#I'm not sold on this pink cider
wherefore-whinnies · 2 years
Do you have any favorite non caffeinated teas? I recently found out (oops) that most green teas do still have caffeine and I am trying to find something else to drink in the evenings
yes! there are a lot of caffeine-free teas that I like to drink in the evenings!
one of my favourites is davidstea's forever nuts! it smells amazing, like apple pie! and it turns a fun pink colour if you add milk. I like it both with milk and without!
another one I like is birthday cake by davidstea which they don't carry at the moment I guess. but it has a nice maple-y flavour. it's a rooibos!
I also like just peachy (davidstea again) which tastes a bit like a peach candy when you add sugar! this is one of their more popular teas that gets sold in supermarkets here so you don't have to order it from their store, but I'm not sure if it's the same in the US (if you are even from there). oh yeah it's the same for forever nuts btw, you might be able to find it in a supermarket if you're in the US.
and it's not a tea but I also like apple cider that I just make from those powdered mixes at the supermarket where you add boiling water. I think they have a lot of sugar in them though because they feel very sweet against my teeth sometimes.
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theluckyr · 2 years
New Routine
What day to day looks like now that there's (y/n) in HQ
Will take you to Chinatown. It's a must, no question asked and it's her treat.
Whether it’s for just a casual walk or eating out at one of k-bbq places, she wouldn't mind at all.
After she done training, immediately she ran to you.
"Did you see what I did there?"
"Yep, that was amazing
Always makes sure to put her knives and firearms away when talking to you. Because she's really afraid that you might get hurt.
Surprise her with a pillow fort and movies after a long day of work, her fatigue would go away.
You're now her assistant. Whenever she needs a pair of hands or second opinion, she always ask you.
She enjoys your presence, because every day she deals with just chaos on top of chaos from sage trying to keep up with Jett who has low Hp, Skye accidentally blind her sight, to Kay/o just being his own self. So whenever you're around she feels calm.
Really likes listening to your ramblings about anything while drinking her cup of coffee.
You can talk for hours about bugs or dinosaurs in her lab and she would reply "Oh, I never knew they would do that. Care to elaborate?"
Because of this, she will give you a replica of your favorite moth or dinosaur's fossil as a present.
Well, this man is quite the character.
Seeing you idling around the HQ, really made him more motivated with his work and not having artblock very often.
To him, your voice was like a sweet melody and he could never get enough of it. So it’s not a surprise for you two to have some late night talks with a glass of wine or sparkling cider (he’ll cater to your preferences, no worries).
Occasionally, he would listen to your conversation so he’ll know what to get for you.
(Y/n) : *sigh heavily* I failed….
Raze : What’s wrong?
Neon : There’s a bakery around the HQ and they’re famous for their fresh pastries. Whenever (Y/n) pays a visit, it already sold out
(Y/n) : Freshly baked croissants dipped in hot coffee would be perfect for this evening. Alright then I’ll set my alarm early tonight. Hope i’ll be there before the store open
KJ : That’s the spirit! I’ll convince brim if we can borrow his jeep tomorrow.
But alas, you woke up late and just right when you’re about to get your jacket, you saw a pink box from the same bakery wrapped in gold ribbon with a note that says “Enjoy.”
If you have something that are bothering you, please just ask for his help. Please 🥺 financially? Emotionally? Get rid of a body? He'll do anything. Just ask, Mon Cheri.
Every bit of physical gesture you made to him, he will savor it every moment. Even as simple as dusting off the sands on his shoulders after his work in Bind or accidentally holding his hand when you handed him something.
I'm obsessed with him, ik it's a problem
This man is the definition of dreamy when you see him in person.
Because of this, you apologized to him for not mastering his lineups very well.
No worries, he understands your struggles. It’s okay <3
Instead of worrying about your past actions, why don't you enjoy the time with him, please?
(Y/n) : hey Sova
Sova : Hm?
(Y/n) : Knock knock
Sova : Who’s there?
(Y/n) : Mike Weaver
Sova : Mike Weaver who?
(Y/n) : Mike Weaver is never full
That cheesy joke really made him burst out laughing. Even everyone in the HQ never heard him laugh so happily like that.
Because of this, he really treasure that moment and if cypher try to recreate it, rest assured he would savor sova’s knuckle sandwich as his tea time snack.
Definitely not a Tsundere, what are you talking about? (¬/////¬)
He always wants to talk with you the same way you talk with others, but his pride wouldn’t let him.
One thing that he loves hates is how you could be very nonchalant towards his actions.
One time, he did the infamous kabedon on you instead of being mesmerized, you pull him for a tight hug.
“You know, you can always ask for a hug. I wouldn’t mind at all :) “ then they walked away
The man dropped on his knees, too stunned to speak and stayed in his room for days to recover from the interactions.
But that doesn’t mean he’s giving his rivals a chance, no way.
Now whenever (y/n) taking a photo, there would be a familiar blue figure with a scowl on his face in the background.
Wouldn't admit that the hug felt really warm and (y/n) smelled really sweet yet very…. addicting.
One of the culprits of taking some of (y/n)'s perfume/cologne into a spray bottle. So whenever he is in a grumpy mood, he'll spray some on his pillow and hug it really tight, pretending that it's you.
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sunaddicted · 2 years
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It's drinking at sunset hours
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nurloxx · 3 years
tunnel of love
summary: mitjan surprises lath'n with an impromptu picnic "date"
a/n: the fact that there's barely any content for these two is an absolute travesty. also i can't title things for SHIT
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Mitjan set down a dish of candied nuts with a satisfied smile. He didn't have daylighter food too often, but on occasion his parents would bring home a morsel or two from the topside markets where they sold their nurloc hides and things of that nature. What was usually hard to come by for most Grottans they got discounted or free every couple of unum.
Lath'n was aware of this, but didn't realize just how much there was to go by. That was what the older Grottan planned to surprise him with. As far as the former knew, he was meeting up with his friend at their usual spot to assist him with something. Little did he know by the time he arrived there would be virtual feast awaiting him.
A surprise picnic for two.
The picnic of course, was only a precursor to the actual surprise Mitjan had in store for his closest and dearest friend. Though he hoped by the day's end, they would be far past that stage.
Lately he had started to view Lath'n in quite a different light. As less of a friend and more of a.... potential lover. The thoughts made his head swirl pleasantly and brought a nice dark flush to his green tinted cheeks. Thra he really hoped everything went smoothly. He didn't know if his poor heart would be able to handle any slip ups.
As he produced a container of flaky Stonewood pastries from his satchel, his ears perked at the sound of underbrush crunching in the distance.
"Mitjan? Are you there?"
Mitjan cursed lightly under his breath. He hadn't expected him to arrive to soon. Then again, Lath'n was always the more punctual of the two so it really shouldn't have come as much of a surprise to him. Nevertheless, he scrambled to his feet and nervously looked down at his spread. Perhaps it was just him being hard on himself, but the presentation could've been tweaked just a bit more.
Oh well, there was no time to dwell on that now.
"I'm over here Lath'n! Actually, could you uhm... close your eyes first?"
A melodic giggle bounced off the cave walls. "Why do I get the feeling I'm being lured into a trap?"
Mitjan rolled his eyes, and he was sure his friend could hear the action in his tone as he responded.
"When have I ever tricked you?"
"Well there's a first time for everything, isn't there?"
He'd be lying if he said he didn't find the cheekiness endearing. It was one of the many things he secretly adored about Lath'n. If all went well, it wouldn't have to be a secret any longer.
"Do you want the surprise or not?" He feigned exasperation, though he found it hard to fight the growing smile on his face.
"A surprise?"
The older Grottan chuckled. "Yes Lath'n. Now close your eyes or else I'll have to send you on your way home and you'll never find out what I had in store."
After a bit more friendly bantering, Lath'n finally stepped out into the light with both hands over his eyes. Mitjan felt his heart rate pick up slightly. There was definitely no turning back now.
"Alright.... you can open them..."
Though Lath'n has never not given him a positive reaction to most things, for some reason he felt this was one he had to brace himself for. So despite his better judgment, he waited with baited breath as the younger Grottan slowly uncovered his eyes.
"Oh... my..."
A hot pink flush immediately flared to life on his cheeks, and Mitjan couldn't help but release a silent sigh of relief. He sat down on the woven blanket he'd laid out beforehand and patted the spot next to him.
"I was hoping you'd like it," He said, motioning towards the bountiful feast before them. "I know you've always been curious about the amount of daylighter food I've got stored away, so I thought I'd use that to my advantage and surprise you with a picnic."
When Lath'n was properly settled, he poured them each a glass of cider and offered him one of the pastries. The outside was a rich golden brown, and there was already a bit of fruity filling escaping from one of the corners.
"These are called peachberry tarts. They're one of my favorites!" Mitjan said as he dug in, catching some peachberry jam on his finger when it missed his mouth completely. It was one of the messier treats included in their picnic, but it was arguably one of the tastiest.
"Need some assistance there, Lath'n?" Mitjan offered, cocking his head to the side in amusement as he watched the younger Grottan struggle to contain the spillage from his own pastry.
"Ehrm, no no! I've got it!"
Not even a second after he said that did a glob of jam splatter all over the front of his tunic.
"Oh dear...."
Mitjan shook his head with a fond titter. "Here, let me get that for you." Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out a few cloth napkins and almost dotingly wiped at the stains. "If you want, I could take this home to wash then return it once it's clean. I'm afraid these napkins can only do so much."
"Are you sure this isn't just an excuse to get me to take my shirt off?"
Now it was Mitjan's turn to fluster.
"Goodness no!" He said a bit too loudly, causing Lath'n to let out a snort.
"Calm down Janni! I was only teasing," he put a hand to his chest, trying to calm his laughter. "You act like I just suggested I strip naked in front of you!"
Mitjan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lath'n my love, one of these-"
He immediately clapped a hand over his mouth, eyes widening to the side of moons. The silence was so thick and suffocating it was a miracle he could still breath. Breathing as though he was sucking air through a clogged straw, but breathing nonetheless.
".... Mitjan?"
A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder, and the older Grottan swore he was about to pass out right then and there.
"Are you.... alright?"
Don't speak, His brain internally scolded him for his slip of the tongue. Don't speak, and perhaps you might have a chance of salvaging this date.
"Janni it's.... it's ok..."
The hand on his shoulder was replaced with one cupping each side of his face, cradling him like he was something precious. Slowly, ever so slowly, Mitjan uncovered his mouth.
Lath'n smiled, and Mitjan nearly choked on his own spit when he leaned in and pecked his lips.
"Yes, it's ok..... my love."
Honest to Thra, Mitjan didn't know how much more of this he could take. This had to be dream. He had passed out, and now his mind was playing cruel tricks on him. There was just no way....
"In case you were wondering," The younger Grottan started, bringing his new lover in for a hug. "Yes, you are still very much awake. If you were passed out, I would've already dumped cider on your face in an attempt to bring you back to me."
Finally letting his guard down, Mitjan buried his face into Lath'ns shoulder and chuckled wearily.
"A waste of good cider if you ask me..."
Lath'n giggled, the sound bouncing around inside his ear like an infectious melody. He felt another kiss being pressed to the crown of his head.
"I love you, Janni. Now then...."
The younger pulled away, and Mitjan almost wanted to whine at the loss of contact. He watched as his lover picked up another peachberry tart and held it out to him.
"I don't suppose you'd like to feed me this next pastry yourself, would you?" He batted his lashes in a flirtatious manner. "We are lovers now after all. Is this not what lovers do?"
Mitjan's shoulders shook in a bout of hearty laughter. How could he ever refuse an offer like that?
"My love, I would be honored."
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