#I'm not sure whether Bhaal actually has any interest in sex or if he just wants the children born from it
y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
List of gods who, off the top of my head, are down to fuck mortals for fun (and schemes) if you want a disaster of a relationship and/or aassimar/tiefling grandkids. Some of which require much more work than others to seduce:
Milil, Sharess, Sune, probably Lliira, Beshaba, the entire messy polycule that is the Seldarine, the halfling pantheon (who might also be a polycule for all I know), Mystra, Mielikki, Mask, Bane.
...Looking at Milil's inclusion on that list, I think bards should be allowed to roll to seduce the god of bards at Wither's party.
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