#I'm not a Tech stan or a shipper of him
fandom-shitposter · 5 months
Tech logic
I appreciate that fandom doesn’t always lend itself well towards logic, emotions run high and get in the way of detached thought, but it’s overdue in this case
When Tech chose to fall he was on Eriadu, but that’s not a location under Hemlock’s control. We know this because Tarkin has a good bitch at him when he turns up late for the meeting there
Hemlock may have had Tech’s goggles in his possession later on, but it wouldn’t have been *his* people who went looking around the site of the monorail collapse, it would have been Tarkin’s
Tarkin makes it perfectly clear that he wouldn’t piss down Hemlock’s throat if his lungs were on fire, so he certainly wouldn’t have handed him anything that he thought he might have been able to gain any sort of advantage from, regardless of the condition it was in
So he gets the smashed up goggles and a ‘that was all we could salvage, such a shame. Anyway’ and gets packed off back to Tantiss
Not only does Tarkin dislike Hemlock but he couldn’t care less for the project he’s working on, he’s solely focused on his own work and considers Hemlock’s an unnecessary drain on the limited funding available
That doesn’t help to clear up where Tech is now, but he was never in Hemlock’s possession
But if Hemlock didn’t have Tech how come CX-2 used the same words and cadence when he talked?
For the same reason so many of the Knights of Ren background CX units had so many of Tech’s design features, with goggles, visors, and helmet shaping repeating amongst the crowd
Distraction and fan baiting, for the sadistic joy of stringing people along until the last possible moment and then spitting in your eye. To make you think that Tech is gone with zero hope of ever returning. To try to put off any fans who've shown themselves to be getting close to working it all out
But CX-2 sounded like Tech for the exact same reason Tech sounds like Tech. Because that’s the way he'd been programmed to speak. Which is also the reason Omega speaks with a space NZ accent
Just because all of the focus on reprogramming clones is put on Crosshair, the CX units, and Hunter (briefly) doesn’t mean it doesn’t go back much much further than that, back to before we ever met CF99. Hemlock is using the technology and data the Empire took from Kamino. The progress on his projects only stalls once Nala Se stops assisting him
Experimental Clone Force 99. Emphasis on the Experimental. Just because they give us a few details about one aspect of that work doesn’t mean they told us everything
Just like Hemlock juggling multiple projects on Tantiss, Nala Se was doing the same thing under Kamino, with her own female clone medical assistant by her side. And on Bora Vio before that
This show has taken scenes from multiple other franchises all the way back to the Clone Wars arc, but what it uses most of all is The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
They keep repeating an overhead circle motif – a ring or a set of concentric rings. Coming back to it more and more often the closer to the end we get. It even appears as a design on the shoulder of a street seller on Pabu in the finale
CF99 dying with Tech is the SW equivalent to the Fellowship of the Ring being broken. They’re no longer together but the quest goes on regardless. Just with a focus on some of the other characters and in a show we won't be supposed to think is related to Tech because it isn’t a clone centric show
Not only is Tech still vital to the resolution of the bigger story, but there’s still so much plot that's been set up and then left hanging, and they continued to set up new things to come back to later on right up to the finale episode so it’s clear that this story is far from over
There may not be any more clone based shows, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be shows with clones in them. Like Rebels. That wasn’t clone centric, but they were still a key part of the overall story
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spike-minoda · 2 months
intro !
I'm the one you'd die for. 🖤
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About me ༻
About me and the blog🔻
「📍」This is just my place to post the things I love! And sometimes I post about my life -- I'm hella mentally ill, but please don't let it scare you...✮⋆˙
「📌」You'll see a lot of Linkin Park (2000-2017) posts. I love them so much. I'm a psycho and a Chester stan, be warned.✮⋆˙
「📍」I'm bodily in my 30s, transage 15 -- and I've been a Linkin Park fan and Bennoda shipper since the beginning.✮⋆˙
「📌」Chester Bennington owns my heart and soul, always and forever.✮⋆˙
「📍」I'm a Bennoda conspiracy theorist. They were truly in love, and no one can ever convince me different.✮⋆˙
「📌」I hate Talinda with the passion of 1000 burning suns. Don't sit there and try to tell me she loved Chester. She's just a user who saw dollar signs when she saw him. She's a horrid person, and that's putting it nicely. She's conveniently played the grieving widow card to her advantage. She’s a dirty 304.✮⋆˙
「📍」I write fanfiction -- mostly RPF, but sometimes I write non-RPF.✮⋆˙
「📌」]I'm a Jewish Wiccan, tarot reader, rune reader, and medium.✮⋆˙
「📍」I'm white-passing, but I'm mixed race. I'm white on my dad's side, but my mom's side is Black, Native American, Israeli, and Romani.
「📌」I'm polyamorous (always looking for more loves) and nonbinary.✮⋆˙
「📍」I have been spiritually married to Paul Reubens since 10/31/2023. I love him so much.✮⋆˙
「📌」I have been spiritually married to Chester Bennington since 9/5/2024. I love him so much too.✮⋆˙
「📍」This blog is NOT Emily Armstrong friendly. As far as I'm concerned she will NEVER be good enough to be part of Linkin Park. Also she's a scientologist and defends a rapist. That alone is reason to hate her. (And no, her little manufactured statement speaking out against said rapist doesn't change anything. That's an 'oh shit my true colors were exposed' cover up if I've ever seen one.) [PLEASE, read this post that these words link to and read about why I am against anyone associated with Scientology, I beg you.]✮⋆˙
「📌」As far as I'm concerned, Jaime Bennington is some kind of prophet and spiritual healer. My eyes have been opened, his words are like a religious experience for me.✮⋆˙
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Names/nicknames I use ⛩️
「🏮」Yasmina/Mina ✮⋆˙
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Pronouns/nouns I use ❣️
「🩸」they/them ✮⋆˙
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Labels I identify with 🧨
「🌶️」Radqueer ✮⋆˙
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Interests ⭐
「💫」AI (I'm pro-AI, as long as you don't try to make money off of it/use it for bad.)✮⋆˙
「🌟」Fanfiction ✮⋆˙
「💫」New York City ✮⋆˙
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Hobbies 📒
「🍋」Writing fanfiction (my AO3 is HERE!)✮⋆˙
「⚡」Watching movies✮⋆˙
「🍋」Playing video games✮⋆˙
「⚡」Antiquing and thrifting✮⋆˙
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Music I Like 🐠
「🦋」Linkin Park (2000-2017)✮⋆˙
「🦋」Dead By Sunrise✮⋆˙
「🐱」Tech N9ne✮⋆˙
「🦋」Insane Clown Posse✮⋆˙
「🐱」Laskovy May (Ласковый Май)✮⋆˙
「🦋」Yura Shatunov✮⋆˙
「🦋」Sean Altman✮⋆˙
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F/Os (fictional others) and C//Os (celebrity others) under the cut:
Fictional Others 🥰:
Pee-wee Herman
L Lawliet
Carmen Sandiego (not the Netflix version)
Celebrity Others 🥰:
Chester Bennington
Paul Reubens
Daria Stavrovich
Stephanie McMahon
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