#I'm not starting something over this we all beat the shit out of our scrunklies but... aghh I'm not sure what I mean ignore me
phantastragoria · 7 months
X-Men Red spoilers watch out !!!
I know Ewing obviously has a plan with Richard dying and it'll be great and cool and interesting and crazy and it'll make complete sense when he comes back as whatever entity or role he has in mind. But I need to get a small thought off my chest... This is a similar issue I initially/still partly have with what he did with Quill during his GotG run. In that personally, and this is definitely my mental illness talking I know, I don't like the concept of seemingly killing off a realistically written suicidal character as though it's needed for their arc, regardless of whether it's guaranteed they'll come back. Even if they come back as more than they were as an aspect of something or a godly being.
It's definitely not meant to come off in such a way and it's just comics being comics so it's nothing new or meant to be taken so seriously, but I don't like the thought that no matter what such characters -HAVE- to die before they're able to gain the perspective of wanting to live and getting better... :x
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