#I'm not putting Mario's normal tag lol
veo-queenofcards · 3 months
This one goes out to my fellow mario the music box enjoyers. Specifically my c3 ending enjoyers.
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I don't expect this to do well, I just wanted to show love to the maybe 10 people who know this game exists
Comic dialog under the cut:
R (internal): I love him. I LOVE him.
R(internal): How did this happen? I have not felt this way since... since Elizabeth! What if I lose him like her? He's all I have left! I can't handle that grief again! I CAN'T!
M: Riba?
M: You're not looking so great... are you feeling well?
R: Fine.. I'm fine.
M: Riba you're crying! You're NOT fine!
M: look Riba-
M: as your friend, I worry about you. If something's bothering you, I can help you!
M: But I can't help if I don't know what's wrong! Please! Tell me what's made you upset!
R(internal): How are you so kind?
R: Listen mario, it's nothing too serious, but it's a bit private and maybe I'll tell you one day, but simply...
R: I just had a realization. That's all.
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icarianarts · 1 year
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More about me under the cut! ;P
Icarian • he/they/she (no preference) • transsexual • 21 y/o
I'm a Graphic Design Major ^_^
A running joke about me is a lot of my points of interest reflect that of a cishet boy but I promise I am normal about everything I get into. I may talk about some things more than others because I get embarrassed with what I like easily, but here's a general list!
General Movies + TV Shows
• Seinfeld
• The Birdcage
• The Yellow Submarine
• The Muppets
• The Shrek series (Unironically, whenever I talk about Shrek it is never for the meme, but for my love of the movies and characters.)
Various Adam Sandler movies + things that are so bad they're good, if that makes any sense. I love regularly watching tacky things that were poorly produced and/or written. Pretty much anything I can commentate on easily with my friends and complain about lightly LOL
Anime + Manga
• Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Parts 1 + 3 + 6 are usually my areas of focus, but I have read all of it up to 9, which I've yet to really dive into.)
• Dragon Ball (Childhood interest of mine, I haven't watched the series regularly or have drawn fanart regularly since I was 14 or so. Hilariously, I still find myself to this day getting into conversations surrounding it so I might as well include it!)
• Berserk (I LOVE PUCK ^_^)
• Devilman (Obligatory post-Berserk catch up read so I could see the elements Miura was inspired by.)
Video Games
• Pretty much most Nintendo games, I have a baseline knowledge of everything under that company's label. (Focus on Pokémon + Mario + Kid Icarus + etc. it'll be glaringly obvious what my favorites are just by checking my old smash bros ultimate tags...)
• Mega Man Classic
• Second Life + VR Chat (If you ever consider wanting to play any of these games, feel free to shoot me an ask or DM if you'd like an insider's explanation on what the scene is like on them! I can go into great detail the amount of stories I have accumulated from my excursions, all the good and the bad LMAO)
• Genshin Impact (I do not engage with the fanbase, and find a lot of the fans genuinely exhausting to be around. While it is no worse than The Legend of Zelda with its issues, the fans remarkably make it so much more agonizing to talk about.)
• Ball Gay 3
• I love the Abrahamic Faiths and sometimes post about my experiences struggling in queer spaces predominantly ran by culturally christian white atheists who choose to say all organized faith is inherently bad and perpetuate the "queer vs. religion" issue.
• I went to a Japanese immersion school from the ages 5 through 11 and have been casually keeping up with the language since!
• I love classic country and folk rock. When I say I like country, I specifically mean the genre and general scene behind country that predates the 9/11 shift in music. I also (embarrassingly) know a shit ton of Beatles trivia. John Denver is my favorite music artist.
...and much more I am probably forgetting to list out! I am critical of all my interests, so please do not be presumptuous. Ultimately, I consider a lot of "Fandom DNI" things to be hypocritical and performative in the sense that it eliminates any nuance.
Simply put, I will just block you if you are someone who refuses to have any critical thinking skills...that being said, given how tumblrinas seem to be incapable of figuring out what that means, here is a brief rundown of what I that tends to encapsulate. LMAOOOOOO
No stupid discourse No creeps No "it's just fictional!" No whatever I deem to be genuinely sickening I know "DNI" pages are performative and areas for people to flaunt their basic morality but lately I have had to block so many people I feel as though I need to put a typical warning up so. You Know. Gestures Vaguely. For Genshin Fans specifically coming to my blog know I do not put up with any ship remotely creepy. I see a good portion of the "short" character model characters as children, and genuinely cannot "unsee" it. This is not something to argue in my asks about. Just leave me alone, I do not participate in the fandom for a reason.
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minopauro · 7 months
"people u want to know better" tag
i was tagged by @pulpa-de-gorila, gracias chikiss, hora de doxearme muejejeje
1: Three Ships
There's a lot of fictional/canon ships that i like, but the ones i remember at the moment would be:
Raine x Eda from owl house
Aziraphale x Crowley from good omens
Luigi x Bowser from the mario bros franchise
I really like the dynamics they have in general, mostly because im a sucker for the "old, rancid(?) and in love" type of ships, which is something i personally don't see that often in the media.
2: First Ever Ship
The very first one i can remember was fear and anger from inside out (pls don't judge me 😭) , i don't even know where i saw the appeal between those 2, i guess it was thanks to the fanart from 2015 tumblr
3: Last Song
I like to have the phantom of the opera 2011 musical on the background while i do homework, which is mostly all the time lol
4: Last Film
Paprika! Saw it with a friend for the first time and i did not understand a single thing, still had fun watching it though, i'm a big fan of the animation and compositions from Satoshi Kon's movies
5: Currently Reading
I'm not someone who reads that often, but since i recently got the physical books of treasure island and pride and prejudice, i've been checking a few pages of those! i had a fear of not understanding them but they are pretty enjoyable so far :)
6: Currently Watching
Still in the first episode of Pluto, i've already read some of the manga, the fact that all their episodes are about an hour long amazes me for anime on netflix
Also Invincible s2! had a great start, can't wait for the next episodes to come
7: Currently Consuming
tuna with crackets, i normally put mayonnaise but i forgot to buy some for this week :'p
8: Currently Craving
i haven't had carnitas from my hometown for months.. december come sooner please ajsjsaj
i don't think i have many active mutuals >.>, so i'll tag @monstatron @lucifers-horror-harem and @sorrowful--owl, we haven't talked in a long while so feel free to ignore ofc! hope you're doing great :)
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lollybliz · 2 years
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I posted 10,204 times in 2022
80 posts created (1%)
10,124 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,047 of my posts in 2022
#laugh rule - 123 posts
#tears of the kingdom - 108 posts
#lemony scented - 72 posts
#bliz spams - 50 posts
#bliz rambles - 50 posts
#lu spoilers - 18 posts
#asks - 18 posts
#linked universe - 16 posts
#genshin 2.7 stream spoilers - 14 posts
#xiaother - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#and this pig just ✨️✨️✨️coincidentally✨️✨️✨️wanders around in the middle of the afternoon on schooldays in the teen and juv sections
My Top Posts in 2022:
Screaming and ripping and tearing and crying and howling and shredding and scratching and barking and
I get it. I do. And the loss of any safe piracy hosts is always to be grieved because that's access being denied to countless people who never would have had access otherwise. But book piracy specifically is The Only Piracy That Actually Hurts Someone. Please just uSE YOUR LOCAL FUCKING LIBRARY JESUS CHRIST. we're RIGHT HERE. we're FREE. and we don't MAKE THE PUBLISHERS SO MAD THEY CANCEL CONTRACTS WITH THE AUTHORS LEAVING THEM WITH ZERO INCOME. when you pirate books, various publishing companies have ways of keeping an eye on the ratio between purchased and pirated copies of a specific book in question. A lot of the time, if that number goes too high, instead of I don't know ~cracking down on piracy sites~ or ~putting the books on sale~ they blame the author and cut the contract. Meaning the author stops getting paid entirely. And that's the BETTER outcome. That ✨️clever tiktok trick✨️ for renting reading and returning books on amazon? Oho my friend someone still pays for that book! Guess who! THATS RIGHT THE AUTHOR.
I g e t the need for free books. Everything is expensive right now and $20 for a book that will take you a day to read feels obscene. Go to your local library. Don't gimme that 'but they don't have the book I want' shit--have you Asked? Because beloved guess what? When we genuinely don't have a book you want to read we reach out to sister branches in the area until we find a copy for you! It's called an interlibrary loan and it's completely normal! Sometimes there's a shipping fee if it had to come across state borders. Did you know you can also suggest books we add to our catalogue? And I remind you getting a library card is free. And we have half dozen online resources that are also made free by your having a library card. You Do need a piece of mail with 'your' address on it but besties. Y'all. Do you think we have the kind of time to check if you're giving us Your address or your Grandparent's address? No. Just give us the address of some family member in the area, it doesn't really matter much, you can change or update it whenever. Don't tell anyone I suggested that though lol.
On a very selfish level, our counties don't like giving us our yearly budget. The old cis white capitalist men, shockingly, don't seem to like the beacon of socialism that is public libraries. A lot of the time the excuse they use to literally just not pay us is 'the youth of today don't use libraries anymore, they're more interested in *insert 'them video games' schpiel*'
If you came to the library they wouldn't have that excuse anymore. We're not the cardigan wearing shushers in the movies I swear. We've got Mario kart wii in our teen room.
I'm sorry you lost your book piracy website, genuinely I am. You should have been using the library all along though. Pirating books Does hurt the author. And libraries nowadays have massive digital catalogues so even if you aren't physically close to one there is enormous f r e e benefit to getting a library card. Please god go to your local library
29 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Liking a mutual's vaguely concerning personal post is like I see you I hear you i am bringing you a cup of tea and a weighted blanket I am holding you i am holding you i am holding you
39 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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If I had to see this so do you
102 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
No you don't understand your honor I love him
137 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry not sorry for the person im going to be for the next year
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See the full post
313 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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