#I'm not adding links bc this took ages already and I have things to do but like if anyone wants them
Pick a song for every letter of your URL then tag that many people
Tagged by @couchie
Because I hate myself I have decided to make this more difficult by not only picking 27 songs that I actually listen to regularly, but also choosing songs by 27 different artists and discounting any song title beginning with "the".
Unfortunately I don't think I actually have 27 mutuals to tag but like if anyone following me also wants to have a go you absolutely can <3
@the-furies @gooopy @michaelmilligan @jesuschristassbutt @chiefyteethies @mochatheangelkiller @callalilycas @ratabethchase @lord-angelfish @1967-impala @emotionalsupportknife @awesomediscoclub @naturallyahoe @sygneth @cryptiduni @roboticutie @demon-sneeze @tuometarr @posingasme @theworldsforgottenboy
M - Mis-shapes, Pulp
A - Aaj, Bloodywood
N - Neurodivergent, Rabbit Junk
S - Summertime Suicide, Murderdolls
P - Pink Whitney, Scene Queen
L - Lucretia my Reflection, Sisters of Mercy
A - Absence of Normalcy, YandereChainsawRegurgitationFactory
I - I’ve Seen Footage, Death Grips
N - Northwest Passage, The Dreadnoughts
M - Malfunction, Steam Powered Giraffe
A - Arsenic on the Rocks, Aesthetic Perfection
N - Narcotic Induced Hypo-Thermia, The Dark Prison Massacre
I - If I Speak, Frank the Baptist
P - Philosophy of the World, The Shaggs
U - Unbalanced Brutal Love, Dehumanising Itatrain Worship
L - Living After Midnight, Judas Priest
A - Alle en Asche, Mephisto Waltz
T - To Beat the Devil, Kris Kristofferson
E - Exterminate Annihilate Destroy, Rotersand
M - Master of Illusion, Battle Beast
A - Almost Human, Aurelio Voltaire
L - Love is Like, KMFDM
E - Enter Sandman, Metallica
W - Wolves in the Walls, ANNISOKAY
I - Izumino, Fucked
F - Feed the Machine, Zeal & Ardor
E - Empty streets, Plastique Noir
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Hi love, I'm the anon with the professor harry look-alike story
Sorry I took so long to answer. I forgot I had such a serious crush, so when I tried writing this the first time, a bunch of memories came back, and I started to ramble into details I shouldn't, so I stopped. That's why I eventually forgot, but I'm back and over the melodrama to give what you asked but with much more detail than I meant to lol. I hope you don't hate that it's a long post. Sorry again!
It's okay. It was/is legal, and we matched over a year later, so I wasn't his student anymore. idk if this is crossing anyone's mind rn, but I feel the need to clarify that I didn't search for him. The dating app doesnt even provide a search option; it was a bizarre coincidence.
We didn't go out. I was too chicken, and I'm glad it worked out how it did tbh. No regrets. I'm pretty inexperienced, even though I'm in my early 20s, and usually prefer older men.
I just told him it was unexpected and amusing but that he should decline and he said well that sends a mixed message and without much time in between, he did as I said. I'm not sure if he even remembered me but I guess it doesn't matter.
Won't share age but he's a little older than Harry even though he looks like he could still be in college. He looks more like adam brody when adam was on the OC show - it's the second post down (also a beautiful and sexy man), but I definitely caught glimpses of Harry, which made me do against my will double-takes at times. That one picture I sent with the parallel was an good example of when he looks more like Harry.
Oh he's also the same height as Louis and has the same small frame.
He's fan fiction worthy alright.
He started a band after high school, still writes music, and plays guitar. He used his motorcycle to get to work, wore leather jackets, dark pants, boots, and thin sweaters, which he mostly rolled the sleeves up halfway. He'd also wear those patterned button-ups that weren't so buttoned-up that we'd see a certain lhh wear.
let's just say he knew he looked good and knows how to dress
He spoke charismatically, has a Ph.D., and taught and still teaches(?) political science.
Suddenly human rights and politics are not just essential and intriguing but as sexy as that romanticized show Scandal lol
Many people had great things to say about him: he was fair, charismatic, and passionate, which is all true. Although in my mind, maybe as I'm too subjective, his passion boarded on a know-it-all kind of energy that was flustering to keep up with. Other than that, no complaints. He is a humanitarian, and those types melt my heart so it makes up for the know-it-all flustered thing. There were a few suggestive moments, but none of those actually matter. He was professional, behaved in a no-frills way during class, and would sadly only laugh sometimes. When he smiled/laughed, he looked exactly like 3:28
Oh shoot, I almost forgot the takeaway like what I learned because I got some life lessons out of this emotional ride. Suggestions if you ever are in this position: If you can, then don't have a class with a hot professor, not if you are so young/naive and idealistic like I was, it's totally not worth it. I mean, there are attractive people you don't think twice about, and then there are those who are your type. Learn to love yourself/be your own person before diving into the deep end and going wild card. At the same time, a little part of me still says, live your life, but trust your gut over me. I maintained a B but don't fool yourself. Not only is it distracting, so I had to teach myself the material after class, but the urge to be inappropriate is too strong lmao. I would say a quick thank you as I did with all my professors, but I always meant something more when I said that to him. Also, eyes don't lie! Larries of all people would know. So I had to do what Louis and Harry did: not interact or look at him much. I managed to fake boredom at times. Instead of nose scrunches or creepy lip-biting, just stay looking away.
you did not just link me to this moment. you didn't
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and yes, adam brody in the oc is very similar to him in that photo you sent me!!! good-looking. to but it simply. i had the hugest crush on him when i watched this show back in middle school so yeah
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oh, what a story. thank you, kind anon, for coming back and telling us the entire thing!!
it's definitely tricky being in that kind of situation, and he does sound like someone who could sweep you off your feet, especially as a student. the lessons you added are key to remember, bc it truly isn't worth getting into sticky business for anyone - let alone a smooth smart guy in his position.
i'm very glad it ended well for you! and i hope you find or have already found an alternative that makes you extremely happy <3
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lovelovex · 3 years
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so........... we're doing it i guess?
basically everyone knows what this is about but i'm still saying it. whatever
somewhere around 2018 my friends started asking me to sing them smth in a voice message before they'd go to bed, sort of like a lullaby, but eventually i started doing that for diff reasons.
somewhere around 2019 we decided to make a project out of it but it lived for ages in the drafts folder and even longer in my head, rent free.
bc this is both the easiest and the hardest thing we've ever done – easy for me bc this project required zero time in the recording booth, hard for my creative team bc extracting the voice messages without ruining the already horrible quality is not fun. hard for me to overcome my fear of scrutiny, to stop being so protective of the side of me only a tiny circle of ppl usu see, easy for those ppl to give me the time and space to get around it.
i should get to the details already but just a moment of gratitude:
S, from the bottom of my heart – fuck you for putting ideas in my head that keep me up all night. i love you to bits and pieces and none of this would've happened (even i wouldn't have happened) without your galaxy brain.
D, the person who's always been on my side, the one and only, the sweetest lullabies were all yours honestly love that for you.
E, look at you doing smth besides getting my friends knocked up!!! thank you for managing the whole thing and handling me at my worst, you're a hero and i love you.
N, everything i feel for you is so hard to describe w words, this is why i'm always singing the cheesiest love songs to you on a daily basis. love is not even the word but you already know that.
O, you were the first (and only) person from outside of the circle who listened to every lullaby, that's bc i trust you to be honest w me. look how wonderful you are wow i'm v lucky.
now to every person who will be following this project: this is not what you're probably expecting. this is not me singing after weeks of practice and a proper warmup, this is just me. w tired vocal chords, hoarse voice, no breath control, not even the right key!!! i personally hate how every lullaby sounds but i've made my peace w that bc this is just me. this is how the ppl who love me the most hear my voice most of the time and they love it, so i should probably too (also they think its healthy for me to sing horribly from time to time yk, put down the crown for a sec)
now to the details: we literally do not have any schedule in mind. sorry but we tried to think of diff scenarios on how i'd want to share it and the only thing i know is that i don't want to release the whole compilation at once (also bc we're still adding some) so this is how we'll go – i'll be posting them one by one, not in any particular order but the lullabies are numbered. there will be some alterations to this most probably so this is just for now.
apart from the lullabies, we'll be posting some extras that just didn't make the cut, some of them were lullabies, some of them were recorded by my friends and they wanted to add them too and i don't know how to say no to these ppl.
now to the v important details: i know i won't have any control over this bc none of you have tumblrs and i won't be able to block everyone interacting w the posts but please don't share the links w anyone, don't reblog or repost them, if you see them here that means you're special :) and everyone else is not.
i'd like to keep this as private as possible, all things considered.
! we are not making any profit from this project ! this is a noncommercial thing so feel free to download/save to your own drive if you want to (again, for your own listening)
the songs are not mine, the voice is mine, the covers are the pictures i took, the background noise courtesy of our wonderful nature and the damn cars (and my damn friends).
ok bye for now ♡
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