#I'm not used to do these type of drawings so excuse the anatomy lol
yeollbae · 2 years
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Kai fanart
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calebwittebane · 1 year
the use of "everyone can make art" specifically to deny people tools that make it possible for them to make the art they want to make, really gets me man. i think its cuz i am a huge proponent of the sentiment in many ways, i am very invested in the idea, that yeah everyone can make art and everyone can explore it and being Good At Art really shouldnt be about any one designated area such as drawing people. but it feels like in the case of people using it to make an anti-ai "just because you physically cant hold a brush/pencil/pigment/whatever doesnt mean youre allowed to bypass that! look at [disabled painter]!" its all limited to "everyone can make art so long as their method of choice doesnt threaten me and doesnt make me feel like the effort ive put in is No Longer Special And Exclusive". because if someone can use a tool thats accessible to them that wouldnt make them have to suffer, then that makes our own effort and suffering null, right? god. repackaging of "why did i even learn all this anatomy stuff if someone can just paint a square and they put that in the museum?" but with an ableist condescending spin. do you really want everyone to make art if the "everyone" in question should by default be barred from certain types of expression, and certain areas of art should just be Off Limits to anyone whos not willing to suffer and prove their merit in a very arbitrary exclusionary way?
and since people like to include an "i'm X and i do Y, you guys have no excuse" type disclaimer in such statements--i'm a traditional & digital artist whos been doing this for most of my life and managed to get a degree in easel painting (and almost died several times in the process) and who puts a lot of effort and studying into this shit, and who suffers from bouts of complete aphantasia due to brain damage lol which makes creating visual art difficult, but i choose not to use ai as an artistic tool because idk thats just not what i do and i personally dont find using it for art enjoyable or inspiring. so those are my Qualifications before someone unfamiliar with above information is like 'why do you hate Real artists' or 'you just defend ai to make yourself feel better about using it'
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Overcoming an Art Block
Ok maybe you don't sound like that but have you ever felt frustrated because you don't know what to draw. I got you fam.As someone who always know what to write or draw I'm going to give you some tips that helped me and hopefully they will help you. So letssss goooo!!
Social media
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Come on if you ain't looking here then where were you looking? And no Instagram and Facebook aren't the only ones. I'm talking about Pinterest, Art Station, Twitter, should I continue??
Even with the controversial AI you can type in keywords into Chatgpt and they can give you a prompt to draw about, like how cool is that?
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Uh Mcutie excuse me....read? Yes peeps grab a book! Mangas and Comic books are all over even if you don't read them you can browse through them or even just look at the covers and be inspired. Classical literature has some of the most beautiful pieces of writing inside.
Eg:("maybe it'sour imperfections that makes us perfect of each other." Mr Nightly from Emma a Jane Austen Story)
Try searching on Google by typing "classical literature quotes" maybe you can find a quote that resonates with you and who knows ding ding ding, you're inspired!
Watch Films/Cartoons
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Easier said than done I'm I right? What to watch? Come on guyyssss there's tons on of recommendations on Tiktok, #movierecommendations, watch a few of those videos and see if something stood out to you. If you're an anime fan like myself then you will have no problem in this department lol. (Drop some recommendations in the comments below.)
Touch grass
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Bet you never saw that one coming. But real talk go outside whether day or night look at creation and be inspired. Look at the fun clouds, the elegant stars or the loyal moon, there's so much to learn and create from these marvelous wonders of creation. So get up stretch your legs and go outside. It's even good for your health lol.
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Yes you heard me doodle. Sometimes these doodles can turn out into something greater. My teacher taught us this method in school called "skating the page" granted this a warm up activity but sometimes you may find little deisgns in them. Another great warm up is drawing solid drawings this is great especially when you need practice on your form which leads me into another tip.
Draw Your Poses!!!
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Man go study anatomy! It can be fun I promise, just look for fun poses online and find one that interests you there's a ton of them on YouTube and Pinterest.
Make an OC
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This is by far the easiest one there's alot of oc generators out there that can help you out. Maybe that simple game can lead you out of your art block.
That's a Wrap
Now I have more tips but that's enough for you, in the time being try them out see if they work, in fact let me know the comments do you have more tips? Let others know
Ps: I have a Pinterest board that also help with this, I organize boards for artist from beginner to advance check it out and follow so you don't miss an update^^
Stay healthy and Stay Cute🌿
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