now they're moaning about how long it took to get there. PERSPECTIVE.
Oh and that water is going to be spiked, isn't it?
๐Ÿคฃ I'm actually laughing at their very real fear of Non. I can't see how it's going to end but this is brilliant! Yes! they all get to hear how awful Tee is ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
Damn, Fluke, I want to shake him - 'I have no part in this', when his passiveness is actually a choice to allow the bad things to happen to Non, therefore he absolutely does have a hand in it.
I love that Non's dad, who has been accused by Non's mum of caring too much for Non, is in a dark blue shirt showing his support, and Non's mum, who has been accused by Non's dad of not caring enough, is in the cream top.
And Phee is also in a dark blue shirt! And he's still wearing the red bracelet! DELICIOUS! So he still cares about Non...and I think he will be avenging Non in the future.
Love the parallel of making Jin drink the beer and making him drink the alcohol in the first ep. I don't know why Jin sticks with them when he clearly doesn't like them or agree with what they do...and yet he's still there in the future. But also, maybe this is why he's going abroad. To get away from them.
I also love the ambiguity of whether Tee's uncle killed Non or not, and that Tee really wants to know.
Oh is that watch Khun Keng's that Tee's uncle is wearing?
Yay! Phee's still in blue!
Ohhhh what if everything in the future is more about Tee's uncle and Phee's father?! So Phee gets in with that group because of Tee and wanting to help his dad somehow to get Tee's uncle and in the process discovering what happened to Non and avenge him...? That's a long-ass ploy because the future events are at least 2 years after what we're seeing now...
Oh poor Phee. Yes! avenge your pookie!
WHAT. WAS. THAT?! Is that Tan maybe?!
In my ep 1 rewatch, I was wondering about how Phee and Tan got to know the group and wondered if they (Phee and Tan) knew each other before and both transferred together with a purpose in mind...and now after that trailer for ep 9 I'm leaning more towards exactly that. One thing I am a bit confused about though is that the way Non's mum talks implies that she doesn't work but the first time we saw her she had on what looked like a police uniform, no?
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